News Tech World

New Falcon 180B AI Language Model Surpasses Meta and Google in Open-Source Arena

The artificial intelligence community is buzzing with excitement over the latest addition to its arsenal, Falcon 180B—an open-source large language model (LLM) equipped with a whopping 180 billion parameters, meticulously trained on a colossal dataset. This formidable newcomer has notched several remarkable achievements, setting a new benchmark for open-source LLMs.

As disclosed in a blog post by the Hugging Face AI community, Falcon 180B has officially made its debut on the Hugging Face Hub. This state-of-the-art model builds upon the foundations laid by the previous Falcon series of open-source LLMs, incorporating innovative features such as multiquery attention to scale up to its remarkable 180 billion parameters, all trained on a staggering 3.5 trillion tokens.

One particularly noteworthy feat is Falcon 180B’s single-epoch pretraining, which is the longest of its kind in the realm of open-source models. This milestone was achieved through the collective power of 4,096 GPUs, working tirelessly for approximately 7 million GPU hours, with Amazon SageMaker serving as the platform for training and fine-tuning.

To put the sheer magnitude of Falcon 180B into perspective, its parameter count dwarfs that of Meta’s LLaMA 2 model, measuring a staggering 2.5 times larger. LLaMA 2, previously hailed as one of the most capable open-source LLMs following its launch earlier this year, boasted a mere 70 billion parameters trained on 2 trillion tokens.

Falcon 180B eclipses not only LLaMA 2 but also other models in terms of both scale and benchmark performance across various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. It proudly claims a position on the leaderboard for open-access models, boasting a remarkable 68.74 points, nearly rivaling commercial giants like Google’s PaLM-2, as evidenced by its performance on the HellaSwag benchmark.

In fact, Falcon 180B not only matches but often surpasses Google’s PaLM-2 Medium in performance across commonly utilized benchmarks such as HellaSwag, LAMBADA, WebQuestions, Winogrande, and more. It stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Google’s PaLM-2 Large, a testament to its remarkable capabilities as an open-source model, even when compared to industry behemoths.

When pitted against ChatGPT, Falcon 180B emerges as a more robust alternative to the free version, albeit slightly less capable than the premium “plus” service.

According to the blog post, “Falcon 180B typically sits somewhere between GPT 3.5 and GPT4 depending on the evaluation benchmark, and further fine-tuning from the community will be very interesting to follow now that it’s openly released.”

The release of Falcon 180B marks a significant leap in the rapid advancement of large language models (LLMs). Beyond mere parameter scaling, innovative techniques like LoRAs, weight randomization, and Nvidia’s Perfusion have revolutionized the efficiency of training these massive AI models.

With Falcon 180B now freely accessible on Hugging Face, researchers anticipate that the model will continue to evolve and improve as the community collaboratively enhances its capabilities. Its immediate showcase of advanced natural language prowess heralds an exciting chapter in the world of open-source

Nairobi News Top News

Fake Gold Scam Unmasked: Ten Suspects, including a Cop arrested.

Ten Individuals Apprehended in Gold Scam Bust, Including Police Officer.

Operation Uncovers Elaborate Gold Scam

An extensive operation conducted by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) on Friday resulted in the arrest of ten suspects, one of whom is a police officer. This operation, initiated last Thursday, successfully prevented a Tunisian national from falling victim to a fraudulent gold purchase amounting to Ksh.1 billion.


The swift intervention by DCI officers, led by DCI Director Amin Mohammed, uncovered a complex scam operation at a premises situated in the Garden Estate area of Nairobi. The scammers had transformed this location into a sophisticated office, where they used counterfeit gold and fake dollar bills to deceive unsuspecting businessmen. Among the detained individuals is a police officer previously affiliated with the DCI offices in Kitui. There is strong suspicion that this officer played a role in shielding the scam artists.


Scammers’ Sophisticated Tactics Revealed

DCI Amin Mohammed explained, “The operation originated in Tunisia when they claimed they could sell gold to the victim. When he grew suspicious and reported the matter to us…”

The victim arrived in the country around 3 a.m. last Friday. After an hour of waiting without anyone to receive him, a taxi driver convinced him that he would safely reach his intended destination. He was taken to the Ngara area of Nairobi and held incommunicado until Thursday, when he was summoned to the Garden Estate office.

To gain access to the purported gold, the victim was required to make an initial payment of Ksh.400 million. After smelting and verifying a sample, he was to pay the remaining Ksh.600 million. However, the victim did not act alone.


Detectives, supported by the DCI’s tactical unit, swiftly raided the office, leading to the apprehension of ten suspects. Two individuals, one suspected to be armed, managed to escape by damaging a shade net fence that had been erected to enhance the privacy and height of the perimeter wall.

DCI Amin remarked, “This is a formidable cartel known for dropping influential names to intimidate law enforcement, and they operate with great sophistication.”

DCI is now investigating a sitting Senator, two sitting Members of Parliament, and high-ranking officials within the National Police Service (NPS), who made frantic attempts to secure the release of the suspects.


Deceptive Roles and Massive Losses

The fraudulent operation also involved the use of counterfeit currency concealed in metal containers within one of the rooms on the premises.

“Numerous victims have suffered significant financial losses, and these criminals were on the brink of making our country, particularly the Kilimani area, the epicenter of their illicit activities. However, we are closing in on them,” added Amin.

The scammers had established fully-equipped offices, which they used as legitimate addresses for their multi-million-dollar deals. Some of the scammers posed as various government agents.

“Some pretended to be police officers, others posed as officials from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), and some even impersonated customs officers, complete with fraudulent documentation that we have since uncovered,” noted Amin.

The seized items, including a firearm, phones, and a substantial quantity of metal boxes used to store counterfeit money and gold, have been transported to the DCI headquarters.

The suspects are slated to appear in court on Monday, where they will face charges related to their alleged involvement in this extensive scam operation

News Top News

Raila Odinga: A Legacy of Politics and Resilience

The Odinga Family Legacy

The story of Raila Odinga is deeply intertwined with his family’s rich political legacy, particularly that of his father, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. Born on January 7, 1945, in the Nyanza region of Kenya, Raila was the second-born son of Oginga Odinga and Mary Juma. His father, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, was a towering figure in Kenyan politics, known for his staunch advocacy for independence and his prominent role in the early years of Kenya’s post-independence era.


Oginga Odinga, born in 1911, was a prominent Luo leader who played a pivotal role in the struggle for Kenya’s independence from British colonial rule. He was a founding member of the Kenya African Union (KAU) in the 1940s, a political party that would later evolve into the Kenya African National Union (KANU), led by Jomo Kenyatta. Oginga Odinga’s influence within KANU grew, and he served as its vice president alongside Kenyatta, who became the first President of Kenya after independence in 1963.


A Rift in Ideology

However, ideological differences soon emerged between Oginga Odinga and Jomo Kenyatta. Odinga was a socialist and a proponent of a more equitable distribution of land and wealth. He believed that Kenya’s independence should lead to social and economic justice for all its citizens, particularly the marginalized communities.


In contrast, Kenyatta’s administration leaned more towards capitalism and favored the preservation of the traditional British colonial-era land tenure system. These ideological differences strained the relationship between the two leaders and eventually led to Oginga Odinga’s resignation as Vice President in 1966. This marked a turning point in Kenyan politics, as Odinga formed the Kenya People’s Union (KPU), becoming a prominent opposition figure.


Raila Odinga’s Early Political Journey

Raila Odinga’s political journey was heavily influenced by his father’s beliefs and the tumultuous political climate of the time. He received his education both in Kenya and abroad, earning a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Magdeburg in East Germany. He then returned to Kenya and became involved in political activism.


In the 1980s, Raila Odinga joined the clandestine pro-democracy movement that opposed the authoritarian rule of President Daniel arap Moi. His activism led to several arrests and detentions, but he remained resolute in his pursuit of political change. During this period, he emerged as a prominent figure in the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy (FORD), a political alliance that sought to challenge Moi’s one-party rule.


The 2007 Election Crisis

One of the most significant chapters in Raila Odinga’s political career was the 2007 presidential election in Kenya. He ran as the candidate of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) against the incumbent President Mwai Kibaki. The election results were hotly contested, with allegations of widespread irregularities and fraud. The ensuing violence claimed the lives of over 1,000 people and displaced hundreds of thousands.


Raila Odinga’s refusal to accept the election results and his call for peaceful protests against the government’s handling of the polls demonstrated his commitment to democracy and political change. Eventually, a power-sharing agreement known as the National Accord and Reconciliation Act was brokered, making Raila Odinga the Prime Minister and Kibaki the President, thus easing the tensions.


The Resilience of the Odinga Legacy

Raila Odinga’s political career has been characterized by resilience and determination. He has continued to be a prominent opposition figure in Kenyan politics, running for the presidency in subsequent elections and pushing for electoral reforms to ensure transparency and fairness in the country’s democratic processes.


The Odinga family’s political legacy remains strong, with Raila’s children also becoming involved in Kenyan politics. He has remained a vocal advocate for social justice, good governance, and the rule of law in Kenya. His journey, deeply rooted in the principles and struggles of his father, continues to shape the political landscape of Kenya and inspire generations of Kenyans who seek positive change and progress for their nation.

News Top News

DP Rigathi Gachagua Commends DCI’s Crackdown on Drug Trafficking at Mombasa International Show

In a resounding show of support for the ongoing efforts to combat transnational organized crimes, Deputy President His Excellency Rigathi Gachagua praised the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), with a special nod to the Anti-Narcotics Unit. The Deputy President commended their recent crackdown on drug trafficking, which has resulted in significant drug seizures and the arrest of key suspects.


A Salute to the Anti-Narcotics Unit

Deputy President Gachagua didn’t mince words when he lauded the relentless efforts of the Anti-Narcotics Unit, which has escalated its operations to curtail drug trafficking. The recent series of swoops orchestrated by the unit have not only led to the confiscation of substantial drug consignments but also the apprehension of prime suspects behind these illicit activities.


Commitment to the Cause

Expressing his unwavering commitment to supporting the DCI’s fight against the drug trade, the Deputy President acknowledged the devastating impact drugs have had on the lives of countless young people in Kenya. In his statement, he emphasized, “I am very impressed by the work that you are doing, and I will be paying a visit to the Directorate to explore ways in which the Government can further support the Anti-Narcotics Unit, to cascade the war to all parts of the country, especially in rural areas, where drugs and substance abuse are also rampant.”


A Visit to the Frontlines

Deputy President Gachagua made these remarks during his visit to the police stand at the ongoing Mombasa International Show. As the Chief Guest of this year’s Mombasa trade fair, he took the opportunity to tour various stands representing different units within the DCI and its sister services, the Kenya Police and Administration Police Services.


Uniting Forces Against Transnational Crime

The Deputy President’s visit underscores the government’s commitment to eradicating the scourge of drug trafficking and its associated issues, such as substance abuse. By pledging increased support for the Anti-Narcotics Unit and extending the fight against drugs to rural areas, the government aims to protect the nation’s youth from the devastating consequences of drug addiction.


A Collaborative Effort

In an era where transnational organized crimes threaten the security and well-being of communities across the region, the Deputy President’s endorsement of the DCI’s efforts serves as a beacon of hope. It emphasizes the importance of collaborative efforts between government agencies and the determination to bring those responsible for these crimes to justice.


As evidenced with the recently talked about ‘mathe wa Ngara bust‘ the fight against drug trafficking is gaining momentum, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s visit to the Mombasa International Show marks a significant step toward a safer, drug-free Kenya. Stay tuned to Smartie News for further updates on this pivotal development in the ongoing battle against transnational organized crimes.


Police Intercept Marijuana Consignment Disguised in Hearse, Uncover Bizarre Scheme

Kenya’s Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) has revealed a startling incident where law enforcement intercepted a significant marijuana consignment, creatively concealed within a hearse en route to Kisumu, a major port city.


In a bizarre turn of events that left police officers at a roadblock in Suo, Busia County astonished, a haul of 12 sacks of marijuana was discovered meticulously arranged within a vehicle commonly associated with carrying the deceased to their final resting places.


According to the accounts of officers present, a white Nissan van bearing the emblem of Rafiki Funeral Services-Othaya was signaled to stop for a routine inspection at approximately 7pm. Despite the solemn atmosphere created by the vehicle’s tinted windows and somber melodies emanating from its stereo, the driver complied and pulled over.


As the driver engaged with the officers, an unexpected scent emanating from the vehicle aroused suspicion, not reminiscent of a funeral procession. The officer’s hunch proved accurate as a subsequent search, conducted in collaboration with fellow officers, uncovered a stash of cannabis sativa artfully concealed within the hearse.


A total of 12 sacks of the illicit substance were discovered meticulously placed on the vehicle’s seats and floor. The driver of the hearse, identified as Hussein Otita, was taken into custody, and the van with registration number KCV 402Y was seized as evidence.


A separate yet related incident took place at Korondile police station in Wajir, where officers apprehended two suspects, Osman Boru (25) and Halkno Guchu (24), transporting 58 kilograms of marijuana via motorcycle to Wajir town. The suspects are currently detained at Korondile police station pending legal proceedings.


In light of these incidents, detectives from the Anti Narcotics Unit have assumed responsibility for the ongoing investigations into both cases, seeking to uncover the full extent of the operations.


As authorities delve deeper into these alarming situations, the DCI encourages anyone with relevant information to contribute to their efforts by reaching out to the toll-free hotline at 0800 722 203.


The discoveries underscore the lengths to which criminal elements are willing to go to evade detection and the commitment of law enforcement to dismantle such networks, ensuring the safety and well-being of the public.


U.S. Backs ECOWAS-Led Efforts in Niger Crisis, Urges Constitutional Order Restoration

In an expected move, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has fully committed to supporting the West African bloc, ECOWAS as they take center stage in addressing the recent crisis in Niger. While refraining from an explicit endorsement of military intervention, Blinken’s stance supports ECOWAS’ pivotal role in the region’s stability.

Deputy Secretary of State Nuland’s recent engagement in Niger has cemented America’s commitment to resolving the crisis through diplomatic means. Having personally engaged with military leaders responsible for the current situation, Nuland delivered a clear message on the importance of restoring constitutional order. Equally noteworthy, ECOWAS has emerged as a driving force, uniting West African nations in demanding the swift return to constitutional governance.

Highlighting the seriousness of the situation, Blinken underscored that the junta now in control must be held accountable for the safety and wellbeing of President Mohamed Bazoum, who was democratically elected, his family, and other detained government officials. The United States, echoing global concerns, is resolute in its call for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

As tensions remain high, all eyes are on ECOWAS and the collective efforts of the international community to steer Niger back on the path of constitutional integrity. With diplomatic avenues taking precedence, the world watches with bated breath, hopeful for a peaceful restoration of order in this pivotal West African nation.