News SmartBuzz Top News World

Sneako Gets Superman Punched In The Face To Sleep For Removing Security Guards Hat

Popular online streamer and former YouTuber Sneako was caught on camera getting punched in the face by a security guard after removing the guard’s hat. The incident, which has gone viral, has sparked heated debates about the role of physical confrontation in resolving conflicts.

The altercation began when Sneako and his friends were at a bar or nightclub, where they were told to leave by the security guard. The crowd refused to move, and the guard gave them the middle finger. The situation escalated when Sneako flicked the guard’s hat off his head.

The security guard, visibly upset, approached Sneako and delivered a powerful punch to the face, knocking him out. The punch was so strong that it broke some of Sneako’s teeth, and he had to go to the doctor for treatment.

Many have criticized Sneako for initiating physical contact and not taking responsibility for his actions. Others have defended the security guard, saying he was justified in his response. Sneako has spoken out about the incident, claiming he was the victim and that the security guard was aggressive. The security guard has also spoken out, saying he was simply doing his job.

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Features News Top News World

Hezbollah’s Shocking Drone Invasion: How the Group Outsmarted Israel’s Air Defenses

Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group, has published drone footage that appears to show it has been able to conduct extensive surveillance of strategic sites in northern Israel, including the port city of Haifa, without being detected by Israel’s vaunted air defense systems.

The nine-minute video, released on Tuesday, showcases footage that Hezbollah claims was gathered by its reconnaissance drones. The footage includes detailed images of the Haifa port, naval facilities, air defense systems like the Iron Dome and David’s Sling, as well as residential and commercial areas.

This revelation is particularly concerning for Israel, as Hezbollah has been steadily expanding its drone capabilities over the past year, using them for both surveillance and attack purposes. The group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, had previously acknowledged in November 2023 that Hezbollah had been sending drones over Haifa.

The ability of Hezbollah’s drones to penetrate deep into Israeli airspace and capture such detailed footage of sensitive military and civilian sites suggests significant gaps in Israel’s air defense systems. Despite intercepting around 150 Hezbollah drones, others have managed to reach their targets, highlighting the challenges Israel faces in countering this evolving threat.

Experts have noted that Hezbollah has employed tactics like flying at low altitudes and using multiple communication channels to evade detection, which appear to have been effective. Israel has acknowledged the need to invest millions of shekels to upgrade its air defense capabilities to better handle the drone threat.

The publication of this footage is seen as a major propaganda victory for Hezbollah, demonstrating its technological prowess and ability to breach Israel’s security. It also underscores the escalating tensions along the Lebanon-Israel border, as the two sides continue to exchange fire amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Video courtesy of Aljazeera/YouTube 


News Top News World

El Salvador’s Mega Prison: A Glimpse into the Harsh Reality

El Salvador’s government has released images of the massive transfer of over 2,000 suspected gang members to the Terrorism Confinement Center (CECOT), a maximum-security prison designed to hold 40,000 inmates. The prisoners, adorned with tattoos and barefoot, were escorted to the facility in chains, creating an atmosphere of constant fear and potential violence.

Inmates identified by authorities as gang members are seated on the prison floor of the Terrorism Confinement Center in Tecoluca, El Salvador
Inmates identified by authorities as gang members are seated on the prison floor of the Terrorism Confinement Center in Tecoluca, El Salvador, on March 15. ( El Salvador Presidential Press Office via Associated Press

The prison, located in Tecoluca, 74 kilometers southeast of the capital San Salvador, consists of eight buildings, each housing 32 cells. Each cell is approximately 100 square meters in size and can accommodate over 100 prisoners. The cells are equipped with only two sinks and two toilets, offering no comfort or programs to prepare prisoners for life after their sentences.

The transfer is part of President Nayib Bukele’s self-proclaimed war on crime, which has led to the apprehension of over 64,000 suspects. The emergency measures, which restrict certain constitutional rights, have been met with controversy, with human rights organizations expressing concerns that innocent individuals have been ensnared in this policy. Some detainees have reported experiencing “cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment.”

Despite these concerns, President Bukele’s anti-gang initiative remains popular among Salvadorans, who see it as a necessary measure to combat the surge in homicides and violent crimes. The government claims that criminal organizations like MS-13 and Barrio-18 are responsible for these crimes and that the mass arrests are aimed at eliminating these gangs entirely.

The leaked images of the prison have sparked widespread debate about the effectiveness of the government’s anti-crime strategy and the potential human rights violations that may have occurred during the transfer. As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen whether the harsh conditions within the prison will ultimately contribute to a safer society or further exacerbate the problems plaguing El Salvador.


Nairobi News Top News

What Really Happened: The Shocking Truth Behind the Londiani OCS’s Deadly Courtroom Outburst

Deadly Showdown at Makadara Law Courts

In a shocking turn of events, a high-ranking police officer opened fire inside a Kenyan courtroom, leaving a magistrate critically injured and the officer himself dead. The incident has sent shockwaves through the country’s judicial system, raising urgent questions about security and the rule of law.

The drama unfolded on Friday afternoon at the Makadara Law Courts in Nairobi. Chief Inspector Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto, the Officer Commanding Police Station (OCS) from Londiani, had traveled to the capital to attend a court case involving his wife, Jennifer Wairimu. She was accused of obtaining 2.9 million Kenyan shillings by false pretenses.

A Violent Outburst

When Makadara Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti denied Wairimu’s request for bail and ordered her remanded, Kipruto flew into a rage. Witnesses say the OCS stormed into the courtroom through the magistrate’s private entrance and opened fire, striking Kivuti in the chest and hip.


“It happened so fast, we couldn’t believe our eyes,” recounted one shaken court clerk. “The OCS just barged in and started shooting at the magistrate. It was pure chaos.”

The Deadly Shootout

Other police officers at the scene quickly responded, engaging Kipruto in a fierce shootout. The OCS was fatally wounded, while three other officers sustained injuries during the exchange of gunfire.

Magistrate Kivuti was rushed to a nearby hospital in critical condition, where she is currently receiving treatment. The Judiciary has expressed shock and sadness over the incident, with the Chief Justice ordering enhanced security measures at all courts nationwide.

Aftermath and Unanswered Questions

The Makadara Law Courts have been temporarily closed as authorities work to reinforce security and investigate the shocking events. This brazen attack has left the public and legal community alike grappling with questions about the breakdown of order and the safety of Kenya’s judicial system.


“This is a dark day for the Judiciary,” said a senior legal analyst. “We must get to the bottom of what led to this tragic incident and ensure that our courts remain sanctuaries of justice, not battlegrounds.”

As the investigation continues, the nation watches with bated breath, hoping that lessons will be learned and measures put in place to prevent such a devastating breakdown of law and order from ever happening again.


Africa Nairobi News SmartBuzz Top News

Betty Kyallo’s New BF: The Mystery Man Who Has Captivated Kenya!

Betty Kyallo, the popular Kenyan TV personality, has been making headlines with her new boyfriend, but there’s more to the story than just the romance. Betty has been quick to dispel rumors about her boyfriend’s age, stating that even if he were 21, he’s still an adult. She emphasized that his age is not 21 and that they’re taking their time to focus on their relationship.Bettykyallo_Bf Betty respects her boyfriend’s preference for a private life, which is why she doesn’t post him on social media. She clarified that not posting him doesn’t mean she’s hiding him, as they are seen together in public, enjoying everyday activities like going to restaurants and supermarkets. Betty shared a glimpse into her dating life, revealing that it’s not easy to date a younger man. She expressed her amusement and confusion when her boyfriend enthusiastically rapped along to a Future song, highlighting the challenges they face in their relationship.Betty is not in a rush to get married and is focusing on her relationship and personal life. She emphasized that they are taking their time and not putting pressure on themselves to get married.Betty expressed her gratitude for her boyfriend’s support, stating that he’s a kind guy who takes care of her. She also highlighted the importance of being taken care of, especially for strong, independent women like herself. Betty has been involved in a reality TV show and has expressed her support for local productions. She believes that there are opportunities for Kenyans to air their shows on local TVs and that they should keep knocking on doors until they find the right one.Betty doesn’t post her boyfriend on social media, but she does share glimpses into their relationship. She emphasizes that not posting him doesn’t mean she’s hiding him and that they are living a normal life together. Betty Kyallo’s new boyfriend may be a mystery, but one thing is clear: she’s happy and content in her relationship.
Africa News Top News World

Vice President Saulos Chilima’s Plane Goes Missing in Malawi

Authorities Launch Urgent Search and Rescue Operation Lilongwe, Malawi – A military aircraft carrying Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Chilima has gone missing after failing to make a scheduled landing at Mzuzu International Airport. The plane, which departed from the capital city of Lilongwe at 9:17 a.m. local time, was expected to arrive at its destination 45 minutes later but never reached the airport. Contact with the aircraft was lost shortly after it went off radar, and all attempts to reestablish communication have been unsuccessful so far. President Lazarus Chakwera has ordered an immediate search and rescue operation to locate the missing plane and its occupants.The Malawi Defence Force (MDF) and the Malawi Police Service (MPS) have mobilized their resources to aid in the search efforts. Helicopters and ground teams have been deployed to scour the area between Lilongwe and Mzuzu, where the plane was last detected.“We are deeply concerned about the safety and well-being of Vice President Chilima and all those on board the aircraft,” said President Chakwera in a statement. “Our top priority is to find the plane and ensure that everyone is safe. We are working closely with the relevant authorities to coordinate the search and rescue operation.” The cause of the plane’s disappearance remains unknown at this time. The aircraft was a military transport plane, and its flight path was a routine one that Vice President Chilima often takes.In light of the ongoing crisis, President Chakwera has canceled his planned trip to the Bahamas and is closely monitoring the situation from the State House in Lilongwe. The nation has been urged to remain calm and to pray for the safe return of the Vice President and the other passengers.“We are doing everything in our power to locate the missing plane and bring our loved ones home safely,” said the President. “We ask for the continued support and prayers of the Malawian people during this difficult time.” The search and rescue operation is ongoing, and updates will be provided as more information becomes available.
News SmartBuzz Top News World

BREAKING: Vybz Kartel’s Health Crisis Deepens – Life-Threatening Conditions and Prison Conditions Worsen His Plight

Vybz Kartel, the renowned Jamaican dancehall artist, is facing a dire health crisis as he battles multiple life-threatening conditions while incarcerated. The 23-hour prison lockdown he is subjected to has further exacerbated his condition, leaving his fans and loved ones in a state of panic.

Kartel, whose real name is Adidja Azim Palmer, has been diagnosed with Graves’ disease, a condition that causes his immune system to attack his thyroid gland. This has led to symptoms such as a swollen face and protruding eyes, which have become a stark reminder of his deteriorating health. Furthermore, he is also struggling with two heart conditions, which have significantly worsened his overall health.

The harsh prison conditions, including the 23-hour lockdown, have been particularly devastating for Kartel. His lawyer, Isat Buchanan, has described the cell as a “brick oven” with poor ventilation, which has only added to his suffering. This has led to concerns that Kartel’s health could take a turn for the worse if immediate action is not taken.

Kartel’s son, Likkle Vybz, has expressed his deep concern for his father’s well-being, urging fans to stay strong and know that he is doing the best he can. However, it is imperative that authorities take immediate action to address Kartel’s health crisis and ensure that he receives the necessary medical attention.

The Future Hangs in the Balance

As Kartel’s health continues to deteriorate, his fans and loved ones are left wondering what the future holds for the dancehall legend. Will he receive the medical attention he so desperately needs, or will his health continue to decline? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain – Vybz Kartel’s health crisis is a stark reminder of the harsh realities faced by many incarcerated individuals worldwide.

Stay Tuned for Further Updates

For the latest news and updates on Vybz Kartel’s health crisis, follow us on social media or check back for further articles.


Kericho County Nakuru News SmartBuzz Top News

Chebet Breaks Silence, Says She’s Okay After Cult Initiation Drama

Kenyan social media influencer Star Chebet has finally spoken out after her recent drama surrounding alleged cult initiation. In a Facebook post, Chebet expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support and concern from her followers. She revealed that she is currently doing well and is still processing the lessons she learned from the experience.

Star chebet Facebook Reply

Chebet emphasized the importance of spiritual growth and the need to confront fears and insecurities in order to uncover truth. She hinted that she will share her lessons in the future, stating that “alot has been hidden in plain sight.” The post concluded with a message of peace and a call to action, encouraging followers to prioritize love over fear.

The post has sparked a wave of interest and speculation among fans, who are eagerly awaiting Chebet’s next update on what really happened at Kimugu River, Kericho.

Kericho County Nakuru News SmartBuzz Top News

Chebet’s Descent into Darkness: The Alarming Possibility of Drug-Induced Psychosis and Spirit Possession

Pretty kalenjin comedian, Star Chebet’s recent cryptic posts have left fans and the public alike in a state of unease. The actress’s claims of being involved in a mysterious initiation ritual in Kericho have sparked concerns about her involvement with hard drugs and the possibility of drug-induced psychosis. As the situation unfolds, it is essential to examine the potential factors that could have led to her ordeal.

The Lure of Hard Drugs

Chebet’s posts hint at her involvement with laced bhang and mushrooms, which are known to induce intense hallucinations and altered states of consciousness. These substances can lead to a phenomenon known as drug-induced psychosis, where the user’s perception of reality becomes distorted. This can result in vivid hallucinations, paranoia, and disorientation, making it difficult for the individual to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

The Risk of Astral Projection

Another theory surrounding Chebet’s ordeal is her possible involvement with astral projection. Astral projection is a phenomenon where an individual’s consciousness or spirit temporarily leaves their physical body, often during deep meditation or under the influence of certain substances. This practice can lead to a range of experiences, including out-of-body experiences, lucid dreaming, and even encounters with entities from other realms.

The Dangers of Experimentation

The current generation is known for its willingness to experiment with various substances and practices, often without fully understanding their effects. Chebet’s recent posts suggest that she may have been drawn to these practices in her search for spiritual enlightenment or a sense of euphoria. However, these experiments can have severe and lasting consequences, including the development of drug-induced psychosis or even genuine spirit possession.

A Cautionary Tale

The case of Kimani Mbugua, a former Citizen TV presenter, serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of drug use and the importance of seeking help when needed. Mbugua’s struggles with mental health and addiction have been well-documented, and his story highlights the devastating impact that these issues can have on an individual’s life.

A Call for Help

Chebet has recently posted that she has arrived safely in Nakuru, but it is crucial that she seeks professional help to address her situation. Fans and the public are urging her to come forward and share her story, hoping that she will receive the support she needs to overcome her ordeal.

Chebet’s descent into darkness serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of experimenting with drugs and the unknown. As the situation unfolds, it is essential to approach this matter with sensitivity and understanding. Fans and the public alike are hoping for Chebet’s speedy recovery and a return to her normal life.

Kericho County Nakuru News SmartBuzz Top News

Kenyan Celeb Star Chebet’s Chilling Initiation Claims Spark Fears of Dark Cult Involvement

Star Chebet, a popular Kenyan celebrity, has sent shockwaves through her fanbase with a series of cryptic and disturbing social media posts. The actress and content creator has been sharing eerie screenshots detailing her alleged involvement in a mysterious initiation ritual in Kericho, Kenya. The posts have left fans and fellow celebrities alike bewildered and concerned for her safety.


In the first screenshot, Chebet claims to have “opened a portal” at the Kimugu River in Kericho, which led to her initiation into something she didn’t expect. She expresses her unease, stating that she didn’t know what was happening until it happened. The post concludes with her stating that she is on her way to Nakuru, but her instincts are warning her that something might go wrong.

The second screenshot reveals more about Chebet’s experiences. She admits to getting herself into something she can’t reverse and tapping into the wrong realms in her search for peace of mind. She also mentions making new friends who were on a different path and getting involved in things she didn’t expect. Chebet thanks her TikTok friends, including @muyu_the_intuitive_empath, @Doshi, and @cate waumoja, for their support.


The third screenshot shares a story about Chebet’s alleged initiation. She claims that someone wanted her to leave town and go to Kericho to perform some unknown tasks. For months, her mind was clogged, and she was hospitalized. Doctors and her family assumed she was hallucinating, but Chebet believes she tapped into the wrong realms due to an addiction.

These posts have sparked widespread concern about Chebet’s involvement in a dark cult or some form of occult practice. Fans are urging her to seek help and support, while others are calling for her to come clean about her experiences.

As the situation unfolds, fans are left wondering what really happened to Star Chebet and whether she is indeed in danger. The mystery surrounding her initiation claims has captivated the public, and many are eagerly awaiting more information about her ordeal.

Counties News Top News

Kenya Power Chair’s Shameful and Insensitive Online Rant: ‘Nimebuy Tokens za 10k, Meter Ikajam’

In a stunning display of disconnect from the struggles of the common man, Kenya Power Board Chairperson Joy Mdivo has sparked outrage with her recent social media posts. The posts, which have gone viral, show Mdivo boasting about her ability to purchase electricity tokens worth thousands, while ordinary Kenyans are grappling with the skyrocketing cost of living.
The brazen display of insensitivity comes on the heels of Kenya Power’s recent disruption to its prepaid token vending system, which left many customers unable to purchase electricity tokens from June 2nd to 3rd, 2024. This disruption forced countless households to scramble to buy tokens in advance, lest they be left in the dark.

Mdivo’s Facebook post, which has drawn widespread criticism, details how her energy meter jammed due to the sheer volume of units she bought. The post has been seen as a callous display of wealth, with many Kenyans expressing outrage at the Chairperson’s apparent disregard for the struggles of the average citizen.
“This is a heavy slap in the face to every Kenyan who has to choose between putting food on the table and keeping the lights on,” said one outraged citizen. “When leadership fails to empathize with the plight of its people, it becomes nothing short of a travesty.”

The incident has raised questions about the leadership’s ability to understand and address the needs of the people they serve. As the cost of living continues to rise, many are left wondering if those in power are truly committed to finding solutions or simply content to flaunt their privilege.
The backlash against Mdivo’s post has been swift and severe, with many calling for greater accountability from those in positions of power. As the people of Kenya continue to struggle with the rising cost of living, one thing is clear: the disconnect between leadership and the people cannot be ignored any longer.


KNCCI Rocked By Dr Erick Ruto’s Lustful Diplomatic Escapades

As reported by Cyprian Nyakundi.

The conspicuous absence of the usually omnipresent KNCCI President Dr. Erick Ruto during President William Ruto’s recent U.S. visit was a glaring red flag.

It turns out he was barred from the trip due to visa challenges.
We know this is a euphemism for being blacklisted over corruption and economic malpractice suspicions. Unable to join the President’s entourage to the U.S., Dr. Erick Ruto did not miss a beat and quickly hopped on the next available flight to Seoul, South Korea for the Africa-Korea Summit.

South Korea is known for its less stringent immigration policies compared to the U.S. which makes the move quite a convenient refuge for crooks with questionable reputations. While Dr. Ruto is abroad cutting deals in the health sector for his personal business interests, the situation back home at the KNCCI is worrying.

County chapters have not received their monthly administrative disbursements for five months. This lapse spells doom for local business support as the man in the hot seat seems more interested in lining his pockets than fulfilling his duties to the Chamber.

Grapevine whispers are rife with tales of Dr. Ruto’s unethical conduct which includes accusations of enlisting multiple women on diplomatic trips to to ostensibly “quench his thirst.” One such companion was recently in the news for allegedly using the name of opposition chief Raila Odinga to defraud a Nigerian investor Ksh 25 million.

The suspect allegedly received money from Nigerian national Jude Olabwayo Veracruz Veracruz to finance the supply of anti-malaria nets to Kemsa. These tales of overindulgence are not only unbecoming but also indicative of a gross misuse of power and resources.

It is reported that Dr. Erick Ruto is bypassing basic business protocols and enlisting inexperienced personnel for high-level negotiations while he engages in questionable activities. The inclusion of rookies in crucial discussions undermines the integrity and efficacy of the KNCCI’s operations.

At this rate confidence in the institution will be eroded to zero. There are also troubling reports of Dr. Erick Ruto engaging in corruption and extortion where he allegedly pocketed funds from a UN grant meant for developing the Chamber’s Strategic Plan.

There have been progress reports from the UN agency but the Chamber has only produced a so-called Quarterly Business Barometer report which is a poor substitute for tangible progress. We can now confirm that the U.S. government’s denial of visas for Dr. Erick Ruto and Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen was not a mere administrative oversight but a definitive and deliberate action.

This decision explicitly reflects grave apprehensions about their compromised reputations and integrity which signalled a strong and unambiguous refusal to grant them entry. As KNCCI crumbles under the weight of these glaring misdeeds, several business sector players have formed a new lobby group dubbed the Chamber Business Sector in Kenya.

This group is dedicated to unpacking previous agreements and opening new business opportunities that KNCCI has neglected. During the recent U.S.-Kenya Business Forum, government officials had to step in to sign agreements on behalf of the Kenyan business sector due to Dr. Erick Ruto’s absence.

The forum was attended by prominent figures like Vice President Kamala Harris and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo who saw nearly $2 billion in deals signed with major corporations like Google and Microsoft.

Such absence of a key representative from KNCCI at such a crucial event is a glaring indictment of the current leadership and a stark reminder of the rot within our institutions.

News Tech Top News World

Major AI Outage Raises Concerns About Reliability and Resilience

Image Credit: PromaticWorks

A widespread outage affecting several prominent AI platforms, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Anthropic’s Claude, and Perplexity, has sparked concerns about the reliability and resilience of the AI industry’s infrastructure. The incident, which occurred on June 4, 2024, left millions of users worldwide without access to these critical AI services for several hours.
The most severely impacted service was OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which experienced a major outage lasting several hours, starting around 7:33 AM PT. The popular AI chatbot was unavailable to users on all plans, with OpenAI describing the incident as a “major outage.” While the service was restored around 10:17 AM PT, ChatGPT faced another disruption later in the day, which was resolved by 7:00 PM PT.

Anthropic’s Claude and Perplexity also faced technical difficulties during the outage, although these were resolved more quickly than the issues experienced by ChatGPT. Google’s Gemini, on the other hand, remained operational, but some users reported brief connectivity issues.

Experts suggest that the simultaneous outage could be indicative of a broader infrastructure issue or a problem at an internet-scale level, similar to outages affecting multiple social media platforms concurrently. Another theory points to the possibility that the disruptions faced by Claude and Perplexity might have been caused by an overwhelming surge in traffic following ChatGPT’s outage, causing these services to reach their capacity limits.

The incident has raised concerns about the reliability and robustness of current AI infrastructure to handle increasing loads, as well as the transparency of AI service providers in communicating issues and outages to users. The outage comes on the heels of an open letter published by several anonymous former employees of OpenAI and Google DeepMind, warning of “reckless” behavior in the AI space and citing concerns about the lack of effective oversight and the potential for misuse or unintended consequences of AI technologies.
As the AI industry continues to evolve and play a more integral role in our daily lives, the need for robust and resilient infrastructure, as well as effective communication and transparency, has never been more crucial.

News Top News World

Explosive Escalation: Ukraine Strikes Deep into Russia with US Rocket System, Raising Fears of Global Catastrophe

Ukraine Strikes Russian Territory with US-Provided Rocket System
In a significant escalation of the conflict, Ukraine has launched strikes on Russian territory using a US-provided rocket system. The attack, which occurred on [date], targeted Russian military installations, including S-300 and S-400 missile systems in the Belgorod region. This development marks a significant shift in the conflict, as Ukraine has previously only targeted Russian forces within Ukraine.

The move comes as tensions between Ukraine and Russia continue to rise. Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that any further escalation could lead to a global catastrophe. The international community is closely monitoring the situation, with some nations, such as Poland and France, considering deploying their armed forces within Ukraine.

The use of US-provided weapons in the attack has raised concerns about the potential for further escalation and the involvement of Western nations in the conflict. The situation remains volatile, with the potential for a global catastrophe if the conflict continues to escalate.

Key Points

  • Ukraine launched strikes on Russian territory using a US-provided rocket system.
  • The attack targeted Russian military installations, including S-300 and S-400 missile systems in Belgorod.
  • The move marks a significant escalation of the conflict and raises concerns about further escalation and Western involvement.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that any further escalation could lead to a global catastrophe.
  • The international community is closely monitoring the situation, with some nations considering deploying their armed forces within Ukraine.
News Top News World

Sabotage on the Roof of the World: Did Climbing Companies Engage in Deadly Dirty Politics on Mount Everest?

A recent incident on Mount Everest has sparked concerns about the safety of climbers and the potential for sabotage. Joshua Cheruiyot Kirui, a 40-year-old Kenyan climber, tragically lost his life while attempting to summit the mountain without supplementary oxygen. His body was found 48 meters below the summit, alongside his Nepali guide, Nawang Sherpa, who remains missing.

Nirmal Purja, a renowned climber, has alleged that ropes on Mount Everest were intentionally cut just below the summit, potentially contributing to Kirui’s recent shocking and sad demise However, other teams that recently summited the mountain reported that the ropes were intact, contradicting Purja’s claims.

The explosive alleged video of the cut ropes suggesting a very selfish deadly game on the mountain.

The incident has led to speculation about the motivations behind the alleged rope cutting. Some believe it could be a result of “dirty politics” among climbing companies, where they sabotage each other to gain an advantage. This theory is supported by Purja’s claims that he has faced “disgusting and dirty politics” in the industry since 2019, which he believes is a major factor in the recent deaths on the mountain.

The body of Binod Babu Bastakoti lies on the snow 90 meters below the Balcony. Photo: Pioneer Adventure

The investigation into the alleged rope cutting is ongoing, with Nepal’s Department of Tourism launching a legal investigation against Purja for disseminating misinformation. The department has also confirmed that the facts stated in this story are accurate, but the investigation is still ongoing to determine the cause of the rope cutting and its potential impact on the climbing season.
The recent surge in climbing activity on the mountain has led to overcrowding and increased the risk of accidents. The high altitude and harsh conditions make it difficult to retrieve bodies, and many families choose to leave their loved ones on the mountain due to the high risk and expense.

As the investigation unfolds, the climbing community is left to wonder about the motivations behind the alleged rope cutting and the potential impact on future climbing expeditions on the mountain.