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South Africa’s ANC Faces Political Turmoil After Election Setback

Cyril Ramaphosa replaced Jacob Zuma as president in 2018 after a bitter power struggle [Reuters]
In a historic turn of events, South Africa’s ruling African National Congress (ANC) is grappling with the aftermath of a significant election blow, marking the first time since the country’s democratic transition in 1994 that the party faces the prospect of sharing power with coalition partners. The ANC, led by President Cyril Ramaphosa, has seen its parliamentary majority erode, with the party securing only 40.25% of the vote, a stark decline attributed to public discontent over corruption, unemployment, and crime.The election results have reshaped the political landscape, with the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the MK party, led by former President Jacob Zuma, making substantial gains at the ANC’s expense. The DA’s resurgence and the MK party’s emergence as a formidable player have added complexity to the post-election scenario, requiring the ANC to consider forming coalitions to retain governance.The future of South African politics hangs in the balance as the ANC confronts the reality of power-sharing and collaborative governance. The country’s transition towards coalition politics signals a new era of political dynamics, underscoring the need for strategic partnerships and consensus-building to address the nation’s pressing challenges and shape its trajectory in the post-election landscape.
Africa Counties Features News Top News World

Discover Kenya: Explore the Beauty of East Africa

Kenya, a land of immense natural beauty, is a must-visit destination for any traveler seeking adventure and unforgettable experiences. Located on the East African coastline, Kenya boasts pristine white beaches and crystal-clear waters, making it a haven for beach lovers and water sports enthusiasts. Beyond its stunning coastline, Kenya is renowned for its incredible wildlife and diverse landscapes, making it a paradise for nature lovers and photographers.


The Great Wildebeest Migration

Image: Pexels

One of Kenya’s most iconic attractions is the annual Great Wildebeest Migration, which takes place between June and October. This spectacular event draws millions of wildebeests and zebras from the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. Witnessing the herds cross the Mara River, pursued by predators such as lions, leopards, and hyenas, is a thrilling experience that will leave you in awe of the natural world.


The Masai Mara National Reserve

Image: Pexels

The Masai Mara National Reserve is arguably Kenya’s safari hotspot, and it is here that the Great Migration is best viewed. The reserve is home to an incredible array of wildlife, including the Big Five (lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo), as well as cheetahs, hyenas, and a variety of antelopes. The reserve’s diverse landscapes, ranging from open grasslands to dense forests, provide a unique backdrop for spotting these incredible creatures.


The Samburu National Reserve

Image: Samburu Reserve

Another must-visit destination in Kenya is the Samburu National Reserve, located in the northern part of the country. This reserve is known for its unique wildlife, including the Samburu Five (reticulated giraffe, Grevy’s zebra, Gerenuk, Somali ostrich, and Beisa oryx). The reserve’s striking scenery, featuring acacia trees and rocky outcrops, provides a dramatic setting for spotting these unusual species.


The Great Rift Valley

Image: Pexels

Kenya is also home to the Great Rift Valley, a geological wonder that stretches over 6,000 kilometers from Syria to Mozambique. This valley is characterized by its dramatic landscapes, including towering mountains and deep valleys. Visitors can explore the valley’s many national parks and reserves, such as Lake Nakuru, which is famous for its millions of flamingos.

Kenya’s  Coastal Region

Image: Pexels

Kenya’s coastal region is a haven for beach lovers and water sports enthusiasts. The country’s stunning beaches, such as those found in Mombasa and Diani, offer a range of activities, including snorkeling, diving, and fishing. The coastal region is also home to several marine reserves, which provide a safe haven for marine life and offer opportunities for scuba diving and snorkeling.


The Cultural Experience

Image: Samburu Reserve

Kenya is also a country rich in culture, with a vibrant mix of traditional and modern influences. Visitors can experience this cultural diversity by visiting the many markets and bazaars, where they can find unique handicrafts and souvenirs. The country’s many museums and cultural centers, such as the National Museum of Kenya in Nairobi, offer insights into Kenya’s history and cultural heritage.



Kenya is a country that offers something for everyone. From its stunning natural beauty to its incredible wildlife and rich cultural heritage, Kenya is a destination that will leave you with unforgettable memories. Whether you are an adventure seeker, a nature lover, or simply looking for a relaxing beach vacation, Kenya is a must-visit destination in East Africa.


Africa News Top News World

GRAPHIC: Everest’s Frozen Graveyard, The Grim Reality of Kenyan Climber and Fellow Abandoned Climbers

As the sun’s golden rays pierce the thin air, the towering peaks of Mount Everest stand as a testament to both the grandeur and the peril of the world’s highest mountain. Amidst the breathtaking vistas, a somber truth lingers – the slopes of Everest have become a frozen graveyard, a final resting place for those who dared to challenge its unyielding might.

The recent news of Kenyan climber Cheruiyot Kirui’s body being left behind on the mountain’s treacherous slopes serves as a stark reminder of the immense challenges faced by those who attempt to recover the remains of fallen mountaineers. Kirui’s tragic passing is just one among many, as the mountain has claimed the lives of hundreds of adventurers over the years.

The task of retrieving bodies from Everest’s “death zone” – the area above 8,000 meters where the air is too thin to sustain human life for long – is a daunting one. The extreme conditions, including biting winds, sub-zero temperatures, and the ever-present threat of avalanches, make it a perilous endeavor. Even the most experienced and well-equipped teams often find themselves helpless in the face of Everest’s unforgiving nature.

The challenges extend beyond the physical realm. The cost of mounting a recovery operation is staggering, often running into the tens of thousands of dollars. For many families and expedition teams, the financial burden is simply too great to bear, leaving them with the agonizing decision to leave their loved ones behind.

The preservation of bodies by the cold temperatures offers little solace. As the years pass, the remains become encased in ice, making identification and recovery even more difficult. The mountain becomes a silent witness to the passing of time, as the bodies of climbers from decades past remain frozen in their final moments.

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Despite the risks and challenges, some have made it their mission to bring closure to the families of the fallen. In recent years, several expeditions have been launched with the sole purpose of recovering bodies from Everest’s slopes. However, even these efforts are limited by the harsh realities of the mountain.
As the climbing season on Everest draws to a close, the bodies of Kirui and countless others will remain on the mountain, a haunting reminder of the price paid by those who dare to challenge the limits of human endurance. The mountain’s frozen graveyard stands as a testament to the power of nature and the fragility of human life, a solemn reminder that even the mightiest of peaks can claim the lives of those who seek to conquer them.

Africa News Top News World

South Africa’s Pivotal Election: Controversies, Candidates, and the Future

As South Africans prepare to head to the polls on May 29th, the country finds itself at a critical juncture in its democratic journey. The upcoming general election has been marked by a series of controversies and high-profile candidates vying for power, shaping what could be a defining moment in the nation’s political landscape.

A combination image showing Cyril Ramaphosa, Jacob Zuma, John Steenhuisen, and Julius Malema [AP Photo, Reuters]

Controversies and Tensions

In the days leading up to the election, South Africa has witnessed a number of concerning incidents that have raised eyebrows and sparked concerns about the integrity of the electoral process. Most notably, there have been reports of “unlawful entry at IEC storage sites in KwaZulu-Natal”, which President Cyril Ramaphosa has strongly condemned, calling upon all parties and supporters to refrain from any action that could interfere with the due process of the election.

Additionally, the participation of former President Jacob Zuma’s newly formed MK Party has added an element of unpredictability to the race. Zuma, a controversial figure who was embroiled in a major corruption scandal during his tenure, has turned his back on the ANC and is now leading his own political movement. This move has the potential to siphon off votes from the ruling party, further complicating the electoral landscape.

Prominent Candidates

Among the key players in this election, the fiery leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), Julius Malema, continues to make headlines. Malema, known for his radical rhetoric and push for economic transformation, has been rallying his supporters in the northern city of Polokwane, his hometown. The EFF is expected to maintain its position as the third-largest party, potentially playing a crucial role in any post-election coalition negotiations.

Another notable figure is John Steenhuisen, the leader of the Democratic Alliance (DA), the main opposition party. Steenhuisen has been campaigning on a platform of change, with the DA hoping to capitalize on the growing disillusionment with the ANC’s performance. The party’s rally in Cape Town, where Steenhuisen urged supporters to be “ready for change”, underscores the party’s ambitions to make significant gains in the election.

The Future of South African Politics

As the election approaches, the outcome will have far-reaching implications for the country’s political landscape. If the ANC loses its parliamentary majority, as predicted by some opinion polls, it would mark a historic shift in South African politics. The party would be forced to form a coalition government, potentially exposing President Ramaphosa to a leadership challenge and ushering in a new era of political uncertainty.

Regardless of the final results, one thing is clear: this election will be a pivotal moment in South Africa’s democratic journey. The country’s citizens will have the opportunity to voice their concerns and aspirations, shaping the direction of the nation for the years to come.