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Concerns Arise Over Alleged Planned Blackout at JKIA – Advocacy Group Speaks Out

Amidst the aftermath of the power outage that swept across Kenya on Friday, insiders from Operation Linda Ugatuzi (OLU), an advocacy group, claim to possess intelligence suggesting a premeditated plan behind the nationwide blackout. Fred Ogola, leading the lobby, expressed skepticism that Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), a crucial hub, would lack a functional backup generator in such a critical situation.


Ogola’s group is now pressing for transparency from JKIA’s management. Their demand includes the release of documents outlining the inventory of passenger plane arrivals at the airport on August 25, 2023, during the power disruption. The lobby, citing the importance of accountability, asserts that the lack of cooperation could lead them to seek legal intervention in the form of a High Court appeal.

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Elevating their concerns, the group has raised questions about the termination of KAA boss Alex Gitari. They suggest that his removal might be tied to attempts to obscure illicit activities, potentially involving contraband entering the country. The lobby further alleges that, despite the blackout’s impact, multiple planes managed to land at JKIA, which, they argue, contradicts the absence of a functioning backup power source.


“We have information from credible sources that points to a calculated and well-executed plan behind the power outage,” the group stated.


In tandem with its claims, OLU has requested access to records detailing the inventory of passenger and cargo plane arrivals at JKIA during the power outage. The group’s spokesperson elaborated on their demands, emphasizing, “We are compelled to request from you a manifest of the inventory of all the departures of passenger planes from JKIA and that of all the departures of cargo planes on August 25, 2023, along with the manifest of passengers arriving during the outage.”

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The lobby’s commitment to transparency remains unwavering, as it calls on JKIA to fulfill its request for information promptly. Fred Ogola concludes, “As Operation Linda Jami, we steadfastly advocate for the interests of Kenyans across the political, social, and economic spectrum. Our role is to provide a rational voice and remain committed to our principled stance.”

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