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Murathe Emerges from Hiding, Mocks Kuria, and Threatens to Bring Down Ruto Government

In a scathing attack on the Kenya Kwanza administration, Jubilee Vice Chairman David Murathe has emerged from his post-election lull, making a series of bold claims and threats.
Speaking on Spice FM Thursday morning, Murathe started by mocking Public Service CS Moses Kuria for allegedly ‘leaking’ how President William Ruto rigged the 2022 election.

Murathe, who still cannot come to terms with Ruto’s victory, claimed that Kuria’s revelations, which included the involvement of Western powers, provided him with much-needed clues. He further expressed his dissatisfaction with the Kenya Kwanza Govts’ lack of focus on the rising cost of living during the recently concluded National Dialogue Initiative.


Questioning the government’s economic policies, Murathe pointed out that Ruto and many of his cabinet members were part of the previous administration. He accused them of shifting blame for the current economic woes onto the previous government, despite their direct involvement in its policies.

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In response to Eric Latiff’s query regarding the delayed criticism of the National Dialogue Initiative, Murathe dismissed the notion of malice, stating that leaders like Eugene Wamalwa, who was part of the committee, were only expressing their dissatisfaction after the committee’s conclusion.

Jubilee VC, David Murathe at Spice FM. Photo/Video Screengrab

Addressing the disputed Jubilee party leadership, Murathe maintained that Sabina Chege’s challenge was unfounded. He hinted at Sabina’s continued illegal enjoyment of perks as a minority whip, despite her dewhipping by Jubilee in Parliament. He also accused the Political Parties Tribunal of siding with government interference in party affairs in regards to Jubilee’s leadership woes.


Murathe reiterated his determination to categorically ‘Bring down the Ruto government‘, hinting at civil disobedience as a potential tactic. He blamed Kenya Kwanza’s troubles on its clueless leaders but was fact-checked by Latiff, who pointed out that most of the loans borrowed by Uhuru Kenyatta had not matured yet when he was leaving office, giving him an advantage in avoiding the loan payment deadlines faced by President Ruto and his current government.

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Murathe also raised concerns about the stalled construction of roads, particularly in the Central and the larger Mt Kenya region, insinuating a sinister motive by President Ruto to sideline Central Kenya.

Murathe’s reemergence and combative stance have injected renewed energy into the political landscape, signaling a potential escalation of tensions between the opposition and the government. His claims and threats will undoubtedly draw scrutiny and could have far-reaching consequences for Kenya’s political stability.

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