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CS Murkomen’s Alleged Opulent Mansion Under Construction Sparks Controversy.

Nairobi, Kenya – December 15, 2023

A storm has erupted online after alleged photos of Senator Kipchumba Murkomen’s palatial residence under construction were leaked online.


This has sparked a fresh round of accusations of corruption supporting the recent barrage of accusations from Nandi Senator, Samson Cherargei. The opulent mansion, still under construction, boasting sprawling grounds and extravagant finishes, stands in stark contrast to the lived realities of many Kenyans, raising questions about the sudden source of Murkomen’s wealth.


Nandi Senator, Samson Cherargei, known for his fearless oversight, claims to possess evidence of Murkomen allegedly receiving 10% kickbacks on Every project procured or tendered to Chinese contractors. These explosive accusations, if true, paint a picture of systemic graft at the highest levels of government.

Further fueling the fire is a recent photo of Murkomen sporting a watch estimated to be worth a staggering 4 million Kenyan shillings. This ostentatious display of luxury further fuels public outrage, particularly in light of the country’s ongoing economic struggles.

Also Read:   CS Murkomen Scorecard Under Ruto, Achievements, Milestones and Controversies.


Senator Murkomen has yet to publicly address the leaked photos or the corruption allegations. His past attempts to silence Sen. Samson Cherargei through legal means have only intensified public scrutiny.


Calls for Transparency Mount:

The Kenyan public, reeling from the rising cost of living and rampant unemployment, would in no time start demanding for transparency and accountability from their leaders.

Also Read:   Kipchumba Murkomen's New Lavish House Amidst Controversy


Civil society organizations have joined the chorus, urging for independent investigations into the allegations against Murkomen. The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has remained tight-lipped, leaving Kenyans to wonder if justice will be served.


Smartie News will continue to monitor this developing story and provide updates as they become available. We urge our readers to remain informed and demand accountability from those entrusted with the public’s trust.


Disclaimer: The allegations against CS. Murkomen are unproven and remain accusations until a court of law deems otherwise. Smartie News strives to present all sides of a story fairly and encourages readers to form their own opinions based on available evidence.


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