Bomet News

“Unapark Prado kwa Kiwanja Bomet mpaka 9 usiku, Ndio Ukule Wasichana Wa Shule” Morungoino’s Scathing Attack On Bomet Gov,  Barchok

In a series of captivating TikTok videos, a Bomet resident named Morungoino has unleashed a barrage of unverified allegations against Governor Hillary Barchok, painting a picture of widespread corruption and misconduct within the county government. The videos, which have gone viral, have sent shockwaves through the community and raised serious questions about the leadership in Bomet.

One of Morungoino’s most explosive claims centers around the alleged procurement of cancer machines at exorbitant prices. He alleges that Governor Barchok is planning to purchase these machines at inflated costs, raising concerns about the misuse of public funds and the potential impact on healthcare services in the county. However, these claims remain unverified and require further investigation to substantiate.

Another point of contention raised by Morungoino is the purchase of a field for a planned stadium, despite the fact that former Governor Isaac Ruto had already constructed a stadium during his tenure. Morungoino questions the necessity and cost-effectiveness of this new project, suggesting that it may be a front for financial misappropriation.

Perhaps the most disturbing allegations made by Morungoino involve Governor Barchok’s alleged interactions with university students. In his videos, Morungoino claims that Barchok has been spotted parking his Prado in remote fields, hanging his coat, and then descending upon unsuspecting female students. These allegations, if true, would constitute a serious abuse of power and a violation of trust placed in the county’s leadership. However, it is crucial to note that these claims remain unverified and should be treated with caution until further evidence emerges.

Morungoino’s latest video, in which he is seen swimming in an alleged five-star hotel pool, appears to be a direct message to Governor Barchok. He suggests that he has achieved success despite being neglected by Barchok after the elections, implying that the governor’s actions have backfired and that he is now reaping the consequences of his alleged misdeeds.

Adding to the controversy, Morungoino also claims that Governor Barchok has been asking for prayers for his daughter, who is studying abroad. According to Morungoino’s unverified account, Barchok’s daughter is struggling with a severe drug addiction, specifically to heroin and bhang. If true, this would be a deeply personal and tragic situation for the governor’s family, but it remains unconfirmed.

It is important to note that these allegations, while captivating and concerning, have not been independently verified by reputable news sources. The claims made by Morungoino in his TikTok videos should be treated as unverified until further evidence emerges or the parties involved provide official statements addressing the issues raised.

Watch the Videos HERE on our telegram channel and don’t forget to subscribe for all the juicy local news

The Bomet County government and Governor Barchok have not yet issued any public statements regarding these allegations. It remains to be seen whether they will address the concerns raised by Morungoino or launch an investigation into the claims made in the viral videos.

As the story continues to unfold, it is crucial for the public to remain informed and to seek out reliable sources of information. The allegations made by Morungoino, if proven true, would have serious implications for the governance and integrity of Bomet County. However, it is equally important to maintain a critical eye and to avoid jumping to conclusions without concrete evidence.

Bomet News SmartBuzz Top News

Bomet G*y Boy Responds: The Curious Case of Bomets G*y Minor!

In a surprising turn of events, a Form Two student from Bomet town found himself in hot water after being arrested for sneaking into local clubs while disguised as a girl.

The young man, despite his minor status, managed to gain entry to multiple establishments by cleverly altering his appearance to pass as a female patron.

Eyewitnesses report that the boy’s disguise was quite convincing, with a wig, makeup, and feminine attire helping him blend in seamlessly with the female clubgoers.

However, his cover was eventually blown when one of the club’s bouncers noticed something amiss and alerted the authorities.
Upon investigation, police discovered that this was not an isolated incident. The Bomet boy had been frequenting clubs in the area for some time, always maintaining his female persona to avoid detection. Locals expressed a mix of shock and curiosity at the news, with many wondering what could have motivated such an unusual scheme.

The boy allegedly released a video stating his intentions after gis cover was blown. Watch the video below. The incident serves as a reminder that appearances can be deceiving. In a society that often places strict gender roles and expectations, this young man’s actions may have been a cry for help, a means of self-expression, or simply a harmless prank taken too far.
As the case unfolds, it will be interesting to see how the authorities and the community at large respond. Will the boy face harsh punishment, or will there be an effort to understand the deeper issues at play? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain – this is a story that will be talked about for a long time to come in the quiet town of Bomet.

Bomet Counties Health & Relationships Kericho County SmartBuzz Top News World

Alarming Rise in LGBTQ in Kericho, Nakuru, Kiambu, Kisumu Counties, Fueled by Telegram – Report!

Credit: NGLHRC

A recent groundbreaking study by Robinson Muiru, a prominent Kenyan researcher on the reknown Platform,, delves deep into the complex and mostly misunderstood world of gay activities and dating among Kenyan males.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

The study, which was meticulously conducted across various regions of Kenya, offers a rare and insightful glimpse into the lived experiences and challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community in the country.

One of the most striking findings of the study is the prevalence of gay activities and dating among Kenyan males. Contrary to popular belief, the research suggests that while homosexuality remains largely stigmatized and criminalized in Kenya, a significant number of men are actively engaged in same-sex relationships and activities.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

This revelation challenges the common misconception that homosexuality is a foreign concept imported from the West and highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of sexuality in the Kenyan context.
The study also delves deep into the challenges faced by gay men in Kenya, shedding light on the harsh realities of social stigma, discrimination, and legal barriers.

Many respondents reported experiencing discrimination in various aspects of their lives, including employment, housing, and access to healthcare. The study paints a sobering picture of the daily struggles faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in Kenya, who often live in fear of being outed and facing severe consequences, both social and legal.

Another crucial aspect of the study is the impact of religion and culture on the perception of homosexuality in Kenya. The research suggests that deeply rooted religious and cultural beliefs play a significant role in shaping societal attitudes towards LGBTQ+ individuals. Many respondents reported facing rejection and condemnation from their families and communities due to their sexual orientation, highlighting the need for greater education and dialogue around these sensitive issues.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

Despite the overwhelming challenges, the study also reveals the resilience and adaptability of the LGBTQ+ community in Kenya. Many respondents reported finding support and community through online platforms and social networks, where they could connect with like-minded individuals and share their experiences. The study also highlights the growing visibility and activism of the LGBTQ+ movement in Kenya, with many individuals and organizations working tirelessly to promote acceptance and equality.

Courtesy: Robinson Muiru

In conclusion, the groundbreaking study by Robinson Muiru provides a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the dynamics of gay activities and dating among Kenyan males.

While homosexuality remains a controversial and sensitive topic in the country, the research highlights the urgent need for greater acceptance, understanding, and legal protection for LGBTQ+ individuals. By shedding light on the lived experiences and challenges faced by the community, the study serves as a powerful call to action for policymakers, religious leaders, and society as a whole to work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable Kenya for all.

Bomet Kericho County News Top News World

Why is Chepseon Trending?

In a disturbing turn of events, a sexual assault incident involving three women and one man has shocked the community of Chepseon and south rift once again.

The heinous act, reminiscent of the recent events in Sigor, has ignited widespread condemnation and calls for justice.

The incident, which took reportely in Chepseon, has caused the same attention as the Sigor videos,  highlighting the urgent need for stronger measures to combat such atrocities. The victims, three women and one man, have bravely come forward to report the assault, shedding light on the pervasive issue of sexual violence that continues to plague our society.

We are working hard to find all the relevant details of the alleged video and you’ll get them here and on our telegram channel

As the investigation unfolds, it is imperative that we as a society stand firm in our condemnation of such acts and work towards creating a culture of respect, empathy, and accountability. The victims deserve justice, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that they receive the support and protection they need.

This incident serves as a reminder of the work that still needs to be done to eradicate sexual violence from our communities. Let us use this moment to reaffirm our commitment to creating a society where such atrocities have no place, and where every individual is treated with dignity and respect.


Bomet Football Sports Top News

Confusion as Wakili Sigei Football Tournament Is Engulfed In Confusion.

The Wakili Sigei Football Tournament was thrown into controversy when the game between Kamungei and Kapsimbiri was halted due to a player eligibility issue.

Kapsimbiri accused Kamungei of fielding an ineligible player who had previously played in the National Super League (NSL). After a lengthy discussion, the game was restarted, but to everyone’s surprise, Kapsimbiri refused to participate. The game continued, with Kamungei scoring another goal, leading 3-0.

The controversy began when a Kamungei player attempted to score by pulling a Kapsimbiri player’s t-shirt, followed by an unnoticed punch from another Kamungei player. The linesman failed to inform the referee, leading to a goal kick decision instead of a penalty. This decision was met with criticism from spectators, who believed it was not in the spirit of fair play.

The weight of the issue goes beyond the pitch, and a rematch is the best option for a win-win situation. The tournament’s organizer, Wakili Hillary K. Sigei, is urged to consult widely and consider the broader implications of this controversy. The Kipsigis society, with its rich history of education and leadership, would undoubtedly value fairness and integrity in sports. The Wakili Sigei Football Tournament has the opportunity to uphold these values and provide a platform for positive change in the community.

Bomet News SmartBuzz Top News

VIDEO: Woman’s Plea for ‘Help’ as Man Wont ‘Release’ Hours Later: Fueling Bomet’s Growing Controversies!

In the wake of the recent scandal involving an alleged orgy in Sigor, Bomet County, another explicit video has surfaced, further igniting discussions on social norms and morality. The video captures a distressing moment where a woman is heard screaming in Kalenjin dialect from a lodging establishment.

The footage depicts a woman expressing her frustration and distress as the man who accompanied her for a night of good time fails to “release,” despite what was presumed to be an intimate encounter.

In her outcry, she raises alarm to her friends in the vicinity, highlighting her ordeal as she screams her legs had grown weary while the man continued his business without an end.

This incident has once again brought attention to the prevalence of explicit content circulating in Bomet, with concerns being raised about the exploitation and objectification of individuals involved. Authorities have yet to comment on the matter, but local community leaders are calling for a deeper examination of societal values and the need for respectful conduct in intimate settings.

The emergence of such videos underscores the importance of promoting a culture of consent, mutual respect, and responsibility in relationships. It also serves as a reminder of the challenges faced in addressing issues of sexual exploitation and gender-based violence within communities.

Watch the VIDEO HERE

As discussions around the latest trend in Bomet unfold, it remains imperative for stakeholders to work collaboratively towards fostering a safer and more dignified environment for all individuals, where such incidents are not only condemned but actively prevented through education and awareness initiatives.

Bomet News SmartBuzz Top News

Mike Sonko Loses His Instagram With Millions of Followers By Sharing ‘Sigor’ Video!

Mike Sonko, the flamboyant former governor of Nairobi, Kenya, has reportedly lost his Instagram account after sharing a controversial video of the now famous ‘Sigor Boys‘. The video, which was deemed inappropriate and against Instagram’s community guidelines, led to Sonko’s account being disabled.

Sonko, who is known for his outspokenness and love for social media, has been using his Instagram account to share his political views and engage with his followers. However, his recent actions have cost him his online platform, leaving his followers in shock and disappointment.

The video in question featured the now famous 7 ‘Sigor Boys’ in a controversial video. The video shows the boys from Bomet county allegedly r*ping an unknown woman.

Instagram’s community guidelines prohibit content that promotes or condones violence, hatred, or discrimination. By sharing the video, Sonko violated these guidelines, leading to the suspension of his account.

The incident has sparked a debate on the role of social media in politics and the responsibility of public figures in using these platforms. While Sonko has the right to express his opinions, he must do so within the bounds of the law and the guidelines set by social media platforms.

In conclusion, Sonko’s loss of his Instagram account serves as a reminder that there are consequences to breaking community guidelines and promoting harmful content. As public figures, politicians and influencers have a responsibility to use their platforms responsibly and promote unity, peace, and respect for all.

Bomet News Top News

Sigor Boys Arrested, As Its Revealed The lady In The S3xtape allegedly Called Them For A ‘Friendly Match’

In another unexpected turn of events, the five men allegedly from Sigor, Bomet County, have been arrested following the leak of a video showing them engaging in intimate acts with a woman. The video, which has been circulating on social media, has sparked outrage and calls for justice.

The Administration has taken swift action, with the case now falling under the jurisdiction of serious crimes. However, questions have been raised about the circumstances surrounding the incident. It is alleged that the woman had previously challenged the men, inviting them for a “friendly match“.

Image: Courtesy

The video, reportedly two months old, does not suggest any forced involvement, with the woman appearing to cooperate with the men. This has led some to question why she did not report the incident to relevant authorities earlier.

The men, who hail from Chebanyiny in Kongasis Ward, have been taken into custody as the investigation continues. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of consent and the potential consequences of non-consensual acts. It also highlights the need for open and honest communication about sexual health and boundaries.

As the investigation continues, it is crucial that all parties involved are treated with respect and dignity. The truth behind the incident may be complex, but it is essential that it is fully understood in order to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The Administration has assured the public that the case will be handled with the utmost seriousness and transparency.

Bomet News SmartBuzz Top News

Unraveling the Controversial ‘Sigor Boys’ Video: A Call for Thorough Investigation and Justice

The recent surge in online discussions surrounding a video featuring individuals dubbed as the ‘Sigor boys’ engaging in a disturbing sexual act with a woman has sparked widespread concern and outrage. As viewers, we are confronted with unsettling imagery, prompting various interpretations and calls for action.

Within the video, five individuals are prominently featured: ‘Kipyegon’, who appears to be the primary aggressor, ‘Kipsang’, engaging in questionable behavior behind the woman, reminiscent of explicit online content, a camera operator, an evidently intoxicated and naked individual seemingly indifferent to the situation, and another individual seemingly preoccupied with unrelated activities in the background.

The online discourse surrounding this incident is rife with assertions, with many unequivocally labeling it as rape. However, a closer examination of the video reveals several pertinent observations that warrant consideration:

  • The presence of ‘Kipsang’ behind the woman suggests a potentially uncomfortable and non-consensual situation, raising doubts about her preferences regarding certain sexual acts.
  • The visibly intoxicated individual, presumed to have accompanied the woman initially, raises questions about his role and consent.
  • Contrasting with the intoxicated individual, ‘Kipsang’ and the camera operator appear sober, adding complexity to the dynamics of the situation.
  • The seemingly indifferent demeanor of the individual attending to other tasks in the room underscores the abnormality of the situation.

Numerous conjectures have emerged regarding the nature of the incident, each carrying significant implications.One scenario posits that the woman was drugged and subjected to gang rape, implicating all parties involved in a grave criminal offense warranting immediate legal intervention.

  • Conversely, there are suggestions that the woman may have initially consented to engage in sexual activity with the intoxicated individual, only for the sober individuals to exploit her vulnerable state upon their arrival.
  • Controversial interpretation implies that the woman’s apparent lack of resistance could be misconstrued as compliance, potentially complicating perceptions of the incident and highlighting the nuanced nature of consent.
  • Speculations regarding the completion of a prior investigation, purportedly yielding no evidence of criminal wrongdoing, further complicate the narrative and demand clarity.

Irrespective of the myriad interpretations, it is evident that reprehensible actions transpired within that room, necessitating thorough investigation and accountability. The recent resurgence of online attention underscores the urgency of addressing this matter, with a paramount focus on delivering justice for the victim, should the events prove non-consensual.

Watch the VIDEO HERE and judge for yourself

In conclusion, while the opinions presented herein remain subjective, it is imperative that all instances of sexual assault and misconduct be treated with utmost seriousness. The pursuit of justice must remain unwavering, underscoring society’s collective commitment to safeguarding the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of gender.

Bomet News

Why is Sigor Trending Once Again? A New Video Leak

In a disturbing turn of events, a video of an unidentified woman, and four young boys has surfaced online, depicting what appears to be a despicable act.

The video, which has gone viral on social media platforms, shows almost 4 boys and the woman, who is crying and the boys in a compromising situation, raising serious concerns about the safety of the woman.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and reporting any suspected cases of sexual assault. It is crucial that we all play our part in ensuring the safety and well-being of women and girls, and that those who commit such heinous acts are held accountable for their actions.

Check out the VIDEO:

Bomet Nairobi News SmartBuzz Top News

Victor Kibets’ Abduction Linked To Alleged Case Of International Fraud Involving Carding

Onto some rather shocking development, 23-year-old Victor Kibet, a recent graduate from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), has been thrust into the spotlight following his mysterious abduction while enjoying a game of pool at a popular spot along Thika Road. What initially seemed like an isolated incident soon unraveled into a tale of intrigue, exposing a tangled network of international fraud.

Kibet, who graduated from JKUAT just last year, had eschewed traditional employment in favor of pursuing a career as a Forex trader. However, his sudden and unexplained accumulation of vast wealth raised eyebrows among those acquainted with him, prompting scrutiny into his connections and the source of his affluence.

Victor Kibet was fond of showing off his wealth despite scrutiny of its source. Image/Courtesy

The abduction, orchestrated by individuals posing as law enforcement officers in Juja, Thika, marked the commencement of a series of revelations that implicated Kibet in a sophisticated fraud ring with ties to Chinese hackers and fraudsters.

The allegations posted on Twitter exposing the connection of Kibet and Chinese International Fraudsters. Image/Courtesy

At the heart of this clandestine group’s operations lay the practice of carding, a dark web activity involving the illicit acquisition of foreign cards to exploit vulnerabilities and siphon funds from bank accounts. Employing intricate schemes such as fabricating invoices or leveraging legitimate platforms like Airbnb for money laundering, Kibet and his cohorts operated covertly, leaving a trail of financial devastation in their wake.

With the emergence of details concerning Kibet’s Chinese associates and the opulent lifestyle he had adopted, complete with luxury vehicles including a Toyota Mark X, Audi Q5, Mercedes Benz GLC 250, and Subaru Forester, suspicions surrounding the legitimacy of his wealth intensified. Despite his father’s staunch defense of his son’s character, the glaring incongruity between Kibet’s modest background and extravagant living standards cast doubt upon the veracity of his riches.


Prior to his disappearance, Kibet had attracted the attention of detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), who were closely monitoring his activities. His sudden vanishing act has ignited a sweeping investigation spanning Thika, Kiambu, and Nairobi counties, as law enforcement agencies devote their resources to unraveling the enigma surrounding his abduction and alleged involvement in fraudulent enterprises.


The saga of Victor Kibet serves as a cautionary narrative, illuminating the perils inherent in the realm of cyber fraud and the profound repercussions it can inflict upon individuals and their families. As authorities delve deeper into the intricate web of deceit and deception, Kibet’s story stands as a stark admonition against the temptations of engaging in illicit pursuits in the pursuit of wealth and influence.

Bomet Business Nairobi Tech Top News

Mulot SIM Swap Scandal: How Safaricom Delays Derailed a High-Profile Fraud Case

In a striking turn of events, a high-profile fraud case targeting a group accused of orchestrating a SIM swap scam has been dismissed.

The case’s foundation rested on the prosecution’s ability to secure vital registration documents and transaction records from telecommunications giants Safaricom Plc and Airtel. These documents were critical to proving the involvement of the accused in the illicit mobile money transfer scheme.

Despite the court’s clear directive to obtain this information within a two-week timeframe, the prosecution encountered insurmountable delays.

The telecom companies’ failure to provide the requested data in time led to the inability to move forward with the case, resulting in its dismissal.

The defendants, Titus Chepkwony, Marcus Kipkirui Langat, Brian Kipkirui Cheruiyot, Aaron Kimutai Bett, and a minor, were initially charged on December 18, 2023. Their alleged involvement in the SIM swapping racket, a scheme that has plagued mobile phone users, put them at the center of a legal storm.

A police raid on the suspects’ hideout yielded a trove of evidence, including multiple SIM cards and national identity cards, along with notebooks filled with detailed personal and financial information.

These notebooks contained data on Mpesa balances, Fuliza limits, and Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) Mpesa loan limits, painting a picture of a sophisticated operation.

State counsel Clara Boyon faced the court, expressing the prosecution’s predicament. The absence of cooperation from Safaricom and Airtel left the investigation incomplete, with no clear indication of when the necessary information would become available. In light of this, she requested the release of the suspects and the closure of the miscellaneous file, a plea that the court granted.

Defense advocate Caren Koskei highlighted the irregularities in the suspects’ detention, including their arrest without a court warrant and the prolonged duration of the investigation before formal charges were made. The court’s decision to release the suspects underscored the defense’s argument, with the adult suspects being held at Chebunyo police station and the minor released into parental care.

This case’s collapse serves as a cautionary tale about the complexities of prosecuting digital fraud, especially when reliant on the cooperation of large telecom providers.

It raises questions about the efficiency of legal processes and the accountability of corporations in aiding law enforcement efforts to combat cybercrime.

Bomet Nairobi Tech Top News

Victor Kibet’s Mysterious Disappearance: The Unsettling Case of a Young Graduate

Victor Kibet, a 23-year-old graduate from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), is at the center of a perplexing case. Despite being jobless, he has been linked to four luxury cars and now, a baffling abduction.

His father, Paul Mutai, is unable to definitively explain his son’s source of income. Yet, Kibet’s possessions—a 2023 pearl white Mercedes-Benz GLC 250 4matic, an Audi Q5, a recently sold Toyota Mark X, and a Subaru Forester reserved for weekend drives—paint a picture of prosperity.

Kibet’s kidnapping was officially documented under OB No 74/19/3/24 at Juja police station. The incident took place in Juja Sub-county, Kiambu, where he was seized by individuals masquerading as police officers.

A 2023 Bachelor of Commerce graduate from JKUAT, Kibet has been described by his father as a sharp businessman with an eye for lucrative opportunities. However, the specifics of his business remain a mystery to his family.

Events Leading to the Abduction:

On the day of his abduction, Kibet was at an entertainment joint playing pool when he was forcibly taken and placed into a Subaru, followed by a double-cab pickup. His captors identified themselves as police officers and were armed. The family’s search for Kibet at various police stations, including Thika, Juja, Ruiru, and Central Police Station, yielded no results.

Kibet’s success was often showcased on social media, particularly on TikTok, where he shared videos of his lavish lifestyle, including driving his Mercedes-Benz and visiting a grand home he was helping his father construct in their rural village in Narok.

Family’s Plight

The abduction has left his father in a state of distress, torn between hope and despair. Mr. Mutai, who was on his way to Nairobi from Narok to uncover the truth about his son’s disappearance, expressed his deep concern and the financial support they shared.

Juja sub-county police commander Michael Mwaura confirmed the kidnapping report and stated that investigations are in progress.


Bomet News Top News

Sharon Chelangat(17) Is Laid To Rest as Community Seeks Justice For Suspects Who R*ped And Killed Her

Sharon Chelangat, the 17-year-old girl who lost her life following a brutal gang rape incident at Silibwet trading center in Bomet county, is set to be laid to rest on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. The heartbreaking incident occurred on February 18 when Sharon was subjected to a horrific assault, left for dead near the Silibwet police station. Despite her courageous fight for survival, she tragically succumbed to her injuries after spending 10 days in the Intensive Care Unit at Tenwek Mission Hospital.

The investigation into Sharon Chelangat’s death is currently ongoing, with one suspect already in custody and efforts underway to apprehend additional perpetrators. Bomet Central police boss Bashir Ali has assured the public of updates on the case and is urging anyone with information to come forward to assist in bringing all those involved to justice.

The community in Silibwet trading center is deeply troubled by the rising insecurity in the area and is calling for a crackdown on criminal activities. The need for swift action to address these concerns is paramount as residents seek reassurance and safety within their community.

Furthermore, despite challenges with medical bills delaying the funeral arrangements, Sharon’s family is appealing for support from well-wishers to help settle outstanding costs and provide their daughter with a peaceful final farewell.

As the investigation progresses and the community rallies for justice and support, the memory of Sharon Chelangat serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of standing together against such heinous acts and working towards a safer and more just society.


Bomet Top News

Murder: Tragedy Strikes Silibwet, Bomet As Robert Kilel Massacres His Whole Family.

In a shocking and tragic incident that has left the community of Silibwet Town reeling, a middle-aged man identified as Robert Kilel, also known as Simini, stands accused of a heinous crime. The events unfolded on the evening of March 1, 2024, at Kipkebe Village within the Silibwet Slaughterhouse area. Robert Kilel reportedly slaughtered his three children and a maid while his wife was away selling clothes in their boutique in Silibwet Town.


The victims of this horrific act include a 3-year-old girl, a 4-year-old nephew, and a 20-year-old maid who tragically lost their lives. Additionally, the suspect’s 15-year-old son succumbed to injuries sustained during the attack while undergoing treatment at Tenwek Hospital. The eldest son managed to escape and raise the alarm, rushing his injured younger brother to seek medical help.


Robert Kilel, a resident of Kipkoi Village in Kabungut Sub-location, was unmarried and had formed a family with Naomi, a businesswoman from Silibwet Town. Together they had two sons aged 18 and 15, and a 3-year-old daughter. The family also hosted Naomi’s 4-year-old nephew and employed a 20-year-old maid.


The police are currently on the hunt for Robert Kilel, who is believed to have fled the scene after committing the gruesome act. As this tragic incident continues to unfold, the community is left in shock and mourning over the senseless loss of innocent lives.