Kericho County Nakuru News SmartBuzz Top News

Chebet Breaks Silence, Says She’s Okay After Cult Initiation Drama

Kenyan social media influencer Star Chebet has finally spoken out after her recent drama surrounding alleged cult initiation. In a Facebook post, Chebet expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support and concern from her followers. She revealed that she is currently doing well and is still processing the lessons she learned from the experience.

Star chebet Facebook Reply

Chebet emphasized the importance of spiritual growth and the need to confront fears and insecurities in order to uncover truth. She hinted that she will share her lessons in the future, stating that “alot has been hidden in plain sight.” The post concluded with a message of peace and a call to action, encouraging followers to prioritize love over fear.

The post has sparked a wave of interest and speculation among fans, who are eagerly awaiting Chebet’s next update on what really happened at Kimugu River, Kericho.

Kericho County Nakuru News SmartBuzz Top News

Chebet’s Descent into Darkness: The Alarming Possibility of Drug-Induced Psychosis and Spirit Possession

Pretty kalenjin comedian, Star Chebet’s recent cryptic posts have left fans and the public alike in a state of unease. The actress’s claims of being involved in a mysterious initiation ritual in Kericho have sparked concerns about her involvement with hard drugs and the possibility of drug-induced psychosis. As the situation unfolds, it is essential to examine the potential factors that could have led to her ordeal.

The Lure of Hard Drugs

Chebet’s posts hint at her involvement with laced bhang and mushrooms, which are known to induce intense hallucinations and altered states of consciousness. These substances can lead to a phenomenon known as drug-induced psychosis, where the user’s perception of reality becomes distorted. This can result in vivid hallucinations, paranoia, and disorientation, making it difficult for the individual to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

The Risk of Astral Projection

Another theory surrounding Chebet’s ordeal is her possible involvement with astral projection. Astral projection is a phenomenon where an individual’s consciousness or spirit temporarily leaves their physical body, often during deep meditation or under the influence of certain substances. This practice can lead to a range of experiences, including out-of-body experiences, lucid dreaming, and even encounters with entities from other realms.

The Dangers of Experimentation

The current generation is known for its willingness to experiment with various substances and practices, often without fully understanding their effects. Chebet’s recent posts suggest that she may have been drawn to these practices in her search for spiritual enlightenment or a sense of euphoria. However, these experiments can have severe and lasting consequences, including the development of drug-induced psychosis or even genuine spirit possession.

A Cautionary Tale

The case of Kimani Mbugua, a former Citizen TV presenter, serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of drug use and the importance of seeking help when needed. Mbugua’s struggles with mental health and addiction have been well-documented, and his story highlights the devastating impact that these issues can have on an individual’s life.

A Call for Help

Chebet has recently posted that she has arrived safely in Nakuru, but it is crucial that she seeks professional help to address her situation. Fans and the public are urging her to come forward and share her story, hoping that she will receive the support she needs to overcome her ordeal.

Chebet’s descent into darkness serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of experimenting with drugs and the unknown. As the situation unfolds, it is essential to approach this matter with sensitivity and understanding. Fans and the public alike are hoping for Chebet’s speedy recovery and a return to her normal life.

Kericho County Nakuru News SmartBuzz Top News

Kenyan Celeb Star Chebet’s Chilling Initiation Claims Spark Fears of Dark Cult Involvement

Star Chebet, a popular Kenyan celebrity, has sent shockwaves through her fanbase with a series of cryptic and disturbing social media posts. The actress and content creator has been sharing eerie screenshots detailing her alleged involvement in a mysterious initiation ritual in Kericho, Kenya. The posts have left fans and fellow celebrities alike bewildered and concerned for her safety.


In the first screenshot, Chebet claims to have “opened a portal” at the Kimugu River in Kericho, which led to her initiation into something she didn’t expect. She expresses her unease, stating that she didn’t know what was happening until it happened. The post concludes with her stating that she is on her way to Nakuru, but her instincts are warning her that something might go wrong.

The second screenshot reveals more about Chebet’s experiences. She admits to getting herself into something she can’t reverse and tapping into the wrong realms in her search for peace of mind. She also mentions making new friends who were on a different path and getting involved in things she didn’t expect. Chebet thanks her TikTok friends, including @muyu_the_intuitive_empath, @Doshi, and @cate waumoja, for their support.


The third screenshot shares a story about Chebet’s alleged initiation. She claims that someone wanted her to leave town and go to Kericho to perform some unknown tasks. For months, her mind was clogged, and she was hospitalized. Doctors and her family assumed she was hallucinating, but Chebet believes she tapped into the wrong realms due to an addiction.

These posts have sparked widespread concern about Chebet’s involvement in a dark cult or some form of occult practice. Fans are urging her to seek help and support, while others are calling for her to come clean about her experiences.

As the situation unfolds, fans are left wondering what really happened to Star Chebet and whether she is indeed in danger. The mystery surrounding her initiation claims has captivated the public, and many are eagerly awaiting more information about her ordeal.

Nairobi Nakuru SmartBuzz

King Tizian Reacts To Netizens Calling Him Chira’s ‘Widow’

The recent loss of Kenyan TikToker Brian Chira in a heartbreaking hit-and-run accident has left a profound impact on many, sparking discussions and expressions of support throughout the community. Amidst the outpouring of grief, attention has turned to King Tizian, a close associate of Brian Chira, who has been referred to as a “widow” in the aftermath of this tragedy.

Several tiktokers suddenly jumped on King Tizians neck claiming he is now a widow after Chira’s death. Thats where we feel is wrong. The term “widow” traditionally signifies the loss of a spouse, but in this context, it mocks the deep emotional connection and sense of mourning experienced by King Tizian and others close to Brian Chira. Their bond, though not romantic as clarified by King Tizian, evidently held significant meaning, leading to the use of this poignant term to convey the depth of their loss and the impact of Brian Chira’s untimely death.

In times of sorrow, communities often unite in solidarity, offering support and empathy to those affected by loss. The designation of King Tizian as a “widow” reflects the shared grief and emotional resonance felt by many in the wake of this tragedy. However, it is crucial to heed King Tizian’s own words and respect his stated relationship with Brian Chira, refraining from mockery or misinterpretation.

King Tizians reply to the online mockery of being called Chira’s widow. Courtesy:Tiktok

Amidst the sorrow and tributes, it is essential to approach such situations with sensitivity and understanding, honoring the truth and emotions of those directly involved. King Tizian’s clarification serves as a poignant reminder to navigate grief with compassion and respect, avoiding assumptions and hurtful remarks that could further burden those mourning the loss of a cherished individual. In times of loss, let us stand together with empathy and kindness, upholding the dignity and feelings of all those impacted by the profound impact of Brian Chira’s passing.


Tragedy Strikes Nakuru County Teaching and Referral Hospital as Medical Intern Found Dead

In a shocking Facebook post shared online, the Nakuru County Teaching and Referral Hospital is grappling with the mysterious death of Dr. Laban Langat, a medical officer intern. The lifeless body of the 27-year-old African male was discovered on Saturday around 7 am by the PGH security team in the trenches outside the Margaret Kenyatta Mother-Baby and Baby Wing.

Dr. Langat, who had been diligently serving the medical facility since August 2023, showed no signs of external injuries. The police are currently conducting a thorough investigation to unravel the circumstances surrounding his untimely demise.

The hospital security team made the grim discovery during their routine rounds. Dr. Langat’s body was found with his phone still in his pocket, adding to the perplexity of the situation. The medical fraternity and the community at large are awaiting the results of the investigation to shed light on this tragic incident.


Colleagues and staff at Nakuru County Teaching and Referral Hospital are in shock and mourning the loss of a promising young medical professional. Dr. Langat was described by his peers as dedicated and passionate about his work, leaving many to wonder what could have led to such a sudden and mysterious end.


The hospital administration is cooperating fully with the police investigation, and the family of the deceased has been notified. As the community grapples with this unexpected loss, questions linger, and speculations arise, underscoring the urgency for a thorough and transparent inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Dr. Laban Langat’s death.


The medical fraternity, as well as the residents of Nakuru, are eagerly awaiting updates from the authorities, hoping for clarity and closure in this somber chapter that has cast a shadow over the Nakuru County Teaching and Referral Hospital.

Nakuru News SmartBuzz Top News

A Near Miss: Mulamwah’s Harrowing Experience on Ngata Bridge

Popular Kenyan comedian and content creator Mulamwah, whose real name is David Oyando, recently shared a harrowing experience with his followers on Instagram. In a post titled “GOD OF MANY CHANCES – MUNGU NI MWEMA” (God is good), Mulamwah detailed a frightening incident that occurred today around 12:47 PM on Ngata Bridge, just before Nakuru.


Mulamwah recounted that he and his friend were traveling from Eldoret to Nairobi when their vehicle rolled several times in an attempt to avoid a sudden stop by the car in front of them. The unexpected emergency braking maneuver led to a perilous situation, but Mulamwah expressed gratitude that both he and his friend emerged from the accident with only minor scratches.


In the Instagram post, Mulamwah reflected on the fragility of life, urging his followers to cherish every moment as if tomorrow is never promised. His caption emphasized the importance of gratitude and faith, stating, “always enjoy moments while you still can, it’s like tomorrow’s is never promised.”


The comedian didn’t forget to extend his appreciation to the residents and Kaptembwa police staff who swiftly responded to the scene, providing assistance to everyone involved in the incident. Mulamwah concluded the post by expressing gratitude for the safety of all individuals in the vehicles, emphasizing the significance of living to see another day.


This incident serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictability of life and the importance of being thankful for every moment. Mulamwah’s message encourages his followers to appreciate life and underscores the role of faith in navigating challenging situations. As he aptly put it, “Glory to God we live to see another day.”

Nakuru News Top News

Why Does Kabarak University Keep Hiding the Truth Behind Its Students’ Deaths??

In a disturbing pattern, Kabarak University appears to be shrouded in secrecy regarding the untimely deaths of its students. From the tragic drowning of a fifth-year pharmacy student in a crowded swimming pool to the recent incident where a first-year student was fatally struck by a drunk police officer, the university’s administration seems hellbent on concealing the grim reality.


As the campus mourns the loss of Joshua, who fell victim to a reckless police vehicle near the institution’s main gate, questions arise about the university’s commitment to transparency. The echoes of a previous incident, where another student met a watery grave in the overcrowded school swimming pool, further intensify concerns.


#JusticeforJosh trends, revealing a frustrated student body demanding accountability. Kabarak University’s administration faces accusations of covering up these tragedies, creating an atmosphere of fear and mistrust among students. The pivotal question remains: Why does Kabarak University persist in hiding the true causes of its students’ deaths?

Tweet Screenshot

In response to mounting pressure and riotous protests erupting at the university’s gate, the administration released a statement acknowledging the recent tragedy. The statement asserts the university’s commitment to a thorough investigation and vows to address any lapses in safety protocols. However, skepticism lingers among students and the public, questioning the sincerity of the university’s sudden transparency.

WhatsApp screenshot
A whatsapp screenshot of a Kabarak University student lamenting on their WhatsApp status about the unending problem with Kabarak University Management. Photo/Courtesy

We wonder why this disturbing trend of secrecy surrounding student deaths at Kabarak University, exploring the potential motivations behind the administration’s actions.

Kabarak University statement
Kabarak University statement on a drunk police officer ran over and killed a University student. Photo/Courtesy


From the tragic death of a student who drowned while taking selfies, To a 5th year student who drowned in the schools swimming pool and now to drunk police officer knocking down a student. The campus seems plagued by a series of unfortunate events. Is the University hiding these incidents/accidents not to look ‘bad’ or is there a darker truth being concealed behind the university’s walls?


As the university community grapples with grief and frustration, the need for transparency and accountability becomes paramount. The University’s apparent reluctance to confront the reality of its students’ tragic fate is loud enough.


Tragic Accident Claims Six Lives in Ngata: A Grim Morning for Commuters

In a devastating incident that unfolded at 4 a.m. this Monday morning, six lives were tragically lost, and several individuals sustained serious injuries in a horrific collision between an eleven-seater shuttle and a truck. The incident occurred in the vicinity of Ngata, sending shockwaves through the local community and beyond.


According to Nakuru County Commander, Samuel Ndati, the ill-fated 14-seater matatu was en route to Nairobi, while the truck was headed in the opposite direction. The preliminary investigation suggests that the accident’s root cause was the truck driver’s loss of control over the massive vehicle. Tragically, the matatu’s driver, who bore the brunt of the collision, lost his life on the spot.


The lorry driver, in a desperate move, fled the scene following the collision, leaving behind a scene of utter chaos and devastation. Authorities are actively pursuing the lorry driver in an effort to comprehend the full scope of the incident and gather more details regarding his involvement.


The incident has left the community in shock and mourning, with many expressing their condolences and sympathy for the victims and their families. It serves as a somber reminder of the fragility of life and the critical importance of road safety.


Local emergency response teams and law enforcement officers swiftly arrived at the scene to provide immediate assistance and begin the process of investigation. Those who sustained injuries in the accident were promptly transported to nearby medical facilities for treatment and care.


As the investigation continues, authorities will be working tirelessly to piece together the circumstances leading to this catastrophic accident. Road safety and responsible driving remain paramount concerns, and this tragedy serves as a poignant reminder of the need for adherence to traffic rules and regulations.


Smartie News will continue to monitor and report on this developing story, providing updates and insights as more information becomes available. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the families and loved ones affected by this devastating incident.