Kericho County News Top News

Massive Flooding Kerenga Airstrip, Kericho Exposes Murkomen’s Incompetence

In recent developments, the Roads CS, Kipchumba Murkomen, is facing escalating criticism for alleged incompetence.

These allegations have been linked to the recent Power outage and JKIA, The leaking roof at Kenya’s leading Airport, and the latest allegation is the poor construction and subsequent flooding of Kerenga airport due to the recent surge in rainfall.


Murkomen’s management of the criticism has come under intense scrutiny, with accusations of neglecting essential infrastructure maintenance leading to the rising Cases of poor workmanship in many infrastructural projects.


Murkomens alleged  incompetence in the Roads Ministry has sparked a public outcry, as it not only affects the countries Infrastructure  projects but also raises concerns about the government’s ability to address its CS’s Incompetence.


Nandi Senator, Samson Cherargei, has been a vocal critic, exposing what he claims are Murkomen’s lies and drawing attention to the senator’s frequent and seemingly irrelevant chopper rides. Cherargei’s efforts to shed light on these concerns have heightened the public’s awareness of the situation, prompting many to keep a close eye on the unfolding story.


As the controversy continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how Murkomen and the government will respond to the growing calls for accountability and effective solutions to address the challenges faced by the Kerenga airport and other critical infrastructure projects.


Kericho County News Top News

Henious Murder: Motive in Isaac Maritim, ‘Baba Africa’ unearthed.

In a heart-wrenching incident that has left the community of Kipkelion West, Kipsitet and Kericho County specifically in shock. Political blogger and PA Isaac Maritim, widely known as ‘Baba Africa,’ met a tragic end in a brutal murder. The late Maritim was not only a close comfidant to Honorable Hillary ‘Nyiganet‘ of Kipkelion West but also served as an officer at the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) office.

Head scan results
Baba Africa’s’ head Injuries. Photo/Facebook

The incident occurred as Maritim was reportedly heading home after having one for the road at Mushroom Club at Kipsitet.  Isaac was brutally attacked and died from severe head injuries. An image of his cracked skull was posted online on X. The details surrounding his death are still emerging, but preliminary information points to a dispute that he had with an individual known as ‘Keki‘ from Kipsitet. From the Screenshots, the suspect is reported to have locked the deceased in a house, bleeding him to death toll This suggests that Isaac could have survived the attack had he been swiftly taken to the hospital.

Isaac murder
The main suspect known as ‘Keki‘. Photo/Facebook


Facebook Screenshot
Screenshot on who might have planned Isaac’s murder. Photo/Facebook

According to screenshots obtained from Facebook, it has been reported that Maritim had been embroiled in a disagreement over a debt issue. The nature and cause of this dispute are yet to be conclusively determined, adding a layer of complexity to the already tragic situation.


Isaac ‘Baba Africa’ Maritim was a well-respected figure within the community, and his untimely demise has sent shockwaves through Kipsitet and beyond. Hon. Hillary ‘Nyiganet‘ Koskei expressed deep sorrow over the loss of his close assistant, describing Maritim as a dedicated and valuable member of his team.


Law enforcement is actively investigating the case, with ‘Keki‘ identified as the main suspect. The community is anxiously awaiting further updates as authorities work to unravel the circumstances leading to this devastating event.


As Kipkelion west mourns the loss of a prominent community member, the focus turns towards seeking justice for Isaac Maritim. The impact of this tragedy reaches far beyond the immediate circle of friends and family, reminding everyone of the fragility of life and the need for community solidarity during times of grief.


Kipkelion west, MP, Hon Hillary ‘Nyiganet’ Koskei sent his condolences to the family on his official Facebook page vowing to push the authorities to hold the killers to book.

This is an ongoing story and Smartie News will continue to follow this story as more information becomes available.




17th Nov 2023

More Questions Raised by Locals Regarding Maritime Death

Photo/Courtesy, Facebook

Residents are now piling pressure on Kipsitet Police station, under Kericho County Police Commander to help the family in answering very pertinent issues regarding Baba Africa’s death.  Above is a screenshot of some pertinent important questions regarding the case. This clearly exposes a clear and detailed plan put in place to murder the Blogger.

We are working to update you on each and every progress on this case.

Smartie News

Features Kericho County

A Haven of Healing and Transformation: Discover Liberty Wellness Center in Serene Kericho

In the heart of Kericho, a beacon of hope and transformation is LIBERTY WELLNESS CENTER, nestled in a tranquil and serene environment. LIBERTY WELLNESS CENTER is not just another rehabilitation facility; it’s a haven for those seeking to overcome the chains of Alcohol & Substance addiction and reclaim their lives.

Liberty Wellness Center has state-of-the-art facilities, dedicated professionals, and a commitment to In-depth holistic healing, Liberty Wellness Center stands as a beacon of light for individuals striving to break free from the grip of substance abuse.


Google Map Pin 📍

Liberty Wellness Center

0729 044963

A Serene Retreat for Healing

Located just 300 meters from the bustling main highway, at the Tebz junction opposite Kericho Police Station, Liberty Wellness Center boasts a serene and silent environment, a key component for successful recovery. The center’s surroundings provide a much-needed respite from the pressures of everyday life, allowing individuals to focus solely on their journey towards healing and recovery.

Unparalleled Facilities and Amenities

What sets Liberty Wellness Center apart is its commitment to providing the highest standard of care. The center has a capacity to house 30 male/female residents, ensuring a more personalized and effective rehabilitation process. With  dedicated counselors and  social workers, every resident receives individualized attention and care throughout their journey. Moreover, the team of kitchen staff and  management personnel work tirelessly to ensure that residents have a comfortable and supportive environment.

The center offers a variety of amenities that enhance the rehabilitation experience. Nutritious meals are prepared with care, ensuring that every individual receives the sustenance they need to regain their strength and vitality.


A Comprehensive Approach to Rehabilitation

At Liberty Wellness Center, the core focus is on rehabilitating alcoholics to become valuable contributors to society once again. The center’s approach to rehabilitation spans three months of residential care, a period recognized as optimal for achieving meaningful and lasting change. With the support of skilled counselors and social workers, residents delve into the root causes of their addiction, addressing underlying issues through a variety of treatment methods. Four of these approaches include:


  • Individual Counseling: Through one-on-one sessions, counselors delve into each individual’s unique circumstances, allowing them to identify triggers, coping mechanisms, and strategies for sustainable recovery.
  • Group Therapy: Residents have the opportunity to participate in group therapy sessions, where they can share their experiences, gain insights from others, and build a strong support network.
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a proven method that helps individuals recognize and modify negative thought patterns and behaviors, fostering healthier choices and habits.
  • Holistic Therapies: Liberty Wellness Center believes in treating the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. Holistic therapies such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga are incorporated to promote overall well-being.

Admission and Inquiries

Admission is currently open, and those seeking help or wishing to learn more about the center can call  0703292709 / 0729044963 for inquiries. Additionally, detailed information can be found on the official website.


In conclusion, Liberty Wellness Center stands as a beacon of hope for those battling with addiction. With its serene environment, compassionate staff, cutting-edge facilities, and commitment to comprehensive rehabilitation, it offers a path to recovery and transformation that is second to none.


Counties Features Kericho County Mombasa Nairobi News Nyeri Taita Taveta Tech Top News Trans nzoia Uasin Gishu

The Scam That Robbed Kenyans 2 Trillion and Disappeared into Thin Air!

In Kenya today, We are often taught not to trust anything/anyone online. This was the case in 2021/2022 when a notorious pyramid scheme resurfaced with a vengeance. They had evolved, becoming more sophisticated, elusive, and impervious to regulation. These schemes had lurked in the internet, ensnaring thousands of unsuspecting, young Kenyans with the allure of easy money. The name was Public Likes.


These scam had promised quick riches, but just like all pyramids, they had inevitably crumbled, leaving countless victims in financial ruin. It had posed as a website where users could earn money by merely clicking on ‘adverts.’


Public Likes had attracted new investors with promises of unusually high short-term returns. However, these returns hadn’t been from legitimate business activities. The website had presented itself as a “social media marketing” platform, claiming to connect advertisers with potential customers.


Users on this site had earned money simply by clicking on ads, in a scheme referred to as Paid-to-Click (PTC). They had been led to believe that advertisers had paid them for every click, known as Pay per Click (PPC). It had been a clever deception.

Screenshot of Public likes

Public Likes hadn’t just been a Ponzi scheme; it had been part of a complex online fraud that had cost advertisers nearly Ksh 2 trillion annually in lost advertising revenue.


Jane had been among the earliest investors in this scheme, which had attracted approximately 2 million users in less than three months at its peak. Public Likes had even outperformed well-known websites like Twitter, Standard Digital, Wikipedia, and in popularity, according to Alexa, a California-based company that had tracked web traffic data.


Jane had had around Ksh 60,000 invested in the company when Safaricom had decided to suspend Public Likes’ Paybill. This move had come in response to numerous complaints from users who hadn’t been receiving their payments.


The company had insisted it hadn’t closed down, only temporarily pausing transactions while they had made changes. Meanwhile, Jane and others who had already recouped their investments had shrugged it off.


Latecomers like Peter, who had been attracted by the Ksh 20,000 Jane had been withdrawing weekly, had been left in suspense. If Public Likes had gone down, it had taken Peter’s hard-earned Ksh 4,500 with it. Both Jane and Peter had invested Ksh 4,500 to move past the first level, where users had had to wait three months and click on five ‘adverts’ every day to earn Ksh 10 for each click. Most people had quickly upgraded to the Business Basic level, where a one-time Ksh 4,500 subscription had allowed them to earn Ksh 7,500 per month.


Muniu Thoithi, head of forensics at PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC), had found this arrangement intriguing. He had stated that it had been peculiar for users to pay the PTC site to click on ads when they should have been paid for clicking on the links.


The Premium account subscription fee had been Ksh 14,000, allowing users to watch a maximum of 50 ads and earn Ksh 15,000 per month. At the highest level, Gold, users had paid a Ksh 90,000 subscription fee and had earned Ksh 30,000 monthly.


Despite knowing it had been a pyramid scheme, Jane had recouped her investments, while Peter had been left in limbo. The pyramid scheme had operated by receiving payments from new entrants like Peter and redistributing them to early users at the top, such as Jane.


When Peter had examined the list of advertisers on the website, he had noticed that most of them had been other PTC websites, which had raised questions about why these sites had paid for clicks. This had suggested that there had been little, if any, earnings from real advertisers.


Public Likes had started with genuine products, especially hotels, but they had mostly been international establishments. The hotels may have been duped into paying for viewers who hadn’t converted into customers, affecting Public Likes’ revenue.


According to Thoithi, PTC sites had struggled to attract advertisers willing to pay for clicks from users genuinely interested in the ads. Some PTC sites had even acted as affiliates to other PTC sites, redirecting clicks to the primary PTC site.


Peter had refrained from withdrawing his money, hoping it would accumulate, but the suspension of the Paybill number had dashed those hopes. Now, Public Likes had been tempting users like Peter with new earning options such as offer walls, videos, and a daily jackpot.


Public Likes had also insisted it hadn’t shut down its Paybill, temporarily suspending transactions to streamline operations. Safaricom had confirmed that they had met with the company’s representatives but couldn’t reveal their identities.


Public Likes might have also been linked to a global scam known as click fraud, which had robbed advertisers of about Ksh 1.7 trillion annually, according to ad verification company Adloox. Click fraud had involved repeatedly clicking on ads to generate revenue for the host site or drain revenue from advertisers.


In this type of fraud, a PTC site like Public Likes had been known as a click farm, where low-paid workers had been hired to click on paid advertising links.


While this online deception had continued to grow, fueled by high unemployment rates, increasing internet penetration, and a burgeoning mobile economy in Africa, it had been crucial for individuals to exercise caution. Falling victim to pyramid schemes had often reflected a lack of proper research, even when information had been readily available.


Despite numerous pyramid schemes collapsing and causing significant financial losses, people had continued to be lured into such ventures. The allure of quick and easy money had led individuals down a path of financial devastation, and this cycle had appeared far from ending.


As the Public Likes scheme had unraveled, another PTC, “Synergy Traffic,” had emerged, offering more attractive terms. Users had been able to withdraw a minimum of Ksh 2,500, and there had been no limits on daily clicks. Unlike Public Likes, Synergy Traffic had used Bitcoin for payments, making transactions difficult to trace.


While some like Jane may have considered joining another pyramid scheme, it had been essential to recognize the risks and pitfalls associated.


As we are all evolving to an internet- dependent Society, beware of online scams. They can ruin your life.


Features Kericho County News Top News

West Valley Sugar Company Roars to Life a Year After Samwel Kipsoi’s Passing!

The recent success story of the West Valley Sugar Company, marked by the production of its first batch of brown sugar in Kericho, is a testament to the enduring legacy of Samuel Ngetich Kipsoi, a determined entrepreneur who overcame numerous challenges to build a thriving business empire. This achievement, led by his son, Bernard Soi, reflects the journey of a school dropout who transformed humble beginnings into a symbol of entrepreneurial success.

Born in 1949 in Chepsetyon Village, Kericho County, Samuel Ngetich Kipsoi faced educational hurdles, leading to his early departure from school after class 3 at Keongo Primary. Undeterred by his limited formal education, Kipsoi embarked on a remarkable journey. He began his career as a waiter, moved on to run a small eatery at Kapsoit Shopping Center, and ventured into various sectors, including the matatu industry, bars and restaurants, and real estate.

Kipchimchim Supermarket

Kipsoi’s path was far from smooth, marked by numerous business setbacks and losses. At one point, he lost all nine matatus he had on the road, and his shop was also among the businesses he had to let go. However, these setbacks did not deter him. He visited China to gain entrepreneurial skills, and upon his return, expanded into mining and construction.


The entrepreneurial spirit of Samuel Ngetich Kipsoi remained undiminished despite these challenges. At the time of his death in 2022, he had become the chairman of the Kipchimchim Group of Companies, a conglomerate that encompassed various sectors, including supermarkets, tea manufacturing, mining, and real estate. The group’s portfolio included Kipchimatt Supermarkets, Mbogo Valley, ABSS Warehouse Limited, Sangalo Tet and Kuresoi Tea companies, SABS Mining and Construction Company, and the West Valley Sugar Company, among others.


Kipsoi’s vision and entrepreneurial zeal have posthumously come to fruition through the remarkable efforts of his son, Bernard Soi. The West Valley Sugar Company, an enterprise that was nurtured by Samuel Ngetich Kipsoi and the Kipchimchim Group, successfully commenced operations in August 2023.

West Valley Sugar finally Accomplishes Kipsoi’s Dream of Producing Sugar in Kericho. Photo/Courtesy

With an initial capacity to crush 1,250 tonnes of sugarcane per day (TCD), the company is poised to double its capacity to 2,500 TCD. This expansion will not only bolster sugar production but also benefit the Soin-Sigowet, Ainamoi, Kipkelion, Tinderet, Muhoroni, and Nyando sugar belts, thereby supporting the local sugar industry.


In his memory, the West Valley Sugar Company has also entered into partnerships with over 6,000 small-scale out-grower farmers, providing them with essential support and services, thus reducing their transportation costs. The success of the project, which is based in Kapkormom in the Soin-Sigowet constituency, transcends the factory gates, creating over 1,000 direct employment opportunities and an additional 6,000 indirect employment opportunities, in line with Samuel Ngetich Kipsoi’s vision of improving livelihoods in the region.


Samuel Ngetich Kipsoi’s legacy lives on as the West Valley Sugar Company brings to fruition his dream of contributing to the local economy and creating opportunities for countless individuals. From a school dropout who persevered to become a diversified business owner, Kipsoi’s journey is now being continued and celebrated by his son, Bernard Soi, and the successful enterprise they envisioned together.


The West Valley Sugar Company’s inaugural production of brown sugar symbolizes the power of determination, investment, and entrepreneurship to transform communities and fulfill dreams that outlive their founders.

Kericho County News Top News

Kenya Highlands Sacco Faces Allegations of Unfair Loan Deductions from Tea Farmers

A major storm began brewing against Kenya Highlands Sacco Society on Saturday, October 14, 2022. Upset farmers took to the internet to voice their concerns. These farmers claimed that their Tea Bonus payments were deducted, leaving them with little to nothing, and that this violated the loan agreements they had in place. However, it’s important to note that these allegations have not been officially confirmed, and Kenya Highlands Sacco has yet to make a statement in response.

At the heart of the uproar  is that, farmers had taken out loans that were meant to be repaid over a span of 36 months, with the repayment period starting three months before the bonus payments were due. Bonus payments were credited to their accounts, as expected. But then came the shocker – the Sacco decided to recover the entire loan amount, in one go.


This move raised eyebrows because it directly contradicted the loan repayment agreements that were signed between the Sacco and the farmers. The agreement clearly stated that the loan arrears would be deducted in monthly installments for a year (12 months). This sudden change has left many farmers in distress, feeling that their trust has been broken.


Calls for Justice:

Farmers have been quick to voice their concerns on Facebook. One comment by a customer on facebook demanded regulatory intervention: “They breach the contract and deduct loans from the bonus. KTDA and the government should regulate these Saccos to protect farmers from being taken advantage of.”

Kenya Highlands sacco
Photo: Facebook

Kenya Highlands Sacco society screenshot
Photo: Facebook

People are understandably upset, and they’re demanding action. Many feel it’s inappropriate for the Sacco to change the loan repayment mode without clear communication or agreement. They argue that farmers still need to pay the interest for the entire remaining period, and these abrupt changes could harm them financially.


Farmers are emphasizing the importance of adhering to the loan agreement terms. They believe that if a loan is supposed to be repaid over two years, then it should be so, without surprise deductions from their bonuses.


There’s also a call for more transparency in how SMS notifications are sent. Many believe that necessary deductions, like loan repayments, should be made before sending out balance information to customers. This way, farmers would have a clearer picture of their financial situation.


These allegations have raised concerns about how Kenya Highlands Sacco is handling loan repayments and bonus deductions. While the allegations are yet to be officially confirmed, it’s clear that many farmers are deeply dissatisfied with the current situation. They expect the Sacco to honor the agreements they’ve made, providing financial stability for hardworking tea farmers. Regulators, such as KTDA and the government, may need to step in to ensure that farmers are not unfairly treated and that their trust is upheld.

Counties Kericho County News Top News

EACC Investigates Alleged Financial Irregularities at KEWASCO Amid Management Shake-Up

Kericho Water and Sanitation Company Limited (Kewasco) is currently under the watchful eye of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) as allegations of financial misappropriation cast a shadow over the company. A recent audit report for the 2020/21 financial year, conducted by the Auditor-General, revealed that the company had incurred a staggering deficit of over Sh122.3 million, purportedly due to mismanagement and suspected bribery. This unfolding situation has drawn considerable attention, and EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak has confirmed that the investigation is in an advanced stage.


The EACC Investigation:

Twalib Mbarak, the CEO of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, officially confirmed the ongoing investigation, stating that, “The EACC confirms that it is investigating the matter, and upon conclusion, the outcome will inform appropriate action.” The impetus for the investigation came from the Senate County Public Investment and Special Funds Committee, which recommended the dismissal of Kibii Siele from his role as Managing Director (MD) of Kewasco on March 14, 2023. The committee cited allegations of mismanagement and abuse of office that had resulted in the company reporting losses for three consecutive years.

Mr. Siele, KEWASCO MD at a past function. IMAGE: Facebook

Calls for Change and Accountability:

The Senate committee went further to call for the removal of Kewasco’s board members and the thorough investigation of staff implicated in the alleged financial irregularities. Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi urged Kericho Governor Dr. Erick Mutai to take swift action, stating that, “The county chief should reconstitute the board of the company and the entire workforce if the water utility firm is to be saved from sinking and start to make profits.” The Governor was also tasked with collaborating with the County Assembly to establish a proper legal framework for the company’s operations, as it had been operating without one.


Siele’s Defense:

Kibii Siele, the embattled MD, defended himself during the Senate committee’s inquiry. He explained that during the takeover of Tililbei Water and Sanitation Company (Tilwasco) in 2018, Kewasco assumed both assets and liabilities. Among these liabilities were monthly electricity bills, bulk water costs, and salary harmonization expenses. According to Siele, Tilwasco’s liability amounted to Sh90,565,225, with Bomet Water Company responsible for paying Sh25,073,379 as a share of the liabilities during the split. The County Government of Kericho was expected to cover the remaining Sh65.49 million, which has yet to be paid. However, his explanation did not appease the committee, leading to their recommendation for his removal.


Audit Report Highlights Financial Woes:

The audit report for the financial year 2020-2021 painted a grim financial picture for Kewasco. It revealed a loss of Sh10.14 million for the year, pushing the company’s accumulated negative retained earnings to Sh117.22 million as of June 30, 2021. The report highlighted that the company’s liabilities amounted to Sh346.79 million, surpassing its asset balance of Sh224.48 million, resulting in a negative working capital of Sh122.31 million. Auditor General Nancy Gathungu expressed doubts about the company’s ability to continue operations without support from creditors and the county government.


Legal Battle and Verdict Awaited:

In response to the county government’s decision to place him on administrative leave, Kibii Siele took legal action. On July 14, 2023, he challenged the decision in court. The Kericho court ruled in his favor, allowing him to remain in office until his case is heard and concluded. The court is scheduled to deliver its verdict on September 27, 2023, adding another layer of complexity to the unfolding drama at Kewasco.