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Get Paid to Tweet, X’s (Twitter) New Monetization Strategy Is a Game-Changer for Kenyan Creators

A few months ago, X (Formerly Twitter) introduced a new monetization strategy, empowering Kenyan creators to generate revenue from their content. This initiative was part of Elon Musk’s radical changes since he bought twitter for over 44 Billion Dollars. We all know how X (Formerly Twitter) was making losses and it needed immediate effective and radical changes.

This monetization strategy adopted by Musk marks a significant shift in the social media landscape, offering exciting opportunities for Kenyan voices to thrive and be compensated for their valuable contributions.


Twitter Monetization Metrics Terminology:

To fully understand the earning potential of Twitter’s monetization strategy, it’s crucial to grasp the key metrics involved. Here’s a breakdown of essential terms:


  • Impressions: The number of times a Tweet, video, or Spaces session is displayed on a user’s screen.
  • Ad Revenue Share: The portion of ad revenue generated from ads displayed alongside a creator’s content.
  • Eligible Users: Creators who meet specific criteria, including a minimum number of followers and organic impressions.
  • Twitter Blue (X Premium): A paid subscription service that grants access to exclusive features and supports creators through a subscription model.


How Much Can Kenyan Twitter user Earn per Impression?

While the exact earning per impression varies depending on factors like audience engagement and ad rates, Kenyan creators can expect to earn approximately 0.7 to 1 Kenyan Shilling per impression. This translates into a potential earning range of 700 to 1,000 Kenyan Shillings per 1,000 impressions. This equates to 70% revenue generated from each tweet.

Twitter revenue
An example of X (Twitter) Revenue share for 10,000 impressions. Photo/Smartie News.


Monetization Strategies for Kenyan Creators

To maximize their earning potential, Kenyan creators can explore various monetization strategies:

  • Leveraging Twitter Blue (X Premium): Create exclusive content for Twitter Blue subscribers, such as behind-the-scenes insights, early access to new material, or subscriber-only events.
  • Exploring Revenue-Sharing Programs: Participate in Twitter’s ad revenue-sharing program to earn from ads displayed alongside their content.
  • Partnering with Brands: Collaborate with brands to promote their products or services through sponsored Tweets or influencer marketing campaigns.
  • Offering Consulting Services: Utilize their expertise to provide social media consulting services to businesses or individuals.
  • Selling Merchandise: Create and sell branded merchandise, such as T-shirts, mugs, or accessories, to their followers.


Twitter’s new monetization strategy marks a watershed moment for Kenyan creators, empowering them to transform their passion into a viable income stream. By understanding the key metrics and exploring diverse monetization strategies, Kenyan voices can amplify their influence, reach a wider audience, and reap the rewards of their creative endeavors. As the social media landscape continues to evolve, Twitter’s commitment to creator support paves the way for a thriving ecosystem of Kenyan talent.

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Business Counties News Top News

How Ann Njoroge Might Be The Unwitting Pawn in The 17B Oil Scandal

In the intricate world of business, sometimes unsuspecting individuals find themselves entangled in a web of deceit and manipulation. Ann Njoroge’s story, the alleged importer of the Ksh 17 billion oil, sheds light on how she might have been unwittingly used as a pawn in a high-stakes oil saga.


Ann Njoroge at the center of a dubious transaction:

Imagine finding 17 billion Kenyan Shillings mysteriously wired into your bank account by your business associate, let’s call him Mr. X. Instructed to use the funds for importing diesel into the country, Ann Njoroge, our protagonist, is thrust into a convoluted scheme. Little does she know that her business partner, Mr. X, is not just any ordinary associate but a government operative with his own hidden agenda.


The Illusion of Partnership:

Assured by Mr. X that he will help secure import clearance, Ann proceeds with the transaction, unaware that the company handling the import is a mere briefcase entity. The complexities deepen as Mr. X is not only shielding his involvement in the transaction but is also conducting an undercover investigation, seeking to clear the diesel without leaving any trace back to him.

KPA Tweet
KPA report on the Cargo Oil. Photo/Courtesy

As the oil cargo ship carrying the diesel reaches the country’s territorial waters, Ann contacts Mr. X, for guidance. Unbeknownst to her, her attempts to negotiate with port authorities are meant to be a secondary plan. Mr. Shadow employs his government authority, ensuring the cargo is cleared to dock and offload without a hitch.


The Grand Plan:

Ann’s alternative efforts fail, and unbeknownst to her, Mr. Shadow refrains from informing her of his success in offloading the oil cargo, steering clear of any direct connection in official records. Frustrated that her oil is being offloaded at Kipevu oil terminal without her consent, Ann hires top-notch lawyers to protect her cargo, obtaining an injunction against the offloading. This unexpected turn alarms Mr.X, who never anticipated Ann’s fierce defense, fearing that the case could expose his involvement.


Betrayal and Retaliation:

To safeguard his interests, Mr. X unleashes a few ‘mambaru’ with their renown Subaru on Ann. The pressure intensifies as she fights to protect her cargo, not realizing she’s become a pawn in a larger game. The narrative takes a legal steep turn as top-notch lawyers are paid handsomely to navigate through legal complexities. Enter Cliff Ombeta. (No one would hire anyone else for such a high stakes case, It has always been Cliff Ombeta or Danstan Omari)


A Sobering Reality:

In the end, Ann finds herself ‘abducted’ and thrown into some unknown location, later produced at Mombasa Law courts and she realizes she’s just been inducted into Kenya’s unforgiving and ruthless high-end Supplies and Procurement.

The cautionary tale reveals the harsh reality that in the world of high-stakes deals, one is not always chosen for their prowess but for their gullibility and disposability.

Oil tanker

Ann Njoroge’s story serves as a stark reminder that lucrative opportunities may not always be what they seem. In a world where shadows conceal true intentions, individuals must navigate with caution, recognizing that not every business deal is a testament to their prowess but, at times, a manifestation of their vulnerability in a complex game of manipulation and power.


Business Mombasa Nairobi News Tech Top News

Tycoon’s Oil Grab: Government Denies Billionaire Woman’s Claim

Oil Cargo ship
Oil Tanker. Photo/Courtesy

In a recent turn of events, the shipping industry is abuzz with controversy as conflicting claims arise over a significant oil cargo shipment involving Aramco Trading Fujairah, Galana Energies, and Ann’s Import and Export Enterprises Limited.


The Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) has officially listed Aramco Trading Fujairah as the shipper and Galana Energies as the consignee. Benjamin Tayari and Managing Director Captain William Ruto have dismissed Ann Njeri’s claim that she imported the cargo, labeling it as mere “hot air.”

KPA Tweet on HT Haigui
The official response of Kenya Ports Authority on the Ownership of 17billion Oil on MT Haigui. Photo/twitter

Adding fuel to the fire, Tayari stated at the KPA boardroom that “Ann’s Import and Export Enterprises Limited is not one of the manifested consignees,” based on the cargo manifest submitted by the ship’s agent.


Amidst the mystery, the family of businesswoman Ann Njeri Njoroge has broken its silence, staunchly defending her. Daughter Sarah Wanjiku revealed in a televised interview that her mother has been engaged in the oil importation business for the past 33 years.


The focal point of the dispute revolves around a fuel consignment loaded on MT Haigui, totaling 93,460 metric tonnes of oil between September 20-28. Notably, 49,091 metric tonnes were destined for Kenya, while the remaining 44,369 metric tonnes constituted transit cargo for Kenya’s neighbors, including Uganda, South Sudan, and the DRC.


Ann Njeri Njoroge disputes the initially stated cargo quantity of 100,000 metric tonnes, asserting that the 93,000 metric tonnes were what remained after an alleged testing phase. She questioned the need for testing with such a substantial amount, stating, “You don’t test with over 6,000 metric tonnes.”


Furthermore, Njeri claims that she approached Cabinet Secretary Chirchir while awaiting her import permit. Chirchir purportedly informed her that the fuel belonged to Galana and advised her to go to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to record a statement.


In a startling revelation, Njeri alleges that she was blindfolded and dumped at Nyayo Estate in Nairobi by masked individuals whom she claims were state officers.


As the controversy unfolds, the conflicting narratives and legal intricacies surrounding the oil cargo shipment underscore the need for a thorough investigation to ascertain the true nature of events. Smartie News will continue to monitor this developing story and provide updates as more information becomes available.

Business Conspiracy Planet News Top News

Why The Rush? Declaration of National Tree Planting Holiday Raises Concerns.

On November 8th, 2023, the Kenyan government abruptly declared a national tree planting holiday, catching many by surprise. This sudden decision has sparked concerns about the government’s motives and potential corruption surrounding carbon credits.


The government’s explanation for the holiday was to promote environmental awareness and encourage tree planting as a means of combating climate change. However, the timing and lack of transparency surrounding the decision have led many to question the true intentions behind it.


One of the primary concerns is the potential for this holiday to be exploited as a cover for a massive corruption in the growing carbon credit/offset market. Carbon credits are tradable units representing the removal of one metric ton of carbon dioxide or an equivalent amount of other greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Organizations and individuals can purchase carbon credits to offset their own emissions.


In recent years, the demand for carbon credits has surged as businesses and governments seek to reduce their carbon footprints. This has created a lucrative market for carbon credits, with prices fluctuating based on supply and demand.


Kenya has been actively promoting itself as a destination for carbon credit projects. The government has established a regulatory framework for carbon credit trading and has partnered with various international organizations to develop carbon credit projects in the country.


However, there have been concerns about the lack of transparency and oversight in Kenya’s carbon credit market. Some critics have alleged that carbon credit projects in Kenya are often inflated or fraudulent, with little real environmental impact. Some reports have even claimed Kenya reports trees planted years ago as newly planted trees. We are yet to confirm that..


All in all, The hasty declaration of a national tree planting holiday has further fueled more concerns. Some experts believe that the government may be using the holiday as a way to ‘artificially inflate the number of carbon credits’ generated in the country, which could then be sold on the international market for a profit. By ‘artificially inflating‘ here meaning ‘Faking the nationwide tree planting exercise‘ so as to prop up our Kenyan Carbon credits for sale at higher rates to more polluting countries. A carbon credit today goes for approx 40USD, and is set to rise to over USD250 in the coming months and years.


Others believe that the government may be using the holiday to funnel money to corrupt officials or private companies involved in the carbon credit market.


The government hasn’t replied to the allegations of corruption but has defended the tree planting holiday as a genuine effort to promote environmental conservation. The lack of transparency and the rushed nature of the decision have left many unconvinced.


The Kenyan government should address these concerns head-on by providing more transparency into the carbon credit market and by establishing stronger oversight mechanisms to prevent corruption. Only then can the public regain trust in the government’s environmental initiatives.

Business Conspiracy Planet News Top News

Unveiling the Potential Carbon Credit Mega Scandal in Kenya

In a groundbreaking move, the Kenyan government’s ambitious carbon credit project, valued at over $850 billion globally, is facing scrutiny for potential pitfalls that could lead to unprecedented consequences for local communities.


The urgency to curb greenhouse gas emissions has driven the government’s commitment to this project, yet concerns arise as millions of hectares of land hang in the balance. This endeavor, while seemingly noble, risks encroaching upon the customary land rights of local communities and stands in opposition to the UN’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the principle of free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC).


Transparency in the benefit-sharing system is also under threat, with the potential exclusion of local communities from the planning and execution of the carbon credit project. The high demand to convert extensive areas into natural reserves for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gas emissions raises alarms about the displacement of local communities. This would result in the loss of access to farmlands, forests, and water resources, impacting traditional livelihoods and causing economic hardship.


While carbon credits on paper promise to protect vast tracts of land and mitigate global greenhouse gas emissions, in practice, they may serve as a reputational facelift for corporations. This dubious practice allows companies to continue emitting CO2 while purchasing credits to ostensibly reduce their emissions.

Shocking collaborations between the Kenyan government and entities responsible for global warming are apparent, as land is seemingly seized under the guise of preservation. Forest lands previously under conservation are transferred to corporations, raising doubts about the tangible impact on reducing emissions. These projects appear geared towards creating new revenue streams for various stakeholders rather than genuine environmental conservation.


The questionable involvement of corporations with ties to the oil and gas industries adds another layer of concern. These entities continue to buy seemingly inexpensive carbon credit offsets, creating a superficial green cover while falling short in offsetting emissions meaningfully.


The call to reject greenwashing and advocate vigorously for land preservation becomes urgent. A national holiday on November 13, 2023, designated as “tree planting day,” is seen as a potentially misleading attempt to distract from the pressing issues at hand. Kenyans are urged to unite against potential exploitation by those responsible for the initial environmental problems and stand boldly for the preservation of their lands. The time is now to rise above challenges and be remembered for a courageous stance in the face of impending threats.

Business Tech Top News World

Elon Musk Offers $1 Billion To Rename Facebook To “Faceboob”

In a surprising move, billionaire Elon Musk has offered to pay Mark Zuckerberg $1 billion to rename Facebook to “Faceboob.” Musk made the offer in a tweet on November 1, 2023, in response to an article from the satirical news website The Babylon Bee.


The article, titled “Elon Musk Offers Mark Zuckerberg $1 Billion To Rename Facebook To ‘Faceboob,'” is a clear joke. However, Musk’s tweet suggests that he may be serious about the offer.


It would be a much better name!” Musk tweeted.


Musk’s tweet has sparked a lot of discussion online, with some people expressing support for the idea and others criticizing it. Some people have praised Musk for his sense of humor, while others have accused him of being disrespectful to Zuckerberg and Facebook.


It is unclear whether Musk is serious about his offer to pay Zuckerberg to rename Facebook. However, the tweet is a sign of Musk’s growing influence and his willingness to speak his mind.


It is also worth noting that Musk has a history of making controversial statements on social media. In the past, he has tweeted about a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, politics, and artificial intelligence. His tweets have often been met with mixed reactions.


It is too early to say whether Musk’s offer to pay Zuckerberg to rename Facebook will be accepted. However, the tweet is a reminder of Musk’s growing influence and his willingness to speak his mind.


Musk’s offer to pay Zuckerberg to rename Facebook is a clear sign of his growing influence and his willingness to speak his mind. It is also a sign of his sense of humor, as the name “Faceboob” is a clear joke.


It is unclear whether Musk is serious about his offer, but it is likely that he is using it as a way to generate publicity and attention. Musk is a master of social media, and he knows how to use it to get his message out.


It is also possible that Musk is trying to make a point about Facebook’s name. The name “Facebook” has been criticized for being too generic and for not accurately reflecting what the company does. Musk may be suggesting that Facebook should consider a rebranding in order to better reflect its identity and values.


Whatever Musk’s intentions are, his offer to pay Zuckerberg to rename Facebook is a surefire way to get people talking. It is also a reminder of Musk’s growing influence and his willingness to challenge the status quo.


Business Features Mombasa

The Story of The Bloody Fight For Akasha’s 20B Estate.

In the world of drug lords and criminal enterprises, power, wealth, and violence often go hand in hand. The story of Kamaldin, the heir to the Akasha drug empire, is a chilling chapter in the annals of organized crime. His life, ambitions, and eventual demise paint a stark picture of the treacherous world he inhabited.


Kamaldin, the son of Akasha’s divorced wife, Karim, was destined to take over the family’s drug business and manage their extensive legitimate enterprises and properties. By day, he operated a seemingly ordinary petrol station near the Makupa roundabout in Mombasa, just meters away from the Makupa Police Station. However, on the fateful evening of March 28, 2002, Kamaldin’s life took a dark and violent turn.


Witnesses recall a chilling scene as a mysterious figure, described as a “white, slender man in a black T-shirt and woollen hood,” approached Kamaldin’s Land Rover Discovery from behind and shot him three times. The shocking event sent shockwaves through the Akasha family.


Kamaldin’s brothers, Hassan and Baktash, publicly accused their stepbrother Nuri, also known as Tinta, of orchestrating the shooting. In court documents, Hassan claimed that Kamaldin had confided in him about Nuri’s threats in the days leading up to the shooting.


The root of the conflict lay in property disputes. Nuri, the son of Akasha’s second wife, Hayat, chaired the committee responsible for distributing the late drug baron’s estate. Nuri, like many members of the Akasha family, carried a firearm and had previously been reported to the police for threatening his brothers and Kamaldin.


Following Kamaldin’s assassination, police arrested Nuri and his brothers Baktash and Hassan, but all of them were eventually released without charges. The investigation took a disturbing turn as authorities bungled key aspects of the case. They failed to summon Daniel Kiarie Waweru, a witness to the shooting, for an identification parade. Additionally, they presented a 9mm pistol for examination, even though the bullets recovered from the crime scene had been fired from a Skorpion sub-machine gun.


Some members of the Akasha family believed that Serbian drug dealer Stojananovic Milan, a business associate of the late Akasha, was responsible for Kamaldin’s death. Milan, who had connections in Mombasa and had frequented the Akasha family home, later faced charges related to the assassination.


According to Gazi Hayat Akasha, the second wife of Ibrahim Akasha, her husband and Waweru were involved in hashish and bhang trade alongside Milan and Kamaldin. She revealed in court that her late husband and Milan were also engaged in “Mafia-like activities.”


Hayat, who had witnessed the murder of Ibrahim Akasha in Amsterdam, disclosed that her husband had received a call from his son, Baktash, regarding a theft of hashish by Kamaldin and Waweru from Milan’s house in Mombasa. This theft, a serious offense in the world of smugglers and dealers, led to a heated confrontation between Akasha and Milan, who issued threats.


On the day of his assassination, Akasha had Milan’s hashish and debts owed to him by Klepper of the Yugoslav cartel on his mind. As he walked toward a café, a seemingly innocuous bicycle bell rang from behind. His wife, Hayat, turned to see a cyclist, but Akasha continued walking. Suddenly, a heavily built cyclist, about 5ft 7 inches tall, drew a gun, aimed at Akasha, and fired multiple shots.


The first bullet struck Akasha in the back, followed by bullets above his left eye, on the left side of his head, and near the right eye. The final bullet hit him in the stomach, leading to his immediate death.


Two years later, Hayat revealed in court that Milan not only threatened her but also bragged about killing Kamaldin and expressed intentions to eliminate Nuri, also known as Tinta. This revelation further exposed the complex web of intrigue, betrayal, and violence that characterized the Akasha family’s criminal world. Kamaldin’s assassination remains a grim testament to the perils of a life steeped in organized crime and power struggles.


Business Features News Top News

Why The Proposed Universal Healthcare Coverage Is a Scandal in Waiting.

In a series of tweets shared on Twitter, a passionate critique of the proposed Universal Healthcare Coverage and NHIF (National Hospital Insurance Fund) reforms has been outlined. This article delves into the concerns raised by various online sources, as well as insights from Ephraim Njenga on Twitter. We examine the key issues surrounding the reforms and their potential impact on the healthcare system and the economy.

The primary concern voiced by critics is the rushed nature of the NHIF reforms. The speedy implementation of these reforms raises questions about their transparency and intentions. It is crucial to ask when the policy document was developed and whether it underwent sufficient public participation. The accelerated formulation of four laws related to NHIF within a short timeframe also raises eyebrows. Such haste in implementation can create an environment ripe for corruption and looting.


Dismantling vs. Improving NHIF

Another point of contention is the decision to dismantle the existing NHIF system rather than improving it. Critics question the rationale behind replacing the current system entirely. It is a valid concern, as transitioning to a new and complex system may lead to confusion and mismanagement of funds, allowing for potential financial irregularities.


Multiplicity of Funds and Corruption

The proposal to establish three new funds within the healthcare system has also sparked concerns. Managing multiple funds can lead to duplication and an increased risk of corruption. This could undermine the intended purpose of the reforms and exacerbate financial inefficiencies within the healthcare sector.

The idea of using fees charged by public healthcare facilities at the facility level has raised suspicions of privatization. Questions arise about how this money will be accounted for and whether it will eventually lead to higher fees, potentially limiting access to healthcare services for many.

Making NHIF payments mandatory for everyone has been criticized as an infringement on individual freedoms. Enforcement of this policy remains a challenge, and concerns about its implications on personal choice and constitutional rights have been raised.


Public Participation and Data Dependence

The overarching criticism is that such a massive change requires extensive public participation, detailed policy documents, and reliance on data-driven approaches. The lack of evidence-based policy formulation and actuarial computations raises questions about the foundation of these healthcare contributions.


Economic Consequences

Critics also highlight the potential economic consequences of these reforms. With the constant deductions from people’s paychecks, disposable incomes shrink, impacting consumer spending. This, in turn, can lead to reduced demand, business closures, rising unemployment, increased crime rates, and civil unrest.


The concerns raised by various Twitter users reflect the skepticism and apprehension surrounding the proposed Universal Healthcare Coverage and NHIF reforms. These issues require serious consideration and transparency to ensure that the reforms genuinely serve the best interests of the population. Careful planning, extensive public participation, and evidence-based policymaking are essential to address these concerns and avoid unintended negative consequences for the economy and society.


Credits: This report from Smartie News has drawn insights from various online sources and Twitter user @ephraimNjengaFan for a comprehensive examination of the issues surrounding the proposed Universal Healthcare Coverage and NHIF reforms.

Business News World

China’s Belt and Road Initiative Celebrates 10th Year With Major Wins, Despite Controversies

China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is celebrating its tenth year of operation in 2023. Over the past decade, the BRI has garnered significant attention and become a cornerstone of China’s foreign policy and global economic strategy. It has left an indelible mark on the world, connecting nations, fostering economic growth, and creating opportunities for cooperation on an unprecedented scale. In this article, we’ll highlight some of the successes of the BRI and provide a glimpse of major projects in various countries as of 2021.


Notable Successes of the Belt and Road Initiative:

Infrastructure Development: The BRI has funded and facilitated a multitude of infrastructure projects across participating countries. These include the construction of roads, railways, ports, and airports, significantly improving connectivity in Asia, Europe, Africa, and beyond.


Trade and Investment: The BRI has promoted trade and investment opportunities among participating nations. China has become a key trading partner for many countries, helping them diversify their economies.


Economic Growth: Participating countries have experienced economic growth due to BRI projects. These investments have spurred job creation and increased industrial development, helping nations reduce poverty and improve living standards.


Cultural Exchange: Beyond economics, the BRI has fostered cultural exchange and people-to-people connectivity. Educational and cultural exchange programs have flourished, promoting mutual understanding.

Heads of State, CRB
Heads of state of countries reaping from Xi’s China Road and Bridge Initiative. Photo/Courtesy

Major BRI Projects in Various Countries

  •  China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): This project involves a network of highways, railways, and pipelines connecting China’s western region to Pakistan’s Gwadar Port, enhancing trade and economic cooperation between the two nations.
  • Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway (SGR): This railway in Kenya has significantly improved transportation between the two major cities and boosted trade and tourism.
  • Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka: China’s involvement in upgrading and managing this strategic port has enhanced maritime trade in the Indian Ocean region.
  • Piraeus Port in Greece: Chinese investments in Piraeus have turned it into one of the largest container ports in the Mediterranean, boosting Greece’s economic prospects.
  • Doraleh Multipurpose Port in Djibouti: Djibouti hosts several key BRI projects, including this state-of-the-art port that enhances regional connectivity and trade.
  • Karot Hydropower Plant in Pakistan: This project contributes to Pakistan’s energy infrastructure and alleviates power shortages.
  • Hungary-Serbia Railway: This railway connects Budapest and Belgrade, improving transportation links and supporting regional development.
  • Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway: This railway links Ethiopia’s capital to Djibouti, providing a vital trade route to the Red Sea and opening new economic opportunities for Ethiopia.
  • Russia-China Gas Pipeline: This ambitious project connects Siberian gas fields to China, diversifying China’s energy sources and enhancing Russia-China cooperation.


As China’s Belt and Road Initiative commemorates its tenth year, it stands as a testament to China’s vision of global connectivity and cooperation. The initiative has certainly brought about positive change in many participating countries, spurring economic growth and fostering international collaboration.

The BRI continues to face scrutiny and debate, its impact on the world stage remains significant, and its legacy continues to unfold.