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CS Alice Wahome under Ruto: From Muddy Waters to Landslide Moves.

From Water to Land: A Cabinet Shuffle Brings New Challenges

Alice Wahome, known for her fiery personality and unwavering loyalty to President William Ruto, has had a dynamic first year in office. Initially appointed Cabinet Secretary for Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation in 2022, she was subsequently reshuffled in October 2023 to head the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing, and Urban Development. This unexpected move raised eyebrows, sparking both optimism and concern.


Major Projects: Building a Foundation for the “Big Four Agenda

Wahome’s tenure at Lands has been marked by ambitious projects aligned with Ruto’s “Big Four Agenda” of food security, affordable housing, manufacturing, and universal healthcare. Some highlights include:

Accelerating Land Titling: Digitizing land records and issuing title deeds is a key focus, aimed at increasing land ownership security and facilitating access to credit.

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Revamping Housing Policy: Affordable housing initiatives are being streamlined, with targets set for construction of subsidized units.

Infrastructure Development: Emphasis is placed on improving roads, railways, and public transportation across the country.

Urban Regeneration: Slums are being targeted for slum upgrading and green development projects.


Notable Achievements and Accolades CS Alice Wahome has been credited with:

Streamlining processes: Initiatives like online permits and applications aim to enhance efficiency and combat corruption.

Tackling land grabbing: Public pronouncements and increased enforcement aim to protect vulnerable communities from land dispossession.

Attracting investment: Policies aimed at simplifying business registration and land acquisition are designed to encourage investment in real estate and urban development.


Muddy Waters: The Shadow of Corruption Allegations

However, Wahome’s tenure has not been without controversy. A recent land scandal involving accusations of irregular allocation of prime public land for private development has cast a shadow over her achievements. These claims have been vehemently denied by both Wahome and the government, but investigations are ongoing.

Also Read:   CS Murkomen Scorecard Under Ruto, Achievements, Milestones and Controversies.


Notable Headlines: A Mix of Progress and Controversy

  • Wahome vows to clean up Lands Ministry, digitize all records.
  • Affordable housing push: 100,000 units targeted in first year.
  • Slum dwellers protest planned demolitions in Nairobi.
  • CS Wahome denies involvement in land scandal, calls it political witch-hunt.


Looking Ahead: Building on Promises or Battling Accusations?

Only time will tell if Wahome will be remembered as a transformative leader or tarnished by allegations. Her ability to deliver on ambitious projects while upholding transparency and accountability will determine her legacy in the complex and often opaque world of Kenyan land politics.


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