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Kenyan Celeb Star Chebet’s Chilling Initiation Claims Spark Fears of Dark Cult Involvement

Star Chebet, a popular Kenyan celebrity, has sent shockwaves through her fanbase with a series of cryptic and disturbing social media posts. The actress and content creator has been sharing eerie screenshots detailing her alleged involvement in a mysterious initiation ritual in Kericho, Kenya. The posts have left fans and fellow celebrities alike bewildered and concerned for her safety.


In the first screenshot, Chebet claims to have “opened a portal” at the Kimugu River in Kericho, which led to her initiation into something she didn’t expect. She expresses her unease, stating that she didn’t know what was happening until it happened. The post concludes with her stating that she is on her way to Nakuru, but her instincts are warning her that something might go wrong.

Also Read:   Chebet Breaks Silence, Says She's Okay After Cult Initiation Drama

The second screenshot reveals more about Chebet’s experiences. She admits to getting herself into something she can’t reverse and tapping into the wrong realms in her search for peace of mind. She also mentions making new friends who were on a different path and getting involved in things she didn’t expect. Chebet thanks her TikTok friends, including @muyu_the_intuitive_empath, @Doshi, and @cate waumoja, for their support.


The third screenshot shares a story about Chebet’s alleged initiation. She claims that someone wanted her to leave town and go to Kericho to perform some unknown tasks. For months, her mind was clogged, and she was hospitalized. Doctors and her family assumed she was hallucinating, but Chebet believes she tapped into the wrong realms due to an addiction.

Also Read:   Chebet's Descent into Darkness: The Alarming Possibility of Drug-Induced Psychosis and Spirit Possession

These posts have sparked widespread concern about Chebet’s involvement in a dark cult or some form of occult practice. Fans are urging her to seek help and support, while others are calling for her to come clean about her experiences.

As the situation unfolds, fans are left wondering what really happened to Star Chebet and whether she is indeed in danger. The mystery surrounding her initiation claims has captivated the public, and many are eagerly awaiting more information about her ordeal.

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