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City Thugs Neutralized In Gunfight With Police, Rifle Recovered.

Following a spate of violent robberies within Nakuru North Sub-County where in every incident a rifle was used, a team comprising officers from DCI HQS, DCI Nakuru North and OCS Lanet in a mission to track down the perpetrators yesterday recovered the LIAI rifle that was being used after a fatal shootout with an armed gang.

Acting on intelligence that an armed gang was sighted at Nakuru’s Umoja Estate, the team conducted a sting operation in the area where the four-man gang was ambushed and ordered to surrender. But in defiance, they opened frenzied fire on the officers triggering a retaliation in self defense.

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Two gang members were fatally injured while two others managed to escape with suspected gunshot wounds. Their pursuit is underway.

From the felled robbers, a LIAI rifle loaded with four rounds of ammunition, a panga, dagger, hammer, a pair of pliers, balaclavas and spent cartridges were recovered.

The scene has since been processed by the Crime Scene Investigators and the bodies moved to Nakuru Annex Morgue awaiting identification.

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