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Beware: Thieves Disguised As KPLC Staffers Raid Neighborhoods Stealing Cloths On Hanging Lines

In a concerning trend, the theft of clothes left to dry in Nairobi County has surged, particularly impacting low to moderate-income neighborhoods, with a notable peak during the festive season. Perpetrators, cleverly disguised in official uniforms of the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC), exploit the trust of residents by claiming to inspect meters or address electricity issues.


Daylight becomes their opportune moment, targeting rugs, clothes, and shoes when homeowners are away at work. Unfolding their stolen bounty, they meticulously pack items into bags, later peddling them as second-hand treasures in Gikomba market. The response from residents has been to bolster daytime security measures to curb this rising menace.

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An investigation done by Taifa Leo has unveiled a thriving market for stolen children’s clothing, women’s attire, handbags, and shoes. The retail clothing businesses in both street markets and central Nairobi, notably flourish, reaching a crescendo in December. Men’s shoes, commonly priced between Sh 3,000 – 4,000 in conventional stores, find themselves fetching approximately Sh500 on the bustling streets.


This resurgence of second-hand clothing trade ignited a fervent debate last year, with some leaders advocating for its dismissal. However, a resilient online community of traders ardently defended the industry. They argued that their livelihoods are intricately tied to the trade, given the limited employment opportunities prevailing in the country.

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Opposition leader Raila Odinga, echoing the sentiments of many, emphasized that shutting down this sector is not the solution. Instead, he highlighted its crucial role in providing numerous jobs for Kenyans, underscoring the complexities surrounding this nuanced issue. As Nairobi grapples with this challenge, residents and authorities alike are working towards innovative solutions to safeguard their communities and preserve the vibrancy of their local markets.


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