Business Nairobi News Tech Top News

Safaricom Abandons Ad Models, Embraces AI-Generated Ad Content: Is This The Future Of Marketing?

Safaricom, a prominent telecommunications company in Kenya, has recently made a groundbreaking decision to integrate AI-generated images into its advertising campaigns, replacing traditional models with computer-generated visuals. This strategic move has far-reaching implications for the advertising and modeling industries in Kenya and beyond. While Safaricom is not the only company in Africa to embrace AI in advertising, its adoption of AI-generated creative assets has sparked widespread discussions and debates within the marketing and advertising community in Kenya.


The company’s swift transition to AI-generated images represents a significant departure from the conventional practice of using human models for advertising purposes. This shift is part of a larger trend in the region, where businesses are increasingly leveraging AI to create cost-effective and impactful advertising content. Safaricom’s bold move has not only demonstrated the potential of AI as a tool for creative excellence in advertising but has also raised concerns within the modeling industry, as the use of AI-generated models could potentially disrupt traditional modeling roles.

The broader implications of Safaricom’s transition to AI-generated images extend to the marketing space, where the use of AI in advertising is becoming more prevalent. Kenyan marketers are increasingly embracing generative AI for creating advertisements, reflecting a global trend in the industry. This transition has the potential to reshape the dynamics of advertising and marketing practices, leading to discussions about the ethical and regulatory aspects of AI use in the field.


Safaricom’s embrace of AI-generated images is part of a larger trend in Africa, where companies are leveraging artificial intelligence to create advertising content across various platforms. This trend is not limited to Safaricom, as other Kenyan companies have also adopted AI for their advertising campaigns. The use of AI in advertising is expected to have a transformative impact on the industry, potentially influencing traditional ad spending and creative processes.

The integration of AI-generated images into Safaricom’s advertising campaigns has not gone unnoticed by netizens, particularly in the case of the Chapa Dimba video commercial. The use of AI in this commercial has garnered widespread praise, with many acknowledging that achieving the same level of quality with real people would be a challenging feat. The Chapa Dimba commercial serves as a testament to the power of AI in creating compelling visual content for advertising purposes.

Safaricom’s decision to replace human models with AI-generated images in its advertising campaigns represents a significant development in the marketing and advertising landscape. This shift has sparked discussions about the potential of AI in creative content generation and its impact on traditional modeling roles. Furthermore, it reflects a broader trend in the industry, where AI is increasingly being embraced for advertising purposes. The implications of this transition extend to the ethical, regulatory, and economic aspects of AI use in advertising, shaping the future of the marketing and modeling space in Kenya and beyond.

The use of AI in advertising is on the rise in Kenya, with Safaricom and other companies embracing AI-generated content for their marketing campaigns. This shift has sparked discussions about the potential of AI in creative content generation and its impact on the traditional modeling industry. It also reflects a broader trend in the marketing space, where AI is increasingly being leveraged for advertising purposes, potentially reshaping traditional practices and dynamics in the industry.

Below is the AI Chapa Dimba commercial :







Business Features News Tech Top News World

Google Unveils Lumiere: The Future of AI-Generated Video Content Creation

Google has made a significant leap in AI technology with the introduction of Lumiere, a cutting-edge text-to-video generator. This revolutionary AI model is capable of producing remarkably high-quality content, marking a substantial advancement from its predecessors.


Unlike previous text-to-video generative AIs, Lumiere’s videos exhibit realistic and smooth motion, with a notable reduction in the unnatural, jerky movement often associated with such technology. The development team at Google Research, led by Inbar Mosseri, has dedicated extensive effort to ensure that the generated content is as lifelike as possible, achieving this through the implementation of the Space-Time U-Net architecture (STUNet).


Lumiere’s STUNet architecture sets it apart from existing models by enabling the generation of consistent and seamless motion in videos, addressing the challenge of maintaining coherence and diversity in AI-generated content. This innovative technology has the potential to transform the landscape of content creation and brand marketing, offering a new avenue for engaging audiences and producing high-quality visual content.


While Lumiere is not yet available to the public, its release represents a significant milestone in the field of AI video generation. The model’s potential applications in brand marketing and content creation are vast, offering a glimpse into the future of creative possibilities in the digital realm.


Business News Tech Top News World

Revolutionizing Education: How AI is Transforming Learning in 2024


In today’s fast-paced world, technology is constantly evolving, and the education sector is no exception. One of the most exciting trends in education is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the classroom. This innovative approach to learning is transforming the way students engage with their studies and is quickly becoming a must-have tool for educators.


AI in the Classroom: A New Era of Learning

AI is revolutionizing the way students learn by providing personalized, interactive, and engaging experiences. With AI-powered tools, teachers can create customized lesson plans tailored to each student’s needs, ensuring that every learner receives the attention they deserve. This approach not only improves learning outcomes but also fosters a more inclusive and accessible educational environment.


The Benefits of AI in Education

  • Personalized Learning: AI algorithms can analyze a student’s learning style, strengths, and weaknesses to create personalized lesson plans that cater to their unique needs. This approach helps students learn at their own pace and in their preferred style, leading to better retention and understanding of the material.
  • Interactive Learning: AI-powered tools can create interactive and engaging learning experiences, such as virtual simulations and gamified activities. These immersive experiences not only make learning more fun but also help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Accessibility and Inclusivity: AI can help make education more accessible and inclusive by providing real-time translation, closed captioning, and other accommodations for students with disabilities. This ensures that all learners can participate in the classroom and have equal opportunities to succeed.


The Future of AI in Education

As AI continues to advance, its potential in the education sector is limitless. In the future, we can expect to see AI-powered tools that can:

Provide real-time feedback and assessment, helping teachers identify areas where students need improvement and adjust their teaching strategies accordingly.

Create personalized study plans based on a student’s learning history and goals, ensuring that they stay on track and achieve their academic objectives.

Develop AI-powered tutors that can provide one-on-one support to students, answering their questions and guiding them through complex concepts.


The integration of AI into education is a game-changer that is transforming the way we learn and teach. By providing personalized, interactive, and engaging experiences, AI is helping students achieve their full potential and making education more accessible and inclusive. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications in the education sector, shaping the future of learning and shaping the next generation of learners.


Business Nairobi News SmartBuzz Tech Top News

Khalif Kairo’s Tumultuous Weekend: Controversies and Criticism!

Khalif Kairo, the renowned Nairobi car dealer and owner of Kai and Karo, had a tumultuous weekend filled with controversies and criticism. The weekend started with a tweet from a famous blogger, C_Nyakundih, accusing Kairo of attempting to sell a damaged Ford Mustang from the UK for Ksh8 million.

The tweet sparked a wave of criticism and roasts, with many people expressing their disapproval of Kairo’s business practices.


The Damaged Ford Mustang Controversy

The tweet by C_Nyakundih claimed that Kairo’s dealership was trying to sell a damaged Ford Mustang (5.0 V8 GT Fastback Euro 6 2dr) from the UK. Social media users quickly searched the plate number of the car and found its history on British dealerships like AutoTrader and Car Vertical in the CAT (S) salvage category, previously written off for a structural blow to the chassis. The images posted by Kairo and Kai and Karo seemed to match the written-off Mustang, leading to a flurry of criticism and roasts.


However, Kairo quickly responded to the claims, tweeting: “Wacheni tu nicheke, Ju Gari tunaambiwa ni ya “accident” ndo hii hapa. The vehicle has a left-hand steering and was sold in Rotterdam😂🤣.” He also posted images to support his claim. The response seemed to calm the situation, but the controversy had already sparked a wave of criticism against Kairo.


Kevin’s Allegations of Unpaid Services

In another incident, a tweep by the name Kevin, a computer science graduate with the handle @5peopleke, accused Kairo of not paying for services rendered. Kevin claimed that he had provided social media management and marketing services for Kairo, Kai, and Karo, but had not been paid. He tweeted: “Na pesa zangu huwezi lipa? Si unilipe iache kukaa ni kama tunavurutana? Why is it so hard for you to pay your employees? 🤷🏽‍♂️ Plus kuniambia niende kwa HR na ni wewe mwenyewe uliniita for the job is batshit crazy!!”.


Kairo responded to the allegations, stating that he couldn’t discuss internal or employee affairs on a public platform. He advised Kevin to contact the HR department if he wanted reasons for why he couldn’t be hired after probation. If not satisfied, Kairo suggested that Kevin take legal action or hire a blogger. Despite the allegations, Kairo appeared unfazed and unshaken, expressing resilience in the face of criticism.


Kairo’s Resilience in the Face of Criticism

Kairo’s weekend was filled with controversies and criticism, but he remained undisturbed and unshaken. He expressed his resilience in the face of criticism, tweeting: “Anyway, i have too many haters. Might just order this quarter a million garmin watch and a spoil myself for a weekend almost ruined😁”. This response demonstrated Kairo’s determination and resilience, even in the face of adversity.


Khalif Kairo’s weekend was filled with controversies and criticism, but he remained resilient and unshaken. Despite the challenges, Kairo has demonstrated a determined attitude throughout his career. The weekend’s events have added to the ongoing controversies surrounding Kairo, including his disqualification from a business influencer category and his humble beginnings in the car sales business. Despite the challenges, Kairo has shown that he is not one to be easily swayed by criticism.


Business News Tech Top News

The Mother of All Breaches: 26 Billion Records Leaked

Image Courtesy of Surfshurk 

In a historic and unprecedented data leak, cybersecurity researcher Bob Dyachenko and CyberNews researchers have discovered the largest data leak ever recorded, with over 26 billion records exposed


This massive breach, dubbed the “Mother of all Breaches” (MOAB), includes data from numerous previous breaches and privately sold databases. The leaked records contain information from various companies and government organizations in the US, Brazil, Germany, Philippines, Turkey, and other countries.


Affected Companies and Organizations

The MOAB includes records from thousands of breaches, affecting a wide range of companies and organizations. Some of the most notable entities affected by this leak include:

  • Weibo: 504 million records
  • MySpace: 360 million records
  • Twitter: 281 million records
  • Deezer: 258 million records
  • LinkedIn: 251 million records
  • AdultFriendFinder: 220 million records
  • Adobe: 153 million records
  • Canva: 143 million records
  • VK: 101 million records
  • Daily Motion: 86 million records
  • Dropbox: 69 million records
  • Telegram: 41 million records


The Impact of the Leak

The sheer scale of this data leak is astounding, with 12 terabytes of information spanning over 26 billion records. This leak is almost certainly the largest ever discovered, dwarfing previous data breaches in size and scope. The full and searchable list of the leaks composing the MOAB is available in the original post by CyberNews.


The consequences of this massive data leak could be far-reaching and severe. Affected individuals and organizations may face increased risk of identity theft, fraud, and other cybercrimes. It is crucial for those affected to take immediate action to protect their personal information and accounts.


Preventive Measures

In light of this unprecedented data leak, it is essential for individuals and organizations to take steps to protect their information and mitigate the risks associated with such breaches. Some recommended measures include:

  • Changing passwords regularly and using strong, unique passwords for each account.
  • Enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all accounts that support it.
  • Monitoring credit reports and financial accounts for signs of fraud.
  • Being cautious about clicking on links or downloading attachments from unsolicited emails.
  • Keeping software and systems up-to-date with the latest security patches.

The MOAB data leak is a stark reminder of the ever-present threats to data security in the digital age. As cybercriminals continue to evolve their tactics, individuals and organizations must remain vigilant and take proactive steps to protect their information from potential breaches. By staying informed and implementing strong security measures, we can work together to create a safer and more secure online environment.


News SmartBuzz Tech Top News

Debunking the Mystery of the Trending Photo: Which Country is This?

In the age of social media, it’s not uncommon to come across a viral photo that leaves you in awe. The trending photo “Which country is this?” is one such photo that has taken the internet by storm. The photo features a breathtaking landscape with a mountain range and a lake in the foreground, leaving people wondering where it was taken. In this article, we’ll delve into the origin, source, and reasons behind the photo’s popularity.


Origin and Source of the Photo

The origin and source of the photo are unknown, but it is believed to have been taken by a professional photographer. The photo first surfaced on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, where it quickly gained traction. The photo’s beauty and the mystery surrounding its location sparked curiosity among people, leading to a flurry of activity on social media.


Why is the Photo Trending?

The photo is trending because people are intrigued by the beauty of the landscape and want to know where it was taken. To find the answer, people are using reverse image search tools like Google Images and Picsearch to try and locate the original source of the photo. The photo has also sparked discussions about the importance of verifying the authenticity of images on social media, as many photos can be manipulated or generated by artificial intelligence.


The Power of Social Media

The trending photo “Which country is this?” is a testament to the power of social media to connect people and spark curiosity about the world around us. The photo has brought people from different parts of the world together, all united in their quest to uncover the mystery of the photo’s location. The photo has also highlighted the importance of responsible social media use, as it’s easy for misinformation to spread rapidly on these platforms.


In conclusion, the trending photo “Which country is this?” is a beautiful reminder of the wonders of nature and the power of social media to bring people together. While the origin and source of the photo remain a mystery, the photo has sparked curiosity and discussions about the importance of responsible social media use. As we continue to navigate the digital landscape, let’s remember to use social media responsibly and verify the authenticity of the content we share.


Business Tech Top News World

Meta’s Open Source AGI: A Game-Changer for AI Development and Accessibility

Meta, the company led by CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is actively developing artificial general intelligence (AGI) and has indicated that it may release it as open source software. AGI is a form of AI that is capable of understanding, learning, and applying knowledge in a way that is similar to human intelligence. Zuckerberg has stated that the long-term vision for Meta is to build AGI, open source it responsibly, and make it widely available for everyone’s benefit.


Meta is bringing together two of its AI research teams, FAIR (Facebook AI Research) and GenAI, to work towards this goal. The company is also working on training its next-generation model, Llama 3, and is building a massive compute infrastructure to support future AI models. This includes plans to have 350,000 H100 GPUs by the end of the year, which would amount to almost 600,000 H100 equivalents of compute.


Zuckerberg has expressed that AI and the metaverse are closely linked, and he envisions smart glasses as a primary way people will interact with AI and the metaverse. He has also mentioned that Meta’s approach to AGI will be to open source it as long as it is safe and responsible to do so, although he has not committed to a definitive plan for open sourcing any potential AGI developed by Meta.


The move towards open sourcing AGI aligns with Meta’s and Zuckerberg’s advocacy for keeping AI technology open-source, which has sparked debate within the tech industry. This stance is somewhat in contrast to more secretive rivals and has led to the formation of the AI Alliance, a group launched by Meta and IBM to promote an open-source vision of AI.


Zuckerberg’s announcement follows a trend of tech leaders downplaying the dangers of AGI, and it comes at a time when the tech industry is hotly debating the control and accessibility of AGI technology. The decision to open source AGI is ultimately Zuckerberg’s, given his voting control over Meta’s stock.

In summary, Meta is investing in the development of AGI with the intention of potentially open sourcing it, which would be a significant contribution to the AI ecosystem and could influence the future direction of AI development and accessibility.

Business News Tech Top News

BLCB Reigns In And Stops Illegal ‘Speed Dial’ Feature Misused By Betting Companies.

In Kenya, the practice of speed dial betting has become a focal point of regulatory scrutiny and legal action. Betting firms have utilized the “Speed Dial” feature on internet browsers to make their services easily accessible with a single click. However, this convenience has raised concerns, prompting intervention from the Betting Control and Licensing Board (BCLB).


The BCLB, responding to worries expressed by the Consumers Federation of Kenya (Cofek), has taken steps to halt the use of the speed dial feature by betting companies. Legal challenges are underway, with the High Court directing the BCLB to ensure gaming operators cease using this feature pending the determination of the main petition by Cofek.


Critics argue that speed dial betting exposes consumers, especially children, to potentially harmful practices through advertisements. This has sparked a debate, contending that such features overlook efforts to shield youngsters from gambling addiction and other adverse consequences. In response to these concerns, the BCLB has committed to avoiding the use of the “Speed Dial” feature in various lottery and gaming activities.


In summary, while speed dial betting offers a convenient way for users to access betting platforms, its use has become a contentious issue in Kenya. Regulatory bodies like the BCLB are actively addressing concerns about advertising and potential harm to consumers, particularly minors. This has resulted in legal challenges and ongoing debates regarding the appropriateness of speed dial betting.


Recent regulatory actions highlight the dynamic landscape of online sports betting in Kenya. The BCLB’s measures against the speed dial feature underscore the industry’s responsiveness to concerns raised by organizations like Cofek. Despite these developments, popular betting companies like Betika continue to thrive, offering diverse betting options, including football, tennis, and NBA.


The growth of the online betting industry in Kenya can be attributed to the availability of convenient payment options such as M-Pesa, Airtel Money, bank transfers, and card payments. Notwithstanding regulatory interventions, some betting companies, like Odibets, persist in providing users with the option to add their website to the speed dial for quick access to their platforms.


In essence, the regulatory actions and legal challenges surrounding speed dial betting in Kenya reflect ongoing efforts to balance the accessibility of online betting services with concerns related to advertising and potential harm to consumers.

Business News Tech Top News

Explosive Exposé Reveals Alleged Scam at Kameme FM’s Paybill Games

In a startling revelation, popular Kenyan entertainer MC Zaku has blown the lid off Kameme FM’s alleged deceptive practices during their paybill games. The exposeé, shared on Facebook, accuses the MediaMax-owned station of orchestrating a staged show, where purported winners are, in fact, actors following a script.


According to MC Zaku’s detailed account, the alleged winners are carefully coached on what to say during the show, feigning genuine surprise and happiness upon being announced as winners. He contends that the entire process is meticulously stage-managed, raising serious concerns about the authenticity of the station’s paybill games.

In the shared screenshots on MC Zaku’s account, one can glimpse a purported conversation involving one of the alleged actors. The content of these messages adds fuel to the claims of a premeditated setup, as the individual seems to follow a predetermined narrative.


The exposé not only accuses Kameme FM of misleading its audience but also asserts that the station is exploiting unsuspecting listeners, siphoning their hard-earned money through what appears to be a manipulated gaming system.


This scandal has sparked widespread discussion on social media, with users expressing their shock and disappointment at the allegations. Many are calling for a thorough investigation into Kameme FM’s practices, demanding accountability for what could be perceived as a breach of trust between the station and its audience.


MediaMax, the parent company of Kameme FM, has not yet responded to the allegations. It remains to be seen how the station will address the controversy and whether regulatory bodies will step in to investigate the claims made by MC Zaku.


As the story unfolds, it serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and integrity in the media industry. The repercussions of such allegations can have a lasting impact on a station’s reputation, emphasizing the need for thorough scrutiny and accountability in the broadcasting sector.


For those interested in following the developments closely, MC Zaku encourages staying tuned to his account and promises more revelations. As the scandal continues to unravel, it raises questions about the credibility of similar interactive programs across various media platforms, urging audiences to be vigilant and demand authenticity from their favorite broadcasters.

Business News Tech Top News World

Microsoft’s Surge: AI Leadership and Strong Growth Stock Rating Propel Market Value to $2.9 Trillion

Microsoft briefly overtook Apple as the world’s most valuable company, with its market capitalization reaching as much as $2.903 trillion on January 11, 2024. This surge was attributed to Microsoft’s advancements in generative AI, which have been driving up its stock price. The company’s stock jumped as much as 2%, while Apple’s market cap dropped to $2.871 trillion after shares fell 0.9%, marking the first time since 2021 that Apple’s value dropped below that of Microsoft. Microsoft’s revenue growth of 7% to $52.9 billion, driven by the integration of AI technology into its cloud computing business, also contributed to the surge in its stock price.


This surge was driven by several factors:

  • Concerns about iPhone sales: Apple’s stock experienced a 4% drop in 2024 due to worries about smartphone demand, while Microsoft’s stock price increased by about 2% year to date and 57% in 2023.
  • Product launches: Apple’s market capitalization peaked at $3.081 trillion on December 14, 2023, marking the company’s biggest product launch since the iPhone in 2007. However, UBS estimated that the Vision Pro sales would be “relatively immaterial” to Apple’s overall performance.
  • Stock performance: Apple’s stock market value is now at $2.866 trillion, while Microsoft’s value reached as much as $2.844 trillion. Both tech stocks look relatively expensive in terms of price to their expected earnings, a common method of valuing publicly listed companies.


Outlook for Microsoft’s Future

The outlook for Microsoft’s future is positive, as the company is expected to report a 16% increase in revenue to $61.1 billion when it reports its results in the coming weeks. This growth is primarily driven by the ongoing expansion of its cloud business. Additionally, some analysts predict that Apple and other tech giants could join the $3 trillion market cap club in the near future.


On the other hand, concerns about Apple’s iPhone sales led to a decline in its stock, with rating firms downgrading Apple stock and wiping around $162 billion off its market capitalization in 2024 alone.


In conclusion, Microsoft’s brief surge in market value was fueled by its advancements in generative AI and strong financial performance, while concerns about Apple’s iPhone sales impacted its stock performance. The future outlook for Microsoft appears promising, with its focus on AI and cloud computing expected to drive further growth and market success.

Business Tech Top News World

Vusi Thembekwayo’s Facebook Hacked: A Cautionary Tale and Cybersecurity Guide

Vusi Thembekwayo, a prominent South African figure in the business world, recently fell victim to a Facebook hack, resulting in the unauthorized posting of irrelevant and misleading content on his account. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the prevalence of cyber threats and the importance of robust online security measures.


Among the misleading posts was a rumor falsely claiming the death of Jamie Foxx. This incident, as reported by Precious Chukwuemeka Nwosu, highlighted the malicious nature of the hack, as the content shared was not in line with Thembekwayo’s typical posts.

The dissemination of false information about Jamie Foxx’s death serves as a poignant example of the potential consequences of such breaches, emphasizing the need for robust cybersecurity measures and heightened vigilance on social media platforms.


As a renown venture capitalist and bestselling author, Thembekwayo’s experience sheds light on the risks individuals face in the digital landscape.


The unauthorized access to Thembekwayo’s account underscores the need for individuals to remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their online presence. While specific details of the actions taken to secure his account have not been publicly disclosed, it is imperative for individuals to report such breaches, change their passwords, and implement additional security measures, such as two-factor authentication.


In an era where social media plays a pivotal role in personal and professional branding, the implications of a hack can be far-reaching.

The incident involving Thembekwayo’s Facebook account is as a cautionary tale, prompting anyone online in this day and age to prioritize cybersecurity and stay informed about best practices for protecting their online identities.

Business Tech Top News World

Upsurge In Kenya Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) Applications After Ruto Abolishes Visas

Kenya has recently made a significant change to its visa policy, announcing that it will abolish visa requirements for all foreign visitors starting from January 2024. This decision is expected to boost tourism and trade with African countries. In this article, we will discuss the implications of this change and how it will affect travelers visiting Kenya.

Visa-Free Entry for Foreigners

Beginning January 2024, foreign nationals will be able to enter Kenya without a visa. This decision was made to promote tourism and boost trade with African countries. The Kenyan government has developed a digital platform to ensure that all travelers are identified and granted permission to enter the country.

Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) System

The Kenyan ETA is a semi-automated system that determines the eligibility of visitors to travel to the country. The ETA is required for travelers coming from countries that previously required visas. To obtain an ETA, visitors need to provide specific information and follow a step-by-step application process. The ETA needs to be shown at all departure and arrival points.


According to the latest reports, close to 10,000 Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) applications have been received by the Kenyan government in the last week following the decision to abolish visa requirements for all visitors coming into the country. Of these, over 4,000 applications have already been processed, while the others are undergoing review on a priority basis. The introduction of the ETA system is aimed at providing a fair, faster, and reliable system that also addresses Kenya’s security and other strategic interests.

Benefits of Visa-Free Entry

  • Increased tourism: By eliminating the need for a visa, more people are likely to visit Kenya, boosting the country’s tourism industry.
  • Enhanced trade with African countries: The removal of visa requirements for African nationals aims to promote trade and economic cooperation between Kenya and its African neighbors.
  • Simplified travel process: The introduction of the ETA system streamlines the travel process, making it easier for visitors to enter Kenya.


Kenya’s decision to abolish visa requirements for foreigners is a significant step towards promoting tourism and trade with African countries. The implementation of the ETA system simplifies the travel process and makes it more accessible for visitors from around the world. This change is expected to have a positive impact on Kenya’s economy and its relations with other countries in the African continent.

Business Nairobi Tech Top News World

KQ Hacked! Security Breach on Kenya Airways Exposes Customer Passports on the Dark Web

Kenya Airway (KQ) finds itself in the midst of a grave cybersecurity debacle as personal data, including passports and passwords, surfaces on the dark web. While an official confirmation of a breach within KQ’s core systems is pending, suspicions loom large, hinting at a possible preliminary move by the hacker.

A snapshot of the data leaked on the dark web by unknown actors. Image @Cnyakundi_H

An alarming cache of 2.2 GB worth of downloadable data has emerged, reportedly encompassing high-profile government passports, escalating the gravity of the situation. This event goes beyond the confines of Kenya Airways, echoing recent security incidents such as the leakage of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport’s architectural blueprints and a breach in the Assets and Recovery Agency‘s website.


The expansive scope of this security lapse raises serious apprehensions about broader vulnerabilities prevailing in the country’s cyber infrastructure. The spate of recent breaches across critical sectors amplifies concerns regarding the susceptibility of crucial systems to malicious cyber activities.

This remains a developing story, demanding vigilant attention as further details emerge. Stay tuned for real-time updates on this unsettling cybersecurity episode.

Business Tech Top News World

Elon Musk’s Starlink Launches Innovative Direct To Cell Services.

Starlink’s Direct-to-Cell service is a new technology that allows Starlink satellites to provide cellular connectivity directly to mobile devices. This service is designed to provide ubiquitous access to texting, calling, and browsing wherever you may be, including remote regions and areas with traditionally poor cellular coverage.


The Direct-to-Cell service works with existing LTE phones and does not require any changes to hardware, firmware, or special apps. The Starlink satellites equipped with this capability have an advanced eNodeB modem onboard that acts like a cellphone tower in space, allowing network integration similar to a standard roaming partner.


The service was launched in partnership with T-Mobile and other global partners, and it is expected to provide coverage in cellular dead zones. The first six Starlink satellites with Direct-to-Cell capabilities were launched in early January 2024. Initially, the service will enable text messaging, with voice and data coverage to follow as more satellites are launched.

The Direct-to-Cell service will also connect Internet of Things (IoT) devices, expanding the range of devices that can benefit from this technology. However, it’s important to note that while this service can provide connectivity in areas with no cellular coverage, it is not intended to compete with existing terrestrial cellular networks. The service’s primary benefit is its wide coverage, rather than high-speed data transfer.


The service is currently being tested in the United States, with plans to expand globally in partnership with various cellular providers. Other companies, such as Amazon’s Project Kuiper and AST SpaceMobile, are also developing similar satellite direct-to-cell services.

Business Tech Top News World

Fidelity Investments slashes X’s value by 71.5% under Elon Musk’s ownership: Should Elon Be Worried??

Fidelity Investments, a major mutual fund company, has significantly marked down its investment in X Holdings, the parent company of X (formerly known as Twitter), now under the ownership of Elon Musk. The latest disclosure reveals a drastic 71.5% markdown from the original investment value, signaling potential concerns about the company’s future prospects. Fidelity initially invested $19.2 million in X Holdings in October 2022. However, by October 2023, the fund manager had already cut the valuation by 65%. The recent November 2023 disclosure, which operates on a one-month delay, indicates a further reduction in X’s valuation


The markdowns by Fidelity reflect a series of challenges that X has faced since Musk’s takeover. These include a significant loss of advertisers, substantial alterations to moderation policies and verification systems, and a debt-fueled restructuring. The upheaval has turned off advertisers and 2023’s revenue from ad sales is estimated to come in at far below prior rates.

Despite these challenges, X Holdings has made several changes over the past year, including appointing a new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, a former executive at NBCUniversal. Yaccarino expressed optimism about the company’s profitability by 2024.


It’s important to note that while Fidelity is one of the shareholders in the private business, it doesn’t share inside information on X’s current financial situation. The markdowns reflect Fidelity’s assessment of its stake in X and do not necessarily reflect the company’s overall valuation.