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PART 2: Peculiar Aspects in the Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu Case – CCTV Footage

Reports indicate that some details police scooped from Mr Irungu’s phone conversations show that he arranged and picked Monica from the airport and dropped her to her Kilimani Estate house after jetting in from South Sudan.

On the other hand, other reports indicate that she was picked up by a Taxi whose driver has since written a statement on the same.

To settle this matter once and for all, we believe that JKIA have CCTV Cameras placed in all corners and they would be able to show hers and his movements if at all any, in and out of the airport.

No CCTV footage of Mr Irungu picking her up from the airport has been produced. Tollgate ticket records should have shown that he was there or the said vehicle KCA 031E issued a ticket.

There is footage of her when she arrived at the airport and as she exited.

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This footage hasn’t been provided in court. The only thing produced in court is some photos extracted from the footage.

Still on the CCTV issue, it is also very strange that it happens that the Lamuria Gardens Apartment CCTV cameras were not working on that particular day since no footage was presented in court.

Even so, the apartment block is surrounded by guest houses or apartments whose CCTV cameras could capture the happenings of the said night or at least at the entrance on the said night unless they were all coincidentally not working on the said night too.

Nothing of the sort has been presented in court to prove beyond reasonable doubt that in deed Mr Irungu was there. The investigating officer said this in court and I quote “my team did not ask security guards about CCTV footage of events at Monicah’s house because they were only interested in securing the murder scene”…

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Really!! Really!!

According to the defense side, Mr Irungu, is said to have been waiting for Ms Maribe at Road House Grill Restaurant along Dennis Pritt road as it was the norm for him to pick her after reading the 9pm News.


It is said that Ms Maribe asked him to meet him at Club 40Forty instead. M-Pesa statements paid at the said establishment can prove that he was there, CCTV footage from the two places even though this was not presented in court can show what time he was there and the time he left.

Nothing from these places have been presented in court even though the interviewed persons from the said clubs confirmed indeed Mr Irungu was there at the said times.

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