News Top News Uasin Gishu

Eldoret’s Silent Battle: The Shadowy Gang vs. Voices of Justice

Deep in the heart of Eldoret town, an insidious gang, allegedly under the command of a high-ranking official within the Uasin Gishu county inspectorate department, is sowing chaos and terror, especially among those brave enough to speak out against the county administration.


This shadowy gang, led by a senior officer in Governor Jonathan Bii’s administration, employs a chilling array of tactics, including espionage, intimidation, and even violence, to stifle critics and crush any form of protest.


Their sinister activities were thrust into the spotlight in the aftermath of the ill-fated Finland and Canada education programs, which left countless parents and students stranded and disillusioned.


The gang primarily targets those seeking answers and justice regarding this scandal. Among their victims are a prominent politician, a dedicated human rights advocate, and even a magistrate.


Politician Forced to Flee.

Kipkorir Menjo, a well-known politician who had been vocal about the education debacle, found himself forcibly ejected from a town hall meeting attended by Governor Jonathan Bii and Senator Jackson Mandago.


Menjo was accused of aligning himself with the victims, compelling him to make a hasty retreat for his own safety. Reflecting on the incident, he recalled, “They did not want me at the meeting, accusing me of being critical of the administration. I had to leave because they were agitated and ready to harm me.”


He called upon Governor Bii to address the rogue officers responsible for intimidating and physically abusing traders and members of the public. “This is unprecedented, and it must come to an end. Governor Bii must take action against these rogue officers within the inspectorate department who have been terrorizing traders and the public,” Menjo declared.


Activist Narrowly Escapes Abduction.

Human rights activist Kimutai Kirui, based in Eldoret, disclosed that he had been singled out by the gang and subjected to death threats.


He narrowly escaped an attempted abduction and recounted his encounter with the gang’s leader. “I crossed paths with the gang leader while dealing with issues related to street families after their arrest and transfer to a rescue center. I criticized the handling of these families, and I was warned to back off or face dire consequences,” Kirui explained.


Unyielding, Kirui continued to push for reforms within the county enforcement department, including advocating for officers to wear official uniforms and be accompanied by police during their duties. “But I persisted, calling for a complete overhaul of the county enforcement department, including the requirement for officers to wear official uniforms and be accompanied by police. Then the gang leader and his cohorts began issuing threats against me through social media. When the gang leader threatened to harm a magistrate, we stepped up and demanded his arrest,” he added.


As the education airlift issue took center stage, Kirui found himself squarely in the crosshairs of the county enforcement team, which was dispatched to apprehend him. “After the initial protest, the gang wanted me removed from a town hall meeting attended by Senator Jackson Mandago and Governor Bii. However, parents threatened to walk out. They waited for me and attempted to abduct me, shoving me into a waiting county vehicle. But vigilant members of the public and the press, who filmed the incident, thwarted their efforts led by the senior official in the inspectorate,” he recounted.


Kirui implored the county to cease its profiling and intimidation of parents seeking their rightful entitlements. “The county must put an end to its practices of profiling and intimidating parents who demand what is rightfully theirs. Threats against the media, aimed at obstructing the exposure of wrongdoing, must cease immediately, as media freedom is a fundamental human right. Likewise, threats against civil society organizations should be unequivocally halted,” Kirui asserted.


Governor Pledges Action.

When questioned about the escalating situation, Governor Jonathan Bii pledged to take administrative action against officers implicated in the gang’s activities. He vehemently denied the existence of an organized gang within the county and announced plans to equip enforcement officers with new uniforms for clear identification. “All county askaris will be issued new uniforms for identification purposes, aimed at putting an end to the harassment of traders and the general public,” Governor Bii affirmed.


Nevertheless, as the residents of Eldoret town await concrete actions to address this alarming issue, questions persist about the governor’s ability to rein in the unruly elements within his administration.


While promises of administrative action are made, the victims of the gang’s reign of terror continue to live in fear, with their pursuit of justice remaining frustratingly out of reach.


Governor Bii’s leadership will be judged not solely by his words, but by the swift and effective actions he takes to restore order, ensuring that the county’s residents can express their concerns without the looming threat of this menacing gang.


The citizens of Eldoret deserve more than mere assurances; they deserve the freedom to voice their concerns without fear of retaliation.

News Tech Top News

@WanjikuHSC aka Mr. Abeta: A pseudo Kenyan Blogger’s Arrest Unveils a Trail of Deciet, Online propoganda, betrayal.

In a recent twist of events, a Kenyan Blogger has found himself on the wrong side of the law, facing charges under the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act of 2018. Silvance Adongo Abeta, who goes by the alias @WanjikuHSC on the internet, under the pseudonym Karen Wanjiku, was apprehended by the dedicated officers of the Serious Crime Unit, a division operating under the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).


Calvince Abeta, WanjikuHSC
Alleged Portrait of Calvince Abeta/WanjikuHSC. From Clicks to Cuffs, Tale of a pseudo twitter blogger embroiled in a sad tale of Betrayal.

Mr. Abeta’s alleged transgression involves a post made on his online platform that is said to have breached section 23 of the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act, no. 5 of 2018. The contentious post read: “My NIS sources believe that the Nairobian Newspaper will be reporting confirmed bounty rumors about Kenya’s Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua AKA Riggy G wanting Ndindi Nyoro dead at a cost.”


This particular online post proved to be the catalyst for Mr. Abeta’s arrest, which took place on the 9th of September, 2023, in the Muthiga area of Kikuyu. The controversial message had been shared on the @WanjikuHSC account, registered under the name Karen Wanjiku HSC, and had been timestamped at 20:53hrs on the 3rd of September, 2023.


In a further statement issued by the DCI, Mr. Abeta was described as a “notorious cyberbully.” Additionally, the DCI asserted that the blogger had a history of disseminating false information while relentlessly bullying and harassing innocent Kenyan citizens.


Following his arrest, Mr. Abeta was held in custody at Muthaiga police station. He eventually entered a plea on the 11th of September in Milimani Law Court No. 5, with the court setting the date for his case to be heard as the 26th of September 2023.


This incident is not an isolated one, as the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act has led to the apprehension and prosecution of several Kenyan citizens since its enactment. In a notable case from July, a Nairobi lawyer, Mr. Joshua Otieno Ayika, found himself before the courts after making a controversial statement on his verified Twitter account @ayika_joshua.


On the 16th of July, 2023, Mr. Ayika’s tweet warned, “……I am not a prophet, neither am I a soothsayer but get it from me, in between Wednesday – Friday next week we might have the army taking over from this “Biblical Regime”. Prepare for an Army to take Over Government for the next 90 days then we shall have elections.”


The prosecution argued that Mr. Ayika’s words posed a threat to public order and the security of Kenya. Presently, the lawyer is out on bail, awaiting a court hearing to address the charges brought against him.


It’s worth noting that when the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act was initially signed into law, it stirred controversy and led to legal challenges. Both the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) and the Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE) went to court, seeking to suspend 26 sections of the act. They contended that these sections infringed upon their constitutionally protected rights and freedoms and could potentially be used to target bloggers and the media. However, their legal challenge was dismissed by the High Court.






News World

Putin’s Shocking Revelation: British Special Services and the Ukrainian Mystery

In an unexpected twist of events, Vladimir Putin has raised eyebrows with a peculiar assertion, suggesting that UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak may be in the dark regarding the activities of British special services in Ukraine. The Russian leader has gone so far as to accuse elite UK forces of imparting training to Ukrainian troops with a mission to disrupt atomic power lines on Russian soil, and he has issued a foreboding warning of “serious consequences.”


Speaking from Vladivostok, Putin revealed that his FSB security service had conducted an interrogation of a Ukrainian team discovered operating within Russian territory. What emerged from this interrogation, according to Putin, was a startling revelation: the captured Ukrainians were part of a sabotage unit from Ukrainian special services. Their mission? To sabotage a nuclear station by detonating a power line, thereby jeopardizing the operation of the power plant. Putin pointedly stated, “And this is not the first attempt.”


Even more astonishing is Putin’s claim that this group had received training under the watchful eye of British instructors. He posed a thought-provoking question: “Do [the British] understand what they are playing with, or not?” Putin went on to inquire whether the British leadership, including the Prime Minister, was cognizant of the activities of their special services in Ukraine or if they were, in fact, oblivious to the situation. He even ventured to suggest that British special services might be acting on the directives of the United States, adding, “Either way, we know the final beneficiary. But do they realize what they are playing with?”


In a somewhat ominous tone, Putin remarked, “I am afraid they simply underestimate… I know there will be howling that starts after my words like ‘These are threats!’, ‘Nuclear blackmail!’, and so on.” At the 2023 Eastern Economic Summit, the former KGB operative passionately assured his audience of the veracity of his claims, asserting that the information came directly from the interrogated individuals.


Putin seemed unwavering in his conviction, stating, “I know some can say: ‘They will say anything under a gun.’ This is not true. And the leadership of the British special services knows I am telling the truth. But I am not sure the leadership of Great Britain understands what’s going on. These kinds of things are seriously concerning because they [the UK] don’t feel the ground – which can lead to serious consequences.”


It’s worth noting that Putin refrained from specifying which branch of British special services he believed had trained the Ukrainian sabotage team, and he did not offer any concrete evidence to substantiate his allegations. However, his focus now appears to be on securing additional weaponry and ammunition for his ongoing campaign in Ukraine, with an impending meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un in Vladivostok.


In a rapidly evolving global landscape, these claims from the Russian leader add a layer of intrigue and uncertainty to an already complex geopolitical situation. Whether or not his allegations hold water remains to be seen, but one thing is certain – the world watches closely as events continue to unfold.

News Top News

Controversy Surrounds Lang’ata MP Jalang’o in Alleged Gold Scam

Lang’ata Member of Parliament, Phelix Odiwuor, popularly known as Jalang’o, finds himself entangled in yet another contentious situation, this time involving allegations of being part of a group implicated in a fake gold scam. The scandal also allegedly involves fellow MPs, Senator Chesang’ and Jhanda, according to reports.


The Alleged Scandal Unveiled:

The unsettling revelation emerged via a report in the Citizen Weekly magazine, which named Jalang’o as one of the individuals connected to the purported fake gold dealings. This explosive report has ignited a firestorm of controversy and speculation, casting a cloud of suspicion over the embattled MP.

Gold scam
Fake Gold scams have been on the rose in Kenya of late. Image: Courtesy

Jalang’o’s Reaction:

In response to the accusations, Jalang’o reacted with fury, vehemently denying any involvement in the alleged gold scam. He made a strong statement, vowing to take legal action against the publication for what he considers to be false information amounting to defamation. Jalang’o is determined to clear his name and hold those responsible for spreading these allegations accountable.


In a social media post on Facebook, he declared, “Rogue media must be dealt with! After the steps I want to take against Citizen Weekly, I don’t think they will ever sit down and write a defamatory story on anyone again, then call to extort you in the name of ‘we will clean your name!’ I’ll not fall for that nonsense! Good day!”


ODM Expulsion Looms:

This latest controversy follows closely on the heels of another development in Jalang’o’s political career. Just a few days prior, he was expelled from the ODM party due to his association with the Kenya Kwanza side. The MP’s political fortunes appear to be on a rollercoaster ride, with both political and personal challenges looming large.


The unfolding situation has gripped the public’s attention, leaving many eager to see how Jalang’o’s legal battle against the publication will unfold and whether it will lead to vindication or further complications in his political journey.

Counties Kericho County News Top News

EACC Investigates Alleged Financial Irregularities at KEWASCO Amid Management Shake-Up

Kericho Water and Sanitation Company Limited (Kewasco) is currently under the watchful eye of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) as allegations of financial misappropriation cast a shadow over the company. A recent audit report for the 2020/21 financial year, conducted by the Auditor-General, revealed that the company had incurred a staggering deficit of over Sh122.3 million, purportedly due to mismanagement and suspected bribery. This unfolding situation has drawn considerable attention, and EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak has confirmed that the investigation is in an advanced stage.


The EACC Investigation:

Twalib Mbarak, the CEO of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, officially confirmed the ongoing investigation, stating that, “The EACC confirms that it is investigating the matter, and upon conclusion, the outcome will inform appropriate action.” The impetus for the investigation came from the Senate County Public Investment and Special Funds Committee, which recommended the dismissal of Kibii Siele from his role as Managing Director (MD) of Kewasco on March 14, 2023. The committee cited allegations of mismanagement and abuse of office that had resulted in the company reporting losses for three consecutive years.

Mr. Siele, KEWASCO MD at a past function. IMAGE: Facebook

Calls for Change and Accountability:

The Senate committee went further to call for the removal of Kewasco’s board members and the thorough investigation of staff implicated in the alleged financial irregularities. Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi urged Kericho Governor Dr. Erick Mutai to take swift action, stating that, “The county chief should reconstitute the board of the company and the entire workforce if the water utility firm is to be saved from sinking and start to make profits.” The Governor was also tasked with collaborating with the County Assembly to establish a proper legal framework for the company’s operations, as it had been operating without one.


Siele’s Defense:

Kibii Siele, the embattled MD, defended himself during the Senate committee’s inquiry. He explained that during the takeover of Tililbei Water and Sanitation Company (Tilwasco) in 2018, Kewasco assumed both assets and liabilities. Among these liabilities were monthly electricity bills, bulk water costs, and salary harmonization expenses. According to Siele, Tilwasco’s liability amounted to Sh90,565,225, with Bomet Water Company responsible for paying Sh25,073,379 as a share of the liabilities during the split. The County Government of Kericho was expected to cover the remaining Sh65.49 million, which has yet to be paid. However, his explanation did not appease the committee, leading to their recommendation for his removal.


Audit Report Highlights Financial Woes:

The audit report for the financial year 2020-2021 painted a grim financial picture for Kewasco. It revealed a loss of Sh10.14 million for the year, pushing the company’s accumulated negative retained earnings to Sh117.22 million as of June 30, 2021. The report highlighted that the company’s liabilities amounted to Sh346.79 million, surpassing its asset balance of Sh224.48 million, resulting in a negative working capital of Sh122.31 million. Auditor General Nancy Gathungu expressed doubts about the company’s ability to continue operations without support from creditors and the county government.


Legal Battle and Verdict Awaited:

In response to the county government’s decision to place him on administrative leave, Kibii Siele took legal action. On July 14, 2023, he challenged the decision in court. The Kericho court ruled in his favor, allowing him to remain in office until his case is heard and concluded. The court is scheduled to deliver its verdict on September 27, 2023, adding another layer of complexity to the unfolding drama at Kewasco.

News Top News

Andrew Kibe’s YouTube Channel Bites the Dust: What’s Next for the Online Maverick

Andrew Kibe, the charismatic content creator whose YouTube channel once boasted nearly 500,000 subscribers and an impressive 160 million views, has recently faced a significant setback. On September 11, Kibe found himself in the unfortunate position of having his YouTube channel terminated. The news shook his online community, and he took to his social media platform, X (formerly known as Twitter), to express his frustration and disappointment regarding this unexpected loss.


The circumstances surrounding the termination of Kibe’s highly popular YouTube account remain shrouded in mystery. With almost half a million subscribers, 159.5 million views, and a catalog of over 3,000 videos, Kibe’s channel was a vibrant hub of content for his dedicated audience.


However, Andrew Kibe is not one to be deterred by challenges. In a recent announcement, he revealed his plans to resurface on a new platform called Yafreeka. Kibe assured his followers that he would continue engaging with them through various social media channels, including TikTok, Instagram, Rumble, and X.


“Have been testing out the live feature on Yafreeka, and I am confident we shall be going Live this Friday,” Kibe exclaimed with enthusiasm. “Sign up there and start uploading your content. We are the content cartel! Meanwhile, catch me tonight at the same time here on X, Rumble, Instagram, and TikTok. The train left the station, bruh,” he added, hinting at an exciting journey ahead.

Screenshot of Andrew Kibe YouTube channel.
A screengrab of Kibe’s YouTube channel confirming the termination. Image: Courtesy

Andrew Kibe’s online presence has been defined by his controversial opinions and witty punchlines, making him one of the most captivating personalities in Kenya’s digital landscape. His career took off as a radio presenter at NRG Radio, where he co-hosted the breakfast show alongside Kamene Goro. Later, he made a move to Kiss FM, where he continued to entertain and engage his growing fanbase through the morning show, once again alongside Kamene Goro.


In a pivotal moment in 2020, Kibe decided to bid farewell to his radio career at Kiss 100 and embarked on a new adventure in the USA. There, he began creating and promoting content on his YouTube channel, establishing himself as a prominent figure in the world of online media.


As Andrew Kibe forges ahead with his plans to make a comeback on Yafreeka and maintain his presence on other social media platforms, his loyal supporters eagerly await the next chapter in his entertaining journey, ready to join him on this exciting ride through the digital realm.

News Tech World

Iranian Hackers Infiltrate 32 Israeli Companies in Expansive Cyber Campaign

In a recent revelation, the cybersecurity firm ESET disclosed that Iranian hackers have successfully breached the networks of approximately 32 Israeli companies. This cyber intrusion also extended to businesses in Brazil and the United Arab Emirates. While the specific names of the affected companies remain undisclosed, it is known that they span various industries, including insurance, healthcare, manufacturing, telecommunications, IT, technology, retail, automotive, legal, financial services, architecture, and civil engineering.


The group responsible for this cyber campaign has been identified as “Ballistic Bobcat,” operating under various aliases such as “Charming Kitten,” “TA543,” “PHOSPHORUS,” and APT35/42. While their primary objective is cyber espionage, Ballistic Bobcat has also been involved in data theft and ransom attacks. Intriguingly, ESET’s findings suggest that other unauthorized entities gained access to the compromised networks, affecting at least 16 companies, although specific details regarding these secondary attackers remain undisclosed.


ESET researcher Adam Berger, who uncovered the backdoor known as “Sponsor” and analyzed the group’s latest cyber attack campaign, advises users to promptly install up-to-date security patches on all devices connected to the Internet. Additionally, organizations should remain vigilant for unexpected applications within their infrastructure. The “Sponsor” backdoor is particularly cunning, as it employs configuration files that discreetly run as batch files, designed to mimic legitimate processes, thus evading detection by security scans.


The Ballistic Bobcat group initiated the use of this backdoor in September 2021. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, their targets included organizations involved in pandemic-related activities, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and medical research institutions. Speculation surrounds the motive behind these attacks, suggesting they may have aimed to share information with Iranian authorities concerning global disease management and vaccine development at the time.


Further investigation by researchers uncovered that the hackers exploited a known vulnerability in Microsoft’s Exchange email servers in at least 23 of the 34 documented attacks. Microsoft had already released a software update to address this vulnerability, suggesting that victims failed to update their systems in a timely manner, thus enabling the hackers to breach their defenses.


Remarkably, these cyberattacks were not part of a meticulously targeted campaign. Rather, the hackers employed scanning tools to identify vulnerabilities and opportunistically infiltrated the networks they discovered. It is worth noting that Iranian hacking groups regularly target Israeli entities, perpetually probing for weaknesses in corporate, government, and military networks. Additionally, Russian, North Korean, Syrian, and Turkish cyberattack groups also operate within Israel, primarily driven by criminal motives rather than political-strategic ones. Nevertheless, a successful breach of Israeli systems could have political repercussions.


Israel and Iran have been conducting covert cyber warfare for several years. Iranian activities have been detected in various cases, including the disruption of the Hillel Yaffe Hospital, infiltration into defense firms’ networks, municipalities, national infrastructures, and government organizations. These operations serve different purposes, ranging from intelligence gathering to disrupting activities or planting trojan programs for future exploitation. The ultimate impact of the recently identified campaign remains unclear, leaving questions about its success and potential future actions.


Tragic Discovery at Stackton Lake: Young Man’s Body Recovered in Western Australia

– Images used courtesy of

In a heart-wrenching incident, the lifeless body of a 23-year-old Elgeiyo Marakwet resident, identified as Orville Kimutai Tures, has been retrieved from the serene waters of Stackton Lake in Western Australia. This picturesque swimming spot turned into a scene of sorrow when Tures went missing while taking a dip on a tranquil Sunday afternoon, approximately at 3:15 PM.


Today, the community was met with the somber news that Tures’ body was recovered from the very waters he had set out to enjoy. Eyewitnesses reported that, during his swim, Tures found himself in a moment of distress, desperately needing assistance. Tragically, despite the presence of concerned onlookers, no one was able to provide the aid he needed.

Kenyan community in Australia look on
Kenyans in Australia look on at the site of the tragic accident. Image courtesy of Nandi News.



Tures had embarked on a journey to Perth in March, filled with dreams of pursuing further education. It is with heavy hearts that we report that those dreams have been shattered. His body currently remains under the care of the Bunbury police, as the investigation into this unfortunate incident continues.


Efforts are now in motion to repatriate Tures’ body to his homeland. In this trying time, local leaders are urging the community to unite and contribute to the costly process of bringing him back home. The burden of sorrow and the financial burden of repatriation weigh heavily on the hearts of those who knew him, but together, we can ensure that Orville Kimutai Tures is laid to rest with the dignity he deserves.



News World

Morocco’s Devastating Earthquake: A Village Shattered, Lives Changed Forever

In a heart-wrenching tragedy, Morocco experienced its most catastrophic earthquake in over six decades, leaving behind a trail of devastation, loss of lives, and survivors grappling with the harsh reality of starting anew.

The earthquake, a formidable 6.8-magnitude tremor, struck on September 8, sending shockwaves through the village of Tikht, situated just a few kilometers from the epicenter in the Atlas Mountains, as reported by AFP.

One of the heartbreaking casualties of this disaster was a young woman named Mina Ait Bihi. She was on a phone call with her fiancé, Omar Ait Mbarek, when the earth trembled beneath her feet. Tragically, Omar witnessed the horrifying scene as Mina was unearthed from the rubble, still clutching her phone, before being tenderly carried to a makeshift cemetery that had already become the final resting place for 68 others by September 10. Overwhelmed by grief, Omar could only utter, “What do you want me to say? I’m wounded,” as he held his beloved’s dust-covered phone and whispered, “I will rebuild my house.”

Once a vibrant community, Tikht now lies in ruins, its streets marred by a chaotic jumble of timbers, masonry debris, shattered plates, abandoned shoes, and remnants of once-treasured intricately patterned rugs. The village had predominantly featured traditional construction, blending stone, timber, and a mud-based mortar.

Mohssin Aksum, a 33-year-old survivor with family ties to the small settlement, lamented, “Life is finished here,” adding, “The village is dead.” He pointed to the heartbreaking loss of livestock, now buried and decaying beneath the wreckage, emphasizing that the earthquake had left the residents with less than nothing.

For 23-year-old Abdelrahman Edjal, a student who tragically lost most of his family in the disaster, the earthquake was a catastrophe that no one in the village had ever contemplated. On the fateful evening, as he took a leisurely post-dinner stroll, the earth’s violent tremors began. He witnessed the desperate attempts of people trying to escape their collapsing homes. In a poignant moment of heroism, he managed to rescue his father from the ruins of their family house. However, his father’s injuries proved fatal, and he passed away with his son by his side.

The aftermath of the earthquake saw the emergence of yellow tents for emergency housing along the road into the town. Government civil protection service personnel swiftly mobilized, unloading camp beds from military-style trucks and erecting them near the tents. Non-profit organizations also played a crucial role, conducting assessments of the remaining villagers’ needs in places like Tikht, which extended beyond basic necessities like shelter, food, and water. Many survivors were still in a state of shock, struggling to come to terms with the enormity of the disaster.

News Tech

Android’s Iconic Bugdroid Gets a Stunning 3D Makeover

MyIn a captivating transformation, Android has unveiled an all-new look for its beloved bugdroid, the iconic face of the Android robot. This dynamic update marks a significant evolution in the Android brand identity, bringing an exciting 3D dimension to the bugdroid while enhancing its character and adaptability.


The Android robot has long been a symbol of the brand’s playfulness and innovation, and this latest update takes it to a whole new level. With the bugdroid being the most recognizable element of the Android robot, the redesign focuses on adding depth and personality to this cherished mascot.


As a visual representation of the Android brand, the bugdroid now exudes a sense of dynamism that mirrors the ever-evolving nature of Android itself. This transformation also extends to the robot’s full-body appearance, ensuring it seamlessly transitions between digital and real-world environments. This versatility positions the bugdroid as a dependable companion across various channels, platforms, and contexts.


Android enthusiasts and users can look forward to encountering these fresh elements of the brand identity, including the updated logo and the captivating 3D bugdroid, across Android devices and various locations throughout the year.


This exciting change further solidifies Android’s commitment to its community by embracing innovation and keeping the Android experience as unique and dynamic as its users. Stay tuned for the unveiling of the updated logo and bugdroid, as Android continues to push the boundaries of creativity and playfulness.


Diverse Government Emerges in Gabon’s Transition, but Opposition Figures Left Out

Gabon’s transitional Prime Minister, Raymond Ndong Sima, unveiled a diverse government over the weekend, bringing together former adversaries, ex-ministers from the ousted President Ali Bongo’s administration, military officials, and civil society representatives. However, conspicuously absent are prominent figures from the former opposition in the presidential election.

Mr. Ndong Sima took the helm of the transitional government last Thursday, following his appointment by General Brice Oligui Nguema, who orchestrated the coup d’état against Ali Bongo Ondimba on August 30. This coup took place shortly after Bongo’s contentious re-election in a disputed election.


Gabon’s Prime Minister Unveils his Government in a televised speech .

Courtesy: Africa News


General Oligui was inaugurated as the President of the transitional period earlier this week, without specifying its duration, but with a commitment to eventually “return power to civilians” through elections.

The announcement of the government’s composition, consisting of 26 members, comes two days after Ndong Sima’s appointment. The 68-year-old, who previously served as Prime Minister under President Bongo from 2012 to 2014, distanced himself from the main opposition platform, Alternance 2023, which united various opposition leaders in support of a common presidential candidate, Albert Ondo Ossa.

Significantly, Ondo Ossa and other prominent figures from the coalition, such as Alexandre Barro Chambrier of the Rassemblement pour la patrie et la modernité (RPM) or Paulette Missambo of the Union nationale (UN), are not part of the government.

A former member of Missambo’s party, Paul-Marie Gondjout, who left in October 2022 due to internal disputes, has been appointed as the Minister of Justice. Under the transitional charter, members of this temporary government are barred from participating in the upcoming presidential election, although there are no such restrictions on Mr. Oligui’s candidacy.

The government also includes civil society representatives, such as Mays Mouissi, who has been designated as the Minister of the Economy. Mouissi, an economic analyst, authored a widely circulated report during the campaign titled “105 Promises, 13 Achievements: An Assessment of Ali Bongo’s Second Seven-Year Term.”

Three ministers from Ali Bongo’s previous government have retained their positions. Camélia Ntoutoume-Leclercq continues as the Minister of National Education, Hermann Immongault, formerly the Minister of Foreign Affairs, now serves as the Minister Delegate for the Interior, and Raphaël Ngazouzé, who previously oversaw vocational training, has assumed responsibility for the Civil Service portfolio.

News Top News

Czeska Pistol, 58 Ammunitions seized in Migori 

Detectives in Migori augmented by their counterparts from specialized units of the DCI have recovered a firearm and 58 rounds of ammunition in an early morning raid at a suspect’s house in Isibania.


A Czeska pistol with two magazines, 58 rounds of 9mm calibre and a sharp dagger were among the recoveries made in the stealth operation.


The wanted suspect – Peter Matinde Wandwi – who remains on police radar for a number of violent robberies narrowly escaped the officers’ dragnet, but his manhunt is underway.


Two persons of interest were also arrested in the operation and are aiding the detectives with further investigations.

News Top News

Minor Rescued after Hours of Agony in the Hands of Heartless Abductors

In a harrowing case of abduction, a 9-year-old grade three pupil was saved from the clutches of heartless kidnappers by dedicated DCI Detectives. The incident unfolded at a school in Donholm, Nairobi County, leaving the community in shock and disbelief.


The distressing chain of events began when the young boy’s father arrived at the school to pick up his son, only to discover that the child was missing. His anxiety intensified when he learned that the class teacher, Erick Mosoti, had abruptly left the premises in the company of the missing child.


Desperate to locate his son, the father’s frantic efforts to trace the teacher proved futile. It was during this period of agonizing uncertainty that he received a chilling phone call from the abductors. These heartless criminals were demanding a staggering Sh10 million ransom for the safe return of the innocent child.


In a race against time, the father immediately reported the abduction to the Buruburu police station, igniting a rapid response from the law enforcement authorities. A team of diligent detectives, comprising members from the Nairobi Region Command and DCI Buruburu, swiftly launched a comprehensive operation centered in the Kayole Sabasaba area.


Hours of relentless pursuit and meticulous investigation finally paid off when they discovered the abducted minor confined in a room. Shockingly, the room was believed to have been rented by another teacher, George Odhiambo, who happened to work at the same school as the primary suspect, Erick Mosoti.


The rescued child was promptly transported to the hospital for thorough medical examinations, ensuring his physical and emotional well-being. However, the operation was far from over.


In a dramatic turn of events, the detectives managed to apprehend one of the suspects, identified as Fredrick Odhiambo, red-handed as he attempted to negotiate the ransom for the child’s release. The suspect was swiftly taken into custody.


Additionally, crucial pieces of evidence were recovered during the operation, shedding light on the perpetrators’ heartless actions. Among the items seized were a motorcycle, a mobile phone, and other materials suspected to have been used in the commission of this heinous crime. These items were carefully cataloged as exhibits, further strengthening the case against the kidnappers.


As the investigation continues, the relentless pursuit of justice remains a top priority for the DCI Detectives. The community, once gripped by fear and uncertainty, now stands united in solidarity, hoping for the swift apprehension of all those responsible for this reprehensible act.

News Top News

Governor Amos Nyaribo Faces Impeachment Storm Amidst Allegations of Corruption and Mismanagement

Reports from various sources suggest that the Nyamira CountyG overnor finds himself in a precarious situation as more than 28 county assembly members have affixed their signatures to a petition seeking his impeachment. The grounds for this motion revolve around allegations of corruption and mismanagement within the county.


According to the information available, Amos Nyaribo, the Governor of Nyamira County, who recently switched allegiance from Azimio La Umoja, formerly aligned with One Kenya Alliance led by Raila Odinga, to pledge his support to President William Ruto, now faces significant challenges. Abuga Makori, a prominent blogger, asserts that at least 30 members of the County Assembly (MCAs) have endorsed an impeachment motion targeting Governor Nyaribo.


The accusations leveled against the Governor by these MCAs encompass a range of issues, including mismanagement, corruption, and overall poor administration. Remarkably, only three MCAs have yet to append their signatures to the motion.


Furthermore, it has come to light that in the preceding week, Governor Nyaribo took action by dismissing his Health County Executive Committee Member (CECM), Dr. Ombati, over similar allegations. The MCAs are also seeking answers regarding why Nyaribo has not relieved Finance CECM Emily Ongaga, who had previously faced impeachment proceedings.


It is pertinent to note that Amos Nyaribo currently serves as the party leader of the United Progressive Alliance. He was elected to the gubernatorial position in the last general elections under the banner of the same political party.

Images courtesy of Abuga Makori- Opera News 



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Esther Ruguru’s Mysterious Disappearance: Seeking Answers in a Tangled Web of Relationships

Esther Ruguru’s disappearance has left her family and the entire community deeply unsettled. As days pass, their concern intensifies, and the lack of progress in the investigation only adds to their distress.

Esther, a resilient woman who had triumphed over the challenges of widowhood, ventured into the hotel business to support her three children. However, her life became entangled in a complex web of relationships involving six different men, including two police officers, a mechanic, a businessman, and two civil servants in the health sector.

On the fateful evening of July 1, 2023, witnesses observed Esther closing her hotel, sharing a heartfelt embrace with a man, and stepping into a waiting black Probox car. This moment marked the last sighting of her, as the car departed towards Nyeri County, leaving a void that remains unfilled.

The investigation into her disappearance has been plagued by delays and suspicions of interference, primarily due to the involvement of the two police officers. The family’s plea for justice has seemingly fallen on deaf ears, as the Kiria-ini Police Station struggles to provide satisfactory answers. The initial report, which captured Esther’s final moments on a nearby CCTV camera, appears to be held hostage by those who are under suspicion.

The man last seen with Esther, a businessman linked to the tent rental industry, was later found hospitalized with injuries attributed to assault. His account of the events contradicts the initial findings, which suggested his close proximity to Esther before her disappearance. The complexity of this situation raises more questions than answers.

Carolyne, Esther’s eldest daughter, shares the pain and uncertainty that now pervade their lives. The hope of locating their mother has transformed into a haunting fear. She discloses that some investigators have even requested money as a facilitation fee, deepening their mistrust.

In the face of these troubling circumstances, the community grapples with how to ensure a comprehensive and impartial investigation. We invite you to share your thoughts and insights below and to follow for updates on this ongoing case.