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Chaos Unleashed by Marakwet Daughter as Mali Safi Chito Hitmaker Sparks Online Uproar

In a whirlwind of controversy, the renowned artist known as Marakwet Daughter, creator of the sensational Mali Safi Chito hit, has found herself at the center of a storm, leaving her fans bewildered and angry.


TikTok Tirade

Yesterday, a TikTok video featuring Marakwet Daughter surfaced, showcasing a scathing rebuke directed at fellow TikTokers who had apparently provoked her ire. The artist unleashed a barrage of unprintable words, leaving her fans both surprised and incensed. The video quickly gained traction, igniting a firestorm of reactions among her followers.



Copyright Strike Drama

Today brought a new twist to the chaos as it was revealed that Marakwet Daughter had wielded the copyright strike hammer against popular comedian Brobox. The comedic content creator had innocently featured the infectious Mali Safi Chito in a mixtape on his YouTube channel. A copyright strike of this nature can have severe repercussions, potentially jeopardizing the existence of Brobox’s channel. Accumulating three such strikes could lead to a complete ban from YouTube.


This unexpected move has set off shockwaves in the online community, with fans and content creators alike questioning the artist’s approach to protecting her intellectual property.


Screenshot of the alleged YouTube Copyright strike on Brobox’s account. Image: Courtesy

Backlash and Online Campaign

The aftermath of these incidents has sparked a substantial backlash against Marakwet Daughter. Disgruntled fans are expressing their disappointment and frustration, with many now actively participating in an online campaign urging fellow subscribers to unsubscribe from her YouTube channel.


The situation continues to evolve rapidly, with the artist caught in a maelstrom of controversy that shows no sign of abating. As the story unfolds, the online community watches closely, eager to see how Marakwet Daughter navigates this storm and whether she can regain the support and admiration of her once-devoted fan base.

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