Health & Relationships lifestyle

Cheat Codes for Life: What I Wish I Knew at 18

1. Don’t Give a F\*ck About What Other People Think

Don’t waste time and energy on what others think. Focus on your goals and values, and let others’ opinions fade into the background. Authenticity and self-respect are key to a fulfilling life.

2. Porn, Drugs, and Alcohol Have No Advantages

These vices can lead to negative consequences such as financial instability, decreased intelligence, and poor physical health. Prioritize self-improvement and avoid these pitfalls.

3. Work on Improving Your Financial, Physical, and Emotional Health

Focus on building a strong foundation for your life by improving your financial stability, physical well-being, and emotional resilience. This will help you navigate life’s challenges with confidence.

4. Set Out 40 Minutes Daily for Learning, Exercise, and Meditation

Dedicate time to personal growth by learning a high-income skill, exercising regularly, and meditating to improve mental clarity. This routine will help you stay focused and motivated.

5. Make Your Financial Stability a Top Priority

Financial stability is crucial for a stress-free life. Prioritize saving, budgeting, and investing to ensure your financial future is secure.

6. Act Now for the Future

Don’t put off important decisions or actions. Act now to achieve your goals and avoid regret.

7. Have Self-Respect and Never Tolerate Disrespect

Demand respect from others and avoid toxic relationships. Self-respect is essential for a healthy and fulfilling life.

8. Stop Daydreaming and Put Effort into Achieving Your Goals

Stop waiting for opportunities to come to you and take action to achieve your goals. Risking failure is better than regretting not trying.

9. Stop Staying in Your Comfort Zone

Growth and self-improvement require stepping out of your comfort zone. Embrace challenges and take calculated risks to achieve your goals.

10. Don’t Waste Energy Worrying

Focus on positive actions and thoughts rather than worrying about the future. Use your energy to learn, create, and grow.

These cheat codes for life provide valuable insights and practical advice for young adults to navigate life’s complexities with wisdom and purpose.

Bomet Counties Health & Relationships Kericho County SmartBuzz Top News World

Alarming Rise in LGBTQ in Kericho, Nakuru, Kiambu, Kisumu Counties, Fueled by Telegram – Report!

Credit: NGLHRC

A recent groundbreaking study by Robinson Muiru, a prominent Kenyan researcher on the reknown Platform,, delves deep into the complex and mostly misunderstood world of gay activities and dating among Kenyan males.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

The study, which was meticulously conducted across various regions of Kenya, offers a rare and insightful glimpse into the lived experiences and challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community in the country.

One of the most striking findings of the study is the prevalence of gay activities and dating among Kenyan males. Contrary to popular belief, the research suggests that while homosexuality remains largely stigmatized and criminalized in Kenya, a significant number of men are actively engaged in same-sex relationships and activities.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

This revelation challenges the common misconception that homosexuality is a foreign concept imported from the West and highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of sexuality in the Kenyan context.
The study also delves deep into the challenges faced by gay men in Kenya, shedding light on the harsh realities of social stigma, discrimination, and legal barriers.

Many respondents reported experiencing discrimination in various aspects of their lives, including employment, housing, and access to healthcare. The study paints a sobering picture of the daily struggles faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in Kenya, who often live in fear of being outed and facing severe consequences, both social and legal.

Another crucial aspect of the study is the impact of religion and culture on the perception of homosexuality in Kenya. The research suggests that deeply rooted religious and cultural beliefs play a significant role in shaping societal attitudes towards LGBTQ+ individuals. Many respondents reported facing rejection and condemnation from their families and communities due to their sexual orientation, highlighting the need for greater education and dialogue around these sensitive issues.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

Despite the overwhelming challenges, the study also reveals the resilience and adaptability of the LGBTQ+ community in Kenya. Many respondents reported finding support and community through online platforms and social networks, where they could connect with like-minded individuals and share their experiences. The study also highlights the growing visibility and activism of the LGBTQ+ movement in Kenya, with many individuals and organizations working tirelessly to promote acceptance and equality.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

In conclusion, the groundbreaking study by Robinson Muiru provides a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the dynamics of gay activities and dating among Kenyan males.

While homosexuality remains a controversial and sensitive topic in the country, the research highlights the urgent need for greater acceptance, understanding, and legal protection for LGBTQ+ individuals. By shedding light on the lived experiences and challenges faced by the community, the study serves as a powerful call to action for policymakers, religious leaders, and society as a whole to work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable Kenya for all.

Health & Relationships Nairobi News Top News

Story Behind Man Seen Sl*pping Woman On A BodaBoda.

In a shocking display of public anger, a man was seen fuming beside a busy road and visibly upset with a lady who was on a boda boda, seemingly Staggering. The man is surprisingly seen landing a slap on the lady. It’s now come to light that the couple’s young child was left unattended, sort of justifying the gravity of the altercation .

Upon further investigation, it was revealed that the husband’s fury was justified. The wife had abandoned their child to go drinking, showing a blatant disregard for her responsibilities as a parent. The video, captured by a passerby, shows the wife stumbling off the boda boda, highlighting the dangerous consequences of her actions.

This incident raises questions about the state of Kenyan Family values and personal responsibility in our society. It serves as a stark reminder of the impact of alcohol abuse on families and the importance of responsible parenting.

From the video, we are left wondering where we are heading as a society. Will we continue to prioritize personal desires over family obligations, or will we take steps to ensure that our actions do not harm those who depend on us?

This story is a call to action for all of us to reflect on our own values and priorities, and to consider the consequences of our actions on those around us.

Health & Relationships

My Cheating Girlfriend, Reddit Part 4 & 5

My Cheating Girlfriend: An Update

I have given this guy enough time to come out. Yaani hataki kutoka. Should we smoke him out?. I want to use some pepper spray ama any other suggestions? I want something that may trigger his asthma or whatever. Apparently he switched off his phone, I’ve tried calling him but haiingii. Ama ameniblock?. Nigga must be comfortable down there. Seems he got his lunch packed already. It’s time to find out. I am calling for backup so that I know if we need a body bag or something else. The lady prepared breko but i guess she’s concerned leo sitoki hii room. This ends in the next few minutes. We’re smoking him out!!! I can share his number too here tumpigie sote.

I am updating in a few.


Relationship Post!

Si I decide to call my backup mwenye tulikuwa naye the yesterday night. He takes around 5 minutes to arrive. It is the first time I am opening the door today. The lady has already started smelling a rat and she knows her goose is bouta get cooked. She is really curious. We hurriedly get inside the bedroom and she follows us quickly. Right now she knows that I know. “Aki, beb naskia kizunguzungu”.

She starts getting dramatic and drops on the floor. I turn and look at her on the floor; she wants to convince us that she has fainted. She wants to distract us but we ain’t buying into her story. Not today sis!

We must first smoke out this male version. Just like some of you suggested, we took a mopstick and started poking under the bed. “Aaii! Aaii!” Please I can explain” So he’s still alive.

We keep poking, now harder. “Manze, mtaniumiza joh, tulia natoka” then he starts coughing. The guy I was with (backup) could not keep calm, grabbed one of his leg and pulled him half-out. His head still under the bed.

On the other side, this lady’s eyes were now open. She was witnessing the rapture first-hand. “Aki beb I can explain…please”, now she’s crying profusely.

I notice she’s crying in a low tone, careful not to attract attention. It is her moment of embarrassment. Ladies can get dramatic, yaani we have not even completed the face-reveal of his boyfriend and she’s throwing tantrums. “Shit, baby, aki ni shetani. Beeb am sorry..” Mai lawd, how do you drag the devil in this mess.

She stands and starts pacing across the floor, she’s shaking. She kneels, stands again. She falls, then rolls on the floor. It is her moment to shine, let her shine.

Back to our guy. Now, this man don’t wanna come out. It is like he’s clutching on to something. We pull, he’s coming along with the bed. We pull again. We ain’t here for games brother.

I step on his knee so hard, but in a way that pleases God. “Aii, manze insert my name pole mahn, acha niwaambie kila kitu..” Already I recognize his voice. We give one last pull. Behold, Ladies and Gentlemen, this man, in shorts, and a shirt, the man who enjoyed free accommodation and even overslept has given in to pressure. He’s now exposed. Her girlfriend also looks surprised, was she expecting to see someone else.? He’s out, but does not want to lift his face, he’s engulfed in shame. My guess was right, he’s my close friend. I feel betrayed and disappointed, I thought I had overcame these feelings.

I peep under the bed and what I saw caught my eye. This man did not sleep on the floor like we all thought. He slept on that lady’s pink towel which was well spread down there (photo attached). Though small, but it was enough to give him some kind of protection from the cold floor. Buana, if I were to wait for this guy to sneeze or cough as a result of the cold floor, I would still be waiting until now. In his hand, he’s holding his inhaler. 🥱 Yaani, this guy was just comfortable down here like this, I even now start to think, he slept, unlike me who stayed up all night. Hii lazima alipe. I just had to slap him so hard for that mistake, how dare he sleep, on a warm and heavy towel. Nkt!

Now the confessions start. They have been doing this for like two months now, and yesternight they were planning to try it while she’s on her menses. Lawd!. What kind of fetish! After a short interrogation, it is evident, I have lost, they have won. I can’t continue but free them. I ask him where are his pants and he points to the wardrobe. “Haya, as you take your pants from that wardrobe, help her pack her clothes which are in the same closet.” “You have won yourself a brand new second-hand wife” I added. That statement alone made that gal cry so bitterly. Kwani she thought I was here for conflict resolution, I am not Koffi Annan. Jokes on her if she thought, I would diss the guy and hug her tight. I dissed them both, and sent them packing. I can’t hear more of those apologies. Hizo pole zimetosha.

Alot is going on right now that I can’t type. In a few minutes they’ll be gone. But first, they should shower together and go out clean. I hope they live happily and have big-headed children. Until now, the sound of that slap, echoes in this room, and I wish it echoes in that empty head of his forever. Bye


Health & Relationships

My Cheating Girlfriend, Reddit: Part 3

A Cold Night

Time has moved so fast. 01:47 A.M I am already seated in my house. I told you guys it will be peaceful. Right now I am typing while sipping some hot tea, you can make yours too and enjoy the read. Based on True Events. So let’s start.

Around 2 hours ago I embarked on my mission. I vowed to ensure that this lady knows that I know abt their relationship, not through text, but mambo laivuuu. By 0023 I was in this compound, normally the gate is always locked past 11pm but I got the key.

Accompanied with a friend, this mission had to be completed. He was to serve as a mtu wa mkono and a witness. The entire apartment was already dead silent. So, we tiptoed to my door. From the giggles and low voices I heard inside, I could confirm that the two love birds were already inside and were enjoying this night. Ahaa! I am about to spoil their moment. I don’t want to be heard, I want to be seen.

Knock! Knock! I Knock. Then once again. They have stopped talking and it seems, they are getting ready to respond to the call. I hear her coming towards the door, she always drags her legs on the floor. “Ni nani?” she asks. I don’t respond.

I Knock once again. I can now hear her boyfriend asking “Na kwani haongei..” How could he.? That son of a bitch asking as if he was in his home. I could feel my anger rising but I had to stay composed. She switches on the security lights, opens the curtains trying to steal a gaze of who might be knocking!. Surpriseee!!!!

It is me.

I could see it in her eyes she’s already shocked. She closes it immediately. At this point, I don’t know what they are doing inside there but najua habari tayari ishafikia boyfriend that mwenye nyumba is at the door. I give her time because she must open this door today, besides, there is no back door. The entry is the only exit!. She finally opens the door after around 20mins. I signal my backup to wait outside there, mambo ikichemka ndo aingie.

“Ghai, beb! Kwani kumeendaje?” She is already trembling. Her voice shaking. She is in a dera. “Shit!, ghai! Sasa hata hautanihug” Her face is filled with fear. By this time I am still standing at the door. Stone-faced. I swear I really wanted to slap this gal so hard and spit on her face but i maintained my cool. She was trying to maintain her normal smile but she couldn’t hold the tears. I move forward, and get inside the house, I turn, take the padlock from her hand and I lock the door, keys still intact in my hand. No one is getting out of this house tonight. My eyes scan around the room, there is no sign of him. I walk calmly to the bathroom, nikakojoa and released some tension. I had swore I will act normal.

So I get out of the bathroom, head into the bedroom. Haha. Ninja is nowhere to be seen. All this while, she is following me, fast-paced, pretending to be concerned. “Beb, Mbona hukusema utarudi nikupikie?” She is growing frustrated because I am silent all this while. I only utter the words “Yes” or “No” because the rage I have inside will come out when I decide to utter more words. I head to the wardrobe pretending to search for some fresh clothes, he’s not there. I checked the living room while heading here and I did not see him either. This is one-bedroom house and now I am 100% sure he is hiding under the bed. I will not bother him, let him sleep there. He thinks he is brave, let him brave the cold hapo chini kwa tiles.

Huyu naye kazi ni kunifuata kila mahali na kuniuliza maswali. “Nikuwekee maji moto uoge?” “Aki, mbona sasa ukuje hii usiku yote”, “Si ungenipigia nikukujie kwa barabara” nkt, as if she always picks me up. I wish she could know I am not interested. She is really tensed and keeps on cursing “shit!, F$ck!”etc. I head to the kitchen make some hot tea and head to straight to the bedroom. I bring along a glass of cold water because this lady is already sweating and I hand it to her. She looks surprised. I think she needs it because tonight she will be sweating and crying, the water will keep her hydrated. At least I still care. I lock the bedroom door.

Sasa right now, we are in bed. I know we are three people in this room. She knows I know we are two people. I switch off the lights!. This lady beside me is restless, she’s trying to act normal but she can’t. She starts crying once again. “Sasa unalia nini na ulikuwa na siku mzima ya kulia” I ask her. “Aki beb cramps inaniuma” Hehe! “Cramps gani na nilikuskia ukicheka” I ask her. “I was on a videocall na Kate yule Cuzo wangu nilikuambia anaenda majuu” she responds. Eei! Yaani she can still lie. Ma-liar huyu! “Na mbona unatetemeka” I inquire. “Kuna baridi akii” she says and comes closer. “Kuna baridi na unasweat, are you normal?” I interject her. “Beb, aki ni vile periods za raundii zimekuja na maubaya”. I smirk.

“Beb, si unishike tulale,” she says as she comes more closer. Right now, I know she needs me to sleep ndio afungulie boyfriend mlango. She wants to sneak him out. “Wewe lala, na uache kunisumbua” i respond. In fact, now I am not sleeping. I sit by the bed, take my laptop and start checking nothing. My response has triggered her tears, she is now crying silently blaming period pains but I know it is devil under this bed. If I could be her I could utilize my last night and sleep. This guy under this bed will have to sleep there tonight, he already saw it wise to sleep there, so I won’t bother him. I chuckle when I remember yesterday we met at a chemist akitafuta dawa za chest pains juu ya baridi. So he came to my house tonight expecting to be sleeping in the warmth of this lady and on my bed. Now see his life, he’s under. If he sleeps there until morning, he will wake up with more chest pains, or maybe he will critically ill. I know he’s asthmatic, but that is least of my worry right now.

Infact, nataka kuwatch Dexter series. I hear this Dexter guy is a psycho, but I am yet to find out tonight.

With my cup of insomnia, today I am not sleeping. To you reading this, wait for the last episode of this crazy drama. We said we are doing it slowly and peacefully. It is a movie night! Goodnight from the three of us. Cheers!

Part 4&5

Health & Relationships

My Cheating Girlfriend, Reddit – Part 2

A Developing Story

So guys, today is the day!

So today after we woke up, and as I was preparing myself for my “journey” this lady complained of a migraine and mild abdominal pains. Guess what, she’s on her menses. Mahn! Just when my plan was about to click, the periods came. I had not factored in this event and I had to go back to the drawing board. Her menses would mean that they wouldn’t meet as they had earlier agreed.

So I quickly logged in pale whatsapp and saw her reporting the unexpected phenomenon. I could sense disappointment from how the guy responded. Again, the guy was like he wants to raincheck their meet-up but now mi lady is insisting that her whole body is aching and cramps are taking a toll on her, all she needs is a full-body massage. Waah. So they agree that he will come over to give this full-body massage. My Lawd, I wonder if the massage will escalate to proper strokes.😅

Whether I find them massaging, or reading constitution, or even watching movies they must acknowledge my presence around.

Just like the messiah, I’ll go in peace. Today is the day she leaves. Only a few hours counting! Tick, Tock!

Part 3

Health & Relationships

My Cheating Girlfriend, Reddit – Part 1

We recently read a weird story that most of us can relate.. All credit goes to u/TimeFuture5030.

Let’s dive right in. Thread is divided into 5 parts. linked below! All content copied as is!

Let’s go:

My cheating girlfriend. Please Help🥴

Hello guys, here’s an interesting one and I need your insights.

So lately I suspected my girlfriend was cheating. You see, I normally leave her to go for work in far places and I can take upto 2 months to return home. So recently, I came back and noticed she has these weird behaviors as if she is hiding something. I asked her but she denied vehemently. Now after gathering some small Intel with my little CID tactics, it is likely that the guy she is seeing is my close friend.

So I came up with a plan to catch them red handed, staki mtu aseme anasingiziwa. Yesterday I told her that I will not be available on Wednesday and immediately she invited that guy over and told him that I will be away. How did I know?. I linked her whatsapp on my laptop and I can follow their convo. So guys tomorrow is the day. I know their meet up will probably be at night. Personally, I am not going anywhere and this is just a plan that once they are inside, I come later, unannounced!.

Who has ever experienced this?. What did you do upon entering that house?. I am still confused on what actions I’ll take upon entering that house. I don’t want any blood shed. I only want to do something that will terrorize both of them mentally but I haven’t figured it out. Should I enter and lock the door, and then tell the man to continue sleeping with her, as I will sleep on the couch?. Or should I just give em silent treatment? I don’t want a fight which may cause unnecessary police cases when someone is injured.


I am fed up with this r/ship and I don’t want to be involved with this lady ever again. Right now she’s besides me acting like everything is okay. This gender!

Part 2

Counties Health & Relationships News Top News

TikTok Sensation Jamjengo Is Dead. We Need To Have A Serious Conversation.

Oliech Jamjengo, known for his hilarious TikTok videos and founder of Jamjengo TV, has died. Jamjengo passed away just three months after launching his online TV channel. He was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor, shortly after the launch of Jamjengo TV.


Jamjengo’s online TV channel, launched just recently, was a testament to his creativity and passion for storytelling. His tragic loss reminds us of the need for open discussions about our physical health, Social issues and the importance of seeking help when struggling with our personal issues.


Kenyan Youths Are Alarmingly Dying And It’s Time We Had  a Serious Talk. 

The recent deaths of young individuals like Jamjengo, Sanaipei Kandie, and others have raised concerns about the sudden loss of youths. While the circumstances of their deaths vary, it’s important to address the potential causes. Sudden deaths in young people can be attributed to various factors, including undiagnosed heart conditions, genetic heart diseases, car accidents, and mental health issues.

The tragic news of Brigid Kandie Sanaipei’s alleged suicide has shocked many. According to a Facebook post, Brigid had just arrived in Dublin, Ireland, to pursue her dream of further studies when she reportedly took her own life. The post suggests that Brigid’s boyfriend was cheating on her, which may have contributed to her decision to end her life.

It’s only been 2 days ago when we the whole world was sent into mourning by the passing of Kenya’s Marathon Record Breaking sensation through a tragic accident at Kaptagat. The marathoner was on the wheel of his Toyota Premio when he lost control and hit a tree at the side of the road ending his life and the life of his Rwandan/French Coach Gervais.

Something needs to be done.

Health & Relationships News Top News World

Shocking: Brigid Kandie Sanaipei’s Alleged Suicide Amid Love Gone Sour

The tragic news of Brigid Kandie Sanaipei’s alleged suicide has shocked many. According to a Facebook post, Brigid had just arrived in Dublin, Ireland, to pursue her dream of further studies when she reportedly took her own life. The post suggests that Brigid’s boyfriend was cheating on her, which may have contributed to her decision to end her life. The post also calls for prayers for Brigid’s family and for Kenyans living abroad.

While the circumstances surrounding Brigid’s death are still unclear, her story highlights the importance of mental health and the need for support for those struggling with depression and other mental health issues. Moving to a new country can be challenging, and it is important for individuals to have access to mental health resources and support networks.

The news of Brigid’s death is a reminder that mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances. It is important for individuals to seek help if they are struggling with mental health issues, and for society to work towards reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. Our thoughts are with Brigid’s family and friends during this difficult time.


Features Health & Relationships Top News World

Christina Applegate’s Emmy Awards Appearance and MS Diagnosis: A Rare Public Outing and a Glimpse into Her Personal Struggles.

Christina Applegate, an American actress, made a rare public appearance at the 2024 Emmy Awards on Monday night, where she received a standing ovation from her peers in Hollywood. Applegate, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2021, joked that people were “totally shaming” her by standing up at the awards show because she uses a “Body not by Ozempic.


The 52-year-old’s Emmys appearance and joke about her life with MS has raised a lot of questions. In May of 2023, Christina revealed to Vanity Fair that it’s been hard for her to keep acting after her diagnosis. In fact, she shared that Dead to Me might be her last time on camera. “With the disease of MS, it’s never a good day,” she said. “You just have little s— days.” Christina added that it can be “frightening” to do simple things “You can fall, you can slip, your legs can buckle,” she said. “Especially because I have a glass shower. It’s frightening to me to get in there.


Applegate’s diagnosis with MS has significantly impacted her personal and professional life. She has candidly shared that the disease has made even simple tasks frightening, such as getting in the shower, due to the risk of falling and losing balance. Applegate has expressed the emotional and physical toll of living with MS, stating that “it’s never a good day” and that she experiences “little s— days.” Christina added that it can be “frightening” to do simple things “You can fall, you can slip, your legs can buckle,” she said. “Especially because I have a glass shower. It’s frightening to me to get in there.“. Additionally, she has revealed that she may not work on-camera again, hinting that her acting career might be coming to a close.


The disease has also affected her ability to engage in activities that she once took for granted, such as going down the stairs and carrying things, which she can no longer do. Applegate has been open about the challenges of living with MS, including the exhaustion and heightened sensitivity to loud environments, expressing a desire to avoid crowded places. Overall, her diagnosis has brought about significant changes in her daily life and future plans.


At the Emmy Awards, Applegate’s appearance and joke about her life with MS sparked a conversation about the challenges faced by people living with MS. Her honesty and humor in addressing her diagnosis have been praised by many, and her bravery in sharing her struggles has inspired others to open up about their own experiences with the disease. As Applegate continues to navigate her life with MS, she remains an inspiration to those facing similar challenges, and her career as an actress continues to be a testament to her resilience and determination.

Health & Relationships Nairobi News Top News

Unraveling the Legal Trouble: Mike Mondo, Shiko Nguru, and Ramadhan Oluoch’s Blended Family Drama

It has all been fun and games then suddenly, Classic 105 FM radio presenter Mike Mondo is currently facing legal trouble over the posting of photos featuring his new blended family on social media.


The controversy involves Mike Mondo, author and content creator Shiko Nguru, and artist and influencer Ramadhani Oluoch, Popularly known as ‘Rama’ who was previously in a relationship with Nguru and had three children together.


The legal trouble began when Mike Mondo allegedly posted photos of himself with the mother of Rama’s children and their two sons on Instagram. These posts reportedly garnered negative attention on social media and exposed the children to potential future ridicule and bullying, as their privacy was compromised.


Cease and Desist!

Ramadhan Oluoch’s lawyer sent a cease and desist letter to Mike Mondo, accusing him of overstepping his boundaries as a boyfriend to the mother of Rama’s children and violating the privacy and anonymity of the children. The letter demanded that Mike Mondo cease and desist from posting photos of the children and their mother on social media, take down all photos of the minors from his social media platforms, cease posting such photos in the future, and issue an unconditional apology to Oluoch within 72 hours.

Potential Consequences

Failure to comply with these demands may lead to legal proceedings against Mike Mondo in a court of law. If found guilty, Mike Mondo could face fines, penalties, and a tarnished reputation in the entertainment industry.


The future of Mike Mondo’s relationship with Shiko Nguru and the well-being of the children involved remain uncertain as the legal drama unfolds. The situation highlights the complexities and challenges of blended families and the potential consequences of sharing personal information about them on social media.

Health & Relationships Top News

What’s it About This Trending Video?

There has been a recent surge in talk about couples agreeing to explore threesomes.. This has been attributed, in part, to a trending video that sparked conversations about sexual dynamics within relationships. You must have seen this image below trending all over twitter and Facebook.

Screengrab of the trending video. Photo/Courtesy

The video sort of encourages viewers to reflect on their attitudes towards intimacy and consider new possibilities. This wave of open dialogue led to an increased willingness among couples to discuss and even experiment with consensual threesomes.

While not everyone may choose to partake in such activities, the video’s impact on encouraging communication has played a role in challenging traditional perspectives and fostering a more understanding approach to diverse expressions of intimacy within committed relationships.






Watch the explicit VIDEO in our Smartie News TELEGRAM CHANNEL. 

DONT forget to Subscribe to Our Telegram Channel

Be warned that this is one steamy session and if you had no chance ‘Kupanda Miti’ today, You will have a rough start of your week. We are also NOT responsible for the possible upcoming decision to start a Threesome in your marriage. LOL. 😅


Health & Relationships Top News

A Shocking Tale of Marital Desperation in Kenya

In a recent Facebook post by Mwangi Muthiora, a popular Kenyan Blogger, a jaw-dropping story has unfolds, revealing a dark and twisted turn of events in the realm of relationships. The post warns, “FEAR women,” as it narrates a shocking incident involving a woman who returned from the UK to address a marital issue but ended up resorting to extreme measures.


The woman, facing desperation in her attempt to resolve a marital dispute, allegedly took an unthinkable step by hiring an assassin to eliminate her husband. Complicating matters further, the husband had remarried after their separation, adding a layer of complexity to an already tumultuous situation.


Money was reportedly sent for reconnaissance, and the assassin went as far as providing photographic evidence of the target’s home and movements in the upscale neighborhood of Westlands. A fee was agreed upon, and a substantial deposit was made through the popular mobile money transfer service, Wave. However, the narrative takes an unexpected turn at this point.


In a surprising twist, the hired assassin apparently had a change of heart. Rather than carrying out the sinister act, he chose to warn the couple of the impending danger. Subsequently, he voluntarily turned himself in to the police, vehemently denying being an assassin. His claim? To test the woman’s seriousness about the dire situation.


Following an interrogation, the assassin was released, and to add to the mystery, the phone containing the evidence was returned to him. However, the story takes yet another unexpected turn as the hired gun mysteriously disappears. This leaves the question of whether the threat on the husband’s life still looms large. Speculations arise, suggesting that the assassin may have been threatened by the woman, who has allegedly fled the country, or that he fears re-arrest after seeking help for the target.


Kenya, known for its rich tapestry of stories, has once again delivered an intriguing tale that blurs the lines between desperation, betrayal, and the unforeseen consequences of seeking drastic solutions to marital issues. As the investigation unfolds, the bizarre twists and turns in this saga continue to captivate the imagination of those following this sensational story from the heart of East Africa.

Health & Relationships News SmartBuzz Top News

A Sad Case Of Family Betrayal..

In a series of chilling screenshots, a courageous woman tells a harrowing tale of familial betrayal.

She bravely exposes how the very aunties and uncles entrusted with family bonds have allegedly become instruments of malevolence, causing immeasurable harm to her sister and bewitching her brother. The narrative sheds light on the dark underbelly of family dynamics, revealing a haunting reality where relatives turn into demons, leaving devastation in their wake.

The following screenshots unveil the heart-wrenching details of a family torn apart by sinister forces within..

Features Health & Relationships News Top News

A Shuttered Lens: A Journalists’ SCARY Heroin Struggle..

Lanre Fehintola was no ordinary photojournalist. Born in 1958, he hailed from humble beginnings. His father was an accountant, and his mother operated an old people’s home in Bradford, England. Fehintola’s life took a tumultuous turn early on when, at the age of 11, he was sent to a children’s home. A year later, he found himself in a reform school in Durham, where he remained until the age of 15.


“They said I was unruly and anti-social, but why does a child run away, for heaven’s sake? There must be something going wrong in the family!” These words from Fehintola himself reflect his early struggles and the profound impact they had on his life.

Lanre Fehintola
Lanre Fehintola Don’t get High on Your own Supply

After leaving the reform school, Fehintola experienced a troubled path, marked by two prison terms. It was during his second term that something inside him began to change. “I started thinking. I was always into making a statement with myself, and crime was a way of doing that, even if it was only reputation, ego. I realized there were other ways I could make a statement,” he admitted.


In the late 1980s, Fehintola embarked on a unique mission. He aimed to publish a book that would shed light on the most desperate aspects of Bradford in Northern England. He ventured into the underbelly of society, capturing the lives of prostitutes and criminals, many of whom were ensnared by heroin addiction.

Lanre Fehintola
Lanre Fehintola. Photo/Courtesy

What set Fehintola apart from conventional photojournalists was his unwavering determination to understand the lives of his subjects intimately. To achieve this, he felt the need to immerse himself in their culture. His approach was unconventional, to say the least. Fehintola decided to experiment with heroin, all in the name of research.


However, this bold move had unintended consequences. Fehintola became ensnared by the same addiction he was seeking to document. This act of immersion, while unconventional, demonstrated his unparalleled commitment to bearing witness to the lives of those society had forgotten.


Regan first documented his friend’s life in the 1998 film “Don’t Get High on Your Own Supply.”


Fehintola became hooked on heroin while working on a book about a group of drug addicts. Regan caught up with him again in the 2001 film “Cold Turkey,” as Fehintola attempted to break his addiction by locking himself in his flat without medication.


“My Friend Lanre” jumps two decades, to a moment when Fehintola has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Regan never set out to document someone dying, but this is what his film becomes. Drawing from over 25 years of footage, the filmmaker presents an intensely intimate portrayal of his friendship and collaboration with Fehintola. It is charming, funny, devastating and, by its close, a bravely personal, living testament to one person’s life and work.


Lanre’s final piece of work was a collaboration with his friend and fellow documentarian, Leo Regan. Their joint effort, “My Friend Lanre,” was a documentary film that delved deep into his life and work. The film followed him on his final journey, and it provides a window into the extraordinary but tumultuous life of a man who refused to shy away from the darkest corners of society.


“My Friend Lanre” is set to have its world premiere on June 17 at the Sheffield Documentary Film Festival in 2023. This documentary promises to be a poignant tribute to a man who was not only a talented photojournalist but also a symbol of resilience and dedication.


Lanre Fehintola’s story is one that exemplifies the lengths to which some individuals are willing to go to tell the stories of those who often remain unseen. He was more than a photojournalist; he was an adventurer who dared to tread where few would, all in the pursuit of truth and understanding.