Kericho County Nakuru News SmartBuzz Top News

Chebet Breaks Silence, Says She’s Okay After Cult Initiation Drama

Kenyan social media influencer Star Chebet has finally spoken out after her recent drama surrounding alleged cult initiation. In a Facebook post, Chebet expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support and concern from her followers. She revealed that she is currently doing well and is still processing the lessons she learned from the experience.

Star chebet Facebook Reply

Chebet emphasized the importance of spiritual growth and the need to confront fears and insecurities in order to uncover truth. She hinted that she will share her lessons in the future, stating that “alot has been hidden in plain sight.” The post concluded with a message of peace and a call to action, encouraging followers to prioritize love over fear.

The post has sparked a wave of interest and speculation among fans, who are eagerly awaiting Chebet’s next update on what really happened at Kimugu River, Kericho.

Kericho County Nakuru News SmartBuzz Top News

Chebet’s Descent into Darkness: The Alarming Possibility of Drug-Induced Psychosis and Spirit Possession

Pretty kalenjin comedian, Star Chebet’s recent cryptic posts have left fans and the public alike in a state of unease. The actress’s claims of being involved in a mysterious initiation ritual in Kericho have sparked concerns about her involvement with hard drugs and the possibility of drug-induced psychosis. As the situation unfolds, it is essential to examine the potential factors that could have led to her ordeal.

The Lure of Hard Drugs

Chebet’s posts hint at her involvement with laced bhang and mushrooms, which are known to induce intense hallucinations and altered states of consciousness. These substances can lead to a phenomenon known as drug-induced psychosis, where the user’s perception of reality becomes distorted. This can result in vivid hallucinations, paranoia, and disorientation, making it difficult for the individual to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

The Risk of Astral Projection

Another theory surrounding Chebet’s ordeal is her possible involvement with astral projection. Astral projection is a phenomenon where an individual’s consciousness or spirit temporarily leaves their physical body, often during deep meditation or under the influence of certain substances. This practice can lead to a range of experiences, including out-of-body experiences, lucid dreaming, and even encounters with entities from other realms.

The Dangers of Experimentation

The current generation is known for its willingness to experiment with various substances and practices, often without fully understanding their effects. Chebet’s recent posts suggest that she may have been drawn to these practices in her search for spiritual enlightenment or a sense of euphoria. However, these experiments can have severe and lasting consequences, including the development of drug-induced psychosis or even genuine spirit possession.

A Cautionary Tale

The case of Kimani Mbugua, a former Citizen TV presenter, serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of drug use and the importance of seeking help when needed. Mbugua’s struggles with mental health and addiction have been well-documented, and his story highlights the devastating impact that these issues can have on an individual’s life.

A Call for Help

Chebet has recently posted that she has arrived safely in Nakuru, but it is crucial that she seeks professional help to address her situation. Fans and the public are urging her to come forward and share her story, hoping that she will receive the support she needs to overcome her ordeal.

Chebet’s descent into darkness serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of experimenting with drugs and the unknown. As the situation unfolds, it is essential to approach this matter with sensitivity and understanding. Fans and the public alike are hoping for Chebet’s speedy recovery and a return to her normal life.

Kericho County Nakuru News SmartBuzz Top News

Kenyan Celeb Star Chebet’s Chilling Initiation Claims Spark Fears of Dark Cult Involvement

Star Chebet, a popular Kenyan celebrity, has sent shockwaves through her fanbase with a series of cryptic and disturbing social media posts. The actress and content creator has been sharing eerie screenshots detailing her alleged involvement in a mysterious initiation ritual in Kericho, Kenya. The posts have left fans and fellow celebrities alike bewildered and concerned for her safety.


In the first screenshot, Chebet claims to have “opened a portal” at the Kimugu River in Kericho, which led to her initiation into something she didn’t expect. She expresses her unease, stating that she didn’t know what was happening until it happened. The post concludes with her stating that she is on her way to Nakuru, but her instincts are warning her that something might go wrong.

The second screenshot reveals more about Chebet’s experiences. She admits to getting herself into something she can’t reverse and tapping into the wrong realms in her search for peace of mind. She also mentions making new friends who were on a different path and getting involved in things she didn’t expect. Chebet thanks her TikTok friends, including @muyu_the_intuitive_empath, @Doshi, and @cate waumoja, for their support.


The third screenshot shares a story about Chebet’s alleged initiation. She claims that someone wanted her to leave town and go to Kericho to perform some unknown tasks. For months, her mind was clogged, and she was hospitalized. Doctors and her family assumed she was hallucinating, but Chebet believes she tapped into the wrong realms due to an addiction.

These posts have sparked widespread concern about Chebet’s involvement in a dark cult or some form of occult practice. Fans are urging her to seek help and support, while others are calling for her to come clean about her experiences.

As the situation unfolds, fans are left wondering what really happened to Star Chebet and whether she is indeed in danger. The mystery surrounding her initiation claims has captivated the public, and many are eagerly awaiting more information about her ordeal.

Kericho County News SmartBuzz Top News

You Won’t Believe What This Woman Did to Unsuspecting Man in Kericho, Have You Seen Her?

In a shocking turn of events, Kericho police are urgently searching for a suspected fraudster who allegedly drugged and robbed an unsuspecting man of a staggering KES 206,000. The incident, which has left the community reeling, has prompted authorities to appeal for the public’s assistance in identifying the woman captured in CCTV footage at the scene of the crime.  


According to reports, the woman entered the Groove Amalo premises with a man believed to be her target, under the guise of enjoying some drinks. However, unbeknownst to her companion, she had a hidden agenda and was carrying treated drinks designed to induce deep sleep in anyone who consumed them.

Drugged and Robbed The man, identified as Edwin Sawe (not his real name), accompanied the woman, and they eventually traveled to Litein together. During the journey, Edwin fell asleep, at which point the woman transferred a large sum of money from his bank account and subsequently withdrew it.

Police Seek Public’s Help


The incident, which resulted in a loss of KES 206,000, was reported at the Kericho police station five days ago. The suspect’s car, noted for its rigid transformations, has yet to be identified. Police are urging the public to review the photos provided and contact the nearest police station if they recognize the suspect. Alternatively, individuals can inbox the police directly to maintain their privacy. The authorities emphasize the importance of cooperation in preventing further crimes of this nature. This shocking incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for heightened awareness and caution when engaging with strangers, especially in social settings. It is crucial for individuals to be aware of their surroundings and to trust their instincts when something seems amiss. The Kericho police are committed to bringing the perpetrator to justice and ensuring the safety of the community. They encourage residents to remain vigilant and to report any suspicious activities or information related to the case.


Bomet Counties Health & Relationships Kericho County SmartBuzz Top News World

Alarming Rise in LGBTQ in Kericho, Nakuru, Kiambu, Kisumu Counties, Fueled by Telegram – Report!

Credit: NGLHRC

A recent groundbreaking study by Robinson Muiru, a prominent Kenyan researcher on the reknown Platform,, delves deep into the complex and mostly misunderstood world of gay activities and dating among Kenyan males.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

The study, which was meticulously conducted across various regions of Kenya, offers a rare and insightful glimpse into the lived experiences and challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community in the country.

One of the most striking findings of the study is the prevalence of gay activities and dating among Kenyan males. Contrary to popular belief, the research suggests that while homosexuality remains largely stigmatized and criminalized in Kenya, a significant number of men are actively engaged in same-sex relationships and activities.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

This revelation challenges the common misconception that homosexuality is a foreign concept imported from the West and highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of sexuality in the Kenyan context.
The study also delves deep into the challenges faced by gay men in Kenya, shedding light on the harsh realities of social stigma, discrimination, and legal barriers.

Many respondents reported experiencing discrimination in various aspects of their lives, including employment, housing, and access to healthcare. The study paints a sobering picture of the daily struggles faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in Kenya, who often live in fear of being outed and facing severe consequences, both social and legal.

Another crucial aspect of the study is the impact of religion and culture on the perception of homosexuality in Kenya. The research suggests that deeply rooted religious and cultural beliefs play a significant role in shaping societal attitudes towards LGBTQ+ individuals. Many respondents reported facing rejection and condemnation from their families and communities due to their sexual orientation, highlighting the need for greater education and dialogue around these sensitive issues.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

Despite the overwhelming challenges, the study also reveals the resilience and adaptability of the LGBTQ+ community in Kenya. Many respondents reported finding support and community through online platforms and social networks, where they could connect with like-minded individuals and share their experiences. The study also highlights the growing visibility and activism of the LGBTQ+ movement in Kenya, with many individuals and organizations working tirelessly to promote acceptance and equality.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

In conclusion, the groundbreaking study by Robinson Muiru provides a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the dynamics of gay activities and dating among Kenyan males.

While homosexuality remains a controversial and sensitive topic in the country, the research highlights the urgent need for greater acceptance, understanding, and legal protection for LGBTQ+ individuals. By shedding light on the lived experiences and challenges faced by the community, the study serves as a powerful call to action for policymakers, religious leaders, and society as a whole to work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable Kenya for all.

Bomet Kericho County News Top News World

Why is Chepseon Trending?

In a disturbing turn of events, a sexual assault incident involving three women and one man has shocked the community of Chepseon and south rift once again.

The heinous act, reminiscent of the recent events in Sigor, has ignited widespread condemnation and calls for justice.

The incident, which took reportely in Chepseon, has caused the same attention as the Sigor videos,  highlighting the urgent need for stronger measures to combat such atrocities. The victims, three women and one man, have bravely come forward to report the assault, shedding light on the pervasive issue of sexual violence that continues to plague our society.

We are working hard to find all the relevant details of the alleged video and you’ll get them here and on our telegram channel

As the investigation unfolds, it is imperative that we as a society stand firm in our condemnation of such acts and work towards creating a culture of respect, empathy, and accountability. The victims deserve justice, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that they receive the support and protection they need.

This incident serves as a reminder of the work that still needs to be done to eradicate sexual violence from our communities. Let us use this moment to reaffirm our commitment to creating a society where such atrocities have no place, and where every individual is treated with dignity and respect.


Kericho County News Top News

Tragic Collision Claims Six Lives in Duka Moja, Kericho: Urgent Call for Road Safety Measures

In a tragic incident, six people have lost their lives in a road accident involving a lorry and a Toyota Probox vehicle at Duka Moja on the outskirts of Kericho town.

The accident occurred when the Probox, carrying eight passengers, collided head-on with the lorry. The impact was so severe that all the passengers in the Probox succumbed to their injuries. The accident has left the community in mourning, with leaders expressing their condolences. The incident highlights the need for drivers to exercise caution and follow traffic rules to prevent such accidents.

It is essential to ensure that traffic laws are strictly enforced, and drivers are held accountable for their actions. The authorities must take necessary measures to enhance road safety and prevent accidents in the future. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims during this difficult time.

Kericho County News Top News

Allegations of Misconduct Against Police Officer in Kericho County

A recent social media post by Cyprian  Nyakundi source has shed light on allegations of misconduct against a police officer in Kericho County, identified as Rhoda Gichama.

The post accuses Officer Gichama of engaging in behavior that includes bullying citizens and business owners for financial gain. The officer allegedly intimidates individuals, threatening arrest or summoning them if demands are not met, particularly in the absence of her superiors.

Furthermore, the post claims that Officer Gichama fabricates charges against those who do not comply with her requests, falsely accusing them of offenses. The officer is accused of targeting Kericho residents with harassment and unwarranted actions, creating a hostile environment within the community.

These serious allegations have raised concerns about the conduct of law enforcement officers and the treatment of civilians in Kericho County. Authorities are urged to investigate these claims thoroughly to ensure accountability and uphold the integrity of the police force.

This story highlights the importance of transparency and accountability within law enforcement agencies to maintain public trust and ensure fair treatment of all individuals.

Kericho County News Top News

Kericho Family Drama: Chaos Reigns as Tea Plantations Uprooted in Inheritance Battle!

A family dispute in Kericho County has intensified following a High Court ruling mandating the equal division of the estate left by the late Jonathan Kipsang Ngeno among his 12 children. The conflict arose when some siblings, led by Gilbert Kiprono and his brothers, failed to comply with the court’s directive to share the property equally with their sisters.

The tension culminated in a dramatic scene at the Chepsir property, where the sisters, supported by legal authorities, surveyed and divided the land as per the court order. Justice Joseph Sergon emphasized the fair distribution of assets under the Law of Succession Act, dismissing claims of prior land allocation to certain siblings as unsubstantiated.

The court’s decision to divide not only the land but also shares in various blue-chip companies equally among the family members underscores Justice Sergon’s commitment to upholding legal statutes and ensuring a just distribution of assets


The case highlights the complexities and emotional toll that family disputes over inheritance can bring, shedding light on the importance of legal clarity and fairness in such matters.


Bomet Kericho County

VIDEO: Kapsoit MCA, Tarimbo, Badly Beaten Allegedly By Senators Goons!

Kapsoit MCA Paul Chirchir has spoken out against the use of violence and intimidation in political competition, following a distressing incident he experienced at an event in Jagoror, Kipkelion East. Chirchir alleges that Kiptoiyot, along with his office staff and bodyguard Kipkemoi, hired goons to intimidate and harm him.


Tarimbo, who has expressed his intention to unseat Aaron Cheruiyot as Kericho senator in 2027, escaped with minor injuries. He condemned the use of violence and intimidation, stating that such tactics undermine fair competition and reflect poorly on the character of those who resort to them.


The MCA just posted a photo is him being attended to in hospital telling the extent of the beating. In his statement, The MCA urged everyone to embrace peace, uphold integrity and decency, and stand united against injustice. He called for those who perpetrate such acts to be held accountable.

The incident highlights the need for peaceful and respectful political competition, where ideas and policies are debated and discussed without resorting to violence or intimidation. Chirchir’s condemnation of such behavior is a positive step towards creating a better society, where political competition is fair and just.


As we approach the 2027 elections, let us strive for a peaceful and respectful political environment. Only then can we truly achieve a better future for ourselves and our communities.


Bomet Elgeyo Marakwet Kericho County News SmartBuzz Top News

Chaos Unleashed by Marakwet Daughter as Mali Safi Chito Hitmaker Sparks Online Uproar

In a whirlwind of controversy, the renowned artist known as Marakwet Daughter, creator of the sensational Mali Safi Chito hit, has found herself at the center of a storm, leaving her fans bewildered and angry.


TikTok Tirade

Yesterday, a TikTok video featuring Marakwet Daughter surfaced, showcasing a scathing rebuke directed at fellow TikTokers who had apparently provoked her ire. The artist unleashed a barrage of unprintable words, leaving her fans both surprised and incensed. The video quickly gained traction, igniting a firestorm of reactions among her followers.



Copyright Strike Drama

Today brought a new twist to the chaos as it was revealed that Marakwet Daughter had wielded the copyright strike hammer against popular comedian Brobox. The comedic content creator had innocently featured the infectious Mali Safi Chito in a mixtape on his YouTube channel. A copyright strike of this nature can have severe repercussions, potentially jeopardizing the existence of Brobox’s channel. Accumulating three such strikes could lead to a complete ban from YouTube.


This unexpected move has set off shockwaves in the online community, with fans and content creators alike questioning the artist’s approach to protecting her intellectual property.


Screenshot of the alleged YouTube Copyright strike on Brobox’s account. Image: Courtesy

Backlash and Online Campaign

The aftermath of these incidents has sparked a substantial backlash against Marakwet Daughter. Disgruntled fans are expressing their disappointment and frustration, with many now actively participating in an online campaign urging fellow subscribers to unsubscribe from her YouTube channel.


The situation continues to evolve rapidly, with the artist caught in a maelstrom of controversy that shows no sign of abating. As the story unfolds, the online community watches closely, eager to see how Marakwet Daughter navigates this storm and whether she can regain the support and admiration of her once-devoted fan base.

Bomet Kericho County News Top News World

A Zimbabwean Lady’s Quest To Find Her Long Lost Kenyan Father Ends in Tearful Reunion.

In a touching journey that spanned continents and decades, Phuma Nkala, a woman from Harare, Zimbabwe, has finally been reunited with her biological father, Dr. Patrick Kirui, after a heartfelt search that began with a passionate plea on Facebook.


Phuma’s story is one of love, determination, and the unbreakable bond between a daughter and her father. In her emotional Facebook post, she shared the details of her quest to find Dr. Patrick Kirui, a medical doctor who had trained in Russia alongside her mother, Vivian Nkala, a dentist.

Phuma Nkala posted the only photos she had of herself and her dad that she took years ago:  Photo/Courtesy Facebook 

The narrative unfolds in the late 70s and early 80s when her parents were both students in Russia. After completing their studies, fate led them to different countries—Vivian returned to Zimbabwe to practice dentistry, while Dr. Patrick Kirui headed back to Kenya. Unfortunately, the connection between the two was lost over the years.


Phuma, now a grown-up and successful professional based in Harare, expressed the deep longing to reunite with her father. Her post, accompanied by heartwarming pictures of her and Dr. Patrick Kirui when she was just a toddler, struck a chord with the online community.


The power of social media played a pivotal role in Phuma’s search, as the post circulated widely, capturing the attention of individuals who were determined to help Phuma in her quest. The community rallied together, sharing the post across various platforms, and it wasn’t long before the information reached someone who could provide a crucial lead.


Miraculously, the trail led to Ndaraweta in Kenya, the ancestral home of Dr. Patrick Kirui. The news of Phuma’s search and the possibility of reuniting with her father spread through the local community, igniting a sense of anticipation and excitement.


In a heartening testament to the interconnectedness of our global community, Phuma Nkala, thanks to the expansive reach of social media, successfully located her long-lost father, Dr. Patrick Kirui from Ndaraweta. Today, Phuma had the joyous opportunity to visit her father at their family home.

The climax of this heartwarming tale came when Phuma Nkala, after years of anticipation and hope, set foot in Ndaraweta to meet her long-lost father. The joyous reunion took place at Dr. Patrick Kirui’s home, a moment that will forever be etched in the hearts of those who witnessed the emotional embrace between father and daughter.


The community of Ndaraweta welcomed Phuma with open arms, embracing her as one of their own. The love and warmth that surrounded this reunion showcased the power of human connections and the ability of technology to bridge geographical gaps.


Gratitude is extended to everyone who expressed concern and shared Phuma’s story, ultimately contributing to the reunion of father and daughter. This beautiful journey underscores the remarkable power of social media in bringing people together across vast distances, turning the virtual space into a bridge that reconnects families. It’s a reminder of the impactful connections we can forge, transcending borders and making our world feel more interconnected than ever before.

Kericho County News Top News

Tragedy Strikes Again: 66-Seater Bus Accident in Londiani!

In a heart-wrenching incident, a 66-seater bus met a devastating fate in Londiani, Kericho County early today, underscoring the growing concern over the alarming rate of road accidents in the region. The incident has sparked renewed calls for immediate action to address the persisting issue, reminiscent of the notorious Salgaa blackspot.


Londiani, once a serene locale, is now grappling with a rising number of road accidents, mirroring the challenges faced by Salgaa in the past. The recent incident has reignited the debate on the need for comprehensive solutions rather than solely relying on prayers to quell the rising tide of tragedies.


It is disheartening to note that despite the escalating frequency of accidents, the approach to the issue seems more inclined towards seeking divine intervention rather than engaging in pragmatic discussions with engineers to implement lasting solutions. Prominent figures like Murkomen could play a pivotal role in steering these conversations toward actionable strategies.


One of the treacherous stretches identified is the Molo junction to Londiani – Fort Tenan route, demanding extreme caution and disciplined driving akin to the challenges faced on the now safe Salgaa Black spot. While road redesigns may be considered, it is crucial to acknowledge that no amount of infrastructure improvements can fully compensate for the crucial factor of user behavior.


Kericho County finds itself at a crossroads where immediate and collaborative efforts are imperative to mitigate the risks posed by the hazardous road conditions. As the Smartie News team continues to monitor the situation closely, we remain committed to updating our readers on the latest developments as they unfold. It is our hope that this tragic incident serves as a catalyst for proactive measures to ensure the safety of all road users in the region.

Kericho County News Top News

Tragedy Strikes in Kericho County as Domestic Dispute Turns Deadly

A tragic incident Just unfolded at Finlays Tea Estate, Kericho County when a domestic dispute escalated into a violent act, leaving one woman dead.


The unfortunate events began when a 46-year-old man, identified as Cornell Otieno, returned home to his residence. Shortly after his arrival, an argument erupted between him and his wife. The heated exchange quickly intensified, leading to a physical confrontation.


In the ensuing struggle, the wife reportedly reached for a knife and attempted to attack her husband. However, he managed to evade her attempt and disarm her. In a desperate act, he turned the knife on her, inflicting fatal injuries.


Following the tragic incident, the man placed his wife’s lifeless body in the passenger seat of his vehicle and drove to the Kapsoit trading center. Upon reaching the trading post, he parked his car and entered a nearby club.


Meanwhile, patrons at the club noticed blood stains on Otieno’s t-shirt, raising their suspicions. They confronted him, demanding to be taken to the location where his car was parked.


Reluctantly, Otieno led the concerned individuals to his parked vehicle. Upon opening the car doors, their worst fears were realized – the lifeless body of Otieno’s wife lay in the passenger seat.


The body bore visible injuries to the head, mouth, and eyes, indicating the severity of the attack.


The incident was promptly reported to the Kapsoit police station. Officers rushed to the scene, apprehended Otieno, and transported him to Sosiot police station for further investigation.


During interrogation, Otieno confessed to engaging in a physical altercation with his wife at their residence. However, he claimed to be unaware that she had succumbed to her injuries.


The victim’s body was transferred to the Kericho county referral hospital mortuary for a post-mortem examination. Meanwhile, Otieno’s vehicle was impounded at the Sosiot police station pending further investigation.


This incident serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences that can arise from domestic violence. It is crucial to address the root causes of such conflicts and promote peaceful conflict resolution strategies to prevent similar tragedies from occurring.

Business Kericho County Tech Top News

Resilient Oldies: The Uncommon Planes that Keep Kericho’s Tea Industry Thriving

If you are a resident of Kericho or you were commuting through the green town this past week, you might have noticed the Unending buzzing noises of small tiny planes all over kericho’s skyline. These planes literally sound like the tiny ‘Buzz- Bombing Nettles’ we used to stick a thorn up their backside and ‘ride’ my plane till sunset ages ago. That’s DARK ikr..


Now, Have you ever sat and wondered how those huge tracts of tea plantations in Kericho are sprayed?

Well,these are the beasts that do the work, effortlessly. They’re rightfully nicknamed ‘Air Tractors‘. Old school planes, but they pretty much do the intended work and even more.

One of the Thrush Planes. Photo/Courtesy of Thrush.

The Thrush 510p

Amidst the rolling hills and lush green tea plantations of Kericho, Kenya, a fleet of old, rugged planes continues to play a vital role in the region’s tea industry. These planes, affectionately known as “thrushers,” are a testament to resilience and innovation, defying the odds and keeping the tea industry humming despite their age and limitations.


The thrushers, primarily composed of Air Tractors and De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beavers, date back to the 1950s and 1960s. Despite their age, these planes have proven to be remarkably durable and adaptable to the challenging terrain of Kericho’s tea country. Their sturdy construction and ability to operate from makeshift airstrips have made them indispensable tools for Kericho’s mega international companies, namely; James Finlay and Unilever.


Kericho’s Unforgiving Landscape

The unique characteristics of Kericho’s tea plantations pose a significant challenge for aerial spraying. The tea bushes are often planted on steep slopes and in narrow valleys, making it difficult for larger, more modern planes to maneuver effectively. The thrushers, however, excel in these conditions. Their small size and maneuverability allow them to navigate the intricate landscape with precision, ensuring that every corner of the plantation is covered.


Precision Spraying for Optimal Yields

The thrusters play a crucial role in maintaining the health and productivity of Kericho’s tea plantations. By delivering precise applications of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, these planes help to protect the tea plants from pests and diseases while promoting optimal growth and yield. The ability of the thrusters to target specific areas of the plantation ensures that resources are used efficiently and effectively.

Beyond their agricultural importance, the thrusters have become an integral part of the Kericho community. The planes provide employment for pilots and maintenance crews, and their presence contributes to the region’s distinctive identity. The rhythmic hum of the thrushers over the last week, as they crisscrossed the skies is becoming a familiar and comforting sound for the people of Kericho.

Air Tractor’ prepares for take off. Photo/Courtesy, Thrush.

A Symbol of Resilience

As the tea industry in Kericho faces increasing global competition and the challenges of climate change, the thrushers stand as a symbol of resilience and innovation.

These aging planes, with their patchwork of repairs and modifications, continue to defy expectations and play a vital role in the region’s economic well-being.

Their story is a testament to the resourcefulness and determination of the Kericho community, and their continued service underscores the enduring value of these remarkable machines.