Business Counties Features News Top News World

Ruto’s US Visit: A Desperate Attempt to Boost Kenya’s Flailing Economy and Image?

US President Joe Biden speaks as Kenyan President William Ruto applauds during a White House state arrival ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC, on May 23, 2024 [Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters]

Ruto arrived in Atlanta on Monday, where he wasted no time in pitching Kenya as an “irresistible investment destination” to American multinationals. He touted the country’s ICT, e-mobility, agriculture, and renewable energy sectors as ripe for foreign capital. However, one can’t help but wonder if this is more about Ruto’s personal legacy than Kenya’s actual economic potential.

After all, Kenya’s economy is in shambles, with high inflation, a weakening currency, and a ballooning debt burden. Ruto’s grand plans for “green investments” and “100% renewable energy” ring hollow when his government is struggling to provide basic services and security to its citizens. Is he simply trying to distract from these failures by painting a rosy picture for foreign investors?

The optics of Ruto visiting the Carter Library and Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta also reek of political theater. He’s trying to portray himself as a champion of democracy and civil rights, but his own record tells a different story. Under his watch, Kenya has seen a worrying backslide in democratic freedoms, with crackdowns on dissent and a politicized judiciary.

Ruto’s regional message in Washington is equally suspect. He’s calling for “greater collaboration and strategic global leadership” to address conflicts in the Horn of Africa. But Kenya’s own role in these conflicts, from the war in Somalia to the tensions with Ethiopia, is often overlooked. Is Ruto trying to position himself as an indispensable regional player, even as his government’s foreign policy blunders mount?
The Biden administration, for its part, seems eager to embrace Ruto. They’re dangling the carrot of a new trade deal and security cooperation. But this is likely more about geopolitics than genuine partnership. The US wants to counter China’s growing influence in Africa and maintain a foothold in a strategically important region.

Ruto’s visit is a means to that end.
In the end, Ruto’s US trip may yield some short-term gains, like photo ops with Biden and a few investment pledges. But it won’t solve the deep-seated problems plaguing Kenya. The country needs real economic reforms, democratic renewal, and accountable leadership – not just a slick PR campaign targeting foreign audiences. Ruto’s visit is a distraction from the hard work that lies ahead.

Business Counties News SmartBuzz Tech Top News World

Kenya’s Economy Poised for Takeoff After President Ruto’s Historic US Visit

Kenyan President William Ruto’s landmark state visit to the United States has yielded a staggering $5.6 billion in investments, partnerships, and debt relief commitments that are poised to turbocharge Kenya’s economy. The visit, the first by a Kenyan leader in 15 years, has cemented the East African nation’s status as a key strategic partner for the US in the region.

The centerpiece of the visit was a slew of major investment deals, headlined by a $3.6 billion agreement to build a 440 km superhighway linking the capital Nairobi to the key port city of Mombasa. The project will be financed by US infrastructure firm Everstrong Capital and the Kenya National Highways Authority.

Other key investments include:
$250 million in new funding from the US International Development Finance Corporation for projects including affordable housing
A $1 billion partnership between Microsoft and UAE’s G42 to build a green data center in Kenya
$60 million from the Millennium Challenge Corporation for urban transport and climate-friendly transit $10 million in loans and equity from the DFC to Kenyan health and e-commerce startups
The visit also yielded important diplomatic breakthroughs, with the US designating Kenya as a major non-NATO ally, the first sub-Saharan African country to receive this status. The two countries also agreed to deepen cooperation on regional security, climate change, and artificial intelligence.

Crucially, President Ruto and President Biden launched the “Nairobi-Washington Vision”, a joint appeal for debt relief and more favorable financing terms for heavily indebted developing nations like Kenya. The US also committed $21 billion in lending to the IMF’s Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust and $250 million for crisis response to the World Bank’s International Development Association.

For President Ruto, the visit represents a major personal and political triumph, showcasing his ability to attract investment and position Kenya as a preferred destination for US capital and companies. The massive influx of funds will provide a much-needed boost to Kenya’s economy as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic and grapples with the fallout from the Ukraine war.

As Kenya continues its transformation into an economic powerhouse, this historic visit has laid the foundation for an even stronger US-Kenya partnership in the years ahead. With President Biden planning to visit Africa in 2024, the future looks bright for this increasingly vital relationship.

Business Tech Top News World

Nvidia Triples Sales in Blowout Q2 Earnings: CEO Huang Drives Innovation Amid AI Boom

Nvidia, the leading graphics processing unit (GPU) manufacturer, has announced a staggering threefold sales increase in its latest earnings report, marking another blowout quarter for the company. This remarkable growth is a testament to Nvidia’s continued dominance in the tech industry, driven by its innovative products and strategic business decisions.

“We’re racing every day,” said Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia, in a statement accompanying the earnings release. This comment reflects the company’s relentless pursuit of innovation and its commitment to staying ahead of the competition.
The sales increase can be attributed to the strong demand for Nvidia’s GPUs, which are used in a wide range of applications, including gaming, artificial intelligence (AI), and datacenter computing. The company’s GPUs have become the industry standard for these applications, and its market share continues to grow.
Nvidia’s earnings report also highlighted the company’s expanding presence in emerging markets, such as autonomous vehicles and robotics. Its GPUs are being used in the development of autonomous vehicles, and its AI technology is being applied in various industries, including healthcare and finance.

The company’s financial performance has been impressive, with revenue and profit margins exceeding analyst expectations. Nvidia’s stock price has surged in response to the earnings report, reflecting investor confidence in the company’s continued growth and success.
Overall, Nvidia’s latest earnings report is a testament to the company’s innovative spirit and its ability to capitalize on emerging trends in the tech industry. As CEO Jensen Huang said, “We’re racing every day,” and it appears that Nvidia is leaving the competition behind.

Business News Top News

Detectives Arrest 19 Suspects in Massive Debit Card Fraud that Cost Equity Bank Sh290 Million

In a swift and decisive move, detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigation’s Banking Fraud Investigation Unit (BFIU) have arrested 19 suspects in connection with a massive debit card fraud that led to Equity Bank losing Sh290 million. The suspects are being held for questioning ahead of their planned arraignment and recovery of the stolen funds.

The fraud involved theft by 551 Equity Bank account holders who received the funds after card fraud transactions done between April 9 and 15, 2024. The bank’s risk department discovered an upsurge of transactions emanating from the banks Incoming MasterCard GL, with Sh179.6 million paid out from the GL fraudulently to the 551 Equity Bank accounts.

Additionally, Sh63 million was sent to Safaricom Mpesa and Sh39 million to 11 commercial banks. The police and the bank are working with Safaricom and the respective banks to assist in tracing the movement and safeguarding the funds even as the suspects are being sought.

Equity Bank has been proactive in preventing fraud, warning customers about unauthorized text messages asking for confirmation of purchases and emphasizing that they will never call and ask for sensitive information such as online banking credentials, debit card information, or full social security numbers.

This incident highlights the importance of vigilance against fraud and the need for banks and law enforcement to work together to protect consumers and their financial information. The BFIU and Equity Bank are to be commended for their swift action in apprehending the suspects and working to recover the stolen funds.

The crackdown on debit card fraud is ongoing, and officials and witnesses say that more arrests are expected. The public is urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to their bank or law enforcement.


Business Counties News Top News

The Fake Fertiliser Scandal Rocks Agriculture Ministry, Roping In CS Linturi and Ex Wife Maryanne Keitany.

The agricultural sector in Kenya has been rocked by a fake fertilizer scandal, with Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi launching an investigation into the matter.

The fertilizer, said to be fake, was distributed recently to farmers in different parts of the country, causing fury among a section of farmers who have called for the resignation of the CS over the scandal.

Maryanne Keitany Fake Fertiliser
Chronology of the bitter relationship between. CS Mithika Linturi and MP Maryanne Keitany. Courtesy: Twitter

Interestingly, the scandal has a connection to Marianne Keitany, the ex-wife of the current Agriculture CS, Linturi. Keitany, who was once suspended by Deputy President William Ruto over a Kshs 200 million scam, was married to Linturi in 2016, but they divorced in 2016. In a twist of events, Ruto appointed Linturi as the Agriculture CS in 2023, a move that Keitany objected to and tried to stop.

Image: Twitter

The fake fertilizer, which was distributed under the name ‘Kelgreen‘, has been found to contain substances such as cattle-licking salt, black stones, and goat or sheep hair. The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBs) has collected samples of the fertiliser said to be fake, with the results expected next week.

Keitany’s involvement in the scandal sheds light on the alarming reality of corruption within Kenya’s agricultural sector. The fallout from the scandal serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for systemic reforms to combat corruption and ensure the integrity of Kenya’s supply chains.

The use of blockchain technology has been proposed as a solution to secure Kenya’s supply chains and prevent fake fertilizer scandals in the future. The technology can provide transparency, traceability, and security in the supply chain, making it easier to detect and prevent fraud.

In conclusion, the fake fertilizer scandal is a wake-up call for the Kenyan government to take action against corruption in the agricultural sector. The use of technology, such as blockchain, can help prevent such scandals in the future and ensure the integrity of Kenya’s supply chains.

Business Nairobi News Top News

Eastleigh Shooting Suspect Dead: Mysterious Circumstances Surrounding ‘Frik’s’ Demise

In a shocking turn of events on the recent Eastleigh shooting incident, the key suspect in the Eastleigh shooting and robbery incident has been reported dead. The suspect, known as “Frik” or Baba Shania, hailed from Huruma Kiamaiko and was linked to the brazen daylight robbery that occurred on March 30.

The incident left Adan Ali Mohamed, the 26-year-old victim, with serious injuries after being shot in the neck during a confrontation with the assailants. The assailants managed to escape with $30,000 (Ksh.3,969,726), representing two days of oil product sales handled by Adan’s employer in the area.

Eastleigh shooter
Alleged Eastleigh shooter’s body found in morgue, with bullet wounds. Image: Courtesy 

However, the suspect’s identity remains concealed due to the informant’s request for anonymity. The informant revealed that Frik had been boasting about the Eastleigh incident and was in Mombasa on Sunday. The authorities have yet to comment on the suspect’s death, but it is believed that they have recovered some of the stolen money.

The suspect was reportedly found dead in a mortuary, with one eye missing and his legs burnt. The circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear, and it is unknown whether it is connected to the Eastleigh shooting and robbery.

This development comes after detectives were dispatched to Eastleigh to pursue the gang responsible for the shooting and robbery. The incident has sparked outrage and calls for accountability from the police force, with Human Rights Watch urging the authorities to investigate the killing of two men in Eastleigh in a similar incident.

Business Nairobi News Top News

Kevin Kiprono Wanted For Hacking A Mobile Mobile App Resulting To Theft Of Millions!

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) Serious Crime Unit is on the hunt for Kevin Kiprono, a suspect in a case of impersonation and unauthorized access to a computer system. A warrant of arrest has been issued for Kiprono, who was released on police cash bail on December 19, 2023, pending completion of investigations but failed to report on the compelled date.

In the case he is implicated, Kiprono is believed to have hacked a mobile money app, resulting in the loss of significant sums of money. He is then believed to have gone into hiding.

The DCI is urging anyone with information that may assist in Kiprono’s arrest to contact them by dialing 0800 722 203 or reporting to a police officer or any police station.

Additionally, this post is also directed to Kevin Kiprono himself. He is ordered to present himself to any police station for further legal action.

The DCI takes cases of impersonation and unauthorized access to computer systems very seriously, and they are determined to bring Kiprono to justice. The public is encouraged to come forward with any information that may assist in his arrest.

Business Mombasa News SmartBuzz Top News

Scam Allegations Overwhelm Mombasa Car Importer, Ruthless Focus

Caleb Orem, the face behind Ruthless Focus, a prominent figure in the car industry known for his Youtube channel dedicated to car reviews and importation advice, is now under intense scrutiny due to serious allegations of scam surrounding his car importation business. The once-thriving career of Caleb Orem has taken a dark turn as accusations of fraudulent practices have surfaced, casting a shadow over his reputation in the industry.

Concerns have been raised regarding the transparency and legitimacy of the car importation operations conducted by Ruthless Focus. Customers who engaged in business with the company have come forward with claims of undisclosed fees, delayed deliveries, and discrepancies in the quality of vehicles received compared to what was promised.

Caleb Orem Reviews a recent Custom Mazda CX5. Courtesy/X-RuthlessFocus

Additionally, a tweet by user @brokensuit44 has shed more light on the situation, accusing Ruthless Focus of unethical practices. The tweet highlighted a specific incident at the port of Mombasa where a unit shipped by Ruthless Focus was left without proper documentation due to outstanding costs, leading to dissatisfaction among both suppliers and customers. The tweet further criticized Ruthless Focus for alleged dishonesty and mismanagement, painting a grim picture of the company’s operations.

Furthermore, @brokensuit44’s tweet suggested that Ruthless Focus may have been involved in running a Ponzi scheme, questioning the pricing strategy of the company. The tweet pointed out discrepancies in the cost of a unit listed in Japan compared to the duty and additional charges in Kenya, raising concerns about the profitability and pricing practices of Ruthless Focus.

As investigations continue and public scrutiny persists, the future of Caleb Orem’s car importation business hangs in the balance, with the once-admired figure now facing a wave of skepticism and distrust from both customers and industry peers. The decision of Ruthless Focus to remain silent in the face of serious allegations has only deepened the controversy and cast a shadow of doubt over the integrity of the business.

The industry watches closely as authorities delve deeper into the allegations, awaiting clarity on the situation and the potential repercussions for Ruthless Focus and Caleb Orem. The unfolding saga serves as a cautionary tale in the competitive world of car importation, highlighting the importance of transparency, accountability, and ethical business practices in maintaining trust and credibility within the industry.

Business News Tech Top News World

US House of Representatives Bans Microsoft’s Copilot AI Chatbot Over Leaking Documents

Image Credits: PcTablet

In a recent development, the US House of Representatives has taken a decisive step to ban the use of Microsoft’s Copilot AI chatbot by its staff members. This decision, spearheaded by the House’s Chief Administrative Officer, Catherine Szpindor, comes in response to identified security risks associated with the application.

The Office of Cybersecurity within the House raised alarms over the potential leakage of sensitive House data to unapproved cloud services through the utilization of Copilot. As a precautionary measure, the ban encompasses the removal and blocking of Copilot from all House Windows devices, aiming to safeguard against any inadvertent data breaches or unauthorized data transfers.

This prohibition on Copilot usage underscores the House’s commitment to upholding stringent data security protocols and reflects the broader challenges faced by government entities in managing the integration of AI technologies within their operations. Notably, this ban follows a previous restriction imposed on ChatGPT last year, indicating the House’s proactive stance on regulating AI applications within its infrastructure.

In response to the ban, Microsoft has acknowledged the unique security requirements of government users and has pledged to develop a suite of AI tools, including a government-specific version of Copilot, tailored to meet the stringent security and compliance standards mandated for federal government entities. This move by Microsoft signals a concerted effort to address the security concerns raised by the House while also aligning with the company’s commitment to providing secure AI solutions for government use.

The decision to ban Copilot from House usage highlights the ongoing dialogue surrounding data security and AI governance within governmental bodies, emphasizing the need for robust measures to safeguard sensitive information in an increasingly digital landscape. As the House navigates the complexities of AI integration, this ban serves as a proactive step towards ensuring the protection of critical data assets and upholding the integrity of House operations in the face of evolving technological challenges.

Business Nairobi News Top News

DCI Arrests Five in Botched JKIA Cocaine Trafficking Scheme

In a recent operation by the Anti-Narcotics Detectives at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, a significant drug trafficking attempt was thwarted, leading to the arrest of five individuals involved in a botched cocaine trafficking scheme.

The incident unfolded when Apoko Damaris Adhiambo, 32, was intercepted at terminal A1 while attempting to board a Kenya Airways flight to Antananarivo, Madagascar. A body scan revealed concealed cocaine pellets, totaling 600g, hidden in her undergarments. Subsequent investigations and interrogations unveiled a network involving a Ugandan national, Harriet Asaba, leading to further arrests.

Recent cocaine bust at JKIA. IMAGE/DCI

The operation extended to Accra Road in Nairobi CBD, where Asaba was apprehended, and later to Free Area Hotel building, resulting in the discovery of additional cocaine pellets. The total seizure amounted to 33 pellets, with a combined weight of approximately 396 grams.

The authorities have initiated legal proceedings against the arrested suspects, with ongoing collaborative efforts with InterPol to identify the intended recipients of the illicit drugs in Antananarivo.

For those with relevant information, a dedicated hotline has been established by the DCI for reporting drug trafficking activities, ensuring anonymity and encouraging public participation in combating narcotics-related crimes.

#FichuakwaDCI. To provide intelligence on drug traffickers, call 0800 722 203. Anonymity guaranteed. Don’t hesitate! #narcoticsfreestate.


Business Nairobi News SmartBuzz Top News

What Really Happened? DJ Joe Mfalme’s Arrest in Police Officer Murder Case!

Popular Kenyan DJ, DJ Joe Mfalme, has been arrested in connection with the tragic death of DCI officer Felix Kitosi. The incident, which unfolded in the early hours near Kikuyu Police Station, has sent ripples through the community and law enforcement circles.

According to emerging details, Officer Kitosi was involved in a minor car accident before encountering DJ Joe Mfalme. Reports suggest that a confrontation ensued, leading to a physical altercation in where Officer Kitosi sustained severe injuries, including blunt abdominal trauma. Medical reports indicate that Officer Kitosi, who had bladder problems, was unable to urinate for almost three hours after the altercation, highlighting the severity of the assault.

Witnesses recount a harrowing scene where Officer Kitosi was left in a critical condition, passing blood, before being rushed to the hospital. Despite efforts to save him, Officer Kitosi tragically succumbed to his injuries, leaving behind a grieving family and colleagues.

As investigations unfold and the legal process takes its course, the community awaits answers and justice for the fallen officer. The case of DJ Joe Mfalme has gripped the nation, serving as a stark reminder of the consequences of violence and the fragility of life. Stay tuned for further updates as this story continues to develop.

Business Nairobi News SmartBuzz Top News

Breaking:DJ Joe Mfalme Among Seven Arrested For Murder in Connection with Police Officer’s Death

In a shocking turn of events, DJ Joe Mfalme, a prominent figure in Nairobi’s music scene, has been detained by the police. He is among seven individuals arrested in connection with the death of Deputy DCIO Felix Kelian.

Reports from Citizen TV, NTV, and BNN reveal that DJ Joe Mfalme, along with his bouncer, driver, and photographer, was apprehended following an altercation that resulted in Kelian’s tragic demise.

The incident unfolded after a minor traffic accident in Kikuyu market, during which Kelian sustained injuries that proved fatal. The involvement of a woman at the scene is also under investigation.

As his fans grapples with the shock of these events, the story continues to evolve, with the spotlight now shining on DJ Joe Mfalme and his associates as they await further developments in the ongoing investigation.

Bomet Business Nairobi Tech Top News

Mulot SIM Swap Scandal: How Safaricom Delays Derailed a High-Profile Fraud Case

In a striking turn of events, a high-profile fraud case targeting a group accused of orchestrating a SIM swap scam has been dismissed.

The case’s foundation rested on the prosecution’s ability to secure vital registration documents and transaction records from telecommunications giants Safaricom Plc and Airtel. These documents were critical to proving the involvement of the accused in the illicit mobile money transfer scheme.

Despite the court’s clear directive to obtain this information within a two-week timeframe, the prosecution encountered insurmountable delays.

The telecom companies’ failure to provide the requested data in time led to the inability to move forward with the case, resulting in its dismissal.

The defendants, Titus Chepkwony, Marcus Kipkirui Langat, Brian Kipkirui Cheruiyot, Aaron Kimutai Bett, and a minor, were initially charged on December 18, 2023. Their alleged involvement in the SIM swapping racket, a scheme that has plagued mobile phone users, put them at the center of a legal storm.

A police raid on the suspects’ hideout yielded a trove of evidence, including multiple SIM cards and national identity cards, along with notebooks filled with detailed personal and financial information.

These notebooks contained data on Mpesa balances, Fuliza limits, and Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) Mpesa loan limits, painting a picture of a sophisticated operation.

State counsel Clara Boyon faced the court, expressing the prosecution’s predicament. The absence of cooperation from Safaricom and Airtel left the investigation incomplete, with no clear indication of when the necessary information would become available. In light of this, she requested the release of the suspects and the closure of the miscellaneous file, a plea that the court granted.

Defense advocate Caren Koskei highlighted the irregularities in the suspects’ detention, including their arrest without a court warrant and the prolonged duration of the investigation before formal charges were made. The court’s decision to release the suspects underscored the defense’s argument, with the adult suspects being held at Chebunyo police station and the minor released into parental care.

This case’s collapse serves as a cautionary tale about the complexities of prosecuting digital fraud, especially when reliant on the cooperation of large telecom providers.

It raises questions about the efficiency of legal processes and the accountability of corporations in aiding law enforcement efforts to combat cybercrime.

Business News Tech Top News World

Developing: Two Men Arrested For Allegedly Stealing Tesla’s Battery Manufacturing Tech Secrets With Intent To Sell Them!

In a significant development that has captured widespread attention, Klaus Pflugbeil, a 58-year-old Canadian national, and Yilong Shao, a 47-year-old Chinese citizen, have been implicated in a case involving the alleged misappropriation of trade secrets from Tesla, a prominent player in the electric vehicle industry.

The accusations suggest that Pflugbeil and Shao conspired to unlawfully acquire advanced battery manufacturing technology from Tesla with the intent of establishing a competing enterprise in China. While Pflugbeil has been apprehended in Long Island, Shao remains at large, intensifying the gravity of the situation and prompting heightened scrutiny.

Central to the allegations is the purported theft of proprietary battery assembly line technology from Tesla. Reports indicate that both individuals had affiliations with a Canadian company involved in the development of this technology, which was subsequently acquired by a leading U.S.-based electric vehicle manufacturer. Following Tesla’s acquisition of the technology, Pflugbeil and Shao allegedly established a business in China that replicated Tesla’s assembly lines using illicitly obtained trade secrets.

The legal implications are substantial, with charges of conspiracy to transmit trade secrets carrying severe penalties including potential incarceration. This case serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of protecting intellectual property and the detrimental impact of industrial espionage on innovation and national security.

As this unfolding narrative continues to draw attention, it underscores the complexities inherent in international business practices and emphasizes the imperative need for robust measures to safeguard proprietary information in an increasingly competitive technological landscape. The repercussions of this alleged misconduct extend beyond individual actors, prompting broader reflections on ethical considerations, accountability, and the preservation of intellectual property rights within today’s interconnected global economy.

Business Counties News SmartBuzz Top News

What Was The Motive Of Recording Nude Gym Attendants

The Shocking News that a Gym has been recording clients in their changing and bath rooms is sending chills down the spine of many that use such facilities.

Toilet spycam
An example of a discreetly hidden spy cam in a toilet. Image:Courtesy- Be Amazed

What if the nudes are leaked?

– What was the motive of recording?

Dark web: There’s a part of the Internet that is not available easily to the common search engines. It is called Dark Web. As the name suggests, the searches done there reveal the worse of human society. From child pornography, murder videos, to drug dealing in very potent drugs, weapons selling etc.

In the case of the gym, we find that the owner dealt in pornography. Some pornography sites are premium, which means that a user must pay to access their contents. This is probably why some people record others naked in AirBNB’s, hotel rooms and in this case a gym to sell to such sites. This also explains why you might not have already gotten to see your n*de video or pictures doing rounds on the open Internet. It is sold to those premium sites.

This said, you need to use the readily available information on the Internet on how to check for hidden cameras in places where you get naked i.e. hotel rooms, hotel/gym bathrooms, etc.

The second reason for secret recording has always been revenge porn and / or blackmail. As per Wikipedia, revenge porn is the distribution of sexually explicit images or videos of individuals without their consent. The material may have been made by a partner in an intimate relationship with or without consent.

On the blackmail, some people hold others at ransom by threatening to release their explicit photos/videos unless they part with money., etc. We’ve seen the case of the Western Governor and the witchdoctor.

If you used the Warriors Playground Fitness Centre. Head to the police station, report and sue.

Also, other gyms, brothels, AirBNBs, hotels that engage in such behaviors. Your days are numbered as the govt is watching you.