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Man Filmed Having Sex With An Innocent Woman With A Mental Issue In an Alleged Juju Ritual.

Recently, A disturbing video of a man taken with a hidden video camera was filmed having sex with a mad woman. The video was allegedly taken in Nigeria. Many got confused as to why anyone would do such a despicable act on an innocent woman with a serious mental issue.

It then emerged that having sex with a mad woman is part of an evil ‘juju‘ ritual mainly practices in West Africa, specifically Nigeria for purposes such as making money, breaking free from the juju menace, or even as evil as messing up someone’s life just because of jealousy.

But really, What is this Juju mystery? A  Deep Dive..

In West Africa, Mainly Nigeria, lies a dark and sinister practice that preys on the vulnerable and the marginalized such as the woman with mental issues one seen above. These rituals, steeped in tradition and superstition, have a grip on the society that is both terrifying and deeply ingrained.

At the core of these rituals is a belief system that intertwines magic, coercion, and control. One of the most chilling aspects of Juju rituals is the practice where men are compelled to have sex with mentally ill women as part of a ritual. This act, shrouded in secrecy and fear, is a form of manipulation and exploitation that leaves victims trapped in a web of terror and despair.

The Oath of Fear: A Pact with Darkness

Central to Juju rituals is the use of oaths and ceremonies that instill fear and control over the victims. Through the manipulation of spiritual beliefs and the use of items like blood, hair, and body parts, victims are coerced into submission, believing that any attempt to break the oath will result in dire consequences – from illness to madness or even death.

The victims of Juju rituals are often trapped in a cycle of abuse and fear, unable to break free from the grip of their captors. The pervasive nature of these practices makes it challenging for victims to seek help or escape, as the fear of retribution and the perceived consequences of breaking the oath loom large.

The world of Juju rituals in Nigeria is a dark and disturbing reality that demands attention and action. By shedding light on these practices and raising awareness, we can work towards eradicating this form of exploitation and protecting the vulnerable from falling prey to the shadows of Juju rituals. It is only through education, advocacy, and support that we can break the chains of fear and bring hope to those ensnared in the grip of Juju rituals.

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