Health & Relationships News

Akothee Confirms Breakup Rumours As She Hints On Finding Some Unsettling Details!

Akothee, the celebrated Kenyan singer and entrepreneur, has recently hinted that not everything is well in her life as she disclosed that she is currently undergoing therapy and healing in private. In a candid revelation on social media, Akothee opened up about the challenges she has been facing and the toll it has taken on her emotional and physical well-being.


The 43-year-old artist, who tied the knot with her Mzungu husband, Denis Schweizer, in a glamorous wedding ceremony in April, has been the subject of breakup rumors. Fans became concerned when they noticed that Akothee and Denis were no longer following each other on social media platforms.


Their wedding was a lavish and star-studded affair, attended by prominent politicians and celebrities, making it the talk of the town. Following the extravagant celebration, Akothee announced that she was taking a break from social media to concentrate on her marriage and revealed plans for a second wedding in Switzerland in July, which, unfortunately, did not come to fruition.


Akothee’s recent revelation sheds light on the challenges she has been grappling with behind the scenes. She confessed to seeking therapy to cope with the emotional turmoil she has been experiencing. The artist shared that she has been paying a hefty fee of KSh 50,000 per hour for counseling sessions as part of her healing journey.


In her heartfelt post, Akothee described the trauma she went through after discovering unsettling truths that left her deeply shaken. She recalled moments of extreme emotional distress, during which she went without food and sleep, constantly questioning and tormenting herself.


“I have come out of a very dangerous zone, and I have been healing in private,” Akothee shared. “I am in my second month of therapy. The trauma I went through after finding out the truth and some ugly stuff left me shaking. I went for days without food and no sleep, questioning and answering myself. It has been very heavy some days, a night will just break into a day with me looking outside the window gazing at nothing. I would be shaking for reasons I can’t explain…”


Despite her public persona, Akothee confessed that she had been putting on a brave face and pretending that everything was okay, even though deep down, she was struggling. She expressed her gratitude to her ex-manager, her children, and a select group of friends who stood by her during this challenging period.


“Nellyoaks has been on speed dial,” Akothee noted. “He would call me nonstop and would panic when my phone went off. My children equally, especially the girls, made sure we FaceTime just to check if I was okay. Rue followed me to Europe in fear of losing me, babysitted me until I could stand on my feet.”


Akothee has asked for privacy as she continues her healing journey, emphasizing the importance of self-care and well-being. A quick check on Instagram revealed that she and Denis Schweizer no longer follow each other, fueling speculation about the status of their relationship.


As fans and well-wishers express their concern and support for Akothee, her story serves as a reminder that even those in the public eye may grapple with personal struggles, and it is essential to prioritize mental and emotional health.


Health & Relationships News

Highlighting the Ongoing Battle Against Domestic Violence in Nigeria (Updated 2023)

In recent years, Nigeria has grappled with an alarming upsurge in domestic violence cases, casting a grim shadow over countless households across the nation. This harrowing trend continues to be a pressing concern as we delve into the year 2023. Domestic violence, in its multifaceted forms, has left indelible scars on families, with far-reaching consequences that reverberate not only within the borders of Nigeria but also on the global stage.


The Ongoing Battle: 2023 and Beyond

As we peer into the current landscape of domestic violence in Nigeria, it’s apparent that the issue remains a deeply entrenched and pervasive problem. While exact statistics may be challenging to pin down due to underreporting and societal stigma, the situation remains disconcerting.


Notable Domestic Violence Cases

Several recent high-profile cases have exposed the grim reality of domestic violence in Nigeria, sparking outrage and calls for action both domestically and internationally. These cases serve as stark reminders of the urgency to address this issue:

  • The Precious Uzoka Tragedy (2022): The harrowing case of Precious Uzoka, a young woman who lost her life to domestic violence in Lagos, sent shockwaves through the nation. Precious, a talented actress, was brutally murdered by her estranged partner in a fit of jealousy. Her tragic story highlighted the vulnerability of women in abusive relationships and ignited calls for stricter laws and better support systems for survivors.
  • The Chidinma Ojukwu Confession (2023): Chidinma Ojukwu’s confession to the murder of Super TV CEO Usifo Ataga has been another high-profile case drawing attention to domestic violence. Her revelation of alleged abuse and violence in her relationship with Ataga has generated widespread debate on the complexities of abusive relationships and the need for comprehensive solutions.
  • The #SpeakOutNigeria Movement: Inspired by the global #MeToo movement, the #SpeakOutNigeria campaign gained momentum in 2022 and continues to amplify the voices of survivors of domestic violence. It has empowered many to share their stories and demand justice, while also pressuring authorities to take meaningful action.

The International Perspective

Nigeria’s struggle with domestic violence has not gone unnoticed on the international stage. Advocacy groups, human rights organizations, and concerned individuals worldwide are closely monitoring the situation and urging Nigerian authorities to take decisive steps to combat this issue.


Addressing the Crisis: A Call to Action

While these notable cases have shone a light on the issue, domestic violence in Nigeria remains a deeply entrenched problem. Urgent action is needed on multiple fronts:

  • Legal Reforms: Advocates continue to call for legal reforms that provide stronger protections for survivors and harsher penalties for perpetrators. Stricter enforcement of existing laws and the creation of specialized domestic violence courts are essential steps forward.
  • Education and Awareness: Comprehensive public awareness campaigns are crucial to change societal attitudes toward domestic violence. Schools, communities, and religious institutions should actively engage in educating individuals on recognizing, preventing, and addressing abuse.
  • Support Systems: Adequate support systems, including shelters and counseling services, must be established to aid survivors in escaping abusive relationships and rebuilding their lives.
  • Mental Health Initiatives: Recognizing the link between mental health and domestic violence, addressing mental health issues within the context of abusive relationships is crucial. Accessible mental health services can be a lifeline for both survivors and perpetrators seeking rehabilitation.


Ending the Cycle

As we step further into 2023, Nigeria grapples with the haunting specter of domestic violence. High-profile cases have drawn attention to the issue, but a comprehensive and sustained effort is needed to effect meaningful change. The battle against domestic violence in Nigeria is far from over, but with collective action and unwavering determination, we can strive for a future where every individual is free from the shackles of abuse and violence within their own homes.