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Governor Amos Nyaribo Faces Impeachment Storm Amidst Allegations of Corruption and Mismanagement

Reports from various sources suggest that the Nyamira CountyG overnor finds himself in a precarious situation as more than 28 county assembly members have affixed their signatures to a petition seeking his impeachment. The grounds for this motion revolve around allegations of corruption and mismanagement within the county.


According to the information available, Amos Nyaribo, the Governor of Nyamira County, who recently switched allegiance from Azimio La Umoja, formerly aligned with One Kenya Alliance led by Raila Odinga, to pledge his support to President William Ruto, now faces significant challenges. Abuga Makori, a prominent blogger, asserts that at least 30 members of the County Assembly (MCAs) have endorsed an impeachment motion targeting Governor Nyaribo.

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The accusations leveled against the Governor by these MCAs encompass a range of issues, including mismanagement, corruption, and overall poor administration. Remarkably, only three MCAs have yet to append their signatures to the motion.


Furthermore, it has come to light that in the preceding week, Governor Nyaribo took action by dismissing his Health County Executive Committee Member (CECM), Dr. Ombati, over similar allegations. The MCAs are also seeking answers regarding why Nyaribo has not relieved Finance CECM Emily Ongaga, who had previously faced impeachment proceedings.

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It is pertinent to note that Amos Nyaribo currently serves as the party leader of the United Progressive Alliance. He was elected to the gubernatorial position in the last general elections under the banner of the same political party.

Images courtesy of Abuga Makori- Opera News 



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