Africa Kiambu Nairobi News Top News

Follow-up: Sword-Wielding Motorist Apprehended After Attacking Police Officer in Kasarani

In a dramatic turn of events, the motorist who attacked a police officer with a sword in Kasarani, Nairobi, has been apprehended by authorities. The incident, which occurred on Sunday morning, has sparked widespread outrage and concern for the safety of law enforcement personnel.

According to reports, the motorist, identified as Peter Kiragu, was involved in a traffic incident at Mirema Junction. When a police officer, Corporal Jacob Ogendo, approached the scene to address the violation, Kiragu drew a sword from under his seat and attacked the officer. The officer managed to jump out of the vehicle for his safety, but Kiragu continued to assault him, causing slight injuries.

The incident was captured on camera, attracting public outrage and prompting a major hunt for Kiragu. Authorities mobilized teams to trace the suspect, and an accomplice was arrested at the scene. The police officer was taken to a local private hospital and later transferred to Mama Lucy Hospital for further treatment.

Kiragu is currently in custody and will face charges related to the assault. The incident highlights the growing concerns about the safety of police officers in Kenya, who are often subjected to violent attacks while performing their duties.


Africa Kiambu Nairobi News Top News

Breaking News: Motorist Attacks Police Officer with Sword in Kasarani, Nairobi

In a shocking incident in Kasarani, Nairobi, a motorist wielding a sword launched a brazen attack on a police officer during a routine traffic stop. The altercation unfolded when the officer, diligently managing traffic flow, confronted the driver for attempting an illegal U-turn in the busy Mirena area.

Eyewitnesses described a tense confrontation escalating rapidly as the driver brandished a sword, menacingly advancing towards the officer. Despite the officer’s attempts to defuse the situation, the motorist launched a vicious assault, forcing the officer to retreat to safety.

The assailant, in a reckless display of aggression, managed to seize the officer’s phone battery before fleeing the scene. Prompt intervention from the public prevented further harm to the injured officer, who was swiftly transported to a nearby hospital for medical attention.

Authorities have confirmed the arrest of one individual believed to be an accomplice in the incident. A comprehensive search operation is underway to locate the primary suspect and the vehicle involved in the altercation.

The Nairobi Police Department has assured the public that every effort is being made to ensure the safety and security of all citizens in the area. Updates on the investigation will be provided as soon as new information becomes available.

Stay tuned for further developments on this alarming incident as authorities work tirelessly to bring the perpetrator to justice and uphold the rule of law in Kasarani, Nairobi.

Source: Nairobi Police Department

Source: Eyewitness Accounts


Kiambu News Top News

Gatundu South MP Arrested in Boda Boda Rider’s Shooting

Gatundu South Member of Parliament Gabriel Kagombe has been arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of a boda boda rider in Thika two weeks ago, according to Police spokesperson Resila Onyango.

The incident occurred during a chaotic event where rival groups clashed over the ownership and credit of a proposed market valued at Sh55 million in the Kiganjo market in Kamenu Ward. In a viral video, Kagombe can be seen drawing his gun from his waistline and firing shots directly into the crowd.

David Nduati, a 26-year-old boda boda rider, was killed in the incident. A post-mortem examination showed that he died of excessive bleeding from a gunshot wound, with the bullet going through his back and exiting through his chest.

Kagombe has exonerated himself from the shooting and blamed political rivals for “sponsoring the chaos”. However, police sources say most of the politicians who were at the chaotic function have recorded statements.

The arrest comes as Kagombe faces multiple controversies, including an altercation with police during a medical camp event and attacks on the media for allegedly running anti-government stories.


Kiambu News Top News

Did You Miss The Tragic Video Of Ruiru Church Elder Collapsing and Dying on The Pulpit? WATCH!

In a heartbreaking incident, Rtd Elder Eng Kenneth Kungu Wainaina, a 67-year-old church elder, collapsed and died while addressing the congregation at PCEA Church in Ruiru. The tragic event occurred on Sunday, May 19, 2024, during what was supposed to be a regular church service.

In a viral video circulating on social media, Elder Wainaina was reminding the congregation of the church’s history and vision when he suddenly stopped speaking, put the microphone aside, and collapsed. Just seconds before his collapse, a woman was heard screaming in the congregation, raising suspicion about her actions.

Fellow elders on the podium rushed to save Elder Wainaina, but he was pronounced dead shortly after. Initial reports indicate that he suffered a heart attack. The deceased elder’s family published an obituary on Google, confirming the tragic incident.

During his address, Elder Wainaina mentioned that the church had been in its current location since June 2005, just one month shy of 19 years. His demeanor did not suggest that he was in his final moments.

The 67-year-old elder will be laid to rest on Tuesday, May 28. The incident has left the congregation and the community in deep sorrow, as they mourn the loss of a beloved church leader.

Kiambu Nairobi News Top News

Allegations of The Impact of Kenyatta Family’s Waterway Diversion at Northlands Farm Causing Thika Highway Flooding

Image Courtesy/Crispus Alex

In a recent turn of events, the Kenyatta Family has found themselves embroiled in a new controversy touching on Theo vast Northlands farm yet again.

The spotlight now shines on a flooded section of Kahawa Sukari, starkly contrasting with the untouched expanse of Northlands (Sukari Ranch). What raises eyebrows is the emergence of a new development, highlighted in red, suspected of obstructing the natural flow of water into this vast piece of land, once belonging to freedom fighters.

Critics are questioning the ethics behind this situation, pondering when enough is truly enough. The narrative paints a picture of a family accused of deriving pleasure from the suffering and turmoil inflicted on the masses. The implications of alleged land grabbing and the potential consequences on the local community have sparked outrage and raised concerns about the extent of influence and power wielded by the Kenyatta family.

As the recent flood chaos unfolds, the public awaits answers to pressing questions surrounding the management of land, the impact on the environment, and the rights of those affected by these developments. The controversy surrounding the “Controversial Northlands” serves as a reminder of the complexities and challenges inherent in balancing power, privilege, and public interest in a society where transparency and accountability are paramount.


Kiambu News Top News

Tragedy at Delview Flyover As Senior Assistant Chief Commits Suicide!

In a somber turn of events at the Delview flyover along the bustling Thika Muranga highway, the identity of the man who tragically took his own life has been revealed. The late Stephen Nganga, a respected Senior Assistant Chief from Mataara village in Gituamba sub-location, Gatundu North, Kiambu County, has left a community in mourning.

Nganga, an officer with the NGAO, was discovered lifeless beneath the high-level flyover by passing motorists near the Delmonte pineapples plantation early yesterday morning.

Both authorities and his family confirmed that he had left behind a note, shedding light on his inner struggles with depression. This poignant act followed a previous note where he had entrusted close friends with the care of his family during his absence.

Kiambu News SmartBuzz Top News

What Really Happened? Police Report Leaked On Chira’s Death After Being Chased From Club!

In Kiambu County, specifically in Karuri at the Kiambaa Sub County’s Karuri Traffic Base, a fatal hit-and-run road traffic accident occurred on the 16th of March 2024. The incident took place around 3:10 am along the Ndenderu-Ruaka Road at Gacharage area. The accident involved an unknown motor vehicle and a male adult identified as Brian Chira. Zeleck Momanyi Alfonso, who was with Brian at the time, reported the incident to the authorities.

The events leading up to the accident began at Ciero Resort in Gacharage area near Total Petrol Station. Security guards at the resort had removed Brian Chira, claiming he was drunk and causing chaos, resulting in the resort closing. Zeleck Momanyi Alfonso, who witnessed this, decided to head home. As he was boarding a motorcycle, Brian requested a lift, and they both left together.

As they approached the Gacharage roundabout, Brian asked the motorcycle rider, Abdul Charo, to take him to his house. However, Brian got off the motorcycle and ran towards the main road, heading in the wrong direction. It was at this point that tragedy struck, as Brian was hit by a white Canter truck that did not stop after the collision.

Upon receiving the report, police officers visited the scene, and Brian’s body was moved to City Mortuary for a postmortem examination. Efforts are currently underway to locate the vehicle and driver involved in the hit-and-run incident, with Cause Code 98 being utilized for the investigation.


The untimely death of Brian Chira has left many in shock, emphasizing the importance of road safety and responsible behavior, especially in situations involving alcohol consumption. The incident serves as a somber reminder of the risks associated with reckless actions and the devastating consequences they can have.


Kiambu News SmartBuzz Top News

VIDEO: Brian Chiras Last Words As Family Release Statement

In a devastating turn of events, Brian Chira Wambui, a well-known Kenyan TikTok influencer, met a tragic end in a road accident in the Karuri area of Kiambu County. The incident, which occurred in the early hours of Saturday, saw Chira fatally struck by a speeding lorry while crossing the road. His lifeless body was discovered at around 3 am at Ambassador along Western Bypass, with severe injuries to his head.

Reports from the police suggest that prior to the accident, Chira had been at an entertainment spot in the Gacharage area, where he was involved in a disturbance and subsequently escorted out. He then took a motorcycle towards his home but alighted and attempted to cross the road on foot, leading to the fatal collision with the lorry that did not stop after the impact.

Friends and family members gathered at the City Mortuary to identify his body, as investigations into the circumstances surrounding his untimely death are underway. The tragic loss of Brian Chira has left his followers and loved ones in mourning, highlighting the unpredictable nature of life and the need for road safety awareness.


Kiambu News Top News

Shocking: Goshen Employees in Elaborate Multi-Million Kiambu Fraud Scheme Arrested By DCI.

In a shocking revelation, two employees of Goshens Real Estate in Kiambu’s Ruaka township, Judy Muringe Mugo (41) and Catherine Waithera Ruiru (26), are set to be arraigned at Kiambu Law Courts for their alleged involvement in a complex financial fraud amounting to over Sh15.6 million over a span of 18 months. The suspects, holding positions as the Marketing Officer and Receptionist respectively, stand accused of orchestrating a sophisticated scheme involving conspiracy and modern-day computer fraud.

The case came to light following a report filed by the company Director, Mr. Andrew Kirumba, at the DCI Kiambaa offices on January 23, 2024. According to the complaint, Judy Mugo exploited her role as the Marketing Officer to deceive tenants of Goshens Real Estate into diverting their rent payments to her personal accounts instead of the designated company accounts. She allegedly manipulated tenants into disregarding the official payment channels provided on their lease agreements and directed them to use the company office line under her control.

Judy’s manipulation extended further as she declared the company’s paybill and bank account as “no longer functional,” instructing tenants to channel payments through an OPPO phone and number assigned to her for marketing purposes. Subsequently, she diverted substantial sums of money received from tenants for rent, water bills, and other services to her personal phone numbers before transferring the funds to her accounts at Family Bank.

To cover her tracks and ensure that discrepancies went unnoticed by management, Judy colluded with Catherine Waithera, the Receptionist, who allegedly tampered with records in the company’s system to indicate that no tenants had outstanding arrears. In return for her complicity, Catherine received a portion of the ill-gotten gains from Judy. This illicit partnership persisted from June 2022 until January 2024.

The investigation launched by detectives based in Kiambaa involved gathering statements from affected tenants and securing court orders to scrutinize bank records and mobile money transactions associated with the suspects. Subsequent analysis confirmed the diversion of funds by Judy through her personal numbers before funneling them into her Family Bank accounts. Notably, Judy also transferred significant amounts to Catherine through mobile transactions and her KCB account within the period under investigation.

Further scrutiny revealed that Judy, whose monthly salary was reported at Sh30,000, had made a substantial payment of Sh750,000 to AUTOCAD Motors for a Toyota Harrier registered as KBH 252S on April 14, 2023. The vehicle was traced back to Judy until January 25, 2024 when she was summoned by Kiambaa detectives for questioning. In an attempt to evade justice, Judy subsequently transferred ownership of the vehicle to Andronicus Mbuthia Kamakia.

Following these revelations, investigators sought and executed search warrants at the suspects’ residences where they recovered the Toyota Harrier among other items. Additionally, phones belonging to both suspects and Catherine’s desktop were confiscated for forensic analysis by the cybercrime unit. Efforts were made to prevent any potential disposal or misuse of assets acquired through criminal activities.

An audit report detailing the elaborate scheme unveiled that Goshens Real Estate suffered losses totaling Sh15,633,147 due to the fraudulent activities orchestrated by Judy Mugo and Catherine Waithera. The meticulous investigation conducted by law enforcement agencies underscores the importance of vigilance in detecting and combating financial crimes within organizations.

The impending arraignment of these individuals signifies a crucial step towards accountability and justice for those impacted by this egregious breach of trust and financial misconduct.


Kiambu News Top News

Woman Rescued, 645,000 Recovered And Kidnappers Nabbed After Horror Kiambu Ordeal.

A harrowing kidnapping ordeal in Kiambu County has culminated in the arrest of two suspects, Laban Chomba Muthini and Peter Mugera Maburi, but the scars of the crime run deep for the victim and the community. This is her story, pieced together from official reports and a glimmer of hope amidst the terror.


On the crisp morning of December 16th, the victim’s world took a horrifying turn. Walking along a seemingly ordinary path, she was accosted by a vehicle carrying two men and a woman. In a chilling, DCI-reported account, one of the men flung open the car door, leaving her with no choice but to comply. Forced inside, she was plunged into a nightmare.


Blindfolded and trapped, the victim faced a torrent of fear. The perpetrators demanded her mobile money and bank account PINs, wielding the threat of violence like a cruel weapon. Over Ksh.645,000, a substantial sum painstakingly built, was ruthlessly siphoned from her accounts and transferred to six different lines, a sickening echo of her stolen security. Not content with digital plunder, they snatched Ksh.80,000 in cash from her purse, adding insult to the already gaping wound.


Despite the suffocating terror, the victim clung to a sliver of hope. Pleading for her life, she cooperated with the criminals, her mind focused solely on survival. Finally, at 8 pm that night, after hours of torment, they abandoned her on the dark road.


But she was not alone. As fate would have it, good Samaritans, beacons of humanity in the face of evil, came to her aid. They helped her reach Samuru police station, where she recounted her ordeal in a voice raw with emotion. The report of her kidnapping, a chilling testament to the perpetrators’ depravity, landed on the DCI’s desk, igniting a swift and resolute response.


The Operations team, fueled by a burning desire for justice, swiftly swung into action. Tracking down leads, piecing together fragments of evidence, they finally apprehended Muthini and Maburi. An ID parade held within the confines of the law confirmed the victim’s harrowing recollection, her unwavering gaze pinning them to the scene of her pain.


Now, the suspects stand before a Kiambu Law Courts magistrate, awaiting the wheels of justice to turn. Custody orders have been granted to the detectives, allowing them to complete their investigation and build a watertight case. This swift action sends a powerful message: Kiambu will not tolerate such brazen assaults on its citizens.


But the scars of this ordeal run deep. The victim, robbed not just of her finances but of her sense of security, embarks on a long road of healing. The community, shaken by the incident, grapples with a renewed sense of vulnerability. Vigilance has become a watchword, whispers of caution mingling with the daily hum of life.


This case serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers lurking around corners, even in seemingly familiar pathways. It underscores the importance of community support, the vital role of good Samaritans who turn fear into hope. And most importantly, it highlights the swift and decisive action of law enforcement, a bulwark against the rising tide of crime.


Together, we can create a safer Kiambu, a community where fear does not linger like a dark shadow. Let this ordeal not be forgotten, but rather, a catalyst for increased vigilance, unwavering support, and a fierce commitment to ensuring the safety of every citizen. For in the face of darkness, it is the glimmer of hope, the power of unity, and the unyielding pursuit of justice that truly illuminates the path forward.


Smartie News: Committed to bringing you the latest news with accuracy, compassion, and a unwavering commitment to protecting the safety of our community.

Kiambu News Top News

Thika Rd CarJacking Incident Send Shivers Down Nairobi Car Sellers Community.

In a shocking event this sat weekend, the dark underbelly of motor vehicle business-related risks has come to the forefront as two individuals, Brian Karanja and Ken Gitau, went missing after embarking on a client visit in a Land Cruiser Prado J120 (Reg No. KBS 775G).

The unsettling incident, as claimed by the tweep, is reminiscent of a past tragedy involving someone by the name ‘Edu‘, a car dealer on Ngong Road. Apparently, the two had driven the vehicle to a client who had inquired about the Toyota Prado for ‘Client Viewing‘.


According to a Twitter post by JamToka, the duo disappeared on Friday, raising fears of a potential kidnapping or carjacking. The relevant authorities were alerted but there was no development till a post on a popular Road Safety Facebook, Sikika Road Safety, Appeared online.

Thika Road Kidnapping
The post as seen on popular Road Safety Facebook Group, Sikika Road Safety. Photo/Courtesy

The post on Sikika Road Safety Facebook page claimed a Prado matching the description was reportedly involved in a hit-and-run incident on Thika Road near the Kahawa Wendani footbridge. An Uber driver, whose vehicle suffered damage in the collision, decided to chase the Prado after he heard screams of help from the Prado . Despite warning shots fired by the Prado occupants, the determined Uber driver persisted in pursuit.


Witnesses also reported hearing cries for help from within the Prado. The vehicle in question eventually lost control, colliding with the superhighway metal rails near Kahawa Wendani.

What unfolded next was a chilling sequence of events – two men and a woman, armed with guns, emerged from the Prado and commandeered a boda boda. The assailants shot in the air when onlookers tried to confront them, creating chaos as people scattered for safety.


Inside the Prado, 2 men were discovered bound and gagged, apparently victims of a carjacking since Friday. One of the hostages’ family had reportedly been extorted by the gang during this period.

The unfolding drama, reminiscent of a crime thriller, has left the car sales community in Nairobi in shock as they call for immediate action to address the rising menace of crime on the roads.


The incidents underscore the need for heightened awareness and caution, especially in client interactions that involve vehicle sales. The plea from JamToka resonates strongly – if a client cannot make it to the showroom, forfeiting the sale may be a small price to pay compared to the potential risks involved.


As authorities intensify efforts to nab the kidnappers, one thing remains clear: a collective commitment to safety and security is imperative to prevent such tragic tales from becoming a recurring narrative on our roads.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story. #SafetyFirst #SmartieNewsCoverage


Kiambu Nairobi News Nyeri Top News

Maina Njenga Leaks Gachagua’s Plots and Political Intrigues On Mt. Kenya Politics

The former leader of the outlawed Mungiki group in Mount Kenya, Maina Njenga, is claiming that the government’s efforts to silence him are part of a plot to suppress former President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Since retiring, Kenyatta has criticized Deputy President William Ruto’s government, aligning himself with the Unity Agreement led by Raila Odinga. Supporters insist Kenyatta remains the voice of the region, complicating matters.


On the other hand, Kenya Kwanza’s government supporters in Mount Kenya assert that Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is the region’s kingpin. Analysts suggest that in countering Kenyatta’s influence, Gachagua may be influencing Maina Njenga to defy under the guise of the Unity Agreement. Njenga’s political maneuvers have confused many, as he appears to align with the government and the Unity Agreement simultaneously.


Njenga, while recently charging his own political path and seeking Mt Kenya prominence, has faced criticism for his dual stance. Despite his attempts to secure political positions, doubts persist about the authenticity of his political motives. The government seems to tolerate Njenga’s political activities, possibly viewing him as non-threatening.


Despite Njenga’s political events in various counties, his popularity in Mount Kenya remains questionable. Associating with Njenga in the region’s politics is perceived as detrimental, with parallels drawn to a notorious politician linked to Mungiki and electoral failure.


Njenga’s continued activism is seen by political analysts as a strategy to undermine both Kenyatta and Odinga. Critics argue that recent press conferences condemning Njenga are political tactics to remind locals of the perceived danger associated with Mungiki affiliations, attempting to discredit him in the eyes of the public.


Kiambu News Top News

The Twerking Akorino Ladies Respond To The Barrage Of Online Criticism.

The three Akorino women, Mary, Ciru, and Nyambura, who were caught twerking over the weekend are appealing to online critics to withhold judgment, emphasizing that ‘heaven is inclusive.’ Expressing frustration, they suggest critics remove their turbans and burn them.


Nyambura exclaimed, directly translated, “Take off our turbans; did you dress us? Burn them; heard they’re out of style? Can’t we buy another for Sh500 and wear it again?”


While acknowledging their mistake in responding to desires and external influences, they defend against accusations, clarifying they weren’t hired entertainers but guests at a birthday celebration.


Despite admitting their wrongs, they protest online claims of being intoxicated performers. Ciru asserts, “Even after admitting our mistakes, we face online beratement, accused of being hired entertainers. Nonsense; we attended a birthday party, danced on stage.”


Unified in their commitment to salvation, they challenge critics: “If you doubt our worthiness for heaven, lock the gate when we arrive.”


Joined by Bw Karangu wa Muraya and Essy wa Willy, they threaten to pray for the downfall of the Ruiru club. Despite their apologies, they rejected the notion peddled online of being labeled and compared to the devil.


Muraya emphasizes repentance, saying, “We all sin, but God’s grace sets us free. Humility and true repentance bring forgiveness.”


Amid joblessness, they seek understanding, with Ciru saying, “Instead of insulting us, help us find jobs. Suggest where we fit, and we’ll dance if you pay us.”


Kiambu Kisumu Mombasa Nairobi News Top News

Airbnb Con Artist Exposed: Sheila Wakesho’s Elaborate Fraud Scheme Unveiled

In a shocking fraud case that DCI unearthed, Sheila Wakesho Matasa, the alleged mastermind behind a series of fraudulent schemes targeting holidaymakers, has been apprehended by detectives in Kiambaa, Kiambu County. The 24-year-old suspect’s audacious exploits spanned across Nairobi, Kiambu, Kisumu, and Mombasa counties, leaving unsuspecting victims stranded and out of pocket.

Mombasa Airbnb Con
One of the 24yr Olds Airbnb Facebook page that she used to dupe unsuspecting clients. Photo/DCI

Wakesho’s modus operandi involved creating a facade of multiple Airbnb properties along the picturesque coastal region of Mombasa. With social media accounts like Lifestyle Beachfront Airbnb, Mombasa Raha Airbnb, and Shah Tours, she managed to amass a following of over 10,000 individuals seeking memorable getaways.


However, her apparent empire was built on deception. The content used to promote these luxury accommodations was plagiarized, and the accompanying photos were not only misleading but also bore copyright infringement. Wakesho’s victims, who could only interact with her online, fell prey to her cunning tactics.


The unsuspecting holidaymakers were instructed to channel their booking fees to Mpesa Till number 8981656 or Paybill number 400200 ACC name: 01100252088001. Once the funds were transferred, Wakesho disappeared, leaving her victims stranded at various locations, including beaches, bus stations, SGR terminals, and airports.


What makes Wakesho’s case particularly intricate is her meticulous effort to cover her tracks. She used multiple subscriber SIM cards registered under different names, often utilizing stolen ID cards. The list of numbers associated with her fraudulent activities includes 0708901010, 0799 661 708, 0799 605 774, 0707 920971, 0742 521046, and 0788 370306.

The turning point in her spree came when she targeted a banker who refused to be just another victim. The banker’s alertness and quick action led to a tip-off to the detectives, culminating in Wakesho’s arrest at a bank lobby in Ruaka.


As law enforcement agencies across Nairobi, including DCI Kilimani, Kasarani, Thika, Kiambaa, and DCI Kiambu, process files for her arraignment, Wakesho awaits legal proceedings in multiple counties where her fraudulent activities have been reported.


For individuals with information or potential victims, the DCI has launched the #FichuakwaDCI campaign, urging them to call 0800 722 203. Remember, reporting is a shared responsibility!

Kiambu News Top News

Thika Police Recover Stolen Firearm, Ammunition from Wounded Suspect

In a significant development, Thika detectives successfully recovered a Ceska pistol and ammunition, which had been stolen from a civilian firearm holder in Kahawa Sukari back in January 2023. This breakthrough came as a result of a search conducted at the residence of a wounded man in Makongeni, Thika.


The events leading to this recovery began with a distress call from concerned members of the public. They reported an incident near the Thika Level V hospital where an unidentified man had been shot by an occupant of a Toyota Probox, who then made a hasty getaway.


Swiftly responding to the situation, the police arrived at the scene, where they found the injured man. They immediately rushed him to the hospital, where doctors managed to stem his profuse bleeding in the nick of time. However, the efforts to identify the patient were in vain, as he possessed no identifying documents and was reluctant to reveal his name, despite being conscious and able to speak.


In light of these challenges, the police initiated a forensic identification process to determine his identity. This process successfully unveiled his name and led the investigators to his place of residence, Gireki Plaza House No. 10, situated within the Kiganjo area of Makongeni.


Subsequent search operations at the residence revealed the stolen Ceska pistol, along with 15 rounds of ammunition, hidden under a carpet, alongside a stash of bhang.


Preliminary investigations have established that this firearm was the same one stolen from a civilian in Kahawa Sukari during a robbery incident in January. Two armed men riding an unmarked motorcycle had accosted the victim at a construction site, making off with his mobile phone and cash.


On the same fateful day, these same two suspects committed another armed robbery in Landless Section 2, where they confronted three individuals who were inspecting a piece of land they had purchased. The victims were also robbed at gunpoint, losing their mobile phones and money.


The ongoing investigations suggest a potential link between the wounded suspect and his attackers, as it appears they had a prior altercation before the shooting occurred.


The injured individual, now considered a suspect in violent robberies, remains under police guard as he continues to recover. Once he is fit for legal procedures, he will face formal arrest and arraignment. Meanwhile, the hunt for his assailants is still underway.