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Eastleigh Shooting Suspect Dead: Mysterious Circumstances Surrounding ‘Frik’s’ Demise

In a shocking turn of events on the recent Eastleigh shooting incident, the key suspect in the Eastleigh shooting and robbery incident has been reported dead. The suspect, known as “Frik” or Baba Shania, hailed from Huruma Kiamaiko and was linked to the brazen daylight robbery that occurred on March 30.

The incident left Adan Ali Mohamed, the 26-year-old victim, with serious injuries after being shot in the neck during a confrontation with the assailants. The assailants managed to escape with $30,000 (Ksh.3,969,726), representing two days of oil product sales handled by Adan’s employer in the area.

Also Read:   Footage Of Eastleigh’s Shooting That Has Left Man On Bodaboda Robbed Off 3.9m
Eastleigh shooter
Alleged Eastleigh shooter’s body found in morgue, with bullet wounds. Image: Courtesy 

However, the suspect’s identity remains concealed due to the informant’s request for anonymity. The informant revealed that Frik had been boasting about the Eastleigh incident and was in Mombasa on Sunday. The authorities have yet to comment on the suspect’s death, but it is believed that they have recovered some of the stolen money.

Also Read:   Footage Of Eastleigh’s Shooting That Has Left Man On Bodaboda Robbed Off 3.9m

The suspect was reportedly found dead in a mortuary, with one eye missing and his legs burnt. The circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear, and it is unknown whether it is connected to the Eastleigh shooting and robbery.

This development comes after detectives were dispatched to Eastleigh to pursue the gang responsible for the shooting and robbery. The incident has sparked outrage and calls for accountability from the police force, with Human Rights Watch urging the authorities to investigate the killing of two men in Eastleigh in a similar incident.

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