Bomet Counties News Tech Top News

Suspects Of Robbery, Sim Swap Fraud Nabbed In Bomet

Two suspected members of an armed gang that has been the nightmare of Bomet, Kericho and Nakuru County residents have been arrested in an ongoing operation to weed out the criminal syndicate which is also notorious for electronic fraud.


Kevin Kiplangat aka Elvis, 31 and Evan Kiprotich Chirchir aka Protio, 22 were arrested in Mulot and Chepalungu areas of Bomet respectively.


The ongoing operation is spearheaded by detectives from DCI Headquarters, following numerous complaints of sim swap fraud by known gang members, most of whom have ongoing court cases across the country.


The arrested two have been booked at Litein Police Station pending identification parade and arraignment in Kericho Law Courts for a violent robbery reported at the station on December 29, 2023.


After arraignment for the charge, the suspects will also be processed by other stations where electronic fraud cases implicating them have been reported.

Bomet Kericho County

VIDEO: Kapsoit MCA, Tarimbo, Badly Beaten Allegedly By Senators Goons!

Kapsoit MCA Paul Chirchir has spoken out against the use of violence and intimidation in political competition, following a distressing incident he experienced at an event in Jagoror, Kipkelion East. Chirchir alleges that Kiptoiyot, along with his office staff and bodyguard Kipkemoi, hired goons to intimidate and harm him.


Tarimbo, who has expressed his intention to unseat Aaron Cheruiyot as Kericho senator in 2027, escaped with minor injuries. He condemned the use of violence and intimidation, stating that such tactics undermine fair competition and reflect poorly on the character of those who resort to them.


The MCA just posted a photo is him being attended to in hospital telling the extent of the beating. In his statement, The MCA urged everyone to embrace peace, uphold integrity and decency, and stand united against injustice. He called for those who perpetrate such acts to be held accountable.

The incident highlights the need for peaceful and respectful political competition, where ideas and policies are debated and discussed without resorting to violence or intimidation. Chirchir’s condemnation of such behavior is a positive step towards creating a better society, where political competition is fair and just.


As we approach the 2027 elections, let us strive for a peaceful and respectful political environment. Only then can we truly achieve a better future for ourselves and our communities.


Bomet Counties News Top News

Edwin Kirui, The Young Man who Showed Signs of Trouble, Ultimately Committing Suicide

The sudden death of a man named Edwin Kirui from Kaplomboi, Ndanai has sparked a wave of reflection on social media.

Last year, in November, he posted about his imminent death, seemingly disturbed, but his passing has now turned the spotlight on the nature of online interactions. Edwin’s initial post did not receive much attention, with those who commented making light of the situation. However, following his demise yesterday, an outpouring of empathetic comments has flooded the post, highlighting the shift in sentiment.


This turn of events reminds us of the impact of our online words and the importance of taking such messages seriously. It urges individuals to consider the weight of their interactions on social media and the potential consequences of seemingly lighthearted comments. The incident has made many to reflect on the need for greater sensitivity and support in online communities, especially in the face of serious topics such as mental health and mortality.


The news of Edwin’s passing has just started  a broader conversation about the effects of social media and the significance of fostering a more compassionate online environment. May he rest in peace.


Bomet Counties News Top News

VIDEO: Watch the Terrifying Moment Quarry Collapsed At Bomet County!

The video of the quarry collapse that trended on the better part of Sunday, 4th February, revealed the terrifying collapse. The video captured locals filming two cave openings, as they felt the ground crumble. They stood at a distance, clearly scared, as the two openings, without hesitation, caved in instantly.


This shocking footage, highlights the grave risks associated with such incidents. Smartie News found out that the quarry which collapsed, actually collapsed again last month, killing one man who was harvesting sand.


The video’s widespread circulation underscores the need for increased awareness about the dangers of such sites. Despite the evident risks, individuals continue to frequent the quarry, leading to tragic outcomes. In last month’s occurrence, the Quarry burried three men, two were rescued and one lost his life after a sand-harvesting quarry collapsed. These occurrences emphasize the pressing need for stringent safety measures and regulations to prevent further tragedies.


The harrowing nature of the video serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of disregarding safety protocols at such sites. It is imperative for authorities to take proactive steps to ensure the well-being of individuals working in or near quarries, as well as the safety of those in the surrounding areas. The recent incidents should serve as a catalyst for comprehensive safety assessments and the implementation of robust preventive measures to avert future tragedies.


Bomet Elgeyo Marakwet Kericho County News SmartBuzz Top News

Chaos Unleashed by Marakwet Daughter as Mali Safi Chito Hitmaker Sparks Online Uproar

In a whirlwind of controversy, the renowned artist known as Marakwet Daughter, creator of the sensational Mali Safi Chito hit, has found herself at the center of a storm, leaving her fans bewildered and angry.


TikTok Tirade

Yesterday, a TikTok video featuring Marakwet Daughter surfaced, showcasing a scathing rebuke directed at fellow TikTokers who had apparently provoked her ire. The artist unleashed a barrage of unprintable words, leaving her fans both surprised and incensed. The video quickly gained traction, igniting a firestorm of reactions among her followers.



Copyright Strike Drama

Today brought a new twist to the chaos as it was revealed that Marakwet Daughter had wielded the copyright strike hammer against popular comedian Brobox. The comedic content creator had innocently featured the infectious Mali Safi Chito in a mixtape on his YouTube channel. A copyright strike of this nature can have severe repercussions, potentially jeopardizing the existence of Brobox’s channel. Accumulating three such strikes could lead to a complete ban from YouTube.


This unexpected move has set off shockwaves in the online community, with fans and content creators alike questioning the artist’s approach to protecting her intellectual property.


Screenshot of the alleged YouTube Copyright strike on Brobox’s account. Image: Courtesy

Backlash and Online Campaign

The aftermath of these incidents has sparked a substantial backlash against Marakwet Daughter. Disgruntled fans are expressing their disappointment and frustration, with many now actively participating in an online campaign urging fellow subscribers to unsubscribe from her YouTube channel.


The situation continues to evolve rapidly, with the artist caught in a maelstrom of controversy that shows no sign of abating. As the story unfolds, the online community watches closely, eager to see how Marakwet Daughter navigates this storm and whether she can regain the support and admiration of her once-devoted fan base.

Bomet Features News

The Sotik Uprising of 1905-1906: A Brutal Chapter in Kipsigis History!

The Sotik Uprising of 1905-1906 stands as a testament to the Kipsigis community’s fierce resistance against colonial dispossession in Kenya. Driven by the devastating impact of the Crown Lands Ordinance of 1902, which declared their ancestral lands “unoccupied” and opened them up for European settlement, the Kipsigis of Sotik rose up in a desperate fight for their land and way of life.


The fertile plains of Sotik, ideal for both grazing and agriculture, were coveted by the British colonial government for establishing tea plantations. The 1902 ordinance and subsequent land allocations dispossessed countless Kipsigis families, forcing them onto smaller, less fertile reserves. This disruption of their traditional pastoralist lifestyle, coupled with harsh taxation and forced labor, fueled resentment and a desire for resistance.


The Uprising Ignites:

Sotik is a small town in the farthest side of  ‘SouthRift‘ Rift Valley. The main Kalenjin community living in Sotik, kipsigis, are neighbours to the Maasai in the South East and the Kisii to the South West .

In 1905, tensions boiled over when the colonial administration attempted to survey disputed land boundaries in Sotik, Led by renowned figures like Koitalel arap Samoei and Ole Ndotti, the Kipsigis warriors launched a series of attacks on government outposts and European farms. Their tactics involved surprise raids, spear attacks, and the burning of buildings, highlighting their determination to reclaim their land.


The British response was swift and brutal. Armed with superior weaponry and bolstered by reinforcements from neighboring colonies, they unleashed a campaign of suppression that marked a dark chapter in colonial history. Villages were bombarded with rifles and artillery, leaving trails of destruction and death. Mass arrests and detentions were commonplace, with leaders like Koitalel arap Samoei captured and executed in public displays of force.


Gore and Tragedy:

The Sotik uprising witnessed scenes of unimaginable violence. Colonial records and oral histories speak of some of the worst atrocities that were done by the British Colony in British Kenya.

Brutal Massacres: Entire villages were reportedly attacked and massacred, with over 1800 men, women, and children brutally killed.

Burning of homesteads: Homes were systematically set ablaze, destroying communities and leaving survivors with nothing.

Forced displacement: Survivors were often forcibly driven from their lands and relocated to overcrowded reserves, facing starvation and disease. It is reported in some publications of how some were bundled up with the Talai subgroup of the Kalenjin and dumped in Rusinga Island. They eventually died due to diseases and Starvation.


These acts of inhumanity left deep scars on the Kipsigis community. The Sotik uprising, though ultimately unsuccessful in reclaiming their land, became a symbol of their unwavering resistance and the brutal realities of colonial oppression.


Remembering the Sacrifice:

While historical accounts often focus on the colonial perspective, it’s crucial to remember the Sotik uprising through the lens of the Kipsigis experience. It was a desperate fight for survival, a stand against the theft of their land and the destruction of their way of life. Their courage and sacrifice in the face of overwhelming odds deserve recognition and remembrance.


The Sotik uprising remains a painful reminder of the dark side of colonialism. By acknowledging the brutality inflicted on the Kipsigis and understanding the historical context, we can work towards a future where indigenous communities are recognized, respected, and given a rightful place in shaping their own destiny.

Bomet News SmartBuzz

Kalenjin Artiste Kilel Killer Boy Maganica Survives Tragic Accident At Suswa!

Kalenjin secular artist Kilel Killer Boy Maganica, who recently clinched the title of Best Kalenjin Artist, reportedly survived a road traffic accident on the evening of 23rd December near Suswa. The incident occurred around 5 pm as the artist was heading back to Bomet from Nairobi.


According to a Facebook post that has been circulating, Kilel Killer Boy Maganica emerged unscathed from the accident but complained of chest discomforts. He was promptly treated in Narok and subsequently discharged. The post included striking images depicting the condition of the vehicle before and after the accident.


The artist’s recent accolade as the Best Kalenjin Artist has added a sad twist to the incident, emphasizing the fragility of life even in the midst of success. Fans and well-wishers, aware of Kilel Jazz’s recent triumph, have flooded social media with messages of support for his quick recovery.


Smartie News extends its best wishes to Kilel Killer Boy Maganica for a swift and complete recovery. The artist’s resilience and fortunate escape from harm have undoubtedly resonated with fans and the wider community.

As Kilel Killer Boy Maganica recovers, the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of road safety and the unpredictable nature of accidents. Smartie News will continue to monitor the artist’s progress and provide updates on any further developments.


Wishing Kilel Killer Boy Maganica a speedy recovery and looking forward to his return to the music scene, especially after his recent accolade as the Best Kalenjin Artist.

Bomet News Top News

Bomet’s Unending Marriage Chaos, After Amos and Nelly’s Fallout, Another Union Hits the Rocks

Bomet is becoming a hotbed of marriage challenges, with recent events casting a shadow over the sanctity of unions within the community. Just a few weeks ago, the cancellation of Amos and Nelly’s wedding sent shockwaves through the region. Now, the unfolding saga of Erick and Dorothy adds another layer of complexity to the mounting marriage issues.


The Suyon clan family elders and the brothers of Mr. & Mrs. Erick Kenduiywo have, in a surprising turn of events, rejected the marriage between Erick and Dorothy. The core issue at hand is the revelation that Dorothy is still legally tied to the late Christopher Kipkemoi Rono. Family elders, represented by Michael Cheborgei and Joel Rutoh, delved into the matter and discovered no evidence of a legal divorce.


Adding to the drama, the brothers of Mr. & Mrs. Erick Kenduiywo, namely Wilson Kipngetich Kenduiywo, Joel Kiprono Kenduiywo, and Shadrack Kipngeno Kenduiywo, have officially rejected the proposed union. Signed statements from each brother signal a united front against the marriage.

A document validating the cancellation of the wedding as seen online. Photo/Courtesy

Following the recent upheaval caused by Amos and Nelly’s canceled wedding, this latest development underscores a growing trend of matrimonial challenges in Bomet. As the community watches closely, questions arise about the underlying dynamics within families and the potential impact on the reputation of those involved.


The public nature of these marital issues, coupled with their frequency, prompts reflection on the evolving social landscape in Bomet County and the larger South Rift and the complexities faced by couples seeking to formalize their unions. As Erick and Dorothy grapple with this unexpected obstacle, the broader community awaits further developments in this unfolding matrimonial saga.

Bomet Kericho County News Top News World

A Zimbabwean Lady’s Quest To Find Her Long Lost Kenyan Father Ends in Tearful Reunion.

In a touching journey that spanned continents and decades, Phuma Nkala, a woman from Harare, Zimbabwe, has finally been reunited with her biological father, Dr. Patrick Kirui, after a heartfelt search that began with a passionate plea on Facebook.


Phuma’s story is one of love, determination, and the unbreakable bond between a daughter and her father. In her emotional Facebook post, she shared the details of her quest to find Dr. Patrick Kirui, a medical doctor who had trained in Russia alongside her mother, Vivian Nkala, a dentist.

Phuma Nkala posted the only photos she had of herself and her dad that she took years ago:  Photo/Courtesy Facebook 

The narrative unfolds in the late 70s and early 80s when her parents were both students in Russia. After completing their studies, fate led them to different countries—Vivian returned to Zimbabwe to practice dentistry, while Dr. Patrick Kirui headed back to Kenya. Unfortunately, the connection between the two was lost over the years.


Phuma, now a grown-up and successful professional based in Harare, expressed the deep longing to reunite with her father. Her post, accompanied by heartwarming pictures of her and Dr. Patrick Kirui when she was just a toddler, struck a chord with the online community.


The power of social media played a pivotal role in Phuma’s search, as the post circulated widely, capturing the attention of individuals who were determined to help Phuma in her quest. The community rallied together, sharing the post across various platforms, and it wasn’t long before the information reached someone who could provide a crucial lead.


Miraculously, the trail led to Ndaraweta in Kenya, the ancestral home of Dr. Patrick Kirui. The news of Phuma’s search and the possibility of reuniting with her father spread through the local community, igniting a sense of anticipation and excitement.


In a heartening testament to the interconnectedness of our global community, Phuma Nkala, thanks to the expansive reach of social media, successfully located her long-lost father, Dr. Patrick Kirui from Ndaraweta. Today, Phuma had the joyous opportunity to visit her father at their family home.

The climax of this heartwarming tale came when Phuma Nkala, after years of anticipation and hope, set foot in Ndaraweta to meet her long-lost father. The joyous reunion took place at Dr. Patrick Kirui’s home, a moment that will forever be etched in the hearts of those who witnessed the emotional embrace between father and daughter.


The community of Ndaraweta welcomed Phuma with open arms, embracing her as one of their own. The love and warmth that surrounded this reunion showcased the power of human connections and the ability of technology to bridge geographical gaps.


Gratitude is extended to everyone who expressed concern and shared Phuma’s story, ultimately contributing to the reunion of father and daughter. This beautiful journey underscores the remarkable power of social media in bringing people together across vast distances, turning the virtual space into a bridge that reconnects families. It’s a reminder of the impactful connections we can forge, transcending borders and making our world feel more interconnected than ever before.

Bomet News Top News World

Bizzare Death: Kenyan Athlete Drowns While Rescuing Employers Dog In Mexico.

In a heartbreaking and rather bizarre incident, A Kenyan athlete, Josphat Kibet Ngetich drowned in Mexico. Josphat’s death is bizarre in that it was a heroic attempt to save his employer’s dog that led to his drowning. The late Ngetich, a proud representative of Bomet County, and Kenya at large, met his untimely demise on Thursday, December 14, 2023, when his body was discovered in a dam in Mexico.


Hailing from Bomet County, specifically Bomet Central Constituency, Chesoen Ward, Chesoen Location, Kiplelji Sub-location, Taabet Village, Ngetich was among the first athletes to journey to Mexico to represent Kenya in athletics. Unfortunately, his noble act of rescuing his employer’s dog resulted in a tragic drowning incident.


The family of Josphat Kibet Ngetich is now appealing to the leaders of Bomet County, national leaders, and the general public for assistance in facilitating the smooth transfer of his body from Mexico to his homeland, Kenya, for a dignified burial. The estimated cost for this undertaking stands at Ksh2.7 million.

Equitel contribution
Josphat family’s appeal for contributions from well-wishers to repatriate the athletes body to Kenya. Photo/Courtesy

For any inquiries or contributions towards this cause, individuals can reach out to the following contacts:

  •  Area Chief, Abraham Koech – 0717665531
  •  Charles Yegon (Cantona) -0719583263

As the community mourns the loss of a dedicated athlete and hero, the call for support echoes through Bomet County and beyond. Let us unite in solidarity to honor the memory of Josphat Kibet Ngetich and extend our assistance to his grieving family during this difficult time.


Bomet SmartBuzz Top News

Amos,The Groom Of the Doomed Bomet Wedding To Nelly Finally Speaks Up.

In a shocking turn of events, Nelly from Bomet has become the talk of the town after her last-minute decision to cancel her wedding to Amos. The saga, initially attributed to a delayed marriage certificate, took an unexpected twist when Amos and his mother revealed a different side to the story.


Nelly, who reported to the media yesterday that the wedding was postponed due to the tardiness of the officiating reverend in obtaining the marriage certificate, is now facing serious allegations from Amos and his family. According to them, Nelly made a sudden decision to call off the wedding just two days prior, leaving them bewildered and questioning her motives.


The drama unfolded when Amos and his mother finally came forward with a video statement in Kalenjin, shedding light on what they claim to be the real reason behind the cancellation. Contrary to Nelly’s version of events, Amos’ family asserts that she contacted the reverend just 48 hours before the scheduled ceremony, informing him of the abrupt cancellation.


Adding to the intrigue, Amos’ mother hints at undisclosed issues that Nelly had allegedly concealed throughout their relationship. The nature of these hidden concerns is left to speculation, as the family stops short of providing explicit details in the video.


This revelation contradicts Nelly’s earlier explanation, raising questions about the transparency of communication between the two families. The conflicting narratives have left the community in suspense, as they try to piece together the true story behind Nelly’s decision to call off the wedding.


Despite the controversy, Amos and his mother exhibit grace and magnanimity by extending their best wishes to Nelly for her future. Their mature response to the situation adds a touch of dignity to an otherwise tumultuous turn of events.

As the rumor mill continues to churn, the residents of Bomet remain captivated by the unfolding drama, eagerly awaiting more clarity on the real reasons behind Nelly’s decision. In a small town where everyone seems to know each other, the intricacies of personal relationships often become communal affairs, and Nelly’s wedding saga is proving to be no exception.