
The day Al-Shabaab Kidnapped a Kenyan PS in Daring Attack

In a harrowing turn of events on July 14, 2017, Mariam El-Maawy, the Principal Secretary for Public Works, found herself at the center of a terrifying encounter with al-Shabaab militants while on a mission to Jima, a region recently shaken by the brutal beheading of nine innocent people by the same extremist group.


El-Maawy, accompanied by her entourage, was en route to a crucial security meeting in Jima, followed by a series of development-related discussions in the area, before her scheduled return to Mombasa. Little did she know that this journey would soon take a perilous turn.


Their fateful encounter occurred on the highway between Mpeketoni and Mokowe, located on the Lamu coast. The group, including the Principal Secretary and her aides, were flagged down by heavily armed al-Shabaab militants, who had earlier captured several vehicles along the same road.


Reports from local residents indicated that approximately 30 militants had seized two other Toyota Prado vehicles but subsequently released them after abducting El-Maawy and her fellow travelers from their vehicle.


Inside the group of assailants, one militant had cleverly disguised himself as a woman and was using a truck driver as a human shield. As the PS’s vehicle slowed down due to the poor road conditions, the driver was forced to halt, and he was subsequently ordered to move to the back seat under duress.


Tragically, the truck driver was later forced out of the vehicle and shot in the back, leaving him injured and traumatized.


Swift action was taken within 45 minutes of the initial attack, as a team of Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) special forces and elite General Service Unit (GSU) police, supported by air power, launched a determined pursuit of the militants. Helicopters could be seen soaring over Mpeketoni as the operation unfolded.


According to Colonel Joseph Owuoth, the KDF spokesperson, “KDF, both ground and air, responded to the incident swiftly.” The joint security team engaged in a hot pursuit that included police and military vehicles, along with helicopters. During the operation, PS El-Maawy was rescued after the vehicle she was in lost control and rolled over while speeding towards the Somalia border.


However, the rescue was not without its challenges. A fierce gunfight erupted between the al-Shabaab kidnappers and the Kenyan security forces at the accident scene. Tragically, four elite military personnel and El-Maawy’s bodyguard lost their lives in the exchange of fire, as reported by a senior police officer to AFP. Nevertheless, despite these sacrifices, the Kenyan security team managed to rescue the PS, while the group of 30 al-Shabaab militants retreated into the Boni forest.


The security forces had been given clear orders to secure the release of the senior government officer at all costs before the al-Shabaab Jaysh Ayman unit could cross into Somalia.


Joseph Awuoth, the Kenya Defense Forces spokesman, confirmed that Mariam El-Maawy had been successfully rescued but did not provide additional details.


Sadly, the lifeless body of Ayub Ole Ndoloni, an Administration Police bodyguard who had been accompanying the Public Works Principal Secretary, was discovered two days after the incident. Ndoloni’s severely burnt remains were found in the vicinity of the attack site in the forest.


Lamu County Commissioner Joseph Kanyiri confirmed the discovery of the body and praised Ndoloni’s dedication and bravery. “He died defending his boss, going down while upholding the dignity of our country. I knew him for over three years. He was a diligent soldier.”


Ndoloni was one of the six individuals in the Toyota Prado vehicle belonging to PS El-Maawy, most of whom tragically lost their lives in the incident.


Another victim of the attack was Arif Kassim Athman, a 21-year-old pilot trainee and Mariam El-Maawy’s nephew. Arif was trapped in the vehicle, which later exploded, leaving his body burnt beyond recognition. He was laid to rest at the Mokowe Cemetery in Lamu West.




The information in this article is compiled from Jack Zolo and various other sources and may be subject to inaccuracies.

Please let us know if you would like any specific details added or if you have any further information or context to include in the article.

Nairobi News Top News

Bank Manager Charged with Embezzlement of Sh66.9 Million.

A bank manager is facing charges of embezzling Sh66.9 million in the previous month. Elias Kinyua Njue, who holds the position of transaction manager at Family Bank Limited, appeared before Milimani Senior Resident Magistrate Ben Mark Ekhubi to answer these allegations.


Njue firmly denied any wrongdoing and insisted that the money he is accused of stealing was in his possession due to his job responsibilities. The prosecution, represented by Virginia Kariuki, contended that the accused had absconded with funds entrusted to him by the bank.


In his defense, Njue, through his lawyer, sought bail, highlighting that he had already been granted police bail in the amount of Sh150,000. He appealed for leniency in setting the bail conditions, emphasizing the challenging economic conditions facing Kenyans.


Ms. Kariuki, on the other hand, urged the court to consider the sum mentioned in the charge sheet as a basis for imposing strict bail terms. She also urged the magistrate to disregard the earlier police bail, asserting that “circumstances have changed since Njue entered his plea.”


In a brief ruling, Mr. Ekhubi ordered the accused to post a bail of Sh5 million with one surety or, alternatively, a cash bail of Sh1 million.


Meanwhile, in the same court, three businessmen, Elias Mwangi Kuria, Amos Cheruiyot, and Oola Chepchirchir, faced charges of conspiring to defraud Stephen Maina Kariuki of Sh400,000 under the pretense of assisting him in securing employment for his sons in the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF).


Kuria faced separate charges of fraudulently obtaining Sh400,000 from Mr. Kariuki between September 23 and September 26, 2023, under the false pretext of aiding his son in securing a KDF job. Ms. Ekhubi requested a pre-trial report for the three individuals before determining their bail conditions.


Nairobi News Top News

The Unforeseen Rise of Female Gangsters in Nairobi’s Eastlands in 2017

In the annals of Nairobi’s Eastlands, a shadowy menace had taken root. Back in December 2017, I reported on the infamous Gaza gang, a criminal outfit that had been tormenting the community for two relentless years. The event that caught everyone’s attention was the surrender of 21 Gaza gang members in a dramatic negotiation at Njiru market, Nairobi. This unexpected development provided a glimmer of hope, but it also raised perplexing questions.


While Kenya had a long history of gang activity, it was an anomaly to see girls among the group that yielded to the authorities that day. Typically, the criminal underworld in Kenya had been a male-dominated realm, with females relegated to peripheral roles. Yet here, in the heart of Eastlands, girls were not just participants; they were emerging as significant players in a world that had always been considered a male stronghold.


Despite the government’s two-year crackdown on Gaza and the surrender of these 21 members, the war against this notorious gang showed no signs of abating. In the days that followed the high-profile amnesty event in Njiru, violence continued to grip the area. A Chief Inspector in charge of Administration Police was fatally shot and robbed, raising suspicions that Gaza was far from defeated. The gangsters appeared to operate with a brazen fearlessness, demonstrating a disregard for law enforcement.


The Rise And Fall Of Michael Mwaniki, Aka Mwane Sparta

The statistics were chilling. Over 240 teenagers had been arrested in the first half of that year for crimes linked to Gaza, and shockingly, nearly a quarter of them were girls. Equally disturbing was the fact that an almost equal number had been killed, often due to their possession of firearms. It was a grim reality for Kayole and neighboring estates like Dandora, Komarock, Njiru, Kasarani, Umoja, Utawala, and Doonholm, where law enforcement’s attempts to curb teenage gang activity had proven inadequate.


Ali Nuno, the OCPD of Kayole, issued a stern warning: “Anyone found with a firearm will be shot on sight.” The gang members who had surrendered sought negotiations with elders, seemingly desperate to avoid the fate that had befallen so many of their peers.


However, what was most concerning was the increased involvement of girls in the gang’s criminal activities. Some reports even suggested that these girls were younger, tougher, and sometimes more violent than their male counterparts. In one particularly harrowing incident, two girls were part of a gang that terrorized shopkeepers in Kayole estate, showcasing a boldness and ruthlessness that was previously unimaginable.


This rise of female gang members was marked by their distinctive street style – flashy silver necklaces and rings, colloquially known as “wayawaya.” They flaunted their jewelry, firearms, and drug connections openly, even on social media platforms like Facebook.


For instance, a girl who went by the moniker “Lexy Galdem Shuga” posted a photo featuring bullets laid out on Kenyan currency notes and American dollars, with comments from her friends revealing a disturbing level of bravado and casual discussion about crime. This public display of criminality was a disconcerting sign of the times.


The allure of joining gangs like Gaza was driven by a complex mix of factors for many girls. Some saw it as a form of protection from sexual violence and unwanted attention, while others craved the sense of belonging that came with gang membership. Regardless of the reasons, the involvement of young girls in criminal activities posed a significant challenge for law enforcement.


These girls’ lives were far from typical. Many enjoyed a standard of living that their neighbors could only dream of, funded by their involvement in crime. Their affluence contrasted sharply with the daily threats they faced, as police officers were instructed to shoot anyone in possession of a firearm, regardless of gender. Yet, it seemed that the allure of quick money, societal affirmation, and protection from sexual harassment were powerful motivators.


In the years since that article, the phenomenon of female gang members has continued to evolve, and the tragic tales of pretty thugs, like Claire Njoki and Marsha Minaj, serve as stark reminders of the dangers they face. These young women, some as young as 14, often find themselves caught in a relentless cycle of violence and crime, leaving their lives lonely and fragile.


The emergence of female gangsters was a social upheaval that authorities had initially underestimated. As they increasingly became active participants in gang activities, the landscape of crime in Eastlands and beyond underwent a significant transformation. The fascination with the apparent glamour of gang life among teenagers continued to pose a challenge for the community and

law enforcement alike.

Nairobi News Top News

The Rise and Fall of Michael Mwaniki, Aka Mwane Sparta: A Gangster’s Reign of Terror

In the underbelly of Nairobi’s criminal world, a notorious figure emerged after the fall of the infamous Tomaso, known as Gagula. Michael Mwaniki, popularly known as Mwane or Mwanii Sparta, carved a dark legacy that gripped the city with fear. Here is the gripping tale of a man who rose to prominence as a gangster and left a trail of violence in his wake.


Mwane’s journey began in the Kayole B3 area, a place known for its challenges and adversity. He attended Imara Primary School and briefly ventured into high school at Joy Valley before eventually dropping out. His early criminal career involved petty theft, including snatching handbags and stealing phones from unsuspecting victims.


However, his transformation into a notorious criminal took a more sinister turn when he became involved in protecting grabbed land for a local politician. The substantial payment they received for their efforts enabled them to acquire firearms and ammunition, marking the beginning of a life steeped in crime.

After the demise of Tomaso in 2014, Gaza, the notorious gang, splintered into smaller factions. Amid the chaos, Mwane emerged as a de facto leader, based in the Soweto slums of Kayole. His gang operated with meticulous precision, requiring potential members to undergo elaborate rituals such as oath-taking and head-shaving with a razor blade.


The Enigmatic Life And Death Of Tomaso Gagula: A Glimpse Into Nairobi’s Underworld

What set Mwane apart, and ultimately proved to be his downfall, was his brazen disregard for law enforcement. He openly boasted about killing police officers, intending to elevate his reputation and instill fear among both his subordinates and rivals.


The police force, united in its abhorrence of cop killers, launched a relentless pursuit of Mwane. The hunt became so intense that the OCS of Soweto Police Station, along with several sergeants and constables, were transferred, amid suspicions of corruption.


Mwane’s violent spree escalated when he shot and killed Officer Boniface Oketch during a chance encounter with police officers in Soweto. Tragically, this incident occurred on the same day another officer, Japheth Mwiti, lost his life outside Naivas in Kayole.


Mwane’s bloodlust for law enforcement continued as he was linked to the killings of several police officers, including Asbel Kipkorir, Kennedy Nkune, and ASP Eston Ndwiga in Mihango, among others. He was also implicated in the fatal shooting of former Moyale MP Philip Godana.


During this tumultuous period, Mwane was romantically involved with Claire Njoki, infamously known as Clea Adi Vybz, who was also involved in criminal activities. Their relationship was marked by violence, suspicion, and betrayal, leading to shocking murders within their close circle.

Claire Njoki
Claire Njoki, infamously known as Clea Adi Vybz Photo:

One chilling episode involved the execution of a close friend named Collo, whom Mwane led to a quarry under the pretense of a private conversation before shooting him and pushing his lifeless body into the abyss.


Mwane’s gang also used female members, including Claire, for nefarious purposes, such as ferrying weapons and luring potential victims in clubs. Their ability to blend in with the crowd and avoid suspicion made them invaluable assets to the gang’s criminal endeavors.


In April 2017, Mwane and his associates killed an AP officer in Ruai, prompting an extensive manhunt that resulted in the death of some gang members. The group then relocated to Weitethie, but their reign of terror continued.


In August 2017, Mwane’s gang ambushed and killed two police officers on patrol in Miti Kenda, Kibichoi, Kiambu County. They seized the officers’ firearms, including an AK and a Ceska Pistol, further escalating their notoriety.


Tragedy struck in May 2017 when Claire, the infamous gangster and Mwane’s lover, was killed in Chokaa. Mwane taunted the police, alleging they had murdered an innocent girl because she refused to betray him. Soon after, another of Mwane’s associates, Marsha Minaj, met a similar fate after being warned by Hessy on MKZ.


Hessy, an online police vigilante, cautioned gang members against attending Clea’s funeral, where law enforcement officers were expected to be present. True to their word, the police arrested three gang members during the event.


The beginning of the end for Mwane came when a special police unit planted informants within his gang. They learned of the gang’s hideout in Weitethie, which led to a fateful showdown.


On the morning of August 20, 2017, an informant received a call requesting copper. The police unit discreetly accompanied him, tracing his phone calls to the gang’s exact location. A dramatic shootout ensued when Mwane and his crew confronted undercover officers. The gun battle raged on for two hours, resulting in the death of gang members.


Mwane met his fate that day, marking the end of his reign of terror. He was buried nine days later in his hometown, with his family providing a brief eulogy claiming he was a land broker. The funeral was a low-key affair, as gang members knew that the police were watching.


With Mwane’s demise, the leadership of the Gaza gang fell into the hands of his close friends Kagwanja, Odinga, and Teddy Kasanga. However, their leadership was short-lived, as they too met their end in December 2017.


Teddy and several accomplices attempted to escape to Kathaana, Tala, but were pursued by the Flying Squad. In a fierce shootout, two gang members were killed, one took his own life, and Teddy and another accomplice were tracked down and shot dead in Mwonyeni.

Mwanes Gang

Mwane Sparta’s reign marked a dark chapter in Nairobi’s criminal history, leaving behind a legacy of violence, fear, and a resounding message from law enforcement: no one is above the law.



The information in this article is compiled from Eduzmi and various other sources and may be subject to inaccuracies.

Please let me know if you would like any specific details added or if you have any further information or context to include in the article.



Counties Nairobi News Top News

The Mysterious Life and Death of Tomaso Gagula: A Glimpse into Nairobi’s Underworld

In the dark underbelly of Nairobi’s criminal world, one name that stands out is Tomaso Gagula. Born into privilege and surrounded by political connections, Tomaso’s descent into a life of crime remains a puzzling enigma. This is the story of a man who had everything going for him, yet chose a path filled with danger and violence.

Tomaso in a club.

Tomaso Gagula, hailing from a prominent family with ties to politics, seemed destined for a different life. His maternal grandfather, Clement Lubembe, served as both an MP and an Assistant Minister, and his family had connections that reached the highest echelons of power, including former Attorney General Githu Muigai.


However, Tomaso’s life took a dark turn. He became associated with the notorious Gaza Boys, a gang that terrorized Nairobi in the past. His criminal activities eventually caught up with him, and on the fateful night of August 14, 2014, he was gunned down in the Buruburu area. This marked the tragic end of a young man who seemed to have everything going for him.

Mwane Sparta: ‘Kayole’s Reign of Terror’

Tomaso’s downfall is said to have started with the murder of a police officer in Lang’ata. This incident painted a target on his back, with law enforcement officers determined to bring him to justice. Over a short period, several members of his crew met their demise, and he, too, faced the wrath of the law.


One particular incident involved an ambush near Buruburu, where a prospective buyer lured Tomaso and his crew into a trap. In a hail of bullets, lives were lost, and Tomaso was left gravely injured. The police manipulated him into making calls to his next of kin, only to betray him by opening fire.



Tomaso’s downfall is said to have started with the murder of a police officer in Lang’ata. This incident painted a target on his back, with law enforcement officers determined to bring him to justice. Over a short period, several members of his crew met their demise, and he, too, faced the wrath of the law.


One particular incident involved an ambush near Buruburu, where a prospective buyer lured Tomaso and his crew into a trap. In a hail of bullets, lives were lost, and Tomaso was left gravely injured. The police manipulated him into making calls to his next of kin, only to betray him by opening fire.


The funeral of Tomaso Gagula was a spectacle like no other. Eastlands gangs united to pay their respects, and chaos ensued as jewelry, rolls of weed, bottles of alcohol, knives, and even guns were tossed into his grave. His own father was unable to prevent the unconventional burial, as by disowning him, he had lost all rights to him.

Wapi Kadere?? An abandoned Toyota is found by a local in Ndumberi suggesting an overnight Hijack

Tomaso was known as one of the touts of Telabang, the most prominent nganya (matatu crew) of Umoja/Kayole at the time. His life was marked by confrontations, theft, and a web of grievances within Nairobi’s underworld. His wanted lists against those he believed had wronged him remained unexecuted at the time of his death.

Telebang matatu
The renowned matatu, ‘Telebang’ plying the Eastlands route.

Despite his tumultuous life, Tomaso’s mother continued to defend him, paying those who accused him of theft. The police’s relentless pursuit of Tomaso was driven by their determination to bring him to justice.


Tomaso Gagula’s story is a complex narrative of a young man who strayed from a life of privilege into the criminal underworld. His life and death remain shrouded in mystery, leaving us with more questions than answers about the choices he made and the world he inhabited.


In the aftermath of Tomaso’s demise, the Gaza Boys gang fragmented, making way for new players, including the enigmatic Mwani and his infamous partner, dubbed “Kenya’s prettiest gangster.”



The story and images above was compiled from tweets/threads of one steenyamu and eduzmi on X. All credits to them. 

News Top News

Kilimani Nightclub Faces Substantial Fine for Privacy Violation as Data Commissioner Takes Action

Casa Vera Lounge’s Privacy Breach

Casa Vera Lounge, a popular entertainment venue along Ngong Road, finds itself in a precarious situation after being slapped with a hefty fine of Sh1.8 million. The fine comes as a result of a privacy breach that involved sharing revelers’ photos and videos on the club’s social media platforms without their consent.

A Partygoer’s Discovery

The trouble began when a partygoer stumbled upon his own photo circulating on social media. In an attempt to trace the source, he discovered that the image had been posted on Casa Vera Lounge’s Facebook page. What seemed like an innocent posting soon escalated into a significant issue, leading to an investigation by the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC).


Sharing photos and videos of individuals on social media without their permission has been a common practice among various entertainment establishments for years. Unfortunately, these images often capture individuals in compromising situations, invading their privacy.

In an era dominated by digital marketing, social media plays a pivotal role in promoting businesses. However, Casa Vera Lounge’s recent fine serves as a stark reminder to businesses that they must strike a balance between promoting their ventures and respecting the privacy of individuals.


Screenshot of Casavera IG account
A screenshot of Casaveras Official Instagram page showing revellers Photo: Casavera/IG


ODPC’s Verdict

In a groundbreaking move, the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC) has announced substantial fines for Casa Vera Lounge and two other organizations, totaling Sh9.3 million. These penalties have been issued under specific sections of the Data Protection Act of 2019 and the associated regulations.


Casa Vera Lounge isn’t the only entity facing repercussions. Roma School, situated in Uthiru on the outskirts of Nairobi, is also grappling with a substantial penalty. The school’s social media profiles featured numerous images and videos of minors, including snapshots of school events and students in classrooms. These fines emphasize the critical importance of obtaining proper consent before sharing sensitive content online.


Setting a Precedent

This recent crackdown by the ODPC echoes a similar case from March 2023 when Machakos University was ordered to pay Sh700,000 to a former student. The court found the university guilty of violating the student’s right to privacy and dignity by using her photographs for commercial advertising without her consent.


Digital Credit Company Also Faces Scrutiny

The ODPC’s actions extend beyond the realms of entertainment and education. Media Pride Limited, a digital credit company trading as KeCredit and Faircash, has been served with a significant fine of Sh2.97 million. This fine, the largest ever imposed on a digital credit company, stems from the company’s misuse of data obtained from third parties to send threatening messages and phone calls.


The ODPC has stressed the importance of such fines to ensure that companies handling sensitive data inform data subjects about the collection and processing of their data, especially when it comes to debt collection.

In conclusion, these recent fines serve as a resounding wake-up call for organizations across various sectors. Prioritizing data privacy is not an option; it’s an imperative. Whether you operate a nightclub, school, or financial institution, respecting individual privacy and obtaining proper consent before sharing data are paramount in today’s digital landscape.

News Tech

Samsung Speeds Up Galaxy S24 Release to Counter iPhone 15’s Surge

In response to the impressive success of Apple’s iPhone 15 series, Samsung is making a bold move by releasing the Galaxy S24 series earlier than usual. Samsung anticipated the strong performance of Apple’s phones and is now taking action to stay ahead in the smartphone race.


The Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Flip 5, Samsung’s latest foldable phones, are performing 8 to 10 percent better in sales than their predecessors, despite challenging market conditions. However, Samsung’s foldable phones are not meeting the company’s expectations and sales may fall short of predictions.


The upcoming Chuseok holiday, which typically prompts Samsung to order new parts, is not seeing the same level of demand for the new Galaxy Z series phones. This suggests that shipments may not reach the earlier prediction of 12 to 13 million units. As a result, Samsung’s partners will begin mass-producing parts for the Galaxy S24 a month earlier than last year, fueling speculation of an earlier launch for the Galaxy S24 series.


This decision aims to protect Samsung’s market share in the face of strong demand for the iPhone 15, which could potentially dethrone Samsung as the top smartphone s


Top News

Late-Night Chaos at Mirema as Building Collapses.

In a shocking turn of events, a multi-story building under construction met a catastrophic fate on a serene Sunday night in Nairobi’s Mirema estate, within Nairobi County.


As the moon hung low in the night sky, the calamity struck. Workers, driven by an inexplicable urgency, labored through the nocturnal hours on the construction site. Then, without warning, the building, still in its embryonic stages, succumbed to gravity’s relentless pull. Miraculously, amid the cascade of debris and dust, a silver lining emerged – no injuries have been reported so far.


Collapsed flats at Mirema
A photo of the collapsed. Image: Courtesy


The incident has ignited an all-too-familiar debate surrounding the competence of regulators and county officials tasked with greenlighting building projects and conducting critical inspections.


Residents, stirred by a sense of solidarity and a desire to lend a helping hand, converged upon the scene. Their altruism, however, came at the cost of inhaling the cloud of dust shrouding the disaster zone.

At present, the cause of this harrowing collapse remains a mystery, as authorities and the implicated contractors find themselves under the harsh glare of scrutiny.


Mirema, once a hidden gem, has increasingly captured the attention of Nairobi’s youthful populace, particularly university students in search of affordable accommodations. Developers, ever attuned to market demands, have responded by erecting towering edifices to cater to this surging housing demand.

Experts,though have been quick to berate the authorities, accusing them of negligence in their duties. Some unscrupulous developers, they argue, exploit these regulatory lapses by deploying substandard construction materials.


One concerned resident, a witness to the calamity, voiced their concerns at the scene: “All these hastily constructed high-rises are teetering on the brink. Modern Nairobi buildings often lack vital amenities like access to natural light, parking spaces, and playgrounds.”


Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja, on September 11th, issued a stern warning, proclaiming that residents inhabiting substandard structures would be compelled to vacate, clearing the path for imminent demolitions. However, compliance with this directive amid the looming threat of heavy rains remains unclear.


In a poignant reminder to developers, the governor recently cautioned, “Do not cut corners with cheap materials to save a few thousand or a million shillings, only to risk losing a property worth tens of millions.” A sobering thought indeed, as the city grapples with the aftermath of this unnerving incident.


Cocaine Caper: Kenyan Car Dealer’s Daring Drug Bust in Sri Lanka

An incident unfolded on September 24th, when Sri Lankan authorities apprehended a 26-year-old Kenyan car dealer in possession of an astonishing stash of cocaine valued at a jaw-dropping Ksh 532,157,188. The captivating tale began as the Kenyan traveler touched down at Sri Lanka’s Katunayake Bandaranaike International Airport after a journey originating in Ethiopia, with a stopover in the vibrant hub of Doha, Qatar.


What transformed an ordinary traveler into a headline-grabbing figure was the astonishing discovery made during customs inspection. Concealed within three seemingly innocuous metal cookie tins inside the suspect’s luggage were a total of 180 capsules filled with cocaine. The audacious attempt to smuggle this illicit cargo into the island nation had seemingly gone unnoticed until the meticulous scrutiny of customs authorities uncovered this mind-boggling haul.


Intriguingly, Sri Lankan authorities chose to shroud the identity of the second-hand car dealer in secrecy, adding an element of mystery to the unfolding narrative.


The Kenyan, perhaps driven by misguided ambition or sheer audacity, attempted to utilize the ‘green channel,’ a designated lane meant for passengers carrying items within the admissible duty-free allowance, or those with no restricted or excessive goods. However, this audacious endeavor did not go unnoticed, as the suspicious behavior of our protagonist raised red flags, prompting a thorough inspection.


“He was arrested by customs officers while attempting to exit through the ‘Green Channel’ at the airport based on foreign intelligence received by the Sri Lanka Customs narcotics control unit,” disclosed a report by a reputable Sri Lankan publication. While the ‘green channel’ primarily caters to passengers with no customs formalities, it remains susceptible to random checks, including luggage scans and, when necessary, physical examinations.


Despite the Kenyan’s first-time visit to Sri Lanka, foreign intelligence had already alerted the Customs Narcotics Control Division, culminating in a meticulously planned and targeted arrest. Currently, the man languishes in the custody of the Katunayake Airport Police Narcotics Bureau (PNB), awaiting the next chapter in this unfolding saga—further investigation.


Regrettably, this incident adds another chilling chapter to the disconcerting trend of Kenyan nationals entangled in drug trafficking, particularly within Asian territories. Just a fortnight ago, the news reverberated with the arrest of a Kenyan woman at Bengaluru Airport in India, caught in the act of smuggling a staggering Ksh 211 million worth of cocaine into the country. Not even a month prior, Thailand bore witness to the apprehension of three other Kenyan women attempting to sneak drugs into their nation, underscoring the gravity of the issue on a global Scale.





News Top News

Brian Chira’s Unsettling Public Act: Navigating the Complexities of Digital Pressures and Personal History

Brian Chira’s recent shocking behavior on social media has not only captured headlines but also prompted a deeper examination of the intricate dynamics involving societal pressures, psychological factors, and personal experiences. To understand what may have driven Brian Chira down this unsettling path, it’s essential to delve into various psychological concepts:


Exhibitionistic Disorder:

While it’s not possible to diagnose Brian Chira remotely, his actions bear similarities to Exhibitionistic Disorder, a condition where individuals feel compelled to expose themselves to strangers for sexual gratification.


The Spotlight Effect:

In today’s digital era, it’s easy for people to mistakenly believe that the world’s attention is solely focused on them. Social platforms like TikTok can amplify this perception, making individuals like Brian Chira think that every action will be intensely scrutinized, either with praise or condemnation.


Cognitive Dissonance in the Digital Age:

As online personas increasingly diverge from our real selves, an internal conflict can arise. When the digital self seeks constant affirmation but clashes with the authentic self, it can result in a fractured self-concept.


The Dunning-Kruger Effect:

This bias refers to individuals overestimating their abilities, especially in areas where they lack expertise. Someone in Brian Chira’s position may have overvalued their emotional readiness for navigating the complexities of digital fame, underestimating the profound challenges involved.


Resurfacing of Childhood Trauma:

Past traumas or unstable childhood experiences can resurface unexpectedly in adulthood. Whether it’s a lack of validation, a history of neglect, or early exposure to inappropriate content, these experiences can influence later behavior, potentially driving individuals to seek affirmation in unhealthy ways.


While public discourse about Brian Chira is rife with speculation, it’s crucial to approach such situations with empathy and a commitment to understanding the multifaceted factors that may contribute to public acts of self-sabotage.


As we contemplate the myriad forces that could lead an individual like Brian Chira to expose themselves publicly, we must ask ourselves some vital questions:


Are we, as a society, doing enough to comprehend the pressures and challenges of the digital age?

How do we reconcile our desire for online virality with our responsibility to foster human empathy?

When does the boundary between being a spectator and a voyeur become blurred, and are we unintentionally complicit in creating an environment where private moments become painfully public?

As we engage in scrolling, sharing, and commenting, it’s imperative that we pause and reflect on the role we play in shaping the narratives of individuals like Brian Chira. How can we contribute to a digital landscape rooted in compassion and understanding, rather than one that perpetuates public vulnerability?

News Top News

Dramatic Arrest Unfolds at Kenya Forest Service HQ: Impersonator of KDF Officer Collapses

In a sensational turn of events at the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) headquarters along Kiambu Road, a man suspected of defrauding unsuspecting members of the public found himself at the center of a dramatic arrest that left onlookers stunned.

The individual in question, who had allegedly been impersonating a high-ranking officer in the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), was apprehended red-handed while preying on job seekers. The audacious con artist had lured two job seekers into his web, on the brink of swindling them out of their hard-earned cash, when a team of vigilant KFS rangers swooped in for the rescue.

The unfolding scene resembled a high-stakes thriller, as the suspect’s ill-fated victims were about to part with their money. However, the swift action of the KFS rangers turned the tables on the impostor, ensuring justice prevailed.

KFS, in a carefully worded statement, revealed that the identity of the apprehended man remains shrouded in mystery for now. While the suspect is currently receiving medical attention in a local hospital, he is not free from the clutches of the law, as he remains under arrest. The victims, having escaped the clutches of the impersonator, are now safe.

The arrest raises a host of serious charges that the suspect is likely to face, including impersonation and forgery, as he was found in possession of counterfeit KDF identity cards.

This incident is yet another glaring example of the alarming rise in cases involving fraudsters preying on unsuspecting members of the public with tantalizing promises of non-existent job opportunities. Such scams have recently seen an uptick in activity, leaving many individuals financially devastated and emotionally scarred.

In a parallel incident, three individuals were apprehended outside Kahawa Barracks in Nairobi for masquerading as KDF officers. Their nefarious activities had yielded a staggering sum of Sh350,000 from one unfortunate victim. The legal proceedings for this case are already in motion, with the individuals facing the consequences of their actions before the court of law.

The dramatic arrest at the KFS headquarters serves as a stark reminder of the need for heightened vigilance and scrutiny when dealing with recruitment and employment opportunities. It also underscores the importance of reporting suspicious activities to the authorities promptly.

As the legal process unfolds, the hope remains that justice will be served, and those who exploit the dreams and aspirations of job seekers will be held accountable for their actions.

Health & Relationships News

Highlighting the Ongoing Battle Against Domestic Violence in Nigeria (Updated 2023)

In recent years, Nigeria has grappled with an alarming upsurge in domestic violence cases, casting a grim shadow over countless households across the nation. This harrowing trend continues to be a pressing concern as we delve into the year 2023. Domestic violence, in its multifaceted forms, has left indelible scars on families, with far-reaching consequences that reverberate not only within the borders of Nigeria but also on the global stage.


The Ongoing Battle: 2023 and Beyond

As we peer into the current landscape of domestic violence in Nigeria, it’s apparent that the issue remains a deeply entrenched and pervasive problem. While exact statistics may be challenging to pin down due to underreporting and societal stigma, the situation remains disconcerting.


Notable Domestic Violence Cases

Several recent high-profile cases have exposed the grim reality of domestic violence in Nigeria, sparking outrage and calls for action both domestically and internationally. These cases serve as stark reminders of the urgency to address this issue:

  • The Precious Uzoka Tragedy (2022): The harrowing case of Precious Uzoka, a young woman who lost her life to domestic violence in Lagos, sent shockwaves through the nation. Precious, a talented actress, was brutally murdered by her estranged partner in a fit of jealousy. Her tragic story highlighted the vulnerability of women in abusive relationships and ignited calls for stricter laws and better support systems for survivors.
  • The Chidinma Ojukwu Confession (2023): Chidinma Ojukwu’s confession to the murder of Super TV CEO Usifo Ataga has been another high-profile case drawing attention to domestic violence. Her revelation of alleged abuse and violence in her relationship with Ataga has generated widespread debate on the complexities of abusive relationships and the need for comprehensive solutions.
  • The #SpeakOutNigeria Movement: Inspired by the global #MeToo movement, the #SpeakOutNigeria campaign gained momentum in 2022 and continues to amplify the voices of survivors of domestic violence. It has empowered many to share their stories and demand justice, while also pressuring authorities to take meaningful action.

The International Perspective

Nigeria’s struggle with domestic violence has not gone unnoticed on the international stage. Advocacy groups, human rights organizations, and concerned individuals worldwide are closely monitoring the situation and urging Nigerian authorities to take decisive steps to combat this issue.


Addressing the Crisis: A Call to Action

While these notable cases have shone a light on the issue, domestic violence in Nigeria remains a deeply entrenched problem. Urgent action is needed on multiple fronts:

  • Legal Reforms: Advocates continue to call for legal reforms that provide stronger protections for survivors and harsher penalties for perpetrators. Stricter enforcement of existing laws and the creation of specialized domestic violence courts are essential steps forward.
  • Education and Awareness: Comprehensive public awareness campaigns are crucial to change societal attitudes toward domestic violence. Schools, communities, and religious institutions should actively engage in educating individuals on recognizing, preventing, and addressing abuse.
  • Support Systems: Adequate support systems, including shelters and counseling services, must be established to aid survivors in escaping abusive relationships and rebuilding their lives.
  • Mental Health Initiatives: Recognizing the link between mental health and domestic violence, addressing mental health issues within the context of abusive relationships is crucial. Accessible mental health services can be a lifeline for both survivors and perpetrators seeking rehabilitation.


Ending the Cycle

As we step further into 2023, Nigeria grapples with the haunting specter of domestic violence. High-profile cases have drawn attention to the issue, but a comprehensive and sustained effort is needed to effect meaningful change. The battle against domestic violence in Nigeria is far from over, but with collective action and unwavering determination, we can strive for a future where every individual is free from the shackles of abuse and violence within their own homes.


Uncovering the Kisii Child Trafficking Mystery: SDA Preacher Detained 

In a dramatic turn of events that sent shockwaves through Kisii town, a preacher now finds himself in police custody, entangled in a perplexing case of suspected child trafficking. This gripping tale began when a daring rescue operation unfolded, ultimately rescuing ten minors, aged between 4 and 10, from a Kisii town lodging. The incident not only raised eyebrows but also fueled tensions in the community, leaving residents clamoring for answers and speculating about the mysterious circumstances.


The rescue operation, carried out amidst a backdrop of suspense and uncertainty, prompted concerned citizens to storm the facility where the minors were held. Their apprehension was palpable as they sought to uncover the truth behind the secretive confinement of these innocent children. Whispers of possible cultic involvement only added to the prevailing sense of unease.


Swift to respond, law enforcement officers arrived at the scene, orchestrating the safe rescue of these ten fragile souls. Emaciated and fragile, the minors disclosed that they hailed from Marsabit, deepening the intrigue surrounding their presence in Kisii.


Kisii Citizens milling around the scene of Crime. IMAGE : Capital News


Accounts from eyewitnesses shed light on the children’s arrival at the lodging, revealing the involvement of two unidentified individuals. Teresa Bonareri, the lodging attendant, recounted the perplexing sequence of events, noting, “They came the other day at around 6.00 pm. They were making many calls,” leaving a trail of unanswered questions in their wake.


Adding complexity to the unfolding narrative, the detained Adventist preacher asserted that he had transported the minors to Kisii town in pursuit of providing them with improved living conditions. This assertion cast doubt on the true motives behind the relocation, adding another layer to the enigma.


Kisii Police Commander Charles Kases disclosed that the suspects had cited the children’s intended destination as the Eberege SDA church in Kenyenya, a claim currently under intense scrutiny. Kases emphasized the irregularity of the situation, stating, “We have received calls from Marsabit saying the children were brought here illegally. No procedure was followed.”


In a surprising twist, the leadership of the SDA church in Kisii County distanced itself from any involvement in providing a rescue home or assistance to the minors. This disconnect further deepened the mystery surrounding the case.


Determined detectives now embark on an arduous quest for truth, laboring to untangle the intricate web of circumstances that led to the secretive detention of these minors. The looming possibility of a child trafficking syndicate intensifies the stakes of this investigation, as Kisii town eagerly awaits the unraveling of this perplexing riddle.

Tech World

The Fascinating and yet Scary tale of Musk’s, Neuralink’s Monkey Experiment

In the world of neuroscience and cutting-edge technology, Neuralink, founded by billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, has been at the forefront of innovation. The company has garnered significant attention and controversy for its ambitious goal of merging the human brain with artificial intelligence. One of the most striking and widely discussed episodes in Neuralink’s journey involves a deceased monkey named Pager. This is the remarkable story of Pager, Neuralink’s groundbreaking experiment, and the ethical questions it raises.

The Ambitious Quest to Merge Brains and Machines

Neuralink, established in 2016, has been working tirelessly to develop brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) that allow direct communication between the human brain and external devices. The company’s mission is to improve the lives of individuals with neurological conditions, such as paralysis and epilepsy, and ultimately, to enable humans to merge with AI, expanding cognitive capabilities.


Pager, the Macaque Monkey

In a significant step towards achieving their goals, Neuralink embarked on an experiment involving Pager, a nine-year-old macaque monkey. The experiment aimed to demonstrate the capabilities of Neuralink’s brain-machine interface by allowing Pager to control a computer interface and play video games using only his thoughts.


The Brain-Machine Interface

Neuralink’s brain-machine interface comprises a series of electrodes implanted directly into the brain. These electrodes are designed to detect neural signals and transmit them to external devices, enabling individuals to control computers, prosthetic limbs, or other technologies with their minds.


The Experiment Unveiled

In a video presentation, Neuralink unveiled the results of their experiment with Pager. The monkey had undergone a surgical procedure during which the BCIs were implanted into his brain. Once the electrodes were in place, Pager learned to control a computer cursor and play a game of Pong by using his thoughts alone. The successful demonstration marked a significant milestone in the development of brain-computer interfaces.


Controversy and Ethical Concerns

Despite the scientific and technological achievements, the experiment involving Pager raised several ethical questions and sparked controversy. Critics expressed concerns about the invasive nature of the procedure, the potential for animal harm, and the broader implications for human brain augmentation. Animal rights activists and bioethicists called for transparency and thorough ethical evaluations of such experiments.


Pager’s Tragic End

Tragically, Pager’s role in this pioneering experiment was cut short when he passed away. Neuralink reported that Pager had been euthanized due to unrelated health issues, emphasizing that the decision was made to prevent unnecessary suffering. While the company maintained that Pager’s contribution to science was invaluable, his death underscored the ethical dilemmas surrounding animal experimentation in advanced technology research.


The Ongoing Pursuit of Innovation

Neuralink remains committed to advancing brain-computer interfaces and their potential applications. The experiment with Pager, while generating significant discussion and raising ethical concerns, has also highlighted the rapid progress in neurotechnology. As Neuralink continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of brain-machine interfaces, the ethical and societal implications of such endeavors will undoubtedly remain a topic of intense debate.


In the end, the story of Pager, the macaque monkey, serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities and challenges that come with pushing the boundaries of science, technology, and ethics. It underscores the importance of striking a delicate balance between innovation and responsible research, as we navigate the uncharted territory of merging brains and machines.

News Top News

The Finland Scholarships Scam: A Heartbreaking Saga of Betrayed Dreams

In the annals of Uasin Gishu County’s history, a dark and painful chapter unfolded during the tenure of Senator Mandago and Governor Chelilim, affectionately known as “Koti Moja.” This chapter, now etched in infamy, revolves around the scandalous Finland Scholarships Scam, a cruel deception that left dreams shattered and families in turmoil.


The genesis of this harrowing tale can be traced to the promises and assurances made by the Uasin Gishu County Government. They dangled a tantalizing proposition before the eyes of ambitious students – an opportunity to further their education abroad, specifically in Finland and Canada. Under the guise of a legitimate study program, these students were told that their aspirations were within reach.


However, beneath the veneer of hope lay a web of deceit, masterminded by county officials led by the prominent figures of Mr. Mandago, Mr. Chelim, and Mr. Barorot. These officials, entrusted with the well-being and future of their constituents, engaged in a breathtaking act of betrayal.


The timeline of events unfolded with cruel precision. What was initially promised as a swift and seamless process for these aspiring scholars turned into a never-ending nightmare. As the months dragged on, hopes faded, and anguish deepened. Poverty crept in where dreams once thrived.


The truth, as painful as it was, eventually came to light. The study program was nothing more than a sham, a heartless scheme to dupe these young, eager minds. The promises of academic pursuits abroad were nothing but empty words.


What makes this scandal even more egregious is the revelation that the initial group of 22 students who managed to travel to Finland and an additional 24 who followed suit were not among those seeking refunds. Shockingly, it was discovered that one of these fortunate few was a county official, casting a dark shadow over the legitimacy of the entire scheme.


Amidst the mounting cries for justice and restitution, the President visited the county, offering assurances that refunds would be made. However, time has passed, and those assurances remain unfulfilled. Instead, county officials have resorted to intimidation and threats in a desperate attempt to silence the voices of the aggrieved.


The fallout from this scandal is not just financial; it’s also deeply personal. Youth who once aspired to greatness were forced into menial jobs that did not match their qualifications. Parents, in their unwavering support of their children’s dreams, sold cherished assets like land and livestock. Others even resorted to taking out loans to finance the elusive study program. Now, they find themselves trapped in a cycle of debt, while their children languish at home with shattered dreams.


In the midst of their despair, These 178 students of Uasin Gishu County penned a heartfelt letter to the President, through Mercy Tarus’, seeking his urgent intervention. They implore him to ensure that the county government fulfills its obligation to refund their money. Only then can they hope to rebuild their lives, pursue their dreams, and embrace the local scholarships offered with the President’s graciousness.

Screenshot of Mercy Tarus' Letter to Ruto
A Screenshot of the letter to President Ruto penned down by Mercy Tarus. IMAGE: (Mercy Tarus)

The Finland Scholarships Scam remains a somber chapter in the lives of these students, a stark reminder of the consequences when trust is betrayed and dreams are deferred. As the families continue to demonstrate for justice, their cries echo through the corridors of power, demanding accountability for a scandal that has left countless lives in ruins.