
KNCCI Rocked By Dr Erick Ruto’s Lustful Diplomatic Escapades

As reported by Cyprian Nyakundi.

The conspicuous absence of the usually omnipresent KNCCI President Dr. Erick Ruto during President William Ruto’s recent U.S. visit was a glaring red flag.

It turns out he was barred from the trip due to visa challenges.
We know this is a euphemism for being blacklisted over corruption and economic malpractice suspicions. Unable to join the President’s entourage to the U.S., Dr. Erick Ruto did not miss a beat and quickly hopped on the next available flight to Seoul, South Korea for the Africa-Korea Summit.

South Korea is known for its less stringent immigration policies compared to the U.S. which makes the move quite a convenient refuge for crooks with questionable reputations. While Dr. Ruto is abroad cutting deals in the health sector for his personal business interests, the situation back home at the KNCCI is worrying.

County chapters have not received their monthly administrative disbursements for five months. This lapse spells doom for local business support as the man in the hot seat seems more interested in lining his pockets than fulfilling his duties to the Chamber.

Grapevine whispers are rife with tales of Dr. Ruto’s unethical conduct which includes accusations of enlisting multiple women on diplomatic trips to to ostensibly “quench his thirst.” One such companion was recently in the news for allegedly using the name of opposition chief Raila Odinga to defraud a Nigerian investor Ksh 25 million.

The suspect allegedly received money from Nigerian national Jude Olabwayo Veracruz Veracruz to finance the supply of anti-malaria nets to Kemsa. These tales of overindulgence are not only unbecoming but also indicative of a gross misuse of power and resources.

It is reported that Dr. Erick Ruto is bypassing basic business protocols and enlisting inexperienced personnel for high-level negotiations while he engages in questionable activities. The inclusion of rookies in crucial discussions undermines the integrity and efficacy of the KNCCI’s operations.

At this rate confidence in the institution will be eroded to zero. There are also troubling reports of Dr. Erick Ruto engaging in corruption and extortion where he allegedly pocketed funds from a UN grant meant for developing the Chamber’s Strategic Plan.

There have been progress reports from the UN agency but the Chamber has only produced a so-called Quarterly Business Barometer report which is a poor substitute for tangible progress. We can now confirm that the U.S. government’s denial of visas for Dr. Erick Ruto and Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen was not a mere administrative oversight but a definitive and deliberate action.

This decision explicitly reflects grave apprehensions about their compromised reputations and integrity which signalled a strong and unambiguous refusal to grant them entry. As KNCCI crumbles under the weight of these glaring misdeeds, several business sector players have formed a new lobby group dubbed the Chamber Business Sector in Kenya.

This group is dedicated to unpacking previous agreements and opening new business opportunities that KNCCI has neglected. During the recent U.S.-Kenya Business Forum, government officials had to step in to sign agreements on behalf of the Kenyan business sector due to Dr. Erick Ruto’s absence.

The forum was attended by prominent figures like Vice President Kamala Harris and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo who saw nearly $2 billion in deals signed with major corporations like Google and Microsoft.

Such absence of a key representative from KNCCI at such a crucial event is a glaring indictment of the current leadership and a stark reminder of the rot within our institutions.

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