Africa Nairobi Nandi News Top News

Controversy Erupts as Video of Alfred Keter’s Alleged Abduction Surfaces Online

A video allegedly showing the abduction of Alfred Keter, a former Nandi Hills MP and vocal critic of the Kenya Kwanza regime, has surfaced online, sparking concern and speculation. The footage, shared by Cyprian Nyakundi on X (formerly Twitter), purportedly depicts Keter being forcibly removed from his vehicle by three unidentified individuals.


Keter, known for his outspoken criticism of the current government, reportedly posted about the incident on his Facebook page. The video’s circulation has prompted discussions about political intimidation and the safety of opposition figures in Kenya.

However, the authenticity of the video and the circumstances surrounding the alleged abduction remain unclear. Some social media users have raised doubts about the footage, with one X user suggesting the use of fake number plates in the video. Another user, George iQ Watson, explicitly called the video a fake, cautioning viewers to be critical of such content.

As the situation develops, authorities have yet to confirm or deny the alleged abduction. The incident has heightened tensions among political observers and supporters, underscoring the volatile nature of Kenyan politics and the power of social media in shaping public perception during times of crisis.

Africa News Top News World

Where and What Time to Watch the Trump-Biden Debate in Africa For Free

Get ready for a political spectacle as US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump face off in their first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle. Set your alarms for Friday, June 28, as the 90-minute showdown kicks off at these times across Africa:

Trump vs Biden


CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate the debate live from Atlanta, Georgia, covering crucial topics like the economy, immigration, and foreign policy.

Viewers across Africa have multiple options to catch the action:

  • CNN TV International (cable/satellite subscribers)
  • (free streaming)
  • CNN’s YouTube channel
  • PBS NewsHour’s YouTube stream
  • Local broadcast networks (check availability)

Don’t miss this historic face-off between two political heavyweights. With both candidates in their late 70s, viewers will be keen to assess their cognitive abilities and emotional steadiness.

Brew some strong coffee, gather your friends, and witness a debate that could shape the future of US politics and its global impact. The race for the White House starts here!

Africa Conspiracy Planet News Top News World

Kenyan X Influencers’ Shifting Stance on Reject Finance Bill Protests Sparks Suspicions of Sinister Western Funding

The recent protests against the Kenyan Finance Bill 2024, dubbed #RejectFinanceBill2024, have been a complex and evolving situation. Initially, the protests were led by a cohort of young Kenyan activists, primarily on social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter), who were fully behind the movement. However, the narrative has since shifted, raising suspicions about the true motivations behind the protests.

The Flip-Flopping of Kenyan X Influencers

The Kenyan X bigwigs who were at the forefront of the #RejectFinanceBill2024 protests have been accused of flip-flopping and using the trend to benefit themselves, rather than genuinely representing the interests of the Kenyan people. Several prominent X users were reportedly detained by the authorities ahead of the planned protests. This raised concerns about the government’s crackdown on dissent and the potential suppression of legitimate grievances.

However, after President Ruto’s decision to reject the finance bill, the narrative on X shifted, with some users seemingly abandoning the original cause and focusing on other issues. This has led to suspicions that the protests were not solely driven by genuine concerns about the finance bill, but rather were part of a broader agenda to disrupt and bring chaos to the Kenyan government. Some even went to the extent of pushing the narrative to Invade Statehouse and get the president out.  But somehow, this story is dwindling filled in with sobriety and thus ruining their legitima Suspicion of Western Influence Alongside the flip-flopping of Kenyan X users, there are also suspicions that the protests were orchestrated by Western powers, including organizations like the Open Society Foundation, with the aim of sabotaging President Ruto’s government.

These suspicions have been fueled by reports that letters from Boniface Mwangi and the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) were soliciting funds from the Open Society Foundation. This has raised concerns about the potential involvement of external actors in the protests, casting doubt on the authenticity of the grassroots movement.

Furthermore, the shift in the narrative, from the specific concerns about the finance bill to broader allegations of disruption and chaos, has further strengthened the suspicion that the protests were not solely driven by the Kenyan people’s interests, but rather by a larger geopolitical agenda.

In conclusion, the #RejectFinanceBill2024 protests have become a complex and multifaceted issue, with the flip-flopping of Kenyan X users and the suspicion of Western influence raising questions about the true motivations behind the movement.

As the situation continues to evolve, it will be crucial for all stakeholders to approach the issue with transparency, accountability, and a genuine commitment to addressing the concerns of the Kenyan people.

Africa Tech Top News World

Kenya Accused of Secretly Acquiring Surveillance Tech Amidst The #RejectFinanceBill2024 Protest

The Kenyan government, through various agencies, has been accused of secretly acquiring sophisticated surveillance technology to monitor its citizens, particularly on social media. This revelation has raised serious concerns about the erosion of privacy rights and the potential for abuse of power.

According to a report, the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) and the National Intelligence Service (NIS) have acquired a social media monitoring software called HIWIRE from the Israeli firm webintPRO, founded by Shai Schiller. The software allows for the capture and analysis of open-source traffic, particularly adapted to analyzing social media. The firm’s website states that HIWIRE can alert clients if any suspicious conversations arise in forums, media, social media, Reddit, or other digital platforms.


The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has also obtained Gi2 gadgets from Verint to triangulate the locations of targets. NIS officials have allegedly termed the murder of targets, such as IEBC ICT Manager Chris Msando, as “acceptable” for the greater good.

These surveillance and counterterrorism efforts were reportedly intertwined with influencing the electoral outcome, as former President Uhuru Kenyatta was desperate to rig elections and stay in office.

The Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) is said to be ineffective in enforcing oversight due to constant intimidation.


The revelations come at a time when Kenya is tightening its cybersecurity policy framework, with the National Intelligence Service (NIS) having strategic and operational influence on the country’s cybersecurity program. This is particularly concerning given the NIS’ routine abuse of their powers of surveillance.

The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has invested $5.8 million (Sh600 million) in a social media monitoring system for the government, raising questions about the prioritization of such projects while many Kenyans struggle with poverty and lack of basic necessities.

The acquisition of these surveillance technologies has raised concerns about the infringement of Kenyans’ constitutional rights, including the right to privacy (Article 31). The weak regulations meant to protect privacy in Kenya have left citizens vulnerable to technological infringement on their privacy.

As the government continues to frame cybersecurity as a national security issue, the securitization approach has led to the prominent role of intelligence agencies like the NIS in the country’s cybersecurity initiatives. This has limited public scrutiny of these projects and initiatives, making it difficult to hold the government accountable for its actions.

The Data Protection Act, 2019, which came into effect in July 2022, aims to regulate the processing of personal data and protect the privacy of individuals. However, there have been cases where entities have failed to comply with the Act, leading to breaches of regulatory requirements. For instance, Oppo Kenya was fined Kshs5 million for using a data subject’s photo on its social media platforms without consent.

As Kenyans continue to embrace social media and the internet, the government’s actions raise concerns about the future of privacy rights in the country. The lack of transparency and accountability surrounding these surveillance programs, coupled with the weak enforcement of data privacy laws, suggests that Kenyans are slowly losing their right to privacy while remaining largely silent and unaware of the implications.


Africa Counties News Top News

Protesters Targeted Ahead of Decisive Finance Bill Vote

In a concerning development, key organizers of the ongoing protests against Kenya’s controversial Finance Bill have been arrested in a series of pre-dawn raids. Activists Osama Otero, Gabriel Oguda, and Drey Mwangi, who have been at the forefront of the “RejectFinanceBill2024” demonstrations, reported their abductions on social media at around 3 AM on Tuesday, just hours before the bill is set to be debated in its third and final reading in the National Assembly. After the updates, their profiles went silent raising fears of their safety.

This follows the recent kidnapping of activists Japrado and Franje, whose whereabouts remain unknown. The apparent targeting of protest leaders has heightened fears among demonstrators, who are preparing for a massive march planned for Tuesday to pressure lawmakers to reject the unpopular tax measures contained in the Finance Bill. Critics argue the proposed legislation will impose undue financial burdens on citizens already struggling with economic hardships.

Many of the protesters who have been vocal in their opposition to the bill have expressed growing concern over the apparent crackdown on dissent. The case of activist Shadrack Kiprono, whose disappearance has yet to be resolved, has further fueled these worries. With the decisive parliamentary vote looming, the question remains: why are the authorities resorting to such heavy-handed tactics to quell the growing public outcry?


Africa News Top News World

Kenyan Police Depart for Haiti Peacekeeping Mission Amid Controversy

In a closed ceremony on Monday, a contingent of 400 Kenyan police officers departed Nairobi for Haiti, where they will lead a multinational force against powerful gangs responsible for a surge in deadly violence this year. The deployment is part of a larger planned contingent of 1,000 Kenyan officers for a United Nations-led mission in the Caribbean nation.


The decision to deploy Kenyan police has sparked controversy, defying a court ruling in Kenya that declared the mission unconstitutional. Critics have raised concerns about historical allegations of police misconduct. A new lawsuit has been filed seeking to block the deployment, questioning the legitimacy of the agreement signed between Kenya and Haiti.

President William Ruto, who oversaw the sendoff, has maintained that stabilizing Haiti is “a mission for humanity … a mission for solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Haiti.” The United States has pledged $300 million to support the mission, but President Joe Biden has expressed concerns about the implications of American troop presence in Haiti.

Haiti has witnessed over 2,500 individuals killed or injured in the first quarter of 2024, triggered by a surge in violence starting in late February that has uprooted over half a million residents. Gangs currently hold sway over approximately 80% of the capital, Port-au-Prince.

The reported deployment comes as Kenya faces protests against proposed tax increases. Despite the legal challenges and controversies, the Kenyan government appears determined to proceed with the mission, with an advance team already sent for special training in the U.S. last year.

Human Rights Watch has raised concerns about the mission and doubts over its funding. Rights groups have accused Kenyan police of using excessive force and carrying out unlawful killings. The mission will need to establish a framework of strict internal and external independent oversight and transparency to address these concerns.


Africa Counties News Top News World

Failed Diplomat-Turned-MP, Benjamin Langat Threatens to Sack His Staff Over Finance Bill Whatsapp Text!

Benjamin Langat, the shameful, obese Ainamoi MP, has shown his true colors by threatening to sack one of his staff over a WhatsApp text. This incident highlights the MP’s insane level of ignorance and pride that oozes from his reactions on this incident.

Who is This Obese, Arrogant M-pig?

Benjamin Langat’s political career has been marked by arrogance and disregard for his constituents for quite sometime. It’s nothing new really..

He first got to parliament in 2012 after the death of his late brother, David Kimutai Too, who died while in office. Benja then rode on sympathy votes from the people of Ainamoi and was given a 5 year mandate.

However, by 2017, the voters had grown tired of his antics and rejected him, throwing him out of office. He blindly tried vying for Kericho Governor but due to his unpopularity, that ambition was dead before he could spell his name.

Undeterred, Langat was then awarded a compromise diplomatic posting as Kenya’s High Commissioner to Namibia by the previous Uhuru Kenyatta administration, a move seen as a way to “caress his wounded bum”.  A fact i can guess less than a third of you reading this never knew he was even an ambassador.

Its even rumoured that during this time, Langat, was known to frequent clubs in Kericho on almost every weekend, accompanied by a large ‘entourage‘ of over 30 goons, where he would brazenly displace paying customers just to sit,probably fart and order his Johny Walker Red, without shame.

You would wonder what time he had to attend to his responsibilities far off in windhoek when every weekend he’d be gallivanting in kericho Nightclubs.


The recent drama began when Kevin UFA, a renowned blogger, wrote about the pain his actions has caused the youth by his yes vote to the Finance Bill 2024. Langat responded by threatening Kevin, stating that if he is “man enough“, he should resign or be fired. This was a clear attempt to intimidate Kevin and silence him.

The conversation escalated to a local WhatsApp group, where Langat continued to flex his “Imaginary power” and spill his ignorance. He claimed that Kevin was part of his staff and that he had crossed a “red line“.

Langat’s actions and disregard of his voters is literally the reason that has led to widespread protests against the Finance Bill. His threats and intimidation tactics are a desperate attempt to silence those who are speaking out against his foul actions.

It is clear that Benja is out of touch with the needs and concerns of his constituents. PERIOD! His actions are a slap in the face to the very people he is supposed to represent.

Benjamin Langat’s arrogance is a constant reminder of the kind of ignorance and arrogance with this crop of rotten political leaders.

MPigs and Piglets.. This movement is  something you can’t shake  and the circle is closing in on you quick and fast!

The writing is on the wall!

Viva! Tomorrow is another day Comrades! 


Africa Counties Nairobi Narok News Top News

BREAKING: Helicopter Alleged Crash in Mt. Longonot Leaves 7 Unknown VIPs, Including Murathe, Feared Dead

In a rather shocking unconfirmed report from twitter, a helicopter carrying 7 high-profile individuals has reportedly crashed in the Mt. Longonot area of Kenya. The incident occurred this evening, (21st June) with initial reports indicating that the aircraft lost contact with the control tower shortly after 7 PM.

According to the tweet from user @Goddie_ke, the helicopter was carrying “unknown VIPs” when it went down in the Mt. Longonot region. Crucially, the tweet also states that former Jubilee Party vice-chairman David Murathe was on board the ill-fated chopper.


A rescue operation is currently underway at the crash site, located in the rugged terrain of Mt. Longonot. Emergency services have rushed to the scene, but details remain scarce as the situation continues to unfold.

The safety of VIPs traveling by air has long been a major concern in Kenya, with several high-profile incidents occurring in recent years. Now, the nation holds its breath as authorities work to ascertain the fate of the 7 individuals believed to have been on board the crashed helicopter. The identities of the other passengers remain unconfirmed at this time.

This developing story comes just months after a separate helicopter crash in Elgeyo Marakwet that claimed the lives of several senior military officials. That incident highlighted the risks faced by VIPs when traveling by air, particularly in challenging weather conditions.

As the rescue operation continues, questions will undoubtedly arise about the circumstances surrounding this latest tragedy. Experts have long warned about the need for robust safety protocols and decision-making processes when it comes to VIP air travel, especially in regions with volatile weather patterns.

The nation awaits further updates from the authorities as they work to uncover the details of this devastating incident. Stay tuned for more information as this breaking news story continues to unfold.

Africa Nairobi News SmartBuzz Top News

Betty Kyallo’s New BF: The Mystery Man Who Has Captivated Kenya!

Betty Kyallo, the popular Kenyan TV personality, has been making headlines with her new boyfriend, but there’s more to the story than just the romance. Betty has been quick to dispel rumors about her boyfriend’s age, stating that even if he were 21, he’s still an adult. She emphasized that his age is not 21 and that they’re taking their time to focus on their relationship.Bettykyallo_Bf Betty respects her boyfriend’s preference for a private life, which is why she doesn’t post him on social media. She clarified that not posting him doesn’t mean she’s hiding him, as they are seen together in public, enjoying everyday activities like going to restaurants and supermarkets. Betty shared a glimpse into her dating life, revealing that it’s not easy to date a younger man. She expressed her amusement and confusion when her boyfriend enthusiastically rapped along to a Future song, highlighting the challenges they face in their relationship.Betty is not in a rush to get married and is focusing on her relationship and personal life. She emphasized that they are taking their time and not putting pressure on themselves to get married.Betty expressed her gratitude for her boyfriend’s support, stating that he’s a kind guy who takes care of her. She also highlighted the importance of being taken care of, especially for strong, independent women like herself. Betty has been involved in a reality TV show and has expressed her support for local productions. She believes that there are opportunities for Kenyans to air their shows on local TVs and that they should keep knocking on doors until they find the right one.Betty doesn’t post her boyfriend on social media, but she does share glimpses into their relationship. She emphasizes that not posting him doesn’t mean she’s hiding him and that they are living a normal life together. Betty Kyallo’s new boyfriend may be a mystery, but one thing is clear: she’s happy and content in her relationship.
Africa News Top News World

Vice President Saulos Chilima’s Plane Goes Missing in Malawi

Authorities Launch Urgent Search and Rescue Operation Lilongwe, Malawi – A military aircraft carrying Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Chilima has gone missing after failing to make a scheduled landing at Mzuzu International Airport. The plane, which departed from the capital city of Lilongwe at 9:17 a.m. local time, was expected to arrive at its destination 45 minutes later but never reached the airport. Contact with the aircraft was lost shortly after it went off radar, and all attempts to reestablish communication have been unsuccessful so far. President Lazarus Chakwera has ordered an immediate search and rescue operation to locate the missing plane and its occupants.The Malawi Defence Force (MDF) and the Malawi Police Service (MPS) have mobilized their resources to aid in the search efforts. Helicopters and ground teams have been deployed to scour the area between Lilongwe and Mzuzu, where the plane was last detected.“We are deeply concerned about the safety and well-being of Vice President Chilima and all those on board the aircraft,” said President Chakwera in a statement. “Our top priority is to find the plane and ensure that everyone is safe. We are working closely with the relevant authorities to coordinate the search and rescue operation.” The cause of the plane’s disappearance remains unknown at this time. The aircraft was a military transport plane, and its flight path was a routine one that Vice President Chilima often takes.In light of the ongoing crisis, President Chakwera has canceled his planned trip to the Bahamas and is closely monitoring the situation from the State House in Lilongwe. The nation has been urged to remain calm and to pray for the safe return of the Vice President and the other passengers.“We are doing everything in our power to locate the missing plane and bring our loved ones home safely,” said the President. “We ask for the continued support and prayers of the Malawian people during this difficult time.” The search and rescue operation is ongoing, and updates will be provided as more information becomes available.
Africa News SmartBuzz Top News

Care-free Cheating Wife Caught Red-Handed By Husband in Lodge Room

A recent incident in Lusaka highlights the prevalence of infidelity in modern relationships. A man, who wishes to remain anonymous, caught his wife red handedly engaging in extramarital activities at a lodging. The couple had paid K300 for a shot time, and the wife walked out of the room smiling, seemingly unbothered by her actions.

The husband, however, was not so nonchalant. He returned to room 18, where he found evidence of the affair, including two bottles of Mosi beer and three used condoms. It is unclear whether the husband purchased the condoms or obtained them from a hospital.

This incident serves as a stark reminder that infidelity is a growing problem, transcending cultural and geographical boundaries. The prevalence of cheating spouses is a significant concern, with one in every three married women in Lusaka reportedly engaging in extramarital activities.

Watch the Video Below and leave a comment on what you’d have done if you found your partner in such a situation.

Africa Kiambu Nairobi News Top News

Follow-up: Sword-Wielding Motorist Apprehended After Attacking Police Officer in Kasarani

In a dramatic turn of events, the motorist who attacked a police officer with a sword in Kasarani, Nairobi, has been apprehended by authorities. The incident, which occurred on Sunday morning, has sparked widespread outrage and concern for the safety of law enforcement personnel.

According to reports, the motorist, identified as Peter Kiragu, was involved in a traffic incident at Mirema Junction. When a police officer, Corporal Jacob Ogendo, approached the scene to address the violation, Kiragu drew a sword from under his seat and attacked the officer. The officer managed to jump out of the vehicle for his safety, but Kiragu continued to assault him, causing slight injuries.

The incident was captured on camera, attracting public outrage and prompting a major hunt for Kiragu. Authorities mobilized teams to trace the suspect, and an accomplice was arrested at the scene. The police officer was taken to a local private hospital and later transferred to Mama Lucy Hospital for further treatment.

Kiragu is currently in custody and will face charges related to the assault. The incident highlights the growing concerns about the safety of police officers in Kenya, who are often subjected to violent attacks while performing their duties.


Africa News SmartBuzz Top News World

WATCH: Did You Miss Dominican Republics Pastors Leaked S3xtape?

Rossy Maybelline Guzmán, a prominent evangelical pastor from the Dominican Republic, has been embroiled in a scandal involving corruption and infidelity. The controversy began in April 2021 when she and her son, Tanner Flete, were arrested in connection with the Coral case, a wide-ranging anti-corruption effort led by the Dominican Republic’s Specialized Office for the Pursuit of Administrative Corruption (Procuraduría Especializada de Persecución de la Corrupción Administrativa — PEPCA).

The case involves allegations of money laundering, falsifying public documents, fraud, and other offenses. Guzmán, who holds a degree in theology and leads the Evangelical Pentecostal Shalom Tierra de Paz Church, is accused of using her position to divert funds from government institutions to her non-profit organization, Mother Earth Farmers Association (Asociación Campesina Madre Tierra).

Recently, an intimate video allegedly showing Guzmán engaging in extramarital sex has gone viral. The video, titled “Pastor Rossy,” appears to show the woman engaging in consensual sexual activity with a member of her church’s musical choir while being recorded. In the video, Guzmán acknowledges the camera’s presence and blows a kiss towards it.

The video sparked widespread outrage and calls for accountability when it leaked. The scandal has also raised questions about the role of religious leaders in the Dominican Republic and the lack of oversight in the country’s non-profit sector.

Watch the hot video of Pastor Guzman Vigorously riding his church member in Our Telegram Channel Here

Guzmán has denied the allegations of corruption and infidelity, but the controversy has dealt a significant blow to her reputation and the credibility of her church. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of transparency and accountability in religious leadership.


Africa Kiambu Nairobi News Top News

Breaking News: Motorist Attacks Police Officer with Sword in Kasarani, Nairobi

In a shocking incident in Kasarani, Nairobi, a motorist wielding a sword launched a brazen attack on a police officer during a routine traffic stop. The altercation unfolded when the officer, diligently managing traffic flow, confronted the driver for attempting an illegal U-turn in the busy Mirena area.

Eyewitnesses described a tense confrontation escalating rapidly as the driver brandished a sword, menacingly advancing towards the officer. Despite the officer’s attempts to defuse the situation, the motorist launched a vicious assault, forcing the officer to retreat to safety.

The assailant, in a reckless display of aggression, managed to seize the officer’s phone battery before fleeing the scene. Prompt intervention from the public prevented further harm to the injured officer, who was swiftly transported to a nearby hospital for medical attention.

Authorities have confirmed the arrest of one individual believed to be an accomplice in the incident. A comprehensive search operation is underway to locate the primary suspect and the vehicle involved in the altercation.

The Nairobi Police Department has assured the public that every effort is being made to ensure the safety and security of all citizens in the area. Updates on the investigation will be provided as soon as new information becomes available.

Stay tuned for further developments on this alarming incident as authorities work tirelessly to bring the perpetrator to justice and uphold the rule of law in Kasarani, Nairobi.

Source: Nairobi Police Department

Source: Eyewitness Accounts


Africa News SmartBuzz Top News World

VIDEO: Did You Miss The Ugandan Father Lucian Video That Has United East Africa? WATCH

Father Lucian, a Catholic priest and apparently an Ebola survivor, has recently sparked controversy due to a leaked video where he is seen in a compromising situation with a teenage girl.

This scandal has ignited social media, with comments and reactions flooding in. Despite his past work in leading the National Association of Ebola Survivors, this incident has cast a shadow on his reputation. The video has raised serious concerns and prompted discussions about accountability and the behavior of individuals in positions of trust and authority.

Watch the 2 videos in Our Telegram Channel Here