Top News World

Roar of the Lens: Lioness Becomes Photographer in Maasai Mara Surprise

In Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve, where Africa’s majestic lions are often the subject of safari photographers’ pursuits, an unexpected twist occurred when a lioness decided to become the photographer herself.


This anonymous lioness managed to capture her very own video selfie by running off with a visitor’s camera attached to a stick. The intriguing footage, which has garnered attention worldwide, portrays the lioness curiously investigating the camera before dashing away with her newfound “prize.”


The incident unfolded thanks to Ahmed Galal, a resident of the United Arab Emirates, who had attached the stick to his GoPro camera with the hope that the lioness would take an interest in it.


Ahmed Galal explained his thought process, saying, “We noticed a lone lioness strolling nearby, and I was curious to see if she would interact with the camera. We positioned a stick with a camera on top near her, and the lioness proceeded to sniff the stick, grab it, and make a quick getaway.”


He candidly admitted to some apprehension about recovering the camera after the lioness made off with it. However, Ahmed continued, “We managed to pursue the lioness, and she eventually dropped the camera. Despite a few scratches, the GoPro camera remained functional.”


This remarkable incident serves as a unique and unexpected encounter between wildlife and technology, offering a glimpse into the curious nature of the Maasai Mara’s resident lions. Watch the video here

Top News

Scandal to Solution: Ruto’s Bold Anti-Corruption Crusade

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula has lauded President William Ruto’s recent crackdown on corruption, hailing it as a game-changer in the nation’s fight against bribery, extortion, and embezzlement. Speaking on Saturday, Wetang’ula commended Ruto’s strong stance against corruption, describing it as “the most potent weapon” in addressing deeply entrenched corruption and freeing resources for national development.


“The President is steadfastly addressing corruption to secure resources for nation-building, offering corrupt individuals three options, as he stated,” remarked Wetang’ula on Saturday.


President Ruto had recently outlined three choices for those involved in corruption: face imprisonment, flee the country, or meet their fate, symbolized by the term “sent to Heaven,” which alluded to serious consequences for corruption offenders. However, this statement stirred controversy, sparking concerns from the opposition and civil society about constitutional integrity and extrajudicial measures.


Wetang’ula expressed his support for President Ruto’s statements, emphasizing the critical importance of winning the battle against corruption to unlock resources for meaningful development. He urged the public to pray for the President’s success in this endeavor.


Addressing claims from the opposition that President Ruto was prematurely starting his 2027 campaign, Wetang’ula dismissed these assertions, asserting that President Ruto was focused on the nation’s welfare. He drew upon his past experience working with Raila in 2013 and 2017, emphasizing their meticulous planning in anticipation of Raila’s organizational challenges.


Wetang’ula further commended President Ruto’s tireless efforts, highlighting his extensive nationwide tours over the past year, surpassing the travels of his predecessor, Uhuru, in a decade. While critics labeled these tours as politically motivated to bolster support for the 2027 elections, Wetang’ula defended President Ruto, asserting that he was a dedicated leader addressing national issues.


Wetang’ula also reflected on the pivotal role his Bungoma constituency played in delivering the presidency to Kenya Kwanza in the recent presidential election. He recalled that when he joined forces with Ruto, Ruto’s approval rating in Bungoma was at 11%, but it surged to 79%, making a substantial difference in the election.


The speaker contended that the race between Ruto and Raila leading up to the 2022 polls had been tight, with dynamics shifting in favor of President Ruto due to his alliance with Kenya Kwanza.


Wetang’ula underscored the significance of Ruto’s election, which symbolized that anyone, regardless of their background, could rise to the presidency. He emphasized that this outcome shattered the notion that one needed a familial political pedigree to become president in Kenya.


“In Kenya, now, the doors are open, and anyone can aspire to be president without the need for a political dynasty. What matters is a visionary leader, not one’s lineage,” Wetang’ula declared.


He attributed their electoral success to relentless prayers and hard work, highlighting their commitment to campaigning across the country. Wetang’ula drew a contrast with the Azimio coalition, emphasizing the importance of proactive efforts in achieving electoral success.


“We attended church every Sunday to pray. While Uhuru and Raila held one rally per day, we conducted seven. We traversed the nation, and we believe that God rewards those who take action. There is no ‘deep state’ or system; the Kenyan people are the system,” concluded Wetang’ula.

Tech Top News World

Celebrity 2.0: Adapting in the Influencer Era

The ongoing clash between traditional celebrities and social media influencers for the spotlight has intensified, reshaping the media landscape in profound ways. In this era defined by the digital revolution, the boundaries separating fame, influence, and relatability have become increasingly blurred.


But could this transformation signal the decline of Kenya’s elite in favor of ordinary individuals who have become social media sensations? The answer, as we explore this clash of titans, is far from simple, revealing a truth that challenges our perceptions and underscores the profound changes occurring in the entertainment industry.


Gone are the days when celebrities relied solely on movie premieres and red-carpet events to build their fan bases. The ascent of social media has given rise to a new generation of stars who thrive not in extravagant gatherings but within the digital realm. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and X (formerly Twitter) have become their stages, and authenticity their currency.


While traditional celebrities possess undeniable charisma, their lives often seem distant and unattainable. In contrast, social media influencers have mastered the art of relatability. They invite us into their homes, share their daily routines, and openly discuss their triumphs and tribulations. This level of accessibility has nurtured an emotional connection that traditional stars struggle to replicate. Consequently, likes, shares, and comments have become the modern-day equivalent of applause, and the ability to resonate with millions has transformed ordinary individuals into influential opinion leaders.


However, as we hurtle towards a future dominated by virtual experiences, the real intrigue lies not in the competition between traditional celebrities and social media influencers but in their convergence. The once-clear boundaries that separated these domains are fading, giving rise to a new hybrid – the celebrity influencer. Picture award-winning actors launching YouTube channels to provide behind-the-scenes glimpses or global pop icons hosting podcasts where they candidly discuss everyday challenges. This direction is where the media landscape is headed.


Traditional celebrities are harnessing the power of social media, while influencers are transitioning into traditional forms of entertainment. The outcome? A melting pot of talent that defies categorization and opens exciting opportunities for collaboration. While traditionalists might resist this trend, the fusion is inevitable, driven by an audience eager for novelty and authenticity.


Nevertheless, amid the uncertainty, one thing remains clear: the heart of entertainment will always lie in storytelling. Whether conveyed through screens or in person, the ability to captivate, inspire, and stir emotions will forever define stardom.


The clash between traditional celebrities and social media influencers is not a battle for extinction but rather an evolution. It represents a tale of adaptation, fusion, and reinvention in the ever-evolving world of entertainment.

Top News

Green Park Terminus: A Waiting Game for Long-Distance Matatus in Nairobi

Activity remains conspicuously absent at the Green Park Terminus, a designated hub for long-distance matatus according to the directives of Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja.


As of the morning of December 20, 2022, only a collection of matatus could be observed, stationed at the terminus in anticipation of passengers.


It’s worth noting that this terminus boasts the capacity to accommodate over 50 matatus.


The development of this terminus dates back to the tenure of former President Uhuru Kenyatta, during the existence of the now-defunct Nairobi Metropolitan Service (NMS).


Originally conceived as a central hub for PSV (Public Service Vehicle) operations along Ngong Road in Nairobi, the terminus has faced numerous challenges in its implementation.


For a visual insight into the current state of the terminus, please refer to the photos courtesy of Cheruiyot, NN.

Tech Top News

Driving Sustainability: Solar-Powered EV Charging Sparks Change in Nairobi National Park

he Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) has taken a significant step towards enhancing eco-friendly mobility by inaugurating the inaugural solar-powered electric vehicle charging station at Nairobi National Park. This installation coincides with Kenya’s role as the host of the Africa Climate Summit/KWS, emphasizing the commitment to environmentally responsible practices in conservation areas.


KWS underscored the importance of this installation, noting that electric vehicles, in contrast to traditional vehicles, do not emit harmful carbon emissions. Instead, they rely on renewable energy sources, a noteworthy advantage for conservation regions. Additionally, electric vehicles contribute to mitigating noise pollution, further enhancing the ecological balance within these areas.


In their statement, KWS expressed their dedication to fostering environmental friendliness within conservation areas, highlighting the inauguration of the solar-powered electric vehicle charging station at Nairobi National Park as a pivotal milestone in this endeavor.


This initiative coincides with Kenya’s role as the host nation for the Africa Climate Summit, centered around the theme “Driving Green Growth and Climate Finance Solutions for Africa and the World.” The summit aims to advocate for a positive, climate-aligned vision for the African continent.


Scheduled to commence on Monday, the summit will convene more than 20,000 leaders and investors, both from Africa and abroad, with participation from 17 Heads of State and government. It will serve as a crucial platform for information exchange, shaping commitments, pledges, and eventual outcomes, ultimately leading to the formulation of the Nairobi Declaration.

Top News

Rai’s Resurgence: The Mysterious Tale of a Billionaire’s Vanishing Act and Remarkable Return

Over the weekend, the Rai family contacted local authorities to report the apparent kidnapping of Jaswant Rai, a prominent billionaire, after his vehicle was discovered abandoned on the side of the road.


Reports suggest that Rai’s alleged abduction occurred in the Kilimani area on Friday, August 25. Surveillance footage captured the incident taking place on Wood Avenue, Kilimani, Nairobi. However, his current location remained a mystery.

The family promptly filed a missing person report under the case number OB No 21/26/08/2023.

Interestingly, on the following day, Senior Counsel Kioko Kilukumi, Rai’s legal representative, confirmed that Rai had been released from captivity. The police briefly interrogated him before allowing him to seek medical attention at a hospital.


Initially, suspicions were directed towards the police force regarding Rai’s abduction. Nevertheless, the authorities denied any involvement and pledged to thoroughly investigate the incident.


Now, who exactly is Jaswant Singh Rai?

While information about his educational and professional background is limited, Rai is recognized for his prominent leadership of a diverse array of businesses. These enterprises have extended their reach beyond Kenya to encompass other East African nations.

Rai assumed the roles of chairman and executor of his late father’s will. The passing of Tarlochan Singh Rai in 2010 left behind a substantial multimillion-dollar inheritance.

Rai’s significant influence lies within the sugar industry, where he holds a formidable presence. Estimates indicate that he commands a substantial 43 percent share of Kenya’s sugar business.

He possesses ownership of West Kenya Sugar, which in turn holds assets such as Kabras Sugar, Sukari Industries, and Olepito.

Functioning as the chairman of the Rai Group, a conglomerate with deep family roots, Rai’s interests extend beyond sugar. The Rai Group’s diverse portfolio spans sectors such as cement production, horticulture, edible oils, sawmilling, and real estate.

The Rai Group’s sphere of influence also encompasses Rai Cement, Menengai Oil Refineries, Timsales, RaiPly, and Webuye Panpaper.

Tulip Properties falls under Rai’s vast holdings, and his entrepreneurial reach extends into wheat farming and horticulture.

Top News

Tragic: Kenyan Man Collapses and Passes Away Moments After Landing at JFK International Airport

A 36-year-old kenyan collapsed and tragically passed away just moments after his flight from Kenya landed at the JKF international Airport.


The deceased, identified as Stafford Osore, had embarked on his journey from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) with a layover in Dubai, flying aboard Emirates Airlines. However, his arrival at JFK Airport was marked by a sudden medical emergency that proved fatal.


In an alleged conversation with a news outlet, Mr. Felix Osore, the brother of the deceased who resides in the USA, recounted the harrowing sequence of events. He revealed that upon arriving at the airport, Stafford had promptly informed the family through their WhatsApp group that he had safely reached his destination.


“Once the plane landed, he notified us through our WhatsApp family group that he had arrived safely,” Mr. Felix shared.


Anxious to reunite with his brother, Felix arrived at the airport ahead of the scheduled landing time, eagerly awaiting Stafford’s appearance. However, as minutes turned into an unsettling delay, he grew concerned. Attempts to reach Stafford via phone went unanswered, and alarm bells started to ring.


Around 4:33 pm, Mr. Felix made an inquiry on the family WhatsApp group about Stafford’s whereabouts, only to be met with silence. Unnerved by the lack of response, he decided to return home with his two children and later embarked on a solo journey back to the airport to unravel the mystery.


It was during this journey that Mr. Felix received a phone call from the New York Port Authority, inquiring about his relationship with Stafford. Expecting his brother’s imminent arrival, he assured them of their connection.


The authorities conveyed the heartbreaking news that Stafford had collapsed at the airport, had been rushed to a hospital, and had, been pronounced dead upon arrival.


Upon investigation, it was revealed that upon disembarking at the first-class area, Stafford’s condition had taken a sudden turn for the worse. An observant air hostess had swiftly arranged a wheelchair for him, suspecting his distress. After being wheeled a short distance, he had attempted to walk, but in a tragic turn, collapsed, clutching his chest.


Stafford’s journey to the United States began in 2015 when he arrived as a Masters student. He had been working and residing in the US, and his untimely demise has cast a shadow of sorrow over his family and friends.


As his family grapples with the shock of this untimely death, they are left to remember Stafford for the moments they shared during his visit to Kenya just three weeks before the tragic incident.


This death underscores the fragility of life and serves as a good reminder to hold dear the moments shared with loved ones.

Top News World

Concerns Arise Over Alleged Planned Blackout at JKIA – Advocacy Group Speaks Out

Amidst the aftermath of the power outage that swept across Kenya on Friday, insiders from Operation Linda Ugatuzi (OLU), an advocacy group, claim to possess intelligence suggesting a premeditated plan behind the nationwide blackout. Fred Ogola, leading the lobby, expressed skepticism that Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), a crucial hub, would lack a functional backup generator in such a critical situation.


Ogola’s group is now pressing for transparency from JKIA’s management. Their demand includes the release of documents outlining the inventory of passenger plane arrivals at the airport on August 25, 2023, during the power disruption. The lobby, citing the importance of accountability, asserts that the lack of cooperation could lead them to seek legal intervention in the form of a High Court appeal.


Elevating their concerns, the group has raised questions about the termination of KAA boss Alex Gitari. They suggest that his removal might be tied to attempts to obscure illicit activities, potentially involving contraband entering the country. The lobby further alleges that, despite the blackout’s impact, multiple planes managed to land at JKIA, which, they argue, contradicts the absence of a functioning backup power source.


“We have information from credible sources that points to a calculated and well-executed plan behind the power outage,” the group stated.


In tandem with its claims, OLU has requested access to records detailing the inventory of passenger and cargo plane arrivals at JKIA during the power outage. The group’s spokesperson elaborated on their demands, emphasizing, “We are compelled to request from you a manifest of the inventory of all the departures of passenger planes from JKIA and that of all the departures of cargo planes on August 25, 2023, along with the manifest of passengers arriving during the outage.”


The lobby’s commitment to transparency remains unwavering, as it calls on JKIA to fulfill its request for information promptly. Fred Ogola concludes, “As Operation Linda Jami, we steadfastly advocate for the interests of Kenyans across the political, social, and economic spectrum. Our role is to provide a rational voice and remain committed to our principled stance.”

Top News

Show of Unity and Legal Intrigue: Azimio Leaders Rally in Support of Oparanya Amidst EACC Probe

Azimio leaders gathered at the Ethics and Anti-Corruption headquarters located at Integrity Centre on Wednesday to show their support for former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya.


Leading the group were notable figures including Martha Karua from the Wiper party, Jeremiah Kioni, the Secretary General of Jubilee, and Opiyo Wandayi, the minority leader.


On that day, Oparanya underwent questioning at the EACC premises regarding alleged financial mismanagement during his tenure as the governor.


In the early afternoon, he was brought in for questioning, accompanied by his spouse, subsequent to their apprehension at their residence in Karen.


The investigation pertains to the utilization of approximately 1.3 billion Kenyan Shillings over the span of two years.


Martha Karua expressed that she encountered obstacles when attempting to access the office of the EACC Director, where Oparanya was being held. Despite being identified as part of his defense counsel, her entry was denied.


She remarked, “They declined to grant me entry. It appears that the investigators are selectively deciding which lawyers can stand by Oparanya’s side.” Karua noted that only Ken Nyaundi, a legal representative, was permitted to accompany the former county executive.


Karua further disclosed that Oparanya had also attempted to include other legal advisors who were likewise barred from entry. The list encompassed Danstan Omari, Edwin Sifuna, Member of Parliament Babu Owino, and Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi.


“Repeatedly, they assured that he would be available in fifteen minutes. However, more than two hours have transpired since my arrival. I’ve urged them to clarify whether he will be held in custody. Should they opt for detention, it’s within their purview, but evasive actions are unnecessary,” Karua concluded.

Top News

The Mysterious Tale of Judy Jepchirchir and the City’s Cry for Justice

In a shocking turn of events, the bustling City of Champions, Eldoret, has been plagued by the harrowing cries of thousands of vulnerable parents and youths who fell victim to a fraudulent promise of job opportunities abroad. Uasin Gishu county, known for its vibrant spirit and commendable achievements, has been marred by the activities of the First Choice Recruitment and Consultancy Agency, leaving families devastated and aspirations shattered. What was once a beacon of hope has now transformed into a city of tears.


At the center of this heart-wrenching narrative is Judy Jepchirchir, the alleged mastermind behind the First Choice Recruitment and Consultancy Agency’s deceitful scheme. The agency purportedly offered more than 8,000 young people in Uasin Gishu county the promise of lucrative job placements overseas, only to defraud them of millions of shillings. These victims, eager to secure a better future, entrusted their dreams and hard-earned savings to Judy’s agency, only to be met with empty promises and shattered hopes.


Judy Jepchirchir’s prominence was not limited to her agency’s fraudulent activities. She also played a significant role in the “Kazi Majuu” platform, a government initiative aimed at helping Kenyan citizens secure employment opportunities abroad. This platform, launched with great fanfare and optimism, was presided over by none other than President Ruto himself. Judy’s association with this project raises unsettling questions about the depth of her influence within the Ministry of Labor and the broader kazi majuu initiative.


The audacity of Judy’s actions and the scale of the scam have left many wondering just how powerful and untouchable she might be. Vulnerable parents, who had entrusted their children’s futures to the promises of the agency, now find themselves in a state of despair and anger. The cries of these families echo throughout the city, exposing the grim reality of shattered dreams and financial ruin.


A disturbing aspect that emerges from this ordeal is the media’s role in inadvertently aiding the scam. Judy Jepchirchir was once hailed as “Mwanamke Bomba” (a Swahili term for a strong and influential woman) by certain media outlets, a title that gave her a veneer of credibility. This label helped her gain the trust of thousands, only for their trust to be exploited and their lives turned upside down. The media’s unquestioning promotion of her image not only facilitated the fraud but also raises important questions about the responsibility of journalism in scrutinizing the subjects it covers.


In a desperate attempt to bring justice to the victims, an ad hoc committee was established by the Uasin Gishu county assembly. On February 3rd, 2023, Judy Jepchirchir was summoned to testify before this committee. However, instead of providing clarity and solace, she revealed her true colors as a hostile witness. This blatant display of defiance only further underscored the gravity of the situation and the urgency of holding those responsible to account.


As the City of Champions grapples with this shocking scandal, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of accountability and transparency in both government initiatives and private enterprises. The tale of the First Choice Recruitment and Consultancy Scam serves as a sobering reminder that even in the most promising circumstances, greed and deception can infiltrate and devastate the lives of the innocent. Uasin Gishu county, once a symbol of achievement and progress, is now fighting to overcome the wounds inflicted by the City of Cries, as it strives to rebuild shattered dreams and restore faith in the pursuit of a better futur

Top News

Unveiling the Puzzle: Arrest Confusion Surrounding ‘Mathe wa Ngara’ Deepens

A recent incident that ignited a frenzy on social media has sparked confusion, centering around the arrest conducted by the DCI. In this event, Teresia Wairimu, along with three minors, was apprehended under allegations of being in possession of 26 bags of cannabis and an approximate sum of 13 million Kenyan shillings in cash. However, a new perspective has been unveiled by an NTV report, casting a different light on the case. The report ventured to Karuia and engaged with family members, who disclosed a surprising revelation. Contrary to popular belief, Teresia Wairimu is not the renowned ‘Mathe wa Ngara,’ as previously assumed. Instead, the police arrested the wrong individual.


Sheila, Teresia’s youngest daughter, shared a poignant account, affirming that her mother was employed at a nearby hotel. Sheila conveyed that her mother was taken into custody while fulfilling her duties at the hotel—an establishment where she had been employed for numerous years. She expressed tearfully that the police seemed to have an undisclosed motive.

Teresia’s son also contributed his perspective, asserting his mother’s innocence. He recounted the intrusion of the police into the scene and their subsequent arrest of Teresia Wanjiru, highlighting that their search for the real “Mathe wa Ngara” remained fruitless. He conveyed to NTV Kenya, “They knew where they were going. They broke in, found what they were looking for, but failed to locate the person they were seeking. Now, it seems like they’re trying to frame my mother.”

Neighbors echoed these sentiments, affirming Teresia Wanjiru’s role as an employee in a hotel.

Trustworthy sources have additionally affirmed that Teresia Wanjiru is not synonymous with the famed “Mathe wa Ngara.” The true identity of this prominent figure is Nancy Indoverie Kizungu, who is currently evading capture. Nancy holds the reputation of a potent drug distributor within Nairobi.


Earlier, on Tuesday, the DCI had reported the arrest of suspects, including Teresia Wairimu and three minors. Notably, one of these minors is reportedly Teresia Wairimu’s child, a revelation by NTV Kenya. This revelation has intensified the confusion and contradiction surrounding the situation. Many are questioning how the DCI failed to distinguish that Teresia was not, in fact, the elusive “Mathe wa Ngara,” especially considering the previous arrest of the true “Mathe.”

More Reporting..

Underground Queenpin Evades Capture: Ngara’s Notorious Bhang Baron On The Run

Nancy Indoverie Kizungu, who also goes by the alias Mathe, is currently evading authorities after gaining notoriety as a reputed bhang seller in the Ngara area within the Kamukunji Constituency.

Kizungu, well-known for her role as a significant bhang distributor based at Kariua B in Nairobi County, took to hiding following the arrest of her associate Teresia Wanjiru on Tuesday, August 15.


As disclosed by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI), Wanjiru was apprehended alongside three minors during a joint operation conducted by the Anti-Narcotics Unit and the Trans National Organised Crime Unit. The raid occurred at Wanjiru’s residence located in the slums of Karuia within the Ngara region.


A reliable police insider informed The Standard newspaper that Wanjiru purportedly operates under Mathe’s command. Mathe is believed to be the central figure in the distribution of bhang, with a network extending to Isebania, Busia, and Moyale, where the illicit products are sourced.


Mathe has effectively maintained her illicit operation without significant police interference, largely due to her influential connections. She favors distributing her products within the slums, as she has established a network of individuals who serve as both “watchmen and informants,” alerting her in case of any potential police raids.

The source shared with The Standard, “Nancy wields substantial power, to the extent that she can exert influence over the reassignment of police personnel within Parklands, Central, Ngara, and Kamukunji Police Stations. She also has the capability to facilitate the transfer of cooperative officers to specific desired stations. Her operational base is situated in the Karuia slums of Ngara, Nairobi. This location offers her an advantageous setting, as she incentivizes unemployed youth to provide security and serve as informants, should any police activity be detected.”


In June 2022, Mathe, alongside her associates, faced arrest and subsequent arraignment at the Kahawa Law Courts. She was subjected to a fine of Sh525,000 before being granted release.


During the recent operation on Tuesday, the Anti-Narcotics Unit seized a cache of items from their hideout in the Kariua slums. This inventory included twenty bags of cannabis, four cartons containing rolling materials, 173 individually packaged sweets, a carton of suspected weed-infused cookies, and a substantial sum of Sh13.4 million in cash.

Top News

Nairobi Bust: Massive Bhang Haul and Cash Seizure in Transnational Operation

In a recent operation conducted by law enforcement personnel in the Ngara region of Nairobi, three individuals have been apprehended, and a significant quantity of bhang has been confiscated. The seized bhang weighed a total of 466 kilograms. Alongside this, a substantial sum of Ksh13 million in cash was discovered within the premises, concealed under a mattress in one of the rooms. The police are designating this money as proceeds from illicit activities. The suspects are scheduled to appear in court on Wednesday for further legal proceedings.

The operation was executed by a specialized team from a transnational organized crime unit. This team targeted a store located in the Kariowa slums of the Ngara area, which was known to be owned by an individual involved in drug trafficking. Reliable intelligence had indicated that the suspects were involved in repackaging the narcotics for eventual distribution within the city.

The sacks containing the seized bhang had recently arrived in the city from the western part of the country before the police intervention. In response to this situation, detectives from the Anti Narcotics Unit collaborated in detaining the three suspects to initiate the necessary legal processes.

Complaints have arisen highlighting the Ngara area as a significant distribution hub within the city. This region often serves as a central point for the distribution of bhang originating from western Kenya and Ethiopia. The Ngara and Mathare slums are often the next destinations in the distribution chain, facilitating the movement of these illicit substances to other markets.

Notably, there has been a notable increase in the frequency of narcotics seizures in recent times. In a previous operation on August 4, authorities in Moyale confiscated 500 kilograms of bhang and apprehended a single suspect in a covert mission aimed at curbing narcotic trafficking in the region.

This operation was launched based on intelligence suggesting the presence of a suspicious consignment within a thicket at Kate in Moyale. Law enforcement officers responded promptly, intercepting a trailer carrying 99 bales of the illicit drug, with an estimated street value of Sh10 million. During this operation, the trailer driver was detained. Additionally, a confrontation ensued with two suspected accomplices who attempted to flee on a motorcycle while firing at the officers. In the ensuing exchange, one suspect sustained a gunshot wound and was subsequently taken to Moyale Hospital for medical treatment.

Research into police investigations indicates that a significant portion of bhang consumed across the country originates from Ethiopia, where the substances are packaged for distribution in Nairobi and other major urban centers. This trend has prompted concerns, leading to multiple arrests and seizures in 2021. Traffickers have been observed utilizing oil tankers to transport their illegal cargo into the country, often exploiting the porous Kenya-Ethiopia border for their activities.

Moyale, situated in northern Kenya along the border, has emerged as a key entry point for large quantities of bhang, which is extensively cultivated in Southern Ethiopia. After leaving Shashamane, a central location for such activities, the bhang travels southward to border points including Moyale, Sololo, Corolla, Uran, and Dukana. Alternatively, some traffickers opt for the Mandera, Wajir, Garissa route. Another route takes them from Funannyata in Sololo, Marsabit county, to the Yamicha plains of Merti subcounty in Isiolo.

Following these routes, the illicit consignments eventually reach urban areas like Eastleigh, Majengo, and Mlango Kubwa, where they are repackaged and subsequently distributed. In a notable incident from March 2020, law enforcement officials apprehended an individual with 56 bales of bhang, cunningly packaged to resemble second-hand clothing.

Tech Top News

Navigating the Nexus: Mozilla Festival’s Kenyan Debut Explores AI Governance and Digital Equity

In September of this year, the debut of Mozilla Festival’s House in Kenya will address urgent issues at the crossroads of emerging technology and the African continent. These include topics like digital exploitation and the management of artificial intelligence (AI).


MozFest House: Kenya is a localized version of the Mozilla Festival, an annual event that brings together technologists, researchers, policymakers, activists, and others to delve into subjects related to a healthy internet and dependable AI.


The event will embody Mozilla’s Africa Innovation Mradi initiative, providing spaces for diverse communities to come together and exchange knowledge, engage in discussions, and establish partnerships that focus on the advancement and regulation of digital technologies in Eastern and Southern Africa.


Scheduled for the 21st to 22nd of September 2023, the event will be held at Nairobi’s Shamba House Cafe.


“MozFest House Kenya stands as an unwavering regional gathering to voice truths to those in power regarding digital security, digital freedoms, technological responsibility, and ultimately, reliable AI in Africa. The festival serves as the primary assembly for advocates, creatives, technologists, and educators within global movements that strive for a more compassionate and healthier digital realm,” expressed Chenai Chair, Senior Program Officer for Africa Mradi at Mozilla.


“MozFest Kenya commemorates the local endeavors aimed at endorsing and constructing inclusive and ethical technologies. Kenya leads in local innovation and internet governance, and we aim to contribute to this dynamic,” stated Sarah Allen, Senior Director of MozFest.


This event unfolds during a pivotal moment, as the unchecked dominance of Big Tech clashes with the push for technological autonomy throughout the continent. Presently, dedicated tech professionals in Kenya are advocating for improved working conditions and fairer compensation. The discourse around digital exploitation has entered the public sphere, drawing parallels between the role of Big Tech in Africa and historical colonialism.


To uproot these exploitative practices, MozFest House: Kenya will engage in audacious dialogues and resolute measures to develop technologies that are more ethical, equitable, and humane. Notably, MozFest House Amsterdam earlier this year set a precedent by establishing the inaugural Amsterdam covenant to safeguard young individuals online.


The event will feature over 20 sessions centered around the theme “Mobilizing African Communities for Reliable AI.” These interactive sessions will concentrate on pivotal concerns in Eastern and Southern Africa, encompassing digital security, digital liberties, accountability of platforms, and the necessity for internet governance.


Anticipate keynote speeches and panel discussions featuring distinguished figures from across Eastern and Southern Africa. These include experts in tech policy, artists, activists, and technologists.


The program will encompass exhibitions, demonstrations, a hackathon, and other activities that bring to life the interplay between AI and the African continent.





Top News

Flight Connections Enhanced: Kenya Airways and Delta Airlines Expand Codeshare Collaboration

Kenya Airways (KQ) and Delta Airlines have taken a step further in their collaborative efforts by expanding their codeshare agreement, resulting in improved travel opportunities for their passengers across Africa and the United States. This extended partnership, including KQ’s Nairobi-New York service, came into effect recently. A codeshare agreement allows both airlines to market and operate the same flights using their own flight numbers and designators.


With the updated KQ-Delta alliance, travelers gain access to a more extensive array of travel choices, spanning over 31 destinations in Africa and encompassing 57 cities throughout the United States and Canada. The previous phase of this partnership expansion in 2020 had connected direct flights to three key locations: Dallas, Washington DC, and San Francisco.


This development not only offers passengers the advantage of streamlined routes and enhanced flight connectivity between the two carriers, but also extends benefits to frequent flyer members of KQ’s Asante Rewards and Delta’s SkyMiles programs, allowing them to accumulate miles on the partnered services.


Allan Kilavuka, the CEO of KQ, underscored the significance of this partnership expansion, highlighting its potential to bolster connectivity between the United States and Africa. Furthermore, he emphasized the ability for Kenya Airways to present its services directly through its American counterpart. Echoing these sentiments, Delta’s President International, Alain Bellemare, acknowledged the positive impact of this collaboration in enhancing air travel between the two continents.

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Senator’s Suspension Sends Shockwaves Through Parliament

The Senate Powers and Privileges Committee, chaired by Speaker Amason Kingi, wielded its disciplinary authority to suspend Senator Orwoba until February of the 2024 due to alleged serious misconduct.

The gravity of the situation lies not only in the suspension itself but also in the severe penalties attached to it. Orwoba’s absence will come at a cost – not only in terms of her sitting allowance but also her privilege to attend committee and senate plenary meetings.

The grounds of Parliament will be off-limits to her, making it a symbolic and tangible exclusion. The ripple effect continues as she faces restrictions on both local and foreign travel – a blow to the extra opportunities MPs often utilize to boost their income.

The suspension sends a clear message that breaches of conduct will not be taken lightly. In a potential road to redemption, the committee’s recommendation outlines a path for Orwoba to rejoin the Senate. Upon the resumption of Senate sessions for the Third Session in February 2024, she would need to extend a formal apology to the Senate, fellow Senators, the Senate clerk, and the Parliament Secretariat. Only then will she be readmitted to the Senate fold.

The charges against Orwoba are multi-faceted, reflecting the seriousness of her alleged actions. The first charge revolves around her unsubstantiated claims of sexual misconduct and discrimination within Parliament. The committee’s findings point to various messages shared by Orwoba on the Senate Business WhatsApp Group, where she made these allegations.Charge Two focuses on the disrespect Orwoba allegedly exhibited towards her fellow Senators, specifically, typing improper WhatsApp texts and disseminating disrespectful information regarding fellow male senators asking her for sexual favours in the Senate Business WhatsApp Group.

The repercussions of this suspension have resonated deeply within the legislative house. Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot expressed the embarrassment felt by the House, acknowledging that this incident marks a historical moment where such severe punishment has been recommended against a sitting Senator.

He emphasized the need to address this collectively and not reduce it to a partisan dispute. Senator Okongó Omogeni from Nyamira shared his thoughts, deeming the penalties as excessive and unreasonable – particularly concerning for a young, female member of parliament who should be nurtured and celebrated.

The fate of Senator Orwoba now hangs in the balance as the House prepares to deliberate on the committee’s report and ultimately decide her future. The implications of this suspension extend beyond her individual case, prompting reflections on conduct, discipline, and the image of the Parliament itself.