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BREAKING: Jowie Irungu Escapes From Kamiti Weeks After Sentencing.

In an unexpected and daring move, Jowie  Irungu, In jail for murdering Monica Kimani has allegedly escaped from his Kamiti Maximum Prison Cell. Irungu’s elaborate escape left authorities scratching their heads.

The developing story details that the escape led by Jowie Irungu, happened at 3 am began with a series of well-coordinated distractions and cleverly crafted decoys that diverted the attention of the guards. Using makeshift props and costumes fashioned from everyday prison items, the inmates created a scene straight out of a Hollywood comedy, complete with fake mustaches, wigs, and even a makeshift tunnel made of toilet paper rolls.

Also Read:   PART 4: Peculiar Aspects in the Joseph 'Jowie' Irungu Case

As the Kamiti Maximum Prison guards fell for the ruse, the inmates made their move, slipping past security checkpoints with a mix of stealth and slapstick humor. One inmate was reportedly seen riding a makeshift “rocket” made from a laundry cart, while another donned a chef’s hat and apron, pretending to be the prison’s head cook.

Also Read:   FINAL 7: Peculiar Aspects in the Joseph 'Jowie' Irungu Case

While the authorities are working tirelessly to track down the escapees and restore order to the prison, the inmates escape has become the talk of the town. As the search continues, one thing is certain,

This elaborate breakout will go down in history as one of the most entertaining and lighthearted pranks ever pulled off on April Fools’Day.

Lol 😉

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