Kajiado News

Court Halts Burial of Renowned Lawyer Obadiah Mutahi Amidst Nasty Family Dispute

In a dramatic turn of events, the burial of prominent Kitengela-based lawyer Obadiah Mutahi has been halted by a Nairobi court following an application by his wife, Jane Wamuyu, and son, Maina Mutahi. The court order, issued on Tuesday, suspended the burial scheduled for Wednesday pending a hearing before a Nairobi Magistrate Court.

Image: Courtesy

Mrs. Mutahi, currently residing in the USA, has requested a postmortem to ascertain the cause of her husband’s sudden demise. The couple, married for 27 years after a wedding at Nanyuki PCEA church in 1997, has two adult sons also living in the USA.

The legal action filed by Mrs. Mutahi through her Kenyan lawyers targets Ms. Esther Waithira Kamiti, St Paul’s Hospital, Halisi Hospital in Kitengela, and Montezuma Funeral Home where Mutahi’s body is held. The urgent application seeks to prevent Ms. Kamiti from claiming the body for burial and demands the release of medical records and Death Notification from the hospitals.

The court has temporarily barred the release of the body and set a hearing date for April 22 to address the family’s dispute over the burial arrangements. The case sheds light on a poignant family conflict amidst the loss of a respected legal figure in the community.

This legal battle over the final rites of Obadiah Mutahi underscores the complexities that can arise in the aftermath of a loved one’s passing, revealing a poignant struggle for control and closure in the face of grief and uncertainty.

Kajiado Nairobi News Nyeri Thika Top News

Prezzo Opens Up About Being a Mungiki Member for 9 Years

Prezzo, a Kenyan rapper and businessman, has made shocking revelations about his past, admitting that he was a member of the Mungiki sect for 9 years. Mungiki is a Kikuyu-based criminal gang that was founded in the early 1990s. The group is known for its violence and extortion, and has been implicated in a number of high-profile crimes, including murder and rape. We recently delved deeper into Mungiki’s atrocities committed 8n Central Kenya during its prime.


In an interview with a Kenyan news outlet, Prezzo said that he joined the Mungiki when he was just a teenager. He said that he was attracted to the group’s power and sense of belonging. However, he soon realized that the Mungiki was not the kind of organization that he wanted to be a part of.


I saw a lot of bad things happening in the Mungiki,” Prezzo said. “I saw people being killed, and I saw women being raped. I realized that this was not the kind of life that I wanted to live.


Prezzo said that he left the Mungiki after 9 years, but that it was a difficult process. He said that he was threatened and harassed by the group, but that he was eventually able to break free.


Prezzo’s admission that he was a former Mungiki member has caused a stir in Kenya. Some people have praised him for his honesty, while others have criticized him for glorifying the group. However, Prezzo has said that he is simply trying to tell his story and help others who may be trapped in the Mungiki.


I want people to know that there is a way out of the Mungiki,” Prezzo said. “I want them to know that they can have a better life.


Prezzo’s story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of gang involvement. It is also a story of hope and redemption. It shows that even those who have made mistakes can change their lives and become productive members of society.


Maina Njenga and the Mungiki

Maina Njenga is the founder and leader of the Mungiki sect. He is a controversial figure, and has been accused of inciting violence and hatred. Njenga has denied these allegations, and has said that the Mungiki is a peaceful organization that is dedicated to protecting the Kikuyu people.


The Mungiki has been implicated in a number of high-profile crimes, including the murder of several Kenyan police officers. The group has also been accused of extortion and racketeering.


Despite its criminal activities, the Mungiki has a significant following among the Kikuyu people. Many Kikuyus see the Mungiki as a protector of their community.


The Mungiki remains a powerful force in Kenya, and its relationship with the government is complex. The government has cracked down on the group in recent years, but the Mungiki has remained resilient.


Prezzo’s admission that he was a former Mungiki member is a significant development. It shows that even those who have been involved in the group are willing to speak out against it. This could be a sign that the Mungiki’s grip on the Kikuyu community is weakening.

Kajiado News Top News

Kidnapped Students Rescued, Suspects Arrested In Kitengela

Two tertiary level students who went missing on October 27, 2023 after being lured to their kidnappers’ den by a female suspect have been rescued days after being locked up at an AirBnB at Elgon View apartments in Kitengela, Machakos County.


Two male suspects who held them hostage while demanding for Sh6 million ransom from their parents have also been arrested in the operation led by DCI’s Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau detectives.


The suspects, Brian Ombasa Omoso, 25 and Humphrey Hinga, 22 who have since been ushered into our cells are believed to have been working jointly with the female dangerous damsel on the loose to identify and lure targeted victims, in their no-sweat approach to soft life.


In the classic case of ‘all that glitters is not gold’ reported at Kiambu Police Station on Oct 29, the lady who identified herself to the victims as Debbie Zablon separately lured the duo for a meet-up at a common venue in Nairobi, and just like the biblical Samson in Delilah’s arms, surrendered the 21-year-olds to her accomplices.


Taking up the matter, the crime researchers reasoned with the distressed parents while subjecting all possible leads to forensic analysis. In their findings, it emerged that the female accomplice had used a stolen ID card to register the line which she used to communicate with the male students. Indeed, the legitimate owner of the ID card had earlier reported its loss at Lang’ata Police Station, a move that exonerated her from the suspects’ mix.


Relentless search for the victims finally paid off when the terrified hunger-stricken duo was reunited with their kin, but not without a lesson of the existence of masquerades who will do anything for money.


An imitation of a pistol, a dagger, subscriber sim cards used to contact the parents, fake front and rear car registration plates (KDD 881M) believed to have been used during their transportation and assorted tools were also recovered from the hostage room.


Detectives had a challenging moment leading the suspects to the waiting police car, as curious locals thronged the scene for a view and a share of a pound of flesh from the suspects.


Meanwhile, manhunt for the female miscreant who tucked away is underway.



Key Suspect in Mwende’s Brutal Murder Arrested on Kenyan-Tanzanian Border

In a chilling turn of events, the third and final suspect in the murder of hair stylist Jeniffer Mwende, also known as Jane, has been apprehended. Phyllis Nzula Mbithi, the prime suspect in the gruesome murder, was taken into custody in Kitengela town as she attempted to flee to Tanzania. Her arrest marked the culmination of weeks of relentless efforts by crime research detectives who relied on forensic-led intelligence to track her down.


The case of Jeniffer Mwende‘s disappearance and subsequent murder exposed a harrowing tale of a fatal love triangle that had taken a sinister turn. The meticulous investigation into her disappearance brought Phyllis Nzula Mbithi into the spotlight, as it emerged that she had repeatedly threatened Mwende over a married man they were both involved with.


The alarm was raised when Mwende failed to show up at her workplace, leaving her fellow salonists and friends deeply concerned. Her brother, who reported her missing at Mlolongo Police Station on August 29, 2023, revealed that she had last been seen on August 25, after receiving an unestablished call.

Main suspect in Mwende's Brutal Murder
Phyllis, The main suspect in Mwende’s Murder arrested by DCI why trying to flee to Tanzania. Photo/DCI (

The investigation was initially handled at the local level, but after days of fruitless searching, the case was escalated to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI). Fresh investigations were initiated, and statements were recorded from individuals of interest. Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau detectives, supported by teams from the DCI National Forensic Laboratory, sprang into action.


A crucial breakthrough in the case came from interviews with the caretaker of the room Mwende had rented. The caretaker revealed that on August 22 and August 24, unknown women had visited Mwende’s residence in her absence, inquiring about her whereabouts.


Forensic analysis of Mwende’s last moments suggested a carefully planned plot to end her life, orchestrated by the prime suspect, Phyllis, and aided by two other women.


The investigation revealed that Phyllis used a neighbor named Faith Nthenya to lure Mwende to her demise through a deceptive phone call, claiming that clients were seeking her services at a specific house. Faith directed Mwende to Phyllis’s house, which was purportedly the location of the clients.


Once inside, Mwende was overpowered by the two women. Phyllis then called a third woman, Evelyne Wanza Katumbu, who happened to be the wife of the man at the center of the love triangle, Januaris Musau Mulwa. Wanza was protective of her husband and accused Phyllis of being the other woman. To save herself, Phyllis plotted to frame Mwende as a fellow paramour and pointed the finger at her to Wanza.


In a horrifying turn of events, Phyllis and Wanza, fearing that Mwende might report them to the police, strangled her. Phyllis used a bedsheet, while Faith suffocated her with pieces of cloth, ensuring there were no screams.


Interrogations of Wanza and Faith, who had already been arrested, revealed that Phyllis had initially planned to have the body secretly transported to a forest by an unknown taxi driver. However, their plan was thwarted when they couldn’t access the main gate. They ultimately resorted to disposing of the body in a pit latrine.


Phyllis had evaded capture and remained on the police radar, moving between Mombasa and Kibwezi, until her eventual arrest.


The suspect’s arraignment is scheduled for Monday, October 30, where she will join her accomplices, Faith and Wanza, who had previously pleaded to murder charges. The tragic case of Jeniffer Mwende serves as a stark reminder of the horrifying consequences that can arise from complex and tumultuous relationships.