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Eldoret’s Silent Battle: The Shadowy Gang vs. Voices of Justice

Deep in the heart of Eldoret town, an insidious gang, allegedly under the command of a high-ranking official within the Uasin Gishu county inspectorate department, is sowing chaos and terror, especially among those brave enough to speak out against the county administration.


This shadowy gang, led by a senior officer in Governor Jonathan Bii’s administration, employs a chilling array of tactics, including espionage, intimidation, and even violence, to stifle critics and crush any form of protest.


Their sinister activities were thrust into the spotlight in the aftermath of the ill-fated Finland and Canada education programs, which left countless parents and students stranded and disillusioned.


The gang primarily targets those seeking answers and justice regarding this scandal. Among their victims are a prominent politician, a dedicated human rights advocate, and even a magistrate.


Politician Forced to Flee.

Kipkorir Menjo, a well-known politician who had been vocal about the education debacle, found himself forcibly ejected from a town hall meeting attended by Governor Jonathan Bii and Senator Jackson Mandago.


Menjo was accused of aligning himself with the victims, compelling him to make a hasty retreat for his own safety. Reflecting on the incident, he recalled, “They did not want me at the meeting, accusing me of being critical of the administration. I had to leave because they were agitated and ready to harm me.”


He called upon Governor Bii to address the rogue officers responsible for intimidating and physically abusing traders and members of the public. “This is unprecedented, and it must come to an end. Governor Bii must take action against these rogue officers within the inspectorate department who have been terrorizing traders and the public,” Menjo declared.


Activist Narrowly Escapes Abduction.

Human rights activist Kimutai Kirui, based in Eldoret, disclosed that he had been singled out by the gang and subjected to death threats.


He narrowly escaped an attempted abduction and recounted his encounter with the gang’s leader. “I crossed paths with the gang leader while dealing with issues related to street families after their arrest and transfer to a rescue center. I criticized the handling of these families, and I was warned to back off or face dire consequences,” Kirui explained.


Unyielding, Kirui continued to push for reforms within the county enforcement department, including advocating for officers to wear official uniforms and be accompanied by police during their duties. “But I persisted, calling for a complete overhaul of the county enforcement department, including the requirement for officers to wear official uniforms and be accompanied by police. Then the gang leader and his cohorts began issuing threats against me through social media. When the gang leader threatened to harm a magistrate, we stepped up and demanded his arrest,” he added.


As the education airlift issue took center stage, Kirui found himself squarely in the crosshairs of the county enforcement team, which was dispatched to apprehend him. “After the initial protest, the gang wanted me removed from a town hall meeting attended by Senator Jackson Mandago and Governor Bii. However, parents threatened to walk out. They waited for me and attempted to abduct me, shoving me into a waiting county vehicle. But vigilant members of the public and the press, who filmed the incident, thwarted their efforts led by the senior official in the inspectorate,” he recounted.


Kirui implored the county to cease its profiling and intimidation of parents seeking their rightful entitlements. “The county must put an end to its practices of profiling and intimidating parents who demand what is rightfully theirs. Threats against the media, aimed at obstructing the exposure of wrongdoing, must cease immediately, as media freedom is a fundamental human right. Likewise, threats against civil society organizations should be unequivocally halted,” Kirui asserted.


Governor Pledges Action.

When questioned about the escalating situation, Governor Jonathan Bii pledged to take administrative action against officers implicated in the gang’s activities. He vehemently denied the existence of an organized gang within the county and announced plans to equip enforcement officers with new uniforms for clear identification. “All county askaris will be issued new uniforms for identification purposes, aimed at putting an end to the harassment of traders and the general public,” Governor Bii affirmed.


Nevertheless, as the residents of Eldoret town await concrete actions to address this alarming issue, questions persist about the governor’s ability to rein in the unruly elements within his administration.


While promises of administrative action are made, the victims of the gang’s reign of terror continue to live in fear, with their pursuit of justice remaining frustratingly out of reach.


Governor Bii’s leadership will be judged not solely by his words, but by the swift and effective actions he takes to restore order, ensuring that the county’s residents can express their concerns without the looming threat of this menacing gang.


The citizens of Eldoret deserve more than mere assurances; they deserve the freedom to voice their concerns without fear of retaliation.

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